Re-framing service delivery, professional practices and professional identities in UK careers work: ESRC Seminar Series Reflections on the series & next steps Jenny Bimrose Reframing: the journey Submission Call, September, 2009 January, 2010 Next steps? Notification, 2012+ July, 2010 First seminar December, 2010 Reframing: the host institutions East London Glamorgan Limerick West of Scotland Ulster Nottingham Trent Rachel Mulvey John Talbot Lucy Hearne Graham Allen & Janet Moffatt Rob Millar Phil Mignot Reframing: 3 way dialogue policy, research and practice Seminar location Seminar date University of East London 1st December, 2010 Participants confirmed Participants attended 57 41 University of Glamorgan 31st March, 2011 50 45 University of Limerick 9th June, 2011 46 36 University of West of Scotland 29th November, 2011 52 44 University of Ulster 31st March, 2012 (41?) 31 Nottingham Trent University 20th June, 2012 45 Reframing: the back story? SDS NI CS WAG • REDESIGN • Improvement framework • REPOSITION • (new dept.) • Review • New contracts & delivery plans Reframing: the back-story? CPA CPTF NCC Reframing: next steps? Career Profession Alliance (supporting economic productivity) Register of Career Development Professionals: =4AF7BEE0-39EB-4579-8E5801DA3CFFB06A&atc=aaa&nodeid=18601CA9-2B23-4E52-B48086AF6BB5C834 Reframing: next steps? National Careers Council: …provide advice to government on a strategic vision for the national careers service and allied career support services: Reframing: the role of HE? Strathclyde Glamorgan UEL UWE Use it or lose it? Reframing: known and unknown? Education Act, 2011 Employers? NGOs Reframing: some key challenges? LMI Theory EBP ICT European & International • ELGPN • ICCDPP • PES to PES Resource Kit Dialogue International European • IAEVG Reframing: the future ideal? Responsible autonomy: • appointing good people & creating the conditions in which they can get on with the job. • ties are crucial – a sense of belonging, community, identity Ref: Radford, J. (2012) ‘Looking back to look forward’. Psychology in a changing world: past, present & future. UEL, June 2012. Reframing: the future ideal? Vision • Success Converge • Players • Labour Uniqueness Market Reframing: the future reality? ‘The lesson is, now as always, adapt or perish.’ Ref: Wells, H.G. (1920) ‘Short History of the World’ Careers Work Innovation Website Details of all 6 ESRC seminars Special Symposium British Journal of Guidance & Counselling Spring, 2013