.(Al–2Cu–2Mg) / / : ( (3%NaCl)) (Al-2Cu-2Mg) . . ( (3%HCl)) (600X) , (500°C) , ) , (170°C) (12%,24%) .( (170°C) , - . . . . The Effect of Heat Treatment and Thermo-Mechanical Treatment on the Corrosion Behavior of (Al-2Cu-2Mg) Alloy Basem Mohysen Mohammed Babylon Un/College of Mat. Eng. Met. Mat. Eng. Dep. Zuheir Talib Khulief Al-Tai Babylon University/College of Eng. Mat. Eng. Dep. Abstract: This study deals with the effect of heat treatment and thermo-mechanical treatment on the corrosion behavior of (Al-2Cu-2Mg) alloy by using simple immersion in salt solution ((3% NaCl) by weight) and acidic solution((3% HCl) by volume) at room temperature. The weight change method and microscopic examination are used in this study. Alloy without treatment, solution heat treated at (500 °C), artificial aged at (170 °C) and thermo-mechanical treated (12%,24%) are used to complete this study. The result of effects of heat treatment on the corrosion behavior of alloy in salt solution showed different corrosion behavior for the same alloy under the same conditions but at different heat treatments. Solution heat-treated alloy has the lowest loss weight levels compared with the other states untreated and artificial aged alloys which showed convergence in corrosion rate at the final stages of the test .In other hand the results of effects of thermo-mechanical treatment on the corrosion behavior in salt solution showed that the lower cold working percent cause vibration in corrosion rate while high cold working percent cause in reducing weight and lower corrosion rate . The result of effects of heat treatment on the corrosion behavior of alloy in acidic solution showed that the solution-treated alloy have the lowest weight losing compared with the untreated and artificial aged alloys where the last one show a mid state between the other states. In the other hand the results of effects of thermomechanical treatment on the corrosion behavior in acidic solution showed that the corrosion has been dropped with increase the cold work ratio and the results showed decreasing in weight loss with increasing the percent of cold working. : , . (D. A.Little , 2001 (Al-Cu-Mg- (SCC) and J. R. Scully) , ( C415 C416) (99.99%) (0.006 – Ag) (NaCl) (C416) . 0.06 M) (C415) , (99.99%) . (D.A.Little and J. R. Scully, 2001) 2001 (Eiji Akiyama , K . Asami) .( Ti , Zr , Nb ,Ta ,Cr ) (30°C) (1M HCl) (passive (H . Bohni and T. ,(Eiji Akiyama , K . Asami , 2001) film ) 2002 (Al-Cu-Fe-Mn) (2024-T3) Suter) (H . (Al-Cu-Mg) .Bohni and T. Suter ,2002) (N. Le Bozec, D. Persson) (FTIR Microspectroscopy 2002 ( Filiform Corrosion ) ,and Scanning Kelvin Probe) , (filament head) , (filament tail) (Aluminum Chloride or Aluminum Oxy Chloride) , (N. Le Bozec, D. ( Aluminum hydroxide gel containing± carbonate ) (H. N. Mcmurray, G.- Williams and S. .Persson and other,2002) ( 2002 ) (Filiform Corrosion) , (Scanning Kelvin , (20°C) (-400) (H.N.Mcmurray, (D.Bengtsson Blucher, J. O. Driscoll) (AA2024T3) , Probe) (0.5 HCl mol dm) ( -200 ) ( Ecorr. ) ( Ecorr. ) ( 2002 ) , . G.- Williams and S. O. Driscoll, 2002) (NaCl) E. Svensson and L.G. Johansson) , ( AA1070 (CO2) , ( 4,10,22,38,50,60°C) ( 95 ± 0.3 % ) , ( CO2 ) ) (4) ( CO2) .(D.Bengtsson Blucher, J. E. Svensson and L.G. Johansson,2002) (Ingrid Rink and D. Martin Knotter) , , ,(0.4%) ( 35,45°C ) , (Ingrid Rink .and D. Martin Knotter,2003) ( Al-2Cu-2Mg ) . : (1) ,(Al-2Cu-2Mg ) ) – – . (Heater) -: .( . (RT-1000ºC) ) ( . -1 -2 -: . -3 . (300- 400ºC) . ( ) ( 15mm ) (Sola Basic S.B Lindberg) (500ºC) , ( 200-1200ºC ) . (2) . , (HERGON) , ,( ) . (45min) : 500ºC . (Al–2Cu–2Mg) , (MLW) (170ºC) . , (Al–2Cu–2Mg) . (Cold work) (PHYWE) .(170ºC) (12,24%) : ,(Al–2Cu–2Mg) , , , , , , , , (3vol% HCl ) (3wt%NaCl) , , , .( ±0.0001 ) (Sartorius) , , , , . : , (Union ME-3154) , (600X) . : (Al-2Cu-2Mg) (1) ,(3wt%NaCl) ) ( . . (290 hrs) (2-b) (3wt%NaCl) . (1) , (45 min.) θ(Al2Cu) ) (500° C) . (220 hrs) ( L.Reich ,S.P.Ringer and K.Hono,1999) (,S(Al2Cu Mg) ss) ( )( ) . (220 hrs. ) ( L.Reich ,S.P.Ringer and K.Hono,1999) (S',S") ( L.Reich ,S.P.Ringer and (S) ) K.Hono,1999) ( (Ingrid Rink and D. Martin Knotter,2003. R.G.Buchheit, .R.K.Boger, M.W.Donohue,2001. R.G.Buchheit, R.K.Boger,2002 ) ( 290 hrs) (2-c) ( .( ) ) (NaCl) ( 1) ( 3 hrs ) (40 hrs , ( S",S' ) (170°C) ) (170 °C 3 hrs ) , (L.Reich ,S.P.Ringer and K.Hono,1999) .(S) ( S",S',S) , . ( ) (2-d) . . ( ( 290 hrs) ) ( S",S',S) ( S",S' ) (170 °C ) ,( ) (3wt%NaCl ) (12%) . (24%) (3wt%NaCl ) (3 hrs) (170°C) . (4) ) , , ((3vol% HCl) , . ( ) (S , ) (Ingrid Rink and D. Martin Knotter,2003. R.G.Buchheit, R.K.Boger, (HCl) . (45min.) 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On the web : http//www.mse.ohio-stst.edu/%7Ebruedigm/RGB02.pdf -R.G.Buchheit, R.K.Boger, “Cu Redistribution and Surface Enrichment Due to Dissolution of Al-Cu Alloys”, 2002. On the web: http//www.mse.ohio-stst.edu/%7Ebruedigm/RGB03.pdf . (1) Cu Al –2Cu – 2Mg Mg wt% at% wt% at% 2 0.86 2 2.25 . Al remainder (2) t(mm) D(mm) d(mm) 3% HCl 2 3 15 3% NaCl untreated 3% HCl 2 3 15 3% NaCl S.H.T at 500° C+A.A at 170°C 3% HCl 2 2.6 16.1 S.H.T at 500° C+ C.W=12%+A.A at 170°C 2 2.3 17.1 S.H.T at 500 °C+ C.W=24%+A.A at 170°C 3% NaCl 3% HCl 3% NaCl 1.8E-5 water+3% NaCl Weight loss/unit area (g/mm ) 1.6E-5 Untreated Solution Heat Treated at (500 C) 1.4E-5 Artificial Aged at (170) 1.2E-5 1.0E-5 8.0E-6 6.0E-6 4.0E-6 2.0E-6 0.0E+0 -2.0E-6 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 time (hrs.) ( 1) (3wt%NaCl) (2-a) (600 X) (2-b) (600 X) (3wt% NaCl) 170 ) (2-d) (°C ( 600X ) (3wt% NaCl) (2-c) (500°C) (600X) (3wt% NaCl) 1E-5 water+ 3% NaCl C.W 0 %+A.A at 170 C Weight loss / unit area(g/mm ) 1E-5 C.W 12%+A.A at 170 C C.W 24%+A.A at 170 C 8E-6 6E-6 4E-6 2E-6 0E+0 -2E-6 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 time (hrs.) ( 170 °C) 320 360 400 440 480 ( ) (3wt% NaCl) 3.6E-5 Water+3% HCl Weight loss/unit area (g/mm ) 3.2E-5 Untreated Solution Heat Treated at (500 C) 2.8E-5 Artificial Aged at (170 C) 2.4E-5 2.0E-5 1.6E-5 1.2E-5 8.0E-6 4.0E-6 0.0E+0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 time (hrs.) 6.0 ( 4) (3vol%HCl) (5-a) (600X ) (3vol% HCl) (5-b) (600X ) (3vol% HCl) ( 500 °C) (5-c) ( 170°C) (600 X) (3vol% HCl) 4.0E-5 Water+3% HCl Weight loss/unit area (g/mm ) 3.5E-5 CW 0 % +A.A. at 170 C CW 12% +A.A. at 170 C 3.0E-5 CW 24% +A.A. at 170 C 2.5E-5 2.0E-5 1.5E-5 1.0E-5 5.0E-6 0.0E+0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 time (hrs.) ( 170 °C) ( 6) (3vol%HCl)