UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK Equality and Diversity Network

Equality and Diversity Network
Notes of the Network Meeting held on 18th October 2010
Mrs K Hughes (Chair)
Mrs S Beaufoy, Ms S Byrne, Mr B Cassidy, Mrs R Freeman, Mrs M
Heredia-Fernandez, Mrs B Jones, Mrs J Keene, Mrs C Quinney, Dr N
Rabbani, Mrs J Taylor, Mrs B Wilson
Dr C Constable, Dr J Davies, Miss E Durrant, Mrs G Harris, Prof E
Hines, Dr B Kiernan, Miss E King, Ms A Klaus, Prof H Marland, Mrs A
Preston, Dr N Rajpoot, Mrs D Weber, Dr Wilkie-Stubbs
Notes of last meeting
That the notes of the meeting of the Equality and Diversity Network held on
12th May 2010 be approved.
Matters Arising
Athena Swan
The University of Warwick has been awarded Bronze status and the
Physics Department and the Chemistry Department had each been
awarded Silver Status.
Prof Koen Lamberts has written to HOD’s across SET informing these
departments that they can apply for their own award; these
departments should set up their own Committee. Prof Mark Smith
previously chaired the Athena Swan Group but as he is now DVC a
new chair is to be found. The Action Plans that came out of the
application for the Bronze award are to be combined with the Single
Equality Action Plan and allocated across the University.
It was requested that Sandra Beaufoy, Personnel Administrator,
Physics would put on a presentation for the next EDN as she has
been heavily involved in the Athena Swan process.
Sandra Beaufoy to prepare presentation
Equality Act 2010
A paper outlining the Equality Act was considered. The main
provisions of the Equality Act came into force in October 2010. The
most significant change that will immediately impact upon University
recruitment processes is that the use of pre employment medical
questionnaires will be unlawful, except for certain defined reasons.
EDC 13/09-19 PULSE Staff Survey Results 2010 was circulated.
The Central Pulse Action Team submitted a report to the Vice
Chancellor and senior colleagues for consideration at the end of last
week, further details will be available on the intranet shortly. The key
areas were Communication, Change Management and Senior
Management. With reference to Senior Management 6 out of the 7
questions in the PULSE questionnaire were between 5 and 10% down
on the 2009 survey. With reference to Equality and Diversity there
were improved results being a 1% reduction in the number of staff
experiencing bullying or harassment of any kind in the workplace.
One of the questions with the most significant reduction compared to
2009 was whether the University offered equal opportunities to staff;
this was down 10% to 59% from the previous year. This may have
been due to the large restructures across the University, the cost
saving exercise creating job uncertainties and the poor result
regarding Senior Management.
It was requested that information should be sought to find out if the
departments that were affected by the restructures had the worst
Sally Byrne to ask Central HR for detail of results.
Standing Item - terms of reference of the Equality and Diversity Network
The Equality and Diversity Network provides a forum for all members of staff
and Students Union representatives to discuss issues relating to equal
opportunities and diversity.
Items for the Equality and Diversity Committee
A key issue for the Equality and Diversity Network is about communications to
and from the main Committee and across the Institution, to inform and
support staff, at times of particular pressure due to restructuring, budget cuts
and savings.
The EDN expressed a wish for there to be:
heighten awareness of staff re: the impact of unacceptable behaviour in
the workplace, particularly in relation to harassment and bullying;
the need for the Dignity Contact Officers and others managing staff in
difficult and stressful situations, to be supported (more group meetings,
counselling, etc.) and the recruitment of Dignity Contact Officers to be
the need for more training and development for supervisors and line
managers to handle change management and its impact on staff more
Any other business
a. At the next EDN it was decided that a presentation regarding Faith at
Work would be welcome.
Sally Byrne to arrange
b. A discussion took place regarding the new restrictions upon
Certificates of Sponsorship and how this will impact upon departments
recruiting staff from outside the EU. EDN members will feed back
any problems they are encountering within their departments.
Date of next meeting
The next Equality and Diversity Network meeting is 24th January 2011 at 2pm
in Council Chamber.