Stage 2 Archaeological Assessment (AA) for the City of Vaughan

Stage 2 Archaeological Assessment (AA) for the
Proposed Steeles West TTC Station
City of Vaughan
Regional Municipality of York
Project #: 113-TO304-09
Licencee/#: Kim Slocki/P029
PIF#: P029-640-2009
Revised December 2009
Presented to:
Watters Environmental Group Inc.
1700 Langstaff Road, Suite #1003
Concord, ON
L4K 3S3
T: 416.361.2407
F: 416.361.2410
Prepared by:
Archeoworks Inc.
16715-12 Yonge Street, Suite #1029
Newmarket, ON
L3X 1X4
T: 416.676.5597
F: 416.676.5810
Archeoworks Inc.
Executive Summary
Archaeological Services Inc. (ASI) was retained in 2008 by iTrans Consulting Inc., on
behalf of the City of Vaughan, to conduct a Stage 1 archaeological assessment for the
OPA 620 Proposed East West Collector Road study area, in the City of Vaughan,
Ontario; this report also addressing the archaeological potential of the proposed Steeles
West Station of the Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension. In 2009, Archeoworks
Inc. was retained by Watters Environmental Group Inc. on behalf of the TSGA to conduct
a Stage 2 archaeological assessment of the proposed Steeles West Station, located north
of Steeles Avenue and east of Jane Street, in the City of Vaughan.
The pre-survey research, outlined in the “Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment (AA) for
the: OPA 620 Proposed East West Collector Road, Class Environment Assessment, City
Vaughan, Ontario” (ASI, 2008), identified high potential for the recovery of Aboriginal
and historic Euro-Canadian archaeological remains, specifically within undisturbed
portions of the Steeles West Station study area. This assessment was based on the
presence of Black Creek, a primary water source within 300 metres of the study area
limits; and the presence of one historical structure associated with the Stong family
within 100 metres of the study area boundaries. Additionally, a total of 12 registered
archaeological sites had been previously encountered within a two-kilometre radius of the
OPA 620 Proposed East West Collector Road study area, thus, establishing high
archaeological potential for the recovery of additional archaeological remains within the
Steeles West Station study area.
The subject lands are comprised of fallow fields, a hydro corridor, a sparsely wooded
area, urban lots associated with York University and UPS, and low-lying wet areas.
Observed disturbances consist of paved roadways and parking lots, landscaping, grading,
ditching, gravel fill and dumping, hydro towers, and underground utilities. Physiographic
factors affecting potential include two low-lying wet areas along the proposed Street ‘C’.
Due to the low archaeological potential classification of these disturbed areas,
archaeological testing was not warranted nor was it undertaken.
The remaining undisturbed portions of the study area were comprised of fallow fields, a
hydro corridor, and a sparsely wooded area. Pedestrian and test-pit survey were
undertaken as appropriate, at five metre intervals, based on the established high potential
for the recovery of archaeological resources. The Stage 2 archaeological field assessment
resulted in the discovery of one historical, Euro-Canadian site, identified as H1.
However, due to the late time frame associated with the site, it is unlikely to contribute to
our understanding of the early history of the Vaughan area and is, thus, not considered
archaeologically significant. As such, the entire Steeles West TTC Station study area can
now be considered clear of any further archaeological concern.
Stage 2 AA of Proposed Steeles West TTC Station, City of Vaughan, RM of York
Archeoworks Inc.
Project Personnel:
Project/Field Director:
Kim Slocki
Field Archaeologists:
Claire Bennett
Chandramaheskumar Chrishanth
Samantha Greer
Dan Jang
Solomon Klein
Mike Lawson
Jessica Marr
Alvina Tam
Lee Templeton
Bryan Wyshnicki
Report Preparation:
Nimal Nithiyanantham
Mike Lawson
Nimal Nithiyanantham
Stage 2 AA of Proposed Steeles West TTC Station, City of Vaughan, RM of York
Archeoworks Inc.
Executive Summary
Project Personnel
1. Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment Summary
2. Stage 2 Field Assessment
3. Conclusions & Recommendations
4. Bibliography
Figure 1: 1:50,000 Map Illustrating Location of Study Area
Figure 2: 1860 Historical Map of Study Area
Figure 3: 1878 Historical Map of Study Area
Figure 4: Stage 2 Archaeological Assessment
Table 1: H1 Historic Artifact Inventory –Pedestrian survey
Appendix: Plates 1-14
Stage 2 AA of Proposed Steeles West TTC Station, City of Vaughan, RM of York
Archeoworks Inc.
Archaeological Services Inc. (ASI) was retained in 2008 by iTrans Consulting Inc., on
behalf of the City of Vaughan, to conduct a Stage 1 archaeological assessment for the
OPA 620 Proposed East West Collector Road study area, in the City of Vaughan,
Ontario; this report also addressing the archaeological potential of the proposed Steeles
West Station of the Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension. In 2009, Archeoworks
Inc. was retained by Watters Environmental Group Inc. on behalf of the TSGA to conduct
a Stage 2 archaeological assessment of the proposed Steeles West Station, located north
of Steeles Avenue and east of Jane Street, in the City of Vaughan (see Figure 1).
The Stage 2 survey, reported herein, was conducted under the project and field direction
of Ms. Kim Slocki on September 23rd and November 17-18th of 2009. Permission to enter
this study area in order to conduct archaeological field activities, including the recovery
of artifacts, was granted on August 21st, 2009. This study was conducted in accordance
with the Ontario Heritage Act (1990) under an archaeological consulting licence (P029)
issued to Kim Slocki.
Figure 1: 1:50,000 Map Illustrating Location of Study Area (Bolton 30M/13)
Stage 2 AA of Proposed Steeles West TTC Station, City of Vaughan, RM of York
Archeoworks Inc.
1.0 Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment Summary
The pre-survey research, outlined in the “Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment (AA) for
the: OPA 620 Proposed East West Collector Road, Class Environment Assessment, City
Vaughan, Ontario” (ASI, 2008), identified high potential for the recovery of Aboriginal
and historic Euro-Canadian archaeological remains, within undisturbed portions of the
Steeles West Station study area. This assessment was based on the presence of Black
Creek, a primary water source within 300 metres of the study area limits; and the
presence of one historical structure associated with the Stong family within 100 metres of
the study area boundaries (see Figures 2-3). Additionally, a total of 12 registered
archaeological sites had been previously encountered within a two-kilometre radius of the
OPA 620 Proposed East West Collector Road study area, thus, establishing high
archaeological potential for the recovery of additional archaeological remains within the
Steeles West Station study area. Therefore, it was recommended that a Stage 2
archaeological assessment, following the Final Draft: Standards and Guidelines for
Consulting Archaeologists (2006), published by the Ministry of Culture, be undertaken in
all undisturbed locations. The results of our Stage 2 survey of the Steeles West Station
study area are listed below.
Figure 2: 1860 Historical Map of Study Area
Figure 3: 1878 Historical Map of Study Area
Stage 2 AA of Proposed Steeles West TTC Station, City of Vaughan, RM of York
Archeoworks Inc.
2.0 Stage 2 Field Assessment
The Stage 2 archaeological assessment illustrated in Figure 4 was undertaken on
September 23rd and November 17-18th of 2009 to identify and describe any existing
archaeological resources within the study area boundaries. The weather during the Stage
2 investigations varied from drizzle to clear and sunny conditions with temperatures
reaching a high of 27 and 3 degrees Celsius, respectively.
The subject lands fall within an urban environment of the City of Vaughan,
encompassing both developed and undeveloped lands. The undeveloped lands consisted
of undisturbed fallow fields, a hydro corridor and a small sparsely wooded area. The
developed area consisted of the paved Thompson Boulevard Northwest Gate and adjacent
parking lot associated with York University, landscaping and grading along the
eastbound lanes of Steeles Avenue, and the paved UPS parking lot and associated
developed lands of the plant (see Plates 1-4). In addition to the aforementioned
disturbances, further low archaeological potential areas were identified by ASI in their
2008 survey of the study area. These included gravel fill and dumping, hydro towers,
underground utilities, underground drainage tile installation, and grading and ditching
from adjacent land development (see Plates 4-6). As a measure of quality assurance,
those areas deemed disturbed by ASI were re-assessed during our field investigation, and
it was determined that the fallows lands directly north of Steeles Avenue, approximately
700 metres east of Jane Street, did not exhibit a disturbed characteristic, contrary to the
what was listed in the ASI report. As such, this area was subject to Stage 2 investigation
(see Plate 12). In addition to the ASI identified disturbances associated with dumping,
further disturbances of the same nature were identified within the hydro corridor (see
Plate 7).
Physiographic features identified by ASI, consisting of sloping terrain and low-lying wet
areas located within the northwest portion of the study area, were further re-assessed by
Archeoworks Inc. It was determined these areas exhibited high archaeological potential
since the degree of slope was minimal, and the low-lying wet areas were only seasonably
wet and were, thus, dry during our assessment. As such, both areas were subjected to
Stage 2 investigation (see Plate 10). Where significant low-lying wet areas were
encountered within the study area during the Stage 2 field investigation, they were
thoroughly photo-documented and recorded, however, were not assessed due to their low
archaeological potential classification (Plates 8-9).
All remaining sections within the study area assessed to be undisturbed were subjected to
a pedestrian or shovel test-pit form of survey, complying with the Final Draft: Standards
and Guidelines for Consulting Archaeologists (2006), published by the Ministry of
Culture, to determine the condition of the soil and to detect Aboriginal and historic, EuroCanadian remains. Each undisturbed area was tested at survey intervals of five metres.
Approximately 25.30 acres of undisturbed, recently ploughed hydro corridor fields were
subjected to pedestrian survey within the proposed construction area; this area ranging
from approximately 90 to 160 metres in width (see Plates 10-12). The portion of the
study area subjected to pedestrian survey had 95 to 100% visibility, and all of the fields
were extremely well weathered. A total of 6.36 acres were also subjected to test-pit
Stage 2 AA of Proposed Steeles West TTC Station, City of Vaughan, RM of York
Archeoworks Inc.
survey, with approximately 1018 test-pits excavated to sterile subsoil depths between 30
and 40 cm across the entire study area (see Plate 13). All test-pits were backfilled.
While conducting the pedestrian survey, one historic scatter was encountered and
identified as H1 (17T 0619941 4848348); this site located within the eastern portion of
the study area (see Figure 4, Plate 14). Once the scatter was encountered, survey
intervals were reduced to a half-metre, for a radius of 15 metres around each find. All
artifacts encountered during our Stage 2 assessment in the field were collected. A
catalogue of the finds for the H1 site has been provided in Table 1.
Table 1: H1 Historic Artifact Inventory –Pedestrian survey
Total: 17 artifacts
Floral & leaf decorated ironstone rim sherds
Undecorated ironstone sherds
RWE blue transferprint sherd
Stoneware with brown glaze
Floor tile fragment
The collection of artifacts retrieved at H1 represents a very late nineteenth - early
twentieth century domestic, historic assemblage. The ceramics themselves (primarily
ironstone) are typical of the make-up of a late nineteenth to early twentieth century sites
as these were the most readily available and cheapest ceramics to purchase at that time.
Floor tiles were also not used in early cabin, framed or brick structures and are only
discovered at late nineteenth to early-mid twentieth century sites.
Despite careful scrutiny, no additional archaeological resources were encountered during
the Stage 2 survey of the remainder of the study area.
Stage 2 AA of Proposed Steeles West TTC Station, City of Vaughan, RM of York
Archeoworks Inc.
Figure 4: Stage 2 Archaeological Assessment
Stage 2 AA of Proposed Steeles West TTC Station, City of Vaughan, RM of York
Archeoworks Inc.
3.0 Conclusions & Recommendations
During the Stage 2 archaeological assessment of the proposed Steeles West TTC Station
of the Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension, in the City of Vaughan, Regional
Municipality of York, one late nineteenth, early twentieth century historic site, identified
as H1 was encountered. As a result of these findings, it is recommended that:
1. Due to the late time frame of site H1 and the unlikelihood that further
investigations of this site will contribute to our understanding of the early history
of the Vaughan area, it is not considered archaeologically significant. It can,
therefore, be considered clear of further archaeological concern.
2. The entire study area, as illustrated in Figure 4, be cleared of any further
archaeological concern.
3. This report is filed with the Minister of Culture in compliance with Section 65 (1)
of the Ontario Heritage Act. The ministry reviews reports to ensure that the
licensee has met the terms and conditions of the licence and archaeological
resources have been identified and documented according to the standards and
guidelines set by the ministry, ensuring the conservation, protection and
preservation of the heritage of Ontario. It is recommended that development not
proceed before receiving confirmation that the Ministry of Culture has entered the
report into the provincial register of reports.
4. Should previously unknown or unassessed deeply buried archaeological resources
be uncovered during development, they may be a new archaeological site and
therefore subject to Section 48 (1) of the Ontario Heritage Act. The proponent or
person discovering the archaeological resources must cease alteration of the site
immediately and engage a licensed archaeologist to carry out archaeological
fieldwork, in compliance with Section 48 (1) of the Ontario Heritage Act. The
office of the Heritage Operations Unit, Ministry of Culture (416-314-7146) should
be contacted immediately.
5. Any person discovering human remains must immediately notify the office of the
Heritage Operations Unit, Ministry of Culture (416-314-7146), the police or
coroner, and the Registrar of Cemeteries, Cemeteries Regulation Unit, Ministry of
Government Services (416-326-8404).
Under Section 6 of Regulation 881 of the Ontario Heritage Act, Archeoworks Inc. will,
“keep in safekeeping all objects of archaeological significance that are found and all field
records that are made.”
Stage 2 AA of Proposed Steeles West TTC Station, City of Vaughan, RM of York
Archeoworks Inc.
4.0 Bibliography
Archaeological Services Inc.
Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment (AA) for the: OPA 620 Proposed
East West Collector Road, Class Environment Assessment, City
Vaughan, Ontario, Toronto.
George R. Tremaine
Tremaine’s Map of the County of York, Canada West. Toronto.
Miles & Co.
1878 Illustrated Historical Atlas of York County and the township of
West Gwillimbury & Town of Bradford in the County of Simcoe,
Stage 2 AA of Proposed Steeles West TTC Station, City of Vaughan, RM of York
Archeoworks Inc.
Stage 2 AA of Proposed Steeles West TTC Station, City of Vaughan, RM of York
Archeoworks Inc.
Plate 1: Looking east at disturbance associated with paved parking lot of York University
Plate 2: Looking east at graded and landscaped margin between parking lot and Steeles Avenue roadway.
Plate 3: Looking southwest at paved UPS parking lot at a distance
Stage 2 AA of Proposed Steeles West TTC Station, City of Vaughan, RM of York
Archeoworks Inc.
Plate 4: Looking west at disturbances associated with grading and ditching
Plate 5: Looking south at disturbances associated with gravel fill and dumping
Plate 6: Looking northeast at hydro towers
Stage 2 AA of Proposed Steeles West TTC Station, City of Vaughan, RM of York
Archeoworks Inc.
Plate 7: Looking east at disturbances associated with dumping with hydro corridor
Plate 8: Looking northeast at low-lying wet area
Plate 9: Looking northwest at low-lying wet area
Stage 2 AA of Proposed Steeles West TTC Station, City of Vaughan, RM of York
Archeoworks Inc.
Plate 10: Looking north at pedestrian survey at 5m intervals
Plate 11: Looking east at pedestrian survey at 5m intervals
Plate 12: Looking NW at pedestrian survey at 5m intervals
Stage 2 AA of Proposed Steeles West TTC Station, City of Vaughan, RM of York
Archeoworks Inc.
Plate 13: Looking south towards Steeles Ave. at test-pit survey at 5m intervals
Plate 14: Looking at sample of ironstone ceramics, stone ware fragments and floor tile collected at H1
Stage 2 AA of Proposed Steeles West TTC Station, City of Vaughan, RM of York