jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky;] tks/kiqj

foLr`r foKkiu
jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky;] tks/kiqj
fnukad % 1+ 2.03.2016
foKkiu la-% jkjk-m-U;kU;k-tks-@ijh{kk izdks"B@jkB@jk-U;kU;k-ls-@flfoy U;kU;k-laoxZ@2016
flfoy U;k;k/kh'k laoxZ esa lh/kh HkrhZ gsrq izfr;ksxh ijh{kk] 2016
1- jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky;] tks/kiqj }kjk jktLFkku U;kf;d lsok fu;e] 2010 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds vUrxZr flfoy U;k;k/kh'k
laoxZ es]a ifjoh{kk ij ¼On Probation) osrueku&:i;s 27700-770-33090-920-40450-1080-44770 esa flfoy U;k;k/kh'k ,oa
U;kf;d eftLVªVs ds 72 fjDr inksa ij lh/kh HkrhZ gsrq fu/kkZfjr vkWuykbZu izk:i ¼Online Format) esa vkWuykbZu vkosnu
¼Online Application½ vkeaf=r fd, tkrs gSAa
fo'ks"k uksV%&
¼1½ Online Application Hkjus ls iwoZ vkosnd ls vis{kk dh tkrh gS fd og jktLFkku U;kf;d lsok fu;e] 2010
¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½] foLr``r foKkiu] Online Application Hkjus ds lEcU/k esa tkjh fn'kk&funs'Z kksa (Instructions)
,oa Online Fee tek djkus gsrq tkjh fn'kk&funs'Z kksa (Guide-lines) dk lko/kkuhiwod
Z v/;;u dj yso]s tks
jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky; dh osclkbZV http://www.hcraj.nic.in ,oa bZ&fe= ds iksVYZ k
http://emitra.gov.in ij miyC/k gSA
¼2½ vkosnd Online Application esa leLr okafNr ,oa lqlx
a r lwpuk,a vo'; vafdr djsA dksbZ lwpuk xyr ;k
viw.kZ Hkjus ij vkosnd dk vkosnu jÌ dj mls ijh{kk esa izo's k ugha fn;k tk,xk] ftldh ftEesnkjh Lo;a
vkosnd dh gksxhA
2- fjDr inksa ,oa vkj{k.k dk fooj.k%&
Total No.
of posts
37 out of
which, 11
for women
11 out of
which, 3
reserved for
8 out of
which, 2
reserved for
14 out of
which, 4
reserved for
Persons with
(Differetntly Abled)
Out of 70 vacancies,
2 posts reserved for
persons with
fo'ks"k uksV%& 1- fo'ks"k fiNM+k oxZ ds vkosnd vU; fiNM+k oxZ ds fy, vkjf{kr inksa ds fo:) vkosnu djsAa
2- Hkjriqj vkSj /kkSyiqj ftys ds tkV leqnk; ds vH;fFkZ;ksa dks vU; fiNM+k oXkZ ds fy, vkjf{kr inksa ij
vkj{k.k ns; ugha gksxkA
1- mIkjksDr fjDr inksa dh la[;k esa fu;ekuqlkj deh ;k c<+kRs kjh dh tk ldrh gS] ftlds fy, iqu%
foKkiu@'kqf) i= tkjh ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
2- efgykvksa gsrq vkjf{kr inksa dk vkj{k.k n.Mor ¼Horizontal½ :i ls gksxk vFkkZr~ ftl Js.kh ¼vuqlwfpr
tkfr@vuqlfw pr tutkfr@vU; fiNM+k oxZ@lkekU; oxZ½ dh efgyk vkosnd p;fur gksxh] mls
lEcfU/kr Js.kh] ftldh og vkosnd gS] esa lek;ksftr fd;k tk;sxkA
3- fu%'kDrtu ds vkj{k.k ds laUnHkZ es%a &
¼v½ Rajasthan Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full
Participation) Rules, 2011 ds vuqlkj fu%'kDRktu ds fy, vkjf{kr n'kkZ;s x;s mijksDr in
Locomotor Disability & Cerebral Palsy (L.D. & C.P.½ ,oa Visual Impaired v{kerkvksa dh izÑfr
okys vkosndksa ds fy;s vkjf{kr gSA mDr vkjf{kr in fuEu izdkj ls vfHkO;Dr dh xbZ v{kerkvksa ds
vkosndksa gsrq gaS %
Locomotor Disability & Cerebral Palsy (L.D. & C.P.)
O.L. – One leg affected (R or L)
B.L. – Both leg affected (Mobility not to be restricted)
O.A. – One Arm affected (R or L)
Visual Impaired (Blind & Low Vision)
B – Blind (Mobility not to be restricted)
LV – Low Vision (Mobility not to be restricted)
¼c½ fu%'kDRktu gsrq vkjf{kr inksa dk vkj{k.k Hkh n.Mor ¼Horizontal½ :Ik ls gksxk vFkkZr~ ftl Js.kh
¼vuqlfw pr tkfr@vuqlfw pr tutkfr@vU; fiNM+k oxZ@lkekU; oxZ@efgyk½ dk fu%'kDr vkosnd
p;fur gksxk] mls lacfa /kr Js.kh (Category)] ftldk og vkosnd gS] esa lek;ksftr fd;k tkosxkA
¼l½ fu%'kDrtu dh Js.kh esa vkus okys vkosndksa dks jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky; }kjk ekaxs tkus ij viuh
fu%'kDrrk ds lac/a k esa Rajasthan Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of
Rights and Full Participation) Rules, 2011 ,oa funs'kky; fo'ks"k ;ksX;tu] jktLFkku ljdkj ds
ifji= la[;k ,Q16¼1½fo-;ks-@15@7970 fnukad 16@9@2015 ds vuqlkj lEiq.kZ Hkkjro"kZ ds fdlh
Hkh jkT; ds l{ke fpfdRlk vf/kdkjh }kjk tkjh fu%'kDrrk izek.k&i= izLrqr djuk gksxkA
Rajasthan Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full
Participation) Rules, 2011 ds vuqlkj l{ke fpfdRlk vf/kdkjh }kjk 40 izfr'kr ;k blls vf/kd
fu%'kDrrk n'kkZrs gq, tkjh fu%'kDRkrk izek.k&i= /kkjd vkosnd gh fu%'kDrtu gsrq vkjf{kr inksa ds
fo:) p;u ,oa fu;qfDRk ds fy, ik= ekuk tk;sxkA
jktLFkku jkT; dh vuqlfw pr tkfr@vuqlfw pr tutkfr@vU; fiNM+k oxZ ds fy, vkjf{kr inksa gsrq ik=
,oa mi;qDr vH;FkhZ miyC/k ugha gksus ij bu inksa dks jktLFkku U;kf;d lsok fu;e] 2010 ¼;Fkkla'kksf/kr½
esa fofgr izfØ;k ,oa jhfr ls Hkjk tk;sxkA
5- efgykvksa ,oa fu%'kDRktu ds fy, vkjf{kr inksa gsrq ik= ,oa mi;qDr vH;FkhZ miyC/k ugha gksus ij bu inksa
dks Hkh jktLFkku U;kf;d lsok fu;e] 2010 ¼;Fkkla'kksf/kr½ esa fofgr izfØ;k ,oa jhfr ls Hkjk tk;sxkA
6- fookfgr efgyk vH;FkhZ dks vkjf{kr Js.kh dk ykHk izkIr djus gsrq vius firk ds uke] fuokl LFkku ,oa
vk; ds vk/kkj ij tkjh tkfr ¼v.tk.@v.t.tk.@v.fi.o.½ izek.k&i= izLrqr djuk gksxkA ifr ds uke]
fuokl LFkku o vk; ds vk/kkj ij tkjh tkfr izek.k&i= ekU; ugha gksxkA
7- jktLFkku jkT; ls fHkUu vU; jkT;ksa ds v.tk.@v.t.tk.@v.fi.o. ds vH;fFkZ;ksa dks lkekU; oxZ dk
vH;FkhZ ekuk tkosxkA
8- lkekU; oxZ ds inksa ds fo:) p;u gsrq vkjf{kr oxZ ds vH;fFkZ;ksa dks lkekU; oxZ ds vH;FkhZ ds :i esa
ik= gksuk vko';d gksxkA
9- lsok esa fu;qfDr ij vH;fFkZ;ksa dks fu;ekuqlkj ifjoh{kk dky ij j[kk tk;sxkA
10- is'a ku&fu;ekuqlkjA
3- 'kS{kf.kd ;ksX;rk%&
dksbZ Hkh vH;FkhZ lsok esa HkrhZ ds fy, rc rd ik= ugha gksxk tc rd fd og Hkkjr esa fof/k }kjk LFkkfir rFkk
vf/koDrk vf/kfu;e] 1961 ds v/khu bl :i esa ekU; fdlh Hkh fo'ofo|ky; dh fof/k Lukrd ¼O;kolkf;d½ dh
mikf/k /kkfjr uk djrk gksA
¼No Candidate shall be eligible for recruitment to the service unless he holds a degree of Bachelor of Laws
(Professional) of any University established by Law in India and recognised as such under the Advocates
Act, 1961½
izR;sd vH;FkhZ dks nsoukxjh fyfi esa fy[kh tkus okyh fgUnh Hkk"kk rFkk jktLFkkuh cksfy;ksa ,oa lkekftd :f<+;ksa
¼jhfr&fjokt½ ¼Rajasthani Dialects and Social Customs of Rajasthan½ dk iw.kZ ¼Thorough½ Kku j[kus okyk
gksuk pkfg,A
uksV%& fof/k Lukrd ¼O;kolkf;d½ vFkkZr~ LL.B.(Professional) vfUre o"kZ dh ijh{kk esa lfEefyr gks pqdk ;k lfEefyr
gks jgk vkosnd Hkh vkosnu djus ds fy, ik= gS ysfdu mls eq[; fyf[kr ijh{kk esa lfEefyr gksus ls iwoZ mDr
ijh{kk mÙkh.kZ dj ysus dk izek.k ¼Proof½ nsuk gksxkA
4- vk;q%&
vkosnd 1 tuojh] 2017 dks 23 o"kZ dh vk;q iw.kZ dj pqdk fdUrq 35 o"kZ dh vk;q iw.kZ ugha dj pqdk gksuk pkfg,;
1- jktLFkku ds vuqlfw pr tkfr@vuqlfw pr tu tkfr@vU; fiNM+k oxZ ,oa efgyk Js.kh (Category) ds vkosndksa
ds ekeys esa Åijh vk;q lhek dks 5 o"kZ rd f'kfFky fd;k tk,xkA
2- jktLFkku jkT;] iapk;r lfefr;ks]a ftyk ifj"knksa ;k lkoZtfud {ks= ds miØeks@
a fuxeksa ds dk;Zdykiksa ds
lEcU/k esa vf/k"Bk;h gSfl;r ls lsokjr O;fDRk;ksa ds lEcU/k esa Åijh vk;q lhek 40 o"kZ gksxhA
3- fo/kok@rykd'kqnk efgykvksa ds ekeyksa esa Åijh vk;q lhek 45 o"kZ gksxhA
Li"Vhdj.k%& fo/kok efgyk vH;FkhZ ds ekeys esa mls lk{kkRdkj ds le; l{ke izkf/kdkjh }kjk iznÙk vius ifr
dh e`R;q dk izek.k&i= ¼Death Certificate½ izLrqr djuk gksxk rFkk rykd'kqnk efgyk vH;FkhZ ds ekeys esa mls
fookg&foPNsn ¼Divorce½ dk izek.k ¼Proof½ izLrqr djuk gksxkA
5- ijh{kk 'kqYd%&
vkosnd }kjk viuh Js.kh ds vuq:i fuEukuqlkj ijh{kk 'kqYd ns; gksxk %&
¼d½ lkekU; oxZ o Øhehys;j Js.kh ds vU; fiNM+k oxZ@fo'ks"k fiNM+k oxZ@vU; jkT; ds vkosnd gsrq ` 250@&
¼[k½ jktLFkku ds ukWu Øhehys;j Js.kh ds vU; fiNM+k oxZ@
Z fo'ks"k fiNM+k oxZ ds vkosnd gsrq ` 150@&
¼x½ jktLFkku dh vuqlfw pr tkfr@vuqlfw pr tutkfr ds vkosnd rFkk fu;ekuqlkj ik=rk /kkjd leLr fu%'kDrtu
vkosnd gsrq ` 50@&
6- fu;qfDr ds fy, fujgZrk,s%&
dksbZ Hkh O;fDr lsok esa fu;qfDr ds fy;s ;k lsok esa cus jgus ds fy, ;ksX; ¼Qualified½ ugha gksxk%&
¼d½ ;fn mlds ,d ls vf/kd thfor ifr ;k iRuh gSA
¼[k½ ;fn og fdlh mPp U;k;ky;] ljdkj ;k lkafof/kd fudk; ¼Statutory Body½ ;k LFkkuh; izkf/kdkjh ¼Local
Authority½ }kjk lsok ls inP;qr fd;k x;k ¼Dismissed½ ;k gVk;k x;k ¼Removed½ gSA
¼x½ ;fn og uSfrd v/kerk ls vUroZfyr fdlh vijk/k ds fy, nks"kfl) fd;k x;k Fkk ;k fd;k x;k gS ¼If he was
or is convicted for any offence involving moral turpitude½ ;k fdlh Hkh ijh{kk ;k lk{kkRdkj esa lfEefyr gksus
ls fdlh mPp U;k;ky; ;k la?k yksd lsok vk;ksx ;k fdlh jkT; yksd lsok vk;ksx }kjk LFkk;h :i ls
fooftZr ¼Debarred½ ;k fujfgZr ¼Disqualified½ fd;k x;k gSA
¼?k½ ;fn mls vf/koDrk jgrs gq, vf/koDrk vf/kfu;e] 1961 ¼1961 dk dsUnzh; vf/kfu;e] 25½ ;k rRle; izoÙ` k vU;
fof/k ds micU/kksa ds v/khu o`fÙkdk vopkj ¼Professional Misconduct½ dk nks"kh ik;k x;k gksA
¼M+½ ;fn jktLFkku U;kf;d lsok fu;e] 2010 ds izkjEHk dh rkjh[k dks@;k ds i'pkr~ mlds nks ls vf/kd larku
¼Children½ gks %
ijUrq fdlh vkosnd dks] ftlds nks ls vf/kd larku ¼Children½ gS] fu;qfDr ds fy, tc rd fujfgZr
ugha le>k tk;sxk rc rd fd mldh larkuksa dh la[;k es]a tks bu fu;eksa ds izkjEHk dh rkjh[k dks gS] dksbZ
c<+ksrjh ¼Increase½ ugha gksrh gS %
ijUrq ;g vkSj fd tgka fdlh vkosnd ds iwoZorhZ izlo ¼Earlier Delivery½ ls dsoy ,d gh larku gS
fdUrq fdlh i'pkr~orhZ ,dy izlo ¼Single Subsequent Delivery½ ls mlds ,d ls vf/kd lUrku iSnk gks tkrh
gS] ogka lUrkuksa dh dqy la[;k dh x.kuk djrs le; bl izdkj iSnk gqbZ lUrkuksa dks ,d bdkbZ ¼Entity½ le>k
Li"Vhdj.k%& bl [k.M ds iz;kstu ds fy,] bu fu;eksa ds izkjEHk dh rkjh[k ls 280 fnu ds Hkhrj iSnk gqbZ
lUrku fujgZrk dk xBu ugha djsxh ¼Shall not Constitute Disqualification½A
uksV%& jktLFkku U;kf;d lsok fu;e] 2010 fnukad 1919-0101-2010 dks ykxw ¼Commence½ gq, gSAa
¼p½ ;fn og vius fookg ds le; ngst ¼Dowry½ Lohdkj dj pqdk gS ;k djrk gSA
Li"Vhdj.k%& bl [k.M esa 'kCn ^^ngst** dk ogh vFkZ gksxk tks ngst izfr"ks/k vf/kfu;e] 1961 ¼1961 dk dsUnzh;
vf/kfu;e 26½ esa leuqfn"V ¼Assign½ fd;k x;k gSA
7- ijh{kk
ijh{kk dh Ldhe vkSj ikB~;Øe %&
(1) The competitive examination for the recruitment to the post of Civil Judge shall be conducted in two stages
i.e. Preliminary Examination and Main Examination. The marks obtained in the Preliminary Examination by
the candidate who are declared qualified for admission to the Main Examination will not be counted for
determining final merit.
(2) The number of candidate to be admitted to the Main Examination will be fifteen times the total number of
vacancies (category-wise) but in the said range all those candidates who secure the same percentage of
marks on the last cut-off will be admitted to the Main Examination.
Note:- To qualify for Main Written Examination, the candidates of SC/ST category shall have to secure
minimum 40% marks and candidates of all other categories shall have to secure 45% minimum
marks in the Preliminary Examination.
(3) The number of candidates to be admitted to the interview shall be, as far as practicable, three times the total
number of vacancies category-wise :
Provided that to qualify for interview, a candidate shall have to secure a minimum of 35% marks in
each of the law papers and 40% marks in aggregate in the Main Examination;
Provided further that a candidate belonging to Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe category, shall be
deemed to be eligible for Interview, if he has obtained minimum of 30% marks in each of the law papers
and 35% marks in the aggregate in the Main Examination.
(4) It shall be compulsory to appear, in each and every paper of written test, as also before the Interview Board
for viva voce. A candidate, who has failed to appear in any of the written paper or before the board for viva
voce shall not be recommended for appointment.
(5) The examination scheme for recruitment to the cadre of Civil Judge shall consist of :I. Preliminary Examination (Objective Type)
II. Written Main Examination (Subjective Type)
III. Interview
Preliminary Examination:- The Preliminary Examination shall be an objective type examination in
which 70% weightage will be given to the subjects prescribed in syllabus for Law Paper-I and Law
Paper-II, and 30% weightage shall be given to test proficiency in Hindi and English language. The
maximum marks for Preliminary Examination shall be 100 in which number of questions to be asked
shall also be 100. However, there shall be no negative marking for wrong answers in Preliminary
Examination. The duration of Preliminary Examination shall be of 2 hours. The marks obtained in
the Preliminary Examination shall not be counted towards the final selection.
Syllabus for Prerliminary Examination
Law : Same as prescribed for Law Paper I & II for Main Examination.
Hindi Proficiency :
'kCn jpuk % lfU/k ,oa lfU/k foPNsn] lekl] milxZ] izR;;A
'kCn izdkj % ¼d½ rRle] v)ZrRle] rn~Hko] ns'kt] fons'khA
¼[k½ laKk] loZuke] fo'ks"k.k] fØ;k] vO;; ¼fØ;k fo'ks"k.k] lEcU/k lwpd] foLe;cks/kd
iii. 'kCn Kku % i;kZ;okph] foykse] 'kCn ;qXeksa dk vFkZ Hksn] okD;ka'k ds fy, lkFkZd 'kCn]
leJqr fHkUukFkZd 'kCn] lekukFkhZ 'kCnksa dk foosd] mi;qDRk 'kCn p;u] lEcU/kokph
iv. 'kCn 'kqf)A
O;kdjf.kd dksfV;k¡ % ijlxZ] fyax] opu] iq:"k] dky] o`fÙk(Mood)] i{k(Aspect)]
vi. okD; jpukA
vii. okD; 'kqf)A
viii. fojke fpUgksa dk iz;ksxA
ix. eqgkojs@yksdksfDr;k¡A
ikfjHkkf"kd 'kCnkoyh % iz'kklfud] fof/kd ¼fo'ks"kr%½A
English Proficiency :
Articles and Determiners
iii. Phrasal Verbs and Idioms
iv. Active & Passive Voice
Co-ordination & Subordination
vi. Direct and Indirect Speech
vii. Modals expressing various concepts(Obligation, Request, Permission, Prohibition, Intention, Condition, Probability,
Possibility, Purpose, Reason, Companions, Contrast)
viii. Antonyms and Synonyms.
Written Main Examination:- The Main Examination shall consist of following subjects:
Paper-I Hindi Essay
Paper-II English Essay
3 Hours
3 Hours
2 Hours
2 Hours
Syllabus for Main Examination
Law Paper (I)The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, Code of Civil Procedure,1908, The Constitution of India,
Evidence Act, 1872, Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956, Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, Hindu
Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956, Hindu Succession Act, 1956, Indian Partnership Act, 1932, Indian
Contract Act, 1872, Indian Easements Act, 1882, The Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987, The Limitation
Act, 1963, The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (Chapter X, XI & XII and The Second Schedule), Negotiable
Instrument Act, 1881 (Chapter II, III, IV, VI, IX, XII and XIII), The Protection of Women from Domestic
Violence Act, 2005, The Sale of Goods Act, 1930, The Specific Relief Act, 1963, The Transfer of Property
Act, 1882, Interpretation of Statues, Law of Torts, Legal Maxims, Muslim Law, The Rajasthan Agricultural
Credit Operations (Removal of Difficulties) Act, 1974, The Rajasthan Court Fees & Suits Valuation Act,
1961, The Rajasthan Land Revenue Act, 1956, The Rajasthan Municipalities Act, 2009 (Chapter I, IV, VII,
X, XI, XII and XIII), The Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1994, The Rajasthan Rent Control Act, 2001, The
Rajasthan Stamp Act, 1998, The Rajasthan Tenancy Act, 1955, The Registration Act, 1908, General Rules
(Civil), 1986 and Judgment Writing.
Paper is designed to test the practical knowledge of the candidates in civil law and procedure e.g.
drafting, pleadings, framing issues and writing out judgments etc. in civil cases.
Law Paper (II)The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, The Electricity Act, 2003 (Chapter XIV), The Indian Evidence Act,
1872, The Indian Penal Code, 1860, The Information Technology Act, 2000, The Juvenile Justice (Care and
Protection of Children) Act, 2000, The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985, The
Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881 (Chapter XVII), The Probation of Offenders Act, 1958, The Protection of
Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012, Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005, The
Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989, General Rules (Criminal),
1980 and Judgment Writing.
Paper is designed to test the practical knowledge of the candidates in criminal law and procedure
e.g. framing charges and writing out the judgments etc. in criminal cases.
Language Paper-I Hindi Essay - Essay writing in Hindi language.
Language Paper-II English Essay - Essay writing in English language.
Interview:In interviewing a candidate, the suitability for employment to the service shall be tested with reference to his
record at the School, College and University, and his character, personality, address and physique. The
questions, which may be put to him, may be of a general nature and will not necessarily be academic or
legal. The candidate will also be put questions to test his general knowledge including knowledge of current
affairs and present-day problems. Marks shall also be awarded for the candidate’s proficiency in the
Rajasthani dialects and his knowledge of social customs of Rajasthan. The marks so awarded shall be added
to the marks obtained in the written test by each candidate.
List of candidates:After interview, a list of the candidates shall be prepared in the order of their performance on the
basis of their aggregate marks. If two or more of such candidates obtain equal marks in the aggregate, they
shall be arranged in the order of merit on the basis of their general suitability for service and their names
shall be recommended for appointment accordingly:
Provided that a candidate of Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes category shall not be
recommended for appointment unless he obtains minimum 35% marks in the aggregate of written
examination and the interview, and, in the case of other candidates, unless he obtains minimum 40% marks
in the aggregate of written examination and the interview;
Provided further that no candidate shall be recommended who fails to obtain minimum 25%
marks in the interview.
Note : The general suitability for service of the candidates securing equal aggregate marks in Main
Examination and Interview shall firstly be determined on the basis of higher marks obtained in the
Interview and in case, the candidates secure equal marks even in Interview the merit shall be
determined having regard to age i.e. the candidate, older in age shall be given higher place in merit.
fo'ks"k uksV %& ijh{kk dh Ldhe o ikB~;Øe jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky; dh osclkbZV http://www.hcraj.nic.in ij
Hkh miyC/k gSA
8- egRoiw.kZ frfFk;ka %&
(i) fu/kkZfjr ijh{kk 'kqYd tek djkus dh vafre fnukad %& 04-04-2016
(ii) vkWuykbZu vkosnu Hkjus dh le; lhek fnukad 16-03-2016 ls fnukad 05-04-2016 jkf= 11%59 cts rdA
9- vkosnu izfØ;k %&
vkosnu dsoy Online Application ds :Ik esa gh fy;s tk,axAs gkFk ls Hkj dj ;k vU; fdlh Hkh :Ik esa izfs "kr vkosnu&i=
fdlh Hkh fLFkfr esa jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky; }kjk Lohdkj ugha fd, tk,axAs
Online Application Hkjus ls iwoZ vkosnd ds fy, fu/kkZfjr ijh{kk 'kqYd vnk dj ,d ;wfud Vksdu uEcj
¼Unique Token Number½ izkIr ¼Generate½ djuk vfuok;Z gksxk; tks fuEu izdkj ls ijh{kk 'kqYd vnk dj
izkIr fd;k tk ldrk gS %&
jkT; ljdkj ds v/khu lapkfyr bZ&fe= fd;ksLd ;k ukxfjd lsok dsUnz ¼C.S.C.½ ds ek/;e ls%&
%& fdlh
vkosnd }kjk bZ&fe= fd;ksLd ;k ukxfjd lsok dsUnz ¼C.S.C.½ ds ek/;e ls fu/kkZfjr ijh{kk 'kqYd vnk
dj ,d ;wfud Vksdu uEcj ¼UTN½ izkIr fd;k tk ldsxkA bl gsrq mls `10@& dh jkf'k lacfa /kr
bZ&fe= fd;ksLd ;k ukxfjd lsok dsUnz ¼C.S.C.½ dks lsok 'kqYd ds :i esa nsuh gksxh] ftldh
fd;ksLd@dsUnz }kjk jlhn tkjh dh tkosxhA vkosnd }kjk Qhl tek djokrs le; fuEu lwpuk,sa
bZ&fe= fd;ksLd ;k ukxfjd lsok dsUnz ¼C.S.C.½ lapkyd dks vko';d :i ls lgh&lgh miyC/k
djkuh gksxh D;ksfa d bu lwpukvksa esa Online Application Hkjrs le; dksbZ ifjorZu ugha fd;k tk
ldsxk %&
Name of Examination
Post applied for
Name of Applicant
Father's Name
Date of Birth
Domicile/Bonafide resident
Category [SC/ST/OBC(Creamylayer/Non Creamylayer)/General]
Category (Persons with Disabilities)
vkosnd ls vis{kk dh tkrh gS fd og bl lqfo/kk dk mi;ksx djrs gq, fu/kkZfjr ijh{kk 'kqYd dh
jkf'k vnk djus ls iwoZ bZ&fe= ds iksVYZ k http://emitra.gov.in ij bl lac/a k esa miyC/k
Z v/;;u dj ysoAs
fn'kk&funs'Z kksa ¼Guidelines½ dk lko/kkuhiwod
bZ&fe= fd;ksLd@ukxfjd lsok dsUnz ¼C.S.C.½ }kjk fu/kkZfjr ijh{kk 'kqYd dh jkf'k vkosnu i=
Hkjus dh vfUre fnukad ls ,d fnu iwoZ rd gh tek dh tk,xh] mlds Ik'pkr~ fdlh Hkh fLFkfr esa
tek ugha dh tk,xh rFkk bZ&fe= fd;ksLd@ukxfjd lsok dsUnz ¼C.S.C.½ ij ;g jkf'k dsoy udn
gh Lohdkj dh tkosxhA
bZ&fe= fd;ksLd@ukxfjd lsok dsUnz ¼C.S.C.½ ds ek/;e ls fu/kkZfjr ijh{kk 'kqYd vnk dj izkIr
fd;k x;k ;wfud Vksdu uEcj ¼Unique Token Number½] vkosnd }kjk rRi'pkr~ vkosnu i= ugha
Hkjus dh fLFkfr es]a ijh{kk 'kqYd dh jkf'k okil izkIr ¼Refund½ djus gsrq fu/kkZfjr izfØ;k ds rgr
dsoy 2 fnol ds Hkhrj gh fujLr djk;k tk ldsxk ysfdu vnk fd;s tk pqds lsok 'kqYd dh
jkf'k fdlh Hkh fLFkfr esa okil izkIr ¼Refund½ ugha dh tk ldsxhA
jkT; ljdkj ds v/khu lapkfyr bZ&fe= fd;ksLd o ukxfjd lsok dsUnzksa ¼C.S.C.½ dh lwph] nwjHkk"k
uEcj o vU; vko';d lwpuk,sa bZ&fe= ds iksVy
Z http://emitra.gov.in ij miyC/k gSA
vkosnd ls vis{kk dh tkrh gS fd og ijh{kk 'kqYd tek djokus dh jlhn] ftl ij ;wfud Vksdu
uEcj ¼Unique Token Number½ vafdr gS] dks lqjf{kr j[ksa D;ksfa d ;g Online Application Hkjus ds
fy, vko';d gSA
Lo;a ds Lrj ij@leqfpr lalk/ku;qDr lkbcj dSQs ds ek/;e ls%&
%& ;fn leqfpr lalk/ku ;Fkk; bUVjusV
lqfo/kk ;qDr MsLdVkWi dEI;wVj@ySiVkWi miyC/k gks; blds fy, vkosnd jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky; dh
osclkbZV http://www.hcraj.nic.in ij miyC/k bZ&fe= iksVy
Z ds fyad http://emitra.gov.in dk mi;ksx
djrs gq, usV&cSfa dax ;k MsfcV@ØsfMV dkMZ ds ek/;e ls Axis Bank/ICICI Bank/M/s IndiaIdeas.com
(Billdesk)/M/s PayUIndia/HDFC Bank/Bank of Baroda Payment Gateway ;k rRle; miyC/k vU;
fdlh Payment Gateway ds tfj;s fu/kkZfjr ijh{kk 'kqYd vnk dj ,d ;wfud Vksdu uEcj izkIr dj
ldsxkA blds fy, bZ&fe= dks lsok 'kqYd ds :i esa ns; `10@& dh jkf'k ,oa lacfa /kr Payment
Gateway dks ns; fu/kkZfjr lsok 'kqYd ¼Applicable Charges½ dh jkf'k Lo;a vkosnd }kjk ogu dh
fo'ks"k uksV%& vkosnd ls vis{kk dh tkrh gS fd Qhl tek djkrs le; lwpuk,sa ;Fkk Name of Applicant,
Father's Name, Date of Birth etc., nLrkostksa ds vk/kkj ij lgh&lgh Hkjsa D;ksfa d Online Application Hkjrs
le; bu lwpukvksa esa dksbZ ifjorZu ugha fd;k tk ldsxkA
vkosnd ls vis{kk dh tkrh gS fd og bl lqfo/kk dk mi;ksx djrs gq, fu/kkZfjr ijh{kk 'kqYd dh
jkf'k vnk djus ls iwoZ bZ&fe= ds iksVYZ k http://emitra.gov.in ij bl lac/a k esa miyC/k
fn'kk&funs'Z kksa (Guidelines½ dk lko/kkuhiwod
Z v/;;u dj ysoAs
usV&cSfa dax (Net-Banking) ;k MsfcV@ØsfMV dkMZ ds ek/;e ls fu/kkZfjr ijh{kk 'kqYd dh jkf'k]
vkWuykbZu vkosnu&i= (Online Application) Hkjus dh vafre fnukad ls ,d fnu iwoZ rd vFkkZr~
Online Application ds iksVYZ k ds fuf"Ø; gksus ls 24 ?kUVs iwoZ rd gh tek dh tk ldsxhA mlds
Ik'pkr~ fdlh Hkh fLFkfr esa tek ugha dh tk ldsxhA
usV&cSfa dax (Net-Banking) ;k MsfcV@ØsfMV dkMZ ds ek/;e ls fu/kkZfjr ijh{kk 'kqYd dh jkf'k
tek djokus gsrq miyC/k Payment Gateway dh lwph ,oa muds }kjk olwyh ;ksX; 'kqYd
Processing Charges dk fooj.k bZ&fe= ds iksVYZ k http://emitra.gov.in ij miyC/k gSA
lkbcj dSQs ds ek/;e ls fu/kkZfjr ijh{kk 'kqYd vnk dj ;wfud Vksdu uEcj (UTN) izkIr djus dh
fLFkfr esa lkbcj dSQs }kjk olwy dh tkus okyh lsok 'kqYd dh jkf'k Lo;a vkosnd }kjk ogu dh
fo'ks"k uksV%&
1. bl lqfo/kk dk mi;ksx djrs gq, ,d ckj Vksdu uEcj izkIr dj ysus ij] pkgs vkosnd
rRi'pkr~ vkosnu djs vFkok ugha] mls fdlh Hkh fLFkfr esa fujLr ugha fd;k tk ldsxk rFkk
vnk fd;ss tk pqds ijh{kk 'kqYd dh jkf'k dks okil izkIr djus ¼Refund½ ds lac/a k esa vkosnd
dks dksbZ fof/kd vf/kdkj izkIr ugha gksxk] vfirq jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky;]
U;k;ky;] tks/kiqj }kjk bl
lac/a k esa fy;k x;k fu.kZ; vfUre ,oa ck/;dkjh gksxk ysfdu ogu fd;s tk pqds lsok 'kqYd
dh jkf'k fdlh Hkh fLFkfr esa okilh ¼Refund) ugha gksxhA
2. Qhl tek djkus ds mijkUr online application Hkjus ds fy;s vkosnd jktLFkku mPp
U;k;ky; fd vf/kdkfjd
vf/kdkfjd osc lkbZV (www.hcraj.nic.in) ij ykWx&bu djsAa
¼c½ fdlh Hkh vkosnd }kjk
Online Application fuEu
izdkj Hkjk tk ldrk gS%&
I. Lo;a ds Lrj ij
%& ;fn leqfpr lalk/ku ;Fkk; MsLdVkWi dEI;wVj@ySiVkWi o bUVjusV lqfo/kk miyC/k
II. jkT; ljdkj ds v/khu lapkfyr bZ&fe= fd;ksLd ;k ukxfjd lsok dsUnz ¼C.S.C.½ ds ek/;e ls%&
%& fdlh
vkosnd }kjk bZ&fe= fd;ksLd ;k ukxfjd lsok dsUnz ¼C.S.C.½ ds ek/;e ls vkosnu Hkjus dh fLFkfr esa
mls `25@& dh jkf'k lacfa /kr bZ&fe= fd;ksLd ;k ukxfjd lsok dsUnz ¼C.S.C.½ dks lsok 'kqYd ds :i
esa nsuh gksxh] ftldh fd;ksLd@dsUnz }kjk jlhn tkjh dh tkosxhA vkosnd }kjk viuk QksVks bZ&fe=
fd;ksLd@ukxfjd lsok dsUnz ¼C.S.C.½ ds ek/;e ls f[kapokus dh n'kk esa `5@& i`Fkd ls ns; gksx
a As
fo'ks"k uksV%&
Online Application Hkjus ds fy, vkosnd dks] fu/kkZfjr ijh{kk 'kqYd vnk djus ij izkIr ¼Generate½
gksus okyk ;wfud Vksdu uEcj (Unique Token Number) mi;ksx esa ysuk gksxk] blds fy, og bZ&fe=
fd;ksLd@ukxfjd lsok dsUnz ¼C.S.C.½ ds ek/;e ls ijh{kk 'kqYd vnk djus dh fLFkfr esa izkIr ;wfud
Vksdu uEcj ;qDRk jlhn dks lqjf{kr j[ksxk rFkk usV cSfa dax ;k MsfcV@ØsfMV dkMZ ds ek/;e ls ijh{kk
'kqYd vnk djus dh fLFkfr esa izkIr ¼Generate½ gksus okyh ;wfud Vksdu uEcj (UTN) ;qDRk jlhn dks
Download dj vFkok Print out ysdj lqjf{kr j[ksxkA
uksV %&
Hkjus esa lqfo/kk ds fy, vkosnd loZiFz ke vkosnu&i= dk izk:i ¼Format½
jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky; dh osclkbZV http://www.hcraj.nic.in ls MkmuyksM dj mls gkFk ls Hkj
ys rFkk vk'oLr gks tkos fd lHkh izfof"V;ka lgh&lgh Hkjh x;h gSAa
bZ&fe= fd;ksLd@ukxfjd lsok dsUnz ¼C.S.C.½ ds ek/;e ls Online Application Hkjus dh fLFkfr esa
vkosnd dks ogka ij Hkh vkosnu&i= dk izk:Ik ¼Format½ fu%'kqYd miyC/k gksxk] blfy, vkosnd
mDRk izk:i dks gkFk ls Hkj ys rFkk vk'oLr gks tkos fd lHkh izfof"V;ka lgh&lgh Hkjh x;h gSa
rRi'pkr~ mls bZ&fe= fd;ksLd@ukxfjd lsok dsUnz ¼C.S.C.½ ds lapkyd dks Online Application
rn~uqlkj Hkjus gsrq izLrqr djsa rkfd lHkh izfof"V;ka lgh&lgh Hkjh tk ldsA
vkosnd }kjk Online Application Hkjus ij mls ,d vkosnu&i= Øekad (Application-ID) izkIr
(Generate) gksxk tks bl ckr dk fu'p;kRed lcwr gksxk fd vkidk vkWuykbZu vkosnu&i= jftLVªkj
(ijh{kk) ds dk;kZy; esa ntZ gks pqdk gSA vkosnu&
u&i= dzekad ¼Application-ID½ dh vizkfIr bl rF;
dk |ksrd gS fd vH;FkhZ dk vkosnu&
u&i= jftLVªkj (ijh{kk
ijh{kk ds dk;kZy; esa ntZ ugha gqvk gSA
vkosnu&i= dzekad ¼Application-ID½ dh] jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky; dh osclkbZV
http://www.hcraj.nic.in ls vkWuykbZu vkosnu&i= ¼Online Application) dk fizUV&vkmV ¼Printout½ ysus gsrq ,oa jftLVªkj (ijh{kk) dks fd;s tkus okys leLr i=kpkj gsrq vko';drk gksxh blfy,
vkosndksa dks lykg nh tkrh gS fd os ;g lqfuf'pr djys fd mUgsa vkosnu&i= dzekad izkIr gks x;k
gS] fdlh dkj.ko'k vkWuykbZu vkosnu&i= vfUre :Ik ls Hkjus ¼save½ djus ds mijkUr Hkh ;fn
vkosnu&i= dzekad ¼Application-ID½ izkIr ugha gksrk gS rks vkosnd rqjUr gsYi ykbZu ij vFkok
tfj;s bZ&esy] jftLVªkj (ijh{kk) ds dk;kZy; esa laidZ djsAa
Online Application
egRoiw.kZ lwpuk%&
bZ&fe= fd;ksLd@ukxfjd lsok dsUnz ¼C.S.C.½ ;k bZ&fe= iksVy
Z ds lac/a k esa fdlh Hkh izdkj dh
dfBukbZ@tkudkjh@lgk;rk ds fy, bZ&fe= ds iksVy
Z www.emitra.gov.in ij miyC/k Link 'Help Center'
ij tkdj bZ&fe= ds lacfa /kr vf/kdkjh@deZpkjh ls lEidZ djus ds lac/a k esa lwpuk izkIr dh tk ldrh gS
vFkok fuEu ij Hkh lEidZ fd;k tk ldrk gS%&
CCC (Citizen Contact Center)
Number (Toll Free) 1800 180 6127
e-mail ID- ccc.emitra@gmail.com
Contact at e-Mitra Technical Support
CSE - Customer Support Engineer –
Mobile Number – 9571999942/9571999943
e-mail ID- emitra.support@gmail.com
10- vkWuykbZu vkosnu djus dh le; lhek%&
vkWuykbZu vkosnu ¼Online Application) Hkjus dh le; lhek fnukad 1616-0303-2016 dks izkr% 1111-00 cts ls izkjEHk gksdj
vfUre fnukad 0505-0404-2016 dks jkf= 11%59 cts rd jgsxhA blds mijkar vkWuykbZu vkosnu ds iksVy
Z dk fyad fuf"Ø; gks
tk,xkA vkosndksa dks lykg nh tkrh gS fd vkWuykbZu vkosnu dh vfUre fnukad o le; dk bUrtkj fd, fcuk fu/kkZfjr
le; lhek ds vUnj ;Fkk'kh?kz fu/kkZfjr ijh{kk 'kqYd vnk dj vkWuykbZu vkosnu djsA bZ&fe= fd;ksLd@ukxfjd lsok
dsUnz ¼C.S.C.½ }kjk fu/kkZfjr ijh{kk 'kqYd dh jkf'k vkosnu&
u&i= Hkjus dh vfUre fnukad ls ,d fnu iwoZ rd rFkk
usV&csfa dx (Net-Banking) ;k MsfcV@ØsfMV dkMZ ds ek/;e ls fu/kkZfjr ijh{kk 'kqYd dh jkf'k] vkWuykbZu vkosnu&i=
Hkjus dh vafre fnukad ls ,d fnu iwoZ rd vFkkZr~ Online Application ds iksVYZ k ds fuf"Ø; gksus
ls 24 ?kUVs iwoZ rd gh tek dh tk ldsxhA mlds Ik'pkr~ fdlh Hkh fLFkfr esa tek ugha dh tk ldsxhA
(Online Application)
11- vkosnu dSls djs%&
dksbZ Hkh vkosnd ftl Js.kh ¼Category½ ds rgr vkosnu djus dk ik= gS] og ml Js.kh ¼Category½ esa gh vkosnu djsA
%& 1- jktLFkku ds vU; fiNM+k oxZ dh Øhehys;j Js.kh ds vkosnd rFkk jktLFkku jkT; ls fHkUu jkT;ksa dh vuqlfw pr
tkfr@vuqlfw pr tutkfr@vU; fiNM+k oxZ ¼Øhehys;j ,oa ukWu Øhehys;j½ ds vkosnd lkekU; oxZ ds vUrxZr
vkrs gSAa
2- jktLFkku jkT; ds Hkjriqj vkSj /kkSyiqj ftyka
ftykas ds tkV leqnk; ds vH;FkhZ lkekU; Js.kh ds vUrxZr vkrs gSAa
Ñi;k /;ku ns%&
1- vkWuykbZu vkosnu&i= izkfIr dh vfUre fnukad rd Hkjs tkus okys vkosnu gh Lohdkj fd;s tk,axAs vkosnd
vkWuykbZu vkosnu djus ds iwoZ ;g lqfuf'pr dj ys fd og foKkiu esa vafdr 'krksZa o lqlx
a r fu;eksa ds rgr
ik=rk dh leLr 'krZsa iwjh djrk gS rFkk vkWuykbZu vkosnu&i= esa vko';d leLr lwpuk,a lacfa /kr dkWye esa
lgh&lgh ,oa iw.kZ :Ik ls Hkjh xbZ gSAa leLr izfof"V;ka iw.kZ ,oa lgh ugha gksus dh fLFkfr esa jktLFkku mPp
U;k;ky; }kjk vkosnu&i= vLohÑr dj fn;k tk,xk vFkok vkWuykbZu vkosnu&i= esa Hkjh xbZ lwpuk dks gh
lgh ekurs gq, ijh{kk esa vufUre ¼Provisional½ :Ik ls izo's k fn;k tk;sxkA blfy, vkWuykbZu vkosnu&i= esa
Hkjh x;h lwpukvksa ds fy, vkosnd Lo;a mÙkjnk;h gksxkA
2- vkWuykbZu vkosnu&i= esa Hkjh x;h izfof"V;ksa dks vfUre :Ik ls izfs "kr "(Save)" dj nsus ds Ik'pkr~ fdlh Hkh
izdkj dk ifjorZu ugha fd;k tk ldsxk vkSj uk gh bl lEcU/k esa dksbZ izkFkZuk&i= fopkjkFkZ Lohdkj fd;k
12- izkjafHkd ijh{kk dk LFkku] ekg ,oa fnukad%&
jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky; }kjk izkjfEHkd ijh{kk t;iqj ,oa tks/kiqj laHkkxh; eq[;ky;ksa ij fy;s tkus dh laHkkouk gSA ijh{kk
vk;ksftr fd;s tkus ds LFkku esa ifjorZu djus dk vf/kdkj jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky; ds ikl lqjf{kr gS] ysfdu fdlh Hkh
vkosnd }kjk ijh{kk dsUnz ds :Ik esa ,d ckj p;fur dj fy, x, LFkku esa dksbZ ifjorZu ugha fd;k tk ldsxkA vr%
vkosnd vkWuykbZu vkosnu esa ijh{kk dsUnz dk p;u djus ls iqoZ Hkyh izdkj fopkj dj ysoAs ijh{kk ds ekg o fnukad ds
lac/a k esa lwpuk i`Fkd ls izlkfjr dh tk,xhA
tk,xhA ijh{kk vk;ksftr fd, tkus okys ekg ,oa fnukad esa ifjorZu djus dk
vf/kdkj jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky; ds ikl lqjf{kr gSA
13- eq[; ijh{kk dk LFkku] ekg ,oa fnukad%&
eq[; ijh{kk t;iqj ,oa tks/kiqj laHkkxh; eq[;ky;ksa ij vk;ksftr fd;s tkus dh lEHkouk gSAa ijh{kk ds ekg o fnukad ds
lac/a k esa lwpuk i`Fkd ls izlkfjr dh tk,xhA
tk,xhA ijh{kk vk;ksftr fd, tkus okys LFkku] ekg ,oa fnukad esa ifjorZu djus dk
vf/kdkj jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky; ds ikl lqjf{kr gSA
14- vukifÙk izek.k&i=%&
jktLFkku jkT;] iapk;r lfefr;ks]a ftyk ifj"knksa ;k lkoZtfud {ks= ds miØeks@
a fuxeksa ds dk;Zdykiksa ds lEcU/k esa
vf/k"Bk;h gSfl;r ls lsokjr O;fDRk;ksa dks vkosnu djus ls iwoZ gh vius fu;ksDrk dks fyf[kr esa lwfpr dj bl ijh{kk ds
fy, vkosnu djus dh vuqefr izkIr dj ysuh pkfg,A ;fn fu;ksDrk }kjk jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky; dks vkosnd }kjk
vuqefr ugha fy, tkus vFkok vkosnd dks ijh{kk esa cSBus dh vuqefr ugha fn;s tkus ds ckjs esa lwfpr fd;k tkrk gS rks
vkosnd dh vH;fFkZrk ¼Candidature½ rqjUr izHkko ls fdlh Hkh Lrj ij jÌ dh tk ldrh gSA
15- ços'k&i= ¼Admission Card½%&
jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky; }kjk izo's k&i= osclkbZV http://www.hcraj.nic.in ds ek/;e ls Online gh tkjh fd, tk,axs
rFkk Mkd ls dksbZ izo's k&i= ugha Hkstk tk,xkA
tk,xkA ijh{kk dh frfFk fu/kkZfjr gksus ds mijkUr vH;fFkZ;ksa ds izo's k&i= tkjh
fd, tkus dh lwpuk osclkbZV ds ek/;e ls 'kh?kz tkjh dh tk,xhA vkosnd ¼i½ viuh tUe fnukad ¼Date of Birth½½ ,oa
¼ii½ vkosnu&
u&i= dzekad ¼Application-ID½ ds vk/kkj ij viuk izo's k&i= osclkbZV ls izkIr (Download) dj ldsxkA
blfy, vkosndksa dks lykg nh tkrh gS fd os jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky;] tks/kiqj dh osclkbZV dk fu;fer :Ik ls
voyksdu djrs jgsAa miyC/k lalk/kuksa ,oa lqfo/kk ds vuqlkj izo's k&i= tkjh djus lEcU/kh lwpuk vkosnd dh bZ&esy
vkbZ-MhMh- ¼e-mail ID½ ,oa eksckbZy uEcj ij Hkh Hksth tk ldrh gSA vH;FkhZ viuk izo's k i= bZ&fe= fd;ksLd@ukxfjd
lsok dsUnz ¼C.S.C.½ ds ek/;e ls Hkh izkIr dj ldrs gS fdUrq bl gsrq mUgsa `5@& 'kqYd ds :i esa nsus gksxAsa
16- egRoiw.kZ lwpuk,s%&
a %&
izkjfEHkd ijh{kk vk;ksftr fd;s tkus ds Bhd vxys fnu iz'u&i= dh vkn'kZ mÙkj dqt
a h ¼Model Answer Key½
jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky; dh vf/kd`r osclkbZV http://www.hcraj.nic.in ij izdkf'kr dj nh tkosxhA bl izdkj
izdkf'kr dh x;h vkn'kZ mÙkj dqt
a h ¼Model Answer Key½ ij vH;fFkZ;ksa }kjk izdk'ku dh fnukad ls 10 fnu ds
vUnj ijh{kk vuqHkkx dh bZ&esy vkbZMh rhcexam-rj@nic.in ij viuh vkifÙk;ka fHktok;h tk ldsx
a hA
rRi'pkr~ izkIr gksus okyh fdlh Hkh izdkj dh vkifÙk ij dksbZ fopkj ugha fd;k tk,xkA mDRkkuqlkj izkIr gksus okyh
vkifÙk;ksa ij l{ke lfefr }kjk fopkj dj] vko';drk gksus ij] iqujhf{kr mÙkj dqt
a h izdkfkf''kr dh tk ldrh gS rFkk
blds lkFk gh izkjafHkd ijh{kk dk ifj.kke Hkh ?kksf"kr fd;k tk ldrk gSA
dksbZ Hkh ijh{kkFkhZ ijh{kk&d{k@ijh{kk
ijh{kk d{k@ijh{kk&ds
d{k@ijh{kk dsUnz ds ifjlj esa eksckbZy Qksu] CywVFw k] dSydqyVs j ,oa vU; dksbZ lapkj ;a=
(any other electronic/communication devices) rFkk ilZ bR;kfn dksbZ Hkh
Hkh oLrq vius lkFk ysdj ugha vk,aA
ijh{kkFkhZ vius lkFk ijh{kk esa mi;ksx ds fy, vko';d oLrq,]as tSls isu] isfUly] izo's k&i= ;k jktLFkku mPp
U;k;ky; }kjk funsfZ 'kr ,oa vuqK;
s lkexzh gh d{k esa ys tk ldrk gSA
ftl ifjlj esa HkrhZ ijh{kk vk;ksftr dh tk jgh gS] ogka eksckbZy Qksu] CywVFw k] dSydqyVs j ;k vU; dksbZ lapkj ;a=
(any other electronic/communication devices) j[kus dh vuqefr ugha gSA ,slh fdlh oLrq dh lqj{kk dh ftEesnkjh
ijh{kk dsUnzk/kh{kd@lapkyd o jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky;] fdlh dh Hkh ugha gksxhA
ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky;@dsUnzk/kh{kd@vfHktkxj@jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky; }kjk fu;qDr@vf/k—
vf/kdkjh vFkok deZpkjh }kjk fn;s x;s funs'Z kksa dh vfuok;Zr% ikyuk djuh gksxhA
bu vuqn's kksa dk mYya?ku fd, tkus ij lEcfU/kr vH;FkhZ ds fo:) Hkfo"; esa gks
gkus s okyh ijh{kk esa cSBus ij jksd
lfgr leqfpr dkuwuh ,oa vuq'kklfud dk;Zokgh dh tk ldrh gSA
,sls vkosnd] ftuds }kjk vfUre fnukad rd vkWuykbZu vkosnu dj fn;k x;k gS] mudks gh jktLFkku mPp U;
k;ky; }kjk vufUre ¼Provisional½ :i ls ijh{kk esa cSBus fn;k tk;sxkA fdlh vkosnd dks ijh{kk esa cSBus ds fy,
dsoy ek= izo's k&i= tkjh dj fn;s tkus dk ;g vFkZ ugha gS fd jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky; }kjk mldh vH;fFkZrk
vfUre ¼Final½ :i ls lgh eku yh xbZ gS vFkok vkosnd }kjk vkosnu&i= esa dh x;h izfof"V;ka jktLFkku mPp
U;k;ky; }kjk lgh vkSj Bhd eku yh xbZ gSA jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky; }kjk vkosnd dh ewy izy[s kksa ls o
fu;ekuqlkj ik=rk dh tkap djrs le; ;fn vk;q] 'kS{kf.kd ;ksX;rk rFkk vuqlfw pr tkfr@vuqlfw pr tutkfr@vU;
fiNM+k oxZ@fu%'kDrtu@efgyk@fo/kok@ifjR;Drk@jkT; deZpkjh vkfn ds :Ik esa ik=rk dh vU; vko';d 'krksaZ
dks iwjk ugha djus ds vk/kkj ij mldh vik=rk dk irk py tkrk gS rks bl ijh{kk gsrq mldh vH;fFkZrk
¼Candidature½ fdlh Hkh Lrj ij jÌ dh tk ldrh gS] ftldk mÙkjnkf;Ro Lo;a vkosnd dk gksxkA
(6) jktLFkku U;kf;d lsok fu;e] 2010 ¼;Fkkla'kksf/kr½ ds vuqlkj vik= ik;s tkus dh fLFkfr esa vkosnd dh vH;fFkZrk
fdlh Hkh Lrj ij jÌ dh tk ldrh gS vr% leLr vkosndksa dks lykg nh tkrh gS fd os vkosnu djus ls iwoZ
fu;ekuqlkj viuh ik=rk dh tkap Lo;a ds Lrj ij dj ysoAs
(7) jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky; }kjk ijh{kk gsrq fdlh Hkh izdkj dh xkbM cqd vkfn dk vuqeksnu ugha fd;k x;k gSA
(8) Jqr ys[kd dh lqfo/kk%&
a As dsoy
o/kk lkekU;r;k lHkh ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks iz'u&mÙkj Lo;a vius gkFk ls fy[kus gksx
Rajasthan Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full participation), Rules, 2011
esa of.kZr ,sls fu%'kDr O;fDr tks Lo;a vius gkFk ls iz'uksa ds mÙkj fy[kus esa vleFkZ gS] mUgsa jftLVªkj ¼ijh{kk½]
jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky;] tks/kiqj ds dk;kZy; dks ijh{kk vk;ksftr fd;s tkus dh fnukad ls 15 fnu iwoZ rd izkFkZuk
i= okafNr izek.k&i= lfgr izLrqr djus ij jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky; }kjk Jqr ys[kd dh lqfo/kk ns; gksxh] ysfdu
vpkud nq?kZVuko'k ys[ku dk;Z ls vLFkkbZ :i ls vleFkZ gq, ijh{kkFkhZ dks ;g lqfo/kk ns; ugha gksxhA
(9) vuqfpr lk/kuksa dh jksdFkke%&
Fkke ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa }kjk ijh{kk esa vuqfpr lk/kuksa dk iz;ksx djus ij muds fo#) jktLFkku
mPp U;k;ky;] tks Hkh mfpr le>sa dk;Zokgh dj ldrk gS ftlesa ijh{kkFkhZ ds f[kykQ jktLFkku lkoZtfud ijh{kk
¼vuqfpr lk/kuksa dh jksdFkke½ vf/kfu;e] 1992 ds lqlx
a r fof/kd izko/kkuksa ds vUrxZr leqfpr dkuwuh dk;Zokgh Hkh
dh tk ldrh gSA
(10) dksbZ vH;FkhZ] tks izfr:i.k dk ¼Impersonation½ ;k dwV jfpr@NsMN
+ kM+ ;qDr nLrkostkr dks izLrqr djus
¼Submitting Fabricated or Tempered with Documents½ dk ;k v'kq)@vlR; dFku djus ¼Making Incorrect or
False Statements½ dk ;k rkfRod lwpukvksa dks fNikus dk ¼Suppressing Material Information½ ;k ijh{kk esa ;k
lk{kkRdkj esa vuqfpr lk/kuksa dk iz;ksx@mi;ksx djus ;k djus dk iz;kl djus dk ¼Using or Attempting to use
Unfair Means in the Examination or Interview½ ;k vU;Fkk ijh{kk esa izo's k izkIr djus ;k fdlh lk{kkRdkj gsrq
cqykok izkIr djus gsrq vU; fdlh vfu;fer ;k vuqfpr lk/kuksa dk lgkjk ysus dk ¼Otherwise resorting to any other
irregular or improper means for obtaining admission to the examination or appearance at any interview½ nks"kh ik;k
tkrk gS ;k jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky; }kjk nks"kh ?kksf"kr fd;k tkrk gS] og vkosnd@ijh{kkFkhZ Lo;a dks vkijkf/kd
vfHk;kstu ds fy, mÙkjnk;h cukus ds lkFk&lkFk jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky; }kjk fdlh Hkh ijh{kk esa izo's k ysus ls ;k
fdlh Hkh lk{kkRdkj esa mifLFkr gksus ls LFkk;h :Ik ls ;k fofufnZ"V vof/k ds fy, oafpr ¼Debarred½ dj fn;k
tk,xk ;k jktLFkku ljdkj }kjk jktLFkku ljdkj ds v/khu fu;kstu izkIr djus ls oafpr ¼Debarred½ dj fn;k
(11) fdlh Hkh vH;FkhZ dks ijh{kk esa lfEefyr gksus ds fy, fdlh Hkh izdkj dk ;k=k HkÙkk@egaxkbZ HkÙkk ns; ugha gksxkA
(12) leLr vH;fFkZ;ksa dks lHkh lacfa /kr ewy nLrkost@izek.k&i=] ftuds vk/kkj ij os fdlh Hkh izdkj dk nkok ¼Claim½
djrs gS]a jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky; }kjk ekaxs tkus ij ¼On being required½ izLrqr djus vfuok;Z gksx
a As
jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky; dh osclkbZV ,oa gSYi ykbZu%&
vkosnd] jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky; dh osclkbZV http://www.hcraj.nic.in ij miyC/k lwpukvksa ls Hkh vko';d tkudkjh izkIr dj
ldrs gSAa blds vfrfjDr fdlh Hkh izdkj dh lgk;rk@ ekxZn'kZu@lwpuk@Li"Vhdj.k gsrq jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky;] tks/kiqj }kjk
bl ijh{kk ds fy, lapkfyr dh tkus okyh gSYi ykbZu ¼Help Line½ ds nwjHkk"k la0 0291&2541042 ,oa 2541388 ij dk;kZy; le;
ds nkSjku ¼During Office Hours½ rFkk jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky;] tks/kiqj ds ifjlj esa LFkkfir fd;s tkus okys dUVªky
s :e ij
O;fDrxr :i ls Hkh lEidZ fd;k tk ldrk gSA
vko';drk gksus ij leLr i= O;ogkj jftLVªkj ¼ijh{kk½] jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky;] tks/kiqj dks lEcksf/kr fd;k tkosA
jftLVªkj ¼ijh{kk½
foKkiu (Advertisement) la-% jkjk-m-U;kU;k-tks-@ijh{kk izdks"B@jkB@jk-U;kU;k-ls-@flfoy U;kU;k-laoxZ@2016
fnukad % 1212-0303-2016
fuEu dks lwpukFkZ ,oa vko';d dk;Zokgh gsrq izfs "kr gS%&
jftLVªkj tujy] jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky;] tks/kiqj dks lwpukFkZ izfs "kr gSA
ize[q k 'kklu lfpo] fof/k ,oa fof/kd dk;Z foHkkx] jktLFkku ljdkj] 'kklu lfpoky;] t;iqj dks lwpukFkZ izfs "kr gSA
jftLVªkj ¼oxhZdj.k½] jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky;] tks/kiqj@t;iqj dks foKkiu (Advertisement) ds vuqlkj vkWuykbZu
vkosnu ds iksVy
Z dk Hkyh izdkj dk;Z djuk lqfuf'pr djkus gsrAq
ize[q k 'kklu lfpo] dkfeZd foHkkx] jktLFkku ljdkj] 'kklu lfpoky;] t;iqjA
lfpo] jktLFkku fo/kkulHkk] t;iqjA
lfpo] jktLFkku yksd lsok vk;ksx] vtesjA
leLr ftyk ,oa ls'ku U;k;k/kh'k] jktLFkkuA
v/kh{kd] jkT; dsUnzh; eqn.z kky;] t;iqj dks foKkiu ¼dsoy ,d ckj½ jktLFkku jkti= esa izdk'kukFkZA
eq[; lEiknd] lfpoky; lan's k] dejk uEcj&85&ch] lfpoky;] t;iqj dks foKkiu fu%'kqYd izdkf'kr djus gsrAq
jkt dkWe bUQks lfoZl fyfeVsM ¼vkj-vkbZ-,l-,y-½] izFke ry lh CykWd] ;kstuk Hkou] fryd ekxZ lh&Ldhe]
t;iqj&302005 dks lwpukFkZ izfs "kr gSA
11- Technical Director/D.I.O., N.I.C., Computer Cell, Rajasthan High Court, Jaipur/Jodhpur to upload the advertisement on
the website of Rajasthan High Court and also to ensure the efficient and unhampered functioning of the "online
application portal and other programmes/services connected thereto" during its validity period.
Notice Board, Rajasthan High Court, Jaipur/Jodhpur.
jftLVªkj ¼ijh{kk½