Sandy Dawson Ethnomathematics Education Scholarship Fund

Sandy Dawson Ethnomathematics Education
Scholarship Fund
The University of Hawai`i, College of Education is accepting donations to the Alexander
J. “Sandy” Dawson Ethnomathematics Scholarship Fund. In order to continue his
important work in mathematics education throughout the Pacific Region, the College
wants to build a $35,000+ endowment in Sandy Dawson’s name. If the endowment level
is not reached, the College will create an expendable scholarship fund that can be used
to ensure availability. Donations can be made “In Memory of Sandy Dawson.”
Make checks payable to UH Foundation and send to:
University of Hawai‘i, College of Education
1776 University Ave., Everly Hall #131
Honolulu, HI 96822
Please note on your check: “In Memory of Sandy Dawson.”
Contact Mark Fukeda, Director of Development at or via phone at
(808) 956-7988 for other giving options (i.e., credit card) or for more information.
Professor Emeritus Sandy Dawson