Social Work Practice Terminology

Social Work Practice Terminology
Here are some terms that you need to be familiar with and/or be able to demonstrate a working
knowledge of either from your coursework or in your current field internship setting. In most
cases, it is not a good idea to simply say you do not have any knowledge of the terms (because
you have at least received instruction about them in class). Depending on the type of agency,
you may or may not be given a case example to discuss. Please prepare accordingly, use
common sense, and speak confidently.
1. Biopsychosocial Assessments – vital information that’s included
2. Diagnosis – (important if you are interviewing at a clinical agency) –you may be asked if you have
experience using the DSM IV-TR. The answer should be yes, even if limited. You should at least
be able to draw from papers written in your Practice Courses, internships, your text book and
3. Mental Status Examination
4. Documentation
5. Crisis Intervention Skills and associated theories
6. Genograms
7. Ethical Dilemmas
8. Active listening skills – summarizing, paraphrasing, eye contact, non-verbal cues, reframing,
clarification questions
9. Practice Skills – engaging, active listening, confronting, building rapport, limit setting, boundarysetting
10. Treatment Techniques and Interventions – modeling, assigning homework, journaling,
communication skills training, goal setting, experiential exercises
11. Treatment Modalities – individual, couples, group counseling or therapy. Psychoeducation
groups vs. therapeutic process groups
12. Treatment Frameworks – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Family Systems Theory, SolutionFocused Brief Therapy (this is just a partial list), Gestalt (empty-chair)
13. Case Management – purpose of case management, skills necessary to do case management
14. Mandated Reporting
15. Cultural Diversity Considerations
16. Know about the developmental stage of the population at the agency
17. Confidentiality
18. Micro and Macro level activities