Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction: Literacy Education –

Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction: Literacy Education –
Student Outcomes Assessment
In the MAE in Literacy Education, students are evaluated on their knowledge of literacy
education through the design, development and implement of a professional
development workshop highlighting a specific language and literacy issue, through the
selection of a contemporary research-based methodology which is reviewed in light of
their own practice and of professional standards, through the writing of an in-depth
evaluation of children’s literature through a multicultural and sociopolitical perspective,
through the development of leadership perspectives (including knowledge of the
change process, best practices in literacy coaching) and understanding of leadership as
represented in a written and class presentation, and through the development of a
synthesis paper on their knowledge, dispositions and skills as they have changed over
the learning process in the master’s program, culminating in the completion of a
research paper and the successful completion of a comprehensive examination.
In addition, the student learning outcomes represent specific student outcomes
assessment per learning outcome. The following learning outcomes highlight specific
outcome assessments related to specific coursework within the program of study.
The Literacy Education Master’s contains the following courses:
Program Part
Course Title
*Educational Research
*Foundations of Instructional Psychology
*Issues and Trends in Curriculum
*Selection and Integration of Materials
Methods and Materials in Literacy Education
Advanced Assessment and Evaluation of Literacy
Specialty Area 230:239
Advanced Literacy Studies
Language Development and Variability
Ideological, Cultural, and Sociopolitical Issues in
Children’s Literature
230:247** Remedial Reading
230:260** Roles of the Reading Specialist
230:290** Practicum
230:292** Experience in Reading: Tutoring
Total - MAE Literacy Education
Credit Hours
33 or 36
*These courses are offered through other divisions/department
**The courses are offered for students interested in additional coursework for
the completion of the K-12 Reading Specialist endorsement
The International Reading Association/National Council Teachers of English Standards
Addressed by the Following Course Assessments:
Student Learning Outcomes
Student Outcomes Assessment
Standard 1:Foundational Knowledge
Candidates have knowledge of the foundations of reading and writing processes and instruction. As a result,
230:212 Abstracts and Summaries of Theoretical Articles
230:212 Apply theoretical knowledge to practical experiences
1.1 Demonstrate knowledge of
psychological, sociological, and
linguistic foundations of reading
and writing processes and
230:212 Literacy Topic Paper
230:240 Professional Development Workshop
230:245 Critical reading of Socio-political indications in children’s
230:299 Research Paper/Thesis
Comprehensive Examination
230:212 Written Reflective Responses (research focus)
230:238 Written Responses (research focus)
230:238 Reflective Journal
1.2 Demonstrate knowledge of
reading research and histories of
230:239 Initial Literature Review
230:245 Short Paper on Reading Cultural Issues in Children’s Literature
230:245 Critiquing articles on critical issues in children’s literature
230:299 Research Paper/Thesis
Comprehensive Examination
1.3 Demonstrate knowledge of
language development and
reading acquisition and the
variations related to cultural and
linguistic diversity.
230:240 Discussions
230:240 Written Reflections
230:240 Professional Development Workshop
230:245 Analysis of Transcripts
230:245 Reflective Journals
230:245 Reading Cultural Issues in Children’s Books with Children
230:247 Oral Status Report
230:292 Lesson Reflections
230:292 Video Self-Evaluations
Comprehensive Examination
230:212 Written Responses
1.4 Demonstrate knowledge of
the major components of reading
(phonemic awareness, word
identification and phonics,
vocabulary and background
knowledge, fluency,
comprehension strategies, and
motivation) and how these are
integrated in fluent reading.
230:238 Portfolio
230:247 Quizzes
230:247 Chapter Discussions
230:292 Anecdotal Records
230:292 Video Self-Evaluations
230:292 Goals and Concepts, Lesson Plans,
Standard 2: Instructional Strategies and Curriculum Materials
Candidates use a wide range of instructional practices, approaches, methods, and curriculum materials to
support reading and writing instruction. As a result, candidates:
2.1 Use instructional grouping
options (individual, small group,
whole class and computer based)
as appropriate for accomplishing
given purposes.
2.2 Use a wide range of
instructional practices,
approaches, and methods,
including technology-based
practices, for learners at differing
stages of development and from
differing cultural and linguistic
Comprehensive Examination
230:212 Literacy Topic Paper/Project
230:212 Discussion
230:212 Written Reflections
230:240 Final Synthesis Paper
230:240 Professional Development Workshop
230:290 Written Report
230:292 Goals and Concepts, Weekly Lesson Overviews, Lesson Plans
Comprehensive Examination
2.3 Use a wide range of curriculum 230:245 Incorporating Multicultural Children’s Literature into the
materials in effective reading
Content Area
instruction for learners at
different stages of reading and
230:290 Written Report
writing development and from
different cultural and linguistic
230:292 Weekly Lesson Overviews, Lesson Plans
Standard 3: Assessment,
Diagnosis, and Evaluation
Candidates use a variety of
assessment tools and practices to
plan and evaluate effective
reading instruction. As a result,
3.1 Use a wide range of
230:238 Portfolio
assessment tools and practices
that range from individual and
230:238 Field Assessments (QRI-4, Running Records, Phonics
group standardized tests to
Assessment, Writing Structure Analysis)
individual and group informal
classroom assessment strategies, 230:247 Report of Tutoring
including technology-based
assessment tools.
230:292 Field Assessments Advanced (QRI-4, Running Records, Writing
Structure Analysis, Phonics Assessment, Other Observation Survey
Comprehensive Examination
230:238 Portfolio
3.2 Place students along a
developmental continuum and
identify students' proficiencies
230:247 Report of Tutoring
and difficulties.
3.3 Use assessment information to
plan, evaluate, and revise effective
instruction that meets the needs 230:292 Goals and Concepts, Lesson Plans, Weekly Lesson Overviews,
of all students, including those at Reflections
different developmental stages
and those from different cultural Comprehensive Examination
and linguistic backgrounds.
3.4 Communicate results of
230:238 Portfolio
assessments to specific individuals
(students, parents, caregivers,
230:247 Oral Status Report, Initial Status Report, Final Report of
colleagues, administrators,
policymakers, policy officials,
community, etc.)
230:292 Parent Oral Status Report
Standard 4: Creating a Literate
Candidates create a literate
environment that fosters reading
and writing by integrating
foundational knowledge, use of
instructional practices,
approaches and methods,
curriculum materials, and the
appropriate use of assessments.
As a result, candidates:
4.1 Use students' interests,
230:238 Interest Inventories and Attitude Surveys
reading abilities, and backgrounds
as foundations for the reading and 230:238 Portfolio
writing program.
230:240 Discussion
230:240 Written Reflection
230:260 Curriculum Development Project
230:292 Interest Inventories and Attitude Surveys
Comprehensive Examination
230:260 Curriculum Development Project
4.2 Use a large supply of books,
technology-based information,
and nonprint materials
230:292 Lesson Plans
representing multiple levels,
broad interest, and cultural and
linguistic backgrounds.
4.3 Model reading and writing
230:212 Written Responses
enthusiastically as valued lifelong
230:245 Reading Aloud Multicultural Picture Book
4.4 Motivate learners to be
lifelong readers.
230:260 Curriculum Development Project
230:240 Written Responses
230:292 Field Lessons
Standard 5: Professional
Candidates view professional
development as a career-long
effort and responsibility. As a
result, candidates:
5.1 Display positive dispositions
related to reading and the
teaching of reading.
5.2 Continue to pursue the
development of professional
knowledge and dispositions.
230:238 Reflective Journal
230:240 Written Responses
230:240 Final Synthesis Paper
230:240 Professional Development Workshop
230:260 Reflective Journal
230:290 Written Report
230:290 Written Report
5.3 Work with colleagues to
observe, evaluate, and provide
feedback on each other's practice. 230:290 Field-based Notes
5.4 Participate in, initiate,
230:240 Evaluations of Professional Development Workshops
implement, and evaluate
professional development
230:260Professional Development Project
*Model and table derived September 15, 2004, from International Reading Association website,