SS WILSON ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers REPORT NO. WA10-028-1 DETAILED ACOUSTIC ASSESSMENT PROPOSED LONGBRIDGE PARKING LOT SOUTHWEST CORNER OF YONGE STREET AND HWY 407 CITY OF VAUGHAN SUBMITTED TO: McCORMICK RANKIN CORPORATION 2655 NORTH SHERIDAN WAY, SUITE 300 MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO L5K 2P8 PREPARED BY: AMIRA RAHAL, BAS ASSOCIATES HALAL HOQUE PROJECT ANALYST APPROVED BY: HAZEM GIDAMY, P.ENG. PRINCIPAL JANUARY 10, 2012 SSWA INC. 15 Wertheim Court, Suite 211, Richmond Hill, Ontario, L4B 3H7 Tel: (905) 707-5800 Fax: (905) 707-5801 e-mail: & DETAILED ACOUSTIC ASSESSMENT PROPOSED LONGBRIDGE PARKING LOT SOUTHWEST CORNER OF YONGE STREET AND HWY 407 CITY OF VAUGHAN PAGE INDEX 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 SUMMARY, FINDINGS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3 3.0 SOUND LEVEL CRITERIA 7 4.0 ANALYSIS AND RESULTS 8 TABLES FIGURES APPENDIX A: SAMPLE SOUND LEVEL PREDICTIONS APPENDIX B: RESPONSES TO DRAFT COMMENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Toronto Transit Commission in partnership with York Region is planning to construct the new Langstaff/Longbridge Commuter Parking Lot. The lot is to be located south of Highway 407 and west of Yonge Street and will serve commuters of the proposed Yonge Line subway extension. Figure 1 shows the Key Plan and Figure 2 shows the Aerial Photograph of the subject site SS Wilson Associates was retained by TTC to conduct a Detailed Noise Study to assess the potential noise impact as a result of the proposed parking lot and to prepare a report to that effect. The primary objective of the study is to maintain, if not improve the existing sound levels in the subject area of concern by investigating the public concerns about noise and to recommend the necessary mitigation measures to ensure that such an objective is reached. During the Environmental Assessment process, SS Wilson Associates (SSWA) produced a number of technical reports in 2008 to address the noise concerns of the Longbridge Community based on the relevant information which was available at the time of the assessment. One of the issues of concern to the Longbridge Community is the noise increase which could be created with the introduction of the proposed parking lot on the intervening land between the residences’ backyard property line and the south end of Highway 407. Currently, the dominating source of noise affecting area homes along Longbridge Road is Highway 407, and to a lesser extent traffic noise from both Highway 7 and Yonge Street affecting only a small number of homes that are in closer proximity to Yonge Street. As part of the overall noise assessment, actual ambient sound level measurements were carried out at several selected key locations within the Longbridge Community as well as sound level predictions with the use of the approved Ministry of the Environment (MOE) traffic noise prediction model to assess the current/ambient noise conditions affecting the existing homes that are adjacent to the proposed Longbridge Parking Lot. The predictions were based on the then, current traffic data, existing topography, the available site grades and cross-sections for the area. In 2008, three houses along Longbridge Road were selected as points of reception to represent the Longbridge Community. In terms of their exposure and proximity, these houses are considered the worst case (most conservative) noise receptors. Actual long-term sound level measurements were taken at these locations and the results showed the actually measured sound levels to be reasonably consistent with the predicted sound levels. 1 With the use of noise prediction models, various scenarios were individually assessed in 2008 in order to compare and evaluate the current conditions in comparison to the future conditions with the different designs of the proposed parking lot. Currently, the vacant intervening area between Highway 407 and the community is comprised of absorptive ground materials; primarily grass and vegetation, which provides significant acoustic attenuation for the subject area. Based on our 2008 findings, the ground attenuation factor as a result of the current ground conditions provides approximately an 8dB reduction which is considered acoustically significant. With the introduction of the proposed parking lot, the results showed that the most significant factor which will affect the community is the future loss of ground attenuation due to the change in the type of intervening ground in the subject area, and to a lesser extent, noise related to future vehicular traffic movements within the proposed parking lot. This Detailed Noise Study report provides more refined analyses of the potential noise impact based on the selected parking lot design concept in addition to providing more detailed information on the proposed noise mitigation measures recommended to achieve the stated objectives of protecting the community from noise. The recommended measures are also beneficial in providing other benefits such as enhancing security, privacy and aesthetics of the homes. 2 2.0 SUMMARY, FINDING AND RECOMMENDATIONS SUMMARY AND FINDINGS 2.1 This study addressed with more precision in comparison with our previous study dated Dec. 4, 2008 the existing and future sound levels due to Highway 407 based on the proposed parking lot’s detailed spot elevations, design of the parking lot and the provided detailed elevations at the receptors and the identified noise sources. Figure 3 shows the site plan layout of the proposed lot. From the measured sound levels, the following is an extracted summary (energy average of three days) of the Leq sound level descriptor specified by the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) for impact assessment purposes during the daytime (i.e. from 7am to 11pm) over a three-day period (October 29, 2008 to November 3, 2008) measured at the noted locations: Receptor Location (L1) Leqday = 59dBA Receptor Location (L2) Leqday = 59dBA Receptor Location (L3) Leqday = 60dBA Figure 4 shows the actual measurement locations. The following is a summary of the predicted Leq16 sound levels at the selected receptors based on the best available traffic data on Highway 407 in 2008: Receptor Location (L1) Leqday= 60dBA Receptor Location (L2) Leqday= 59dBA Receptor Location (L3) Leqday= 59dBA Figure 5 shows the selected points of reception. It is concluded that the actually measured ambient sound levels in 2008 are certainly consistent with the predicted sound levels. It should also be noted that these levels are expected to be lower than the future sound levels when the proposed parking lot becomes operational as a result of the natural growth in vehicular traffic on Highway 407. In other words, the future ambient noise due to Highway 407 is likely to continue to increase. They are predicted to be as follows: Receptor Location (L1) Leqday=61dBA Receptor Location (L2) Leqday=61dBA Receptor Location (L3) Leqday=62dBA 3 2.2 The new sources of noise which were considered for assessing the impact of the proposed parking lot at the Outdoor Living Areas of the noted representative dwellings are vehicular movements and car idling within the lot. Based on detailed sound level modeling conducted for this lot design, the total combined effect predicted at the selected points of reception are as follows: Receptor Location (L1) Leqday = 59dBA Receptor Location (L2) Leqday = 53dBA Receptor Location (L3) Leqday = 52dBA Based on the above results, the houses located near the exit and entrance of the proposed parking lot will be more affected than those houses further away but those houses are more exposed to higher ambient sound levels due to their proximity to Highway 407. As indicated in this report, the Longbridge community is currently acoustically benefiting from the absorptive intervening land between Highway 407 and their north property line, but the introduction of the proposed parking lot will transform the existing absorptive ground surface to that of a reflective ground surface which will increase the sound levels by a significant margin as predicted below: Receptor Location (L1) Leqday= 70dBA Receptor Location (L2) Leqday= 71dBA Receptor Location (L3) Leqday= 71dBA The overall sound levels due to both noise sources combined; Highway 407 and the TTC car parking lot were added together to establish the overall sound level impact within the Outdoor Living Areas of the selected receptors. It should be noted that since the overall predicted parking lot sound levels are significantly lower than Hwy 407 predicted sound levels, the overall levels are expected to be more or less acoustically similar to Hwy 407 sound levels. The overall resulting sound levels are as follows: 2.3 Receptor Location (L1) Leqday= 70dBA Receptor Location (L2) Leqday= 71dBA Receptor Location (L3) Leqday= 71dBA In order to determine the overall increase in sound levels above the future ambient sound levels, the future sound levels were subtracted from the combined effect of both of the above-mentioned noise sources which showed the excess or change to be in the range of 9 dB to 10 dB. This change is considered acoustically significant warranting the application of 4 noise control measures to protect the Outdoor Living Areas of all the affected dwellings facing north. 2.4 For verification purposes, members of Wilson Associates also conducted site visits in 2011 and took sample parking lot sound level measurements at a comparable parking lot affiliated with Finch Station located on the west side of Yonge Street to measure the sound levels from actual vehicular movements within the parking lot. The parking lot was selected based on the following parameters: Same number of entrances and exits Entrance to parking lot directly off of Yonge Street Similar in proximity to the subway station Minimum ambient noise due to vehicular traffic on public roads at the measurement locations Two measurement locations were selected based on their similar proximity and exposure to the first row of the parking lot. Traffic movements were observed in both the morning peak hours from approximately 6:30am to 8:30am (7:00am to 8:00am being the busiest hour) and the evening peak hours at approximately 4:00pm to 8:00pm (6:00am to 7:00pm being the busiest hour). Figure 6 shows the location of these selected measurement points. Figure 7 shows a comparison of sound levels between Location 1 and Location 2. The results of the measured sound levels from the existing Finch Subway parking lot and a comparison against the predicted sound levels of the proposed parking lot are discussed in detail in the Analysis Section. RECOMMENDATIONS In order to maintain the current ambient sound levels in the subject area, it is recommended that a variable height sound barrier be constructed along the entire length of the joint north property line of the houses which back onto the proposed parking lot. The expected attenuation due to the recommended barrier is expected to offset the increase in the existing ambient noise as a result of loss of ground attenuation and the added noise due to the parking lot itself. The technical feasibility of protecting the above-noted areas with sound barriers has been investigated in regards to meeting the acoustic and other technical warrants (height, extent and location) and the results confirmed the technical feasibility of providing significant acoustic relief to the residents. It should be noted that there are other important issues that 5 will have to be addressed during the detailed barrier design stage such as potential interference with utilities, trees, drainage, property limits, etc. According to the Site Plan, there is approximately 40m of buffer space available. Based on information previously provided by the Study Team, approximately 10m of the buffer land will be allocated for construction of the recommended physical separation barrier. In order to investigate the acoustic efficiency of various sound barrier height alternatives, sound level predictions were carried out using the MOE Noise Prediction Model STAMSON, the computerized version of the MOE noise prediction model, ORNAMENT. Sample sound level calculations are provided in Appendix A. Based on our calculations, the following barrier heights are recommended: Receptor Location1 (L1) = 4.5m (2.5m berm + 2.0m barrier wall on top) Receptor Location2 (L2) = 4.8m (2.8m berm + 2.0m barrier wall on top) Receptor Location3 (L3) = 5.8m (3.8m berm + 2.0m barrier wall on top) Construction of the recommended sound barriers will result in sound levels which will be equivalent to or lower than the existing ambient sound levels established in the outdoor areas of the affected dwellings. In other words, it is predicted that there will be no negative acoustic impact from the proposed parking lot. Figure 8 the proposed alignment of the recommended sound barriers. Should the details of this study be approved by the City, the City should consult with the homeowners of concern about the most optimum barrier heights and potential issues of concerns (sun shading, loss of view, material, colour,…etc.) following which the proponent to pursue the detailed design assignment of same. 6 3.0 SOUND LEVEL CRITERIA STATIONARY SOURCES OF NOISE CRITERIA All sources that are to be treated as “Stationary Sources” will be subject to the MOE's criteria included in Publication NPC-205 (i.e. the higher of either the prevalent ambient sound levels or the exclusion limits for hourly Leq sound levels included in NPC-205). The criteria are based on the guidelines prepared by the MOE for the assessment of planned "Stationary Sources" of sound. Appendix B includes a copy of MOE Publication NPC-205. The predicted and/or measured 1 hour equivalent sound level (Leq) of existing road traffic is normally compared with the predicted and/or measured 1 hour equivalent sound level (Leq) from the source. Other applicable criteria are also referred to in MOE Publication. NPC-205 In situations where the ambient is not significant, then the Ministry exclusion limits in Publication NPC-205 would apply. GENERAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT GUIDELINES FOR NOISE The sound level criteria are also related to the existing ambient noise. Should the projected undertaking sound levels exceed the ambient levels, the impact on a noise-sensitive receptor may be determined by comparing the projected undertaking levels with the established ambient levels. The following Table outlines the generally accepted impact assessment ratings based on the significance of the excess above the established existing ambient levels: NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT TABLE EXCESS/CHANGE IMPACT RATING 0 TO <3 Insignificant =>3 TO <5 dBA Noticeable =5 To <10 dBA Significant =>10 Very Significant SS Wilson Associates Consulting Engineers 7 Project No.: WA10-028-1 4.0 ANALYSIS AND RESULTS The current design of the proposed parking lot consists of approximately 2,272 parking spots with two entrances off of Yonge Street, one of which will also be used for exiting. Our methodology for assessing the stationary noise impact assumed that 50% of the proposed parking lot will be occupied by commuter vehicles during the hours of 7:00am 8:00am which is approximately 1,100 vehicles given the size of the proposed parking lot, based on our experience from other parking lot studies and recently observed activities at Finch Parking Lot. Based on our observations of Finch Parking Lot, we have determined the following: 25% of commuters come to the parking lot between 6am-7am which is approximately 300 vehicles 50% of commuters come to the parking lot between 7am-8am which is approximately 600 vehicles 25% of commuters come to the parking lot between 8am-10am which is approximately 300 vehicles The following Table shows the actual measured sound levels of Finch Parking Lot during the morning peak hours and evening peak hours. Average Morning Peak Hours Location 1 Location 2 54dB 52dB Average Evening Peak Hours Location 1 Location 2 53dB 51dB The worst case hour Leq of Finch parking lot was measured to be 55dBA which is based on 600 vehicles during the busiest hour (7:00am to 8:00am). The comparison between the actually measured sound levels and the predicted sound levels of the proposed parking lot indicates that the predicted sound levels exceeded the measured sound levels by 4 dBA depending on the location of the houses. This discrepancy is due to the total number of vehicles assumed in the noise prediction model for the proposed parking lot being twice the number of actually measured vehicles. If the 500 vehicles were adjusted in the noise prediction model, it SS Wilson Associates Consulting Engineers 8 Project No.: WA10-028-1 would yield the same sound level results as the Finch parking lot. Road Traffic Data The current study is based on the following factors: More detailed land contour elevations, with spot elevations throughout, were used in the updated model For the purposes of this study, an assumption was made that Highway 407 traffic between Bathurst Street and Yonge Street is approximately 109,600 vehicles per day with 9% heavy trucks and 3% medium trucks based on the best available data from York Region To account for future traffic growth, a 3.0% increase in traffic (for 10 years) was assumed More detailed road segments were used for improved accuracy of sound level predictions and barrier acoustic efficiency assessment The number of car movements in the proposed parking lot was updated to correspond to the latest site plan All other technical assessment details used in the study were as prescribed by the proponent. Actually Measured Sound Levels Staff of SS Wilson Associates visited the study area between October 2008 and November, 2008 and the Finch parking lot in April, 2011 and installed digital sound level meters at several selected locations to measure the actual sound levels. The objectives of the sound level measurements are as follows: a. To provide factual information on the present ambient sound levels during typical daytime hours. b. To support and enhance the calculated values and indicate if and where anomalies exist in the prediction model. The unattended sound level measurements were performed using the following equipment: Rion NL-22 Integrating Sound Level Meters fitted with 1/2" condenser microphone, pre-amplifier and windscreen. Bruel & Kjaer Precision Calibrator Model B&K 4231. The sound level measurement procedures were primarily based on the Ministry of Environment procedures in their Publication NPC-103 “Procedures” included in the Model Municipal Noise Control by-Law, the recommendations of the instrument manufacturers and the best SS Wilson Associates Consulting Engineers 9 Project No.: WA10-028-1 engineering practices to suit site specific conditions. The sound level meters were checked and calibrated before, during and following completion of the measurement sessions without any appreciable change in the sound levels. The weather conditions during the measurement sessions were favourable for measurements as the local wind speed did not exceed 30 km/hr. The measurement locations are shown in Figures 7 to 10. Photograph 1 and 2 show views of the measurement setups and the selected representative locations at two of the selected receptors. Sound Level Prediction Model A 3-D computer program for multiple point and line sources and multiple receivers developed by SS Wilson Associates was used to calculate the sound levels. The program takes into account: Reference sound levels and reference distances for the equipment working in each area of the subject development, i.e. sound emission levels. The Cartesian co-ordinates (x, y & z) of all sources and receivers. The number of events or occurrences of the noise in a given time period and the time period of each event. Spherical divergence factor. Additional attenuation due to sound barriers; natural or man-made types. Additional attenuation due to ground (as modified by sources/receiver elevations, the presence of intervening barriers and the type of ground). Atmospheric attenuation due to air molecular absorption Table 1 contains relevant information on the available grade elevations at the receptors and the proposed barrier base elevations (be it an existing ground elevation or an existing base berm top elevation). Table 2 is a summary of the actual and predicted sound level results as well as barrier requirements. SS Wilson Associates Consulting Engineers 10 Project No.: WA10-028-1 TABLES SS Wilson Associates Consulting Engineers 11 Project No.: WA10-028-1 TABLE 1 GRADE ELEVATIONS USED IN SOUND BARRIER CALCULATIONS ELEVATION AT LOCATION RECEIVER (m) BARRIER BASE ELEVATION (m) HEIGHT OF BARRIER (m) ELEVATION AT TOP OF BARRIER (m) L1 196.28 196.28 4.5 200.75 L2 201.25 201.25 4.8 206.05 L3 185.97 185.97 5.8 191.77 SS Wilson Associates Consulting Engineers 12 Project No.: WA10-028-1 TABLE 2 ACTUAL AND PREDICTED SOUND LEVELS AT OUTDOOR LIVING AREAS (OLA’S) PREDICTED SOUND LEVEL DUE TO VEHICULAR MOVEMENTS WITHIN THE PARKING LOT ONLY, dBA PREDICTED SOUND LEVEL WITH EFFECT OF REFLECTIVE GROUND SURFACE) dBA PREDICTED OVERALL FUTURE Leq SOUND LEVEL (COMBINED EFFECT OF HWY 407 AND PARKING LOT), dBA LOCATION ACTUAL EXISTING (YEAR 2008), dBA PREDICTED EXISTING SOUND (YEAR 2008) LEVELS, dBA PREDICTED FUTURE SOUND LEVELS, dBA L1 59 60 61 59 70 70 4.5m (2.5m berm + 2.0m barrier wall on top) L2 59 59 61 53 71 71 4.8m (2.8m berm + 2.0m barrier wall on top) L3 60 59 62 52 71 71 5.8m (3.8m berm + 2.0m barrier wall on top) SS Wilson Associates Consulting Engineers 13 Minimum Recommended Barrier Height . Project No.: WA10-028-1 FIGURES SS Wilson Associates Consulting Engineers 14 Project No.: WA10-028-1 Subject FIGURE 1 KEY PLAN SS Wilson Associates Consulting Engineers 15 Project No.: WA10-028-1 Proposed Parking Lot FIGURE 2 AERIAL PHOTGRAPH SS Wilson Associates Consulting Engineers 16 Project No.: WA10-028-1 SS Wilson Associates Consulting Engineers Project No.: WA10-028-1 FIGURE 3 SITE PLAN 17 N TYPICAL- NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT LOCATION L1 (14 LONGBRIDGE ROAD) TYPICAL- NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT LOCATION L2 (28 LONGBRIDGE ROAD) TYPICAL- NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT LOCATION L3 (54 LONGBRIDGE ROAD) SS Wilson Associates Consulting Engineers FIGURE 4 ACTUAL MEASUREMENT LOCATIONS Project No.: WA10-028-1 18 L1 L3 SS Wilson Associates Consulting Engineers L2 FIGURE 5 19 OF RECEPTION SELECTED POINTS Project No.: WA10-028-1 L2 L1 FIGURE 6 LOCATIONS OF ATTENDED MEASUREMENTS AT FINCH PARKING LOT SS Wilson Associates Consulting Engineers Project No.: WA10-028-1 20 58 56 54 52 Location 1 50 48 46 44 Location 2 6: 25 :0 6: 0 35 :0 6: 0 45 :0 6: 0 55 :0 7: 0 05 :0 7: 0 15 :0 7: 0 25 :0 7: 0 35 :0 7: 0 45 :0 7: 0 55 :0 8: 0 05 :0 8: 0 15 :0 0 Sound Levels Leq Morning Time Vehicular Movements at Two Comparable Locations Time FIGURE 7 SOUND LEVELS OF FINCH PARKING LOT OVER A PERIOD OF TIME SS Wilson Associates Consulting Engineers 21 Project No.: WA10-028-1 SS Wilson Associates Consulting Engineers FIGURE 8 SCHEMATIC SOUND BARRIER ALIGNMENT Project No.: WA10-028-1 22 APPENDIX A: SAMPLE SOUND LEVEL PREDICTIONS SS Wilson Associates Consulting Engineers 23 Project No.: WA10-028-1 SS WILSON ASSOCIATES N23 : Line & Point Sources (20) Model- March 12, 1999 SOUND LEVEL PREDICTION MODEL (20 segments) ........................................................ 29/03/2012 14:40 File Number : Project Name : Receptor Name : Other data Other data Receptor Xr Co-Ordinates, m Receptor Yr Co-Ordinates, m Ground Elevation at Receptor,m Receptor Height above ground, m Receptor Zr Co-Ordinates, m WA10-028-1 Longbridge Community Parking Lot Location 2 ..................................... ..................................... 353.0 353.0 353.0 353.0 353.0 353.0 353.0 353.0 353.0 353.0 353.0 353.0 353.0 353.0 353.0 353.0 549.0 549.0 549.0 549.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 192.0 192.0 192.0 192.0 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 196.3 196.3 196.3 196.3 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 203.3 203.3 203.3 203.3 203.3 203.3 203.3 203.3 203.3 203.3 203.3 203.3 203.3 203.3 203.3 203.3 197.8 197.8 197.8 197.8 Consider Source ? (YorN) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 CM1 CM2 CM3 CM4 CM5 CM6 CM7 CM8 CM9 CM10 CM11 CM12 CM13 CM14 CM15 CM16 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... Source Code Name Source Name/Details Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Movements Movements Movements Movements Movements Movements Movements Movements Movements Movements Movements Movements Movements Movements Movements Movements Source Xs Co-Ordinates, m 678.0 580.0 584.0 388.0 292.0 196.0 100.0 4.0 -35.0 673.0 586.0 526.0 424.0 404.0 206.0 186.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Source Ys Co-Ordinates, m 252.0 229.0 232.0 204.0 175.0 146.0 118.0 89.0 77.0 302.0 262.0 300.0 292.0 357.0 226.0 294.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ground Elevation at source, m 192.6 194.7 196.6 199.0 201.2 198.9 193.6 187.2 184.8 191.9 191.4 194.2 198.0 198.0 202.1 199.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 195.7 L 60.0 15.0 247 247 500 1.0 197.6 L 60.0 15.0 252 252 500 1.0 200.0 L 60.0 15.0 80 80 500 1.0 202.2 L 60.0 15.0 75 75 500 1.0 199.9 L 60.0 15.0 158 158 500 1.0 194.6 L 60.0 15.0 254 254 500 1.0 188.2 L 60.0 15.0 352 352 500 1.0 185.8 L 60.0 15.0 392 392 500 1.0 192.9 L 60.0 15.0 363 363 500 1.0 192.4 L 60.0 15.0 267 267 500 1.0 195.2 L 60.0 15.0 241 241 500 1.0 199.0 L 60.0 15.0 175 175 500 1.0 199.0 L 60.0 15.0 231 231 500 1.0 203.1 L 60.0 15.0 174 174 500 1.0 200.4 L 60.0 15.0 233 233 500 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Frequency 1.0 193.6 L 60.0 15.0 347 347 500 0.0 15.0 526 526 500 0.0 15.0 526 526 500 0.0 15.0 526 526 500 0.0 15.0 526 526 500 Geomtrical Spreading Source Height above ground, m Source Zs Co-Ordinates, m Point or Line Source (P or L) ? Reference Sound Level, dBA Reference Dist. for Lp, m Source-Receptor Distance,m Selected Ds-r ,m P P P P ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ Consider Dist.atten.(Y or N) ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Reference Dist. for Lp, m 15 247 20 15 252 20 15 75 Distance Reduction Factor 15 347 20 20 15 158 20 15 254 20 15 352 20 15 392 20 15 363 20 15 267 20 15 241 20 15 175 20 15 231 20 15 174 20 15 233 20 15 526 20 15 526 20 15 526 20 15 526 20 Distance Error Flag Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Geometrical Spreading, dB No Ground Attenuation -27.3 -24.3 -24.5 -14.6 -13.9 -20.4 -24.6 -27.4 -28.3 -27.7 -25.0 -24.1 -21.3 -23.7 -21.3 -23.8 -30.9 -30.9 -30.9 -30.9 Source-Receptor Distance,m Model (1=none,2=CMHC,3=ISO) Distance used for calculation Source Height above ground, m Receptor Height above ground, m Barrier Height Factor(2xbh) (CMHC) P+T Factors (CMHC only) Is there a sound Barrier ? Ground Attenuation, dB 15 80 20 ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 1 347 1.0 2.0 0 0 N 0.0 1 247 1.0 2.0 0 0 N 0.0 1 252 1.0 2.0 0 0 N 0.0 1 80 1.0 2.0 0 0 N 0.0 1 75 1.0 2.0 0 0 N 0.0 1 158 1.0 2.0 0 0 N 0.0 1 254 1.0 2.0 0 0 N 0.0 1 352 1.0 2.0 0 0 N 0.0 1 392 1.0 2.0 0 0 N 0.0 1 363 1.0 2.0 0 0 N 0.0 1 267 1.0 2.0 0 0 N 0.0 1 241 1.0 2.0 0 0 N 0.0 1 175 1.0 2.0 0 0 N 0.0 1 231 1.0 2.0 0 0 N 0.0 1 174 1.0 2.0 0 0 N 0.0 1 233 1.0 2.0 0 0 N 0.0 3 526 3.0 1.5 0 0 N -4.6 3 526 3.0 1.5 0 0 N -4.6 3 526 3.0 1.5 0 0 N -4.6 3 526 3.0 1.5 0 0 N -4.6 SS Wilson Associates Consulting Engineers 24 Project No.: WA10-028-1 WA10-028-1 Yes Atmospheric Attenuation Consider atm.atten.(Y or N) ? Atmospheric Attenuation, dB Barrier Attenuation Consider Barrier Attenuation (Y or N) Ground Elevation at source, m ........ Y -0.8 ........ Y -0.5 ........ Y -0.5 ........ Y -0.1 ........ Y -0.1 ........ Y -0.3 ........ Y -0.5 ........ Y -0.8 ........ Y -0.9 ........ ........ Y -0.8 Y -0.6 ........ Y -0.5 ........ Y -0.4 ........ Y -0.5 ........ Y -0.4 ........ Y -0.5 ........ Y -1.2 ........ Y -1.2 ........ Y -1.2 ........ Y -1.2 ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ........ Y 192.6 194.7 196.6 199.0 201.2 198.9 193.6 187.2 184.8 191.9 191.4 194.2 198.0 198.0 202.1 199.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 Ground Elevation at Receptor,m 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 196.3 196.3 196.3 196.3 RECEIVER-BARRIER DIST.(rbd) 331.6 232.0 236.8 65.1 59.6 142.7 238.5 337.0 377.3 347.5 252.0 226.3 160.1 215.7 159.5 217.7 510.7 510.7 510.7 510.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 BARRIER GND. ELEV.(bge) 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 201.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 BARRIER THICKNESS (bt) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 SOURCE-BARRIER DISTANCE(sbd) BARRIER HEIGHT (bh) Barrier Attenuation, dB Barrier Acoustic Zone Barrier Top Elevation Sub-Total Attenuation, dBA Additional Adjustments Common Adjustment Line-to-Point Source Barrier Adjust. ............................................... Sub-Total Adjustments, dB Lp @ Receptor, dBA -15.8 -13.6 -10.7 -5.6 -1.6 -6.2 -14.8 -19.1 -20.0 -16.4 -16.6 -14.1 -7.9 -8.1 0.0 -5.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 shadow shadow shadow shadow bright shadow shadow shadow shadow shadow shadow shadow shadow shadow bright shadow bright bright bright bright 192.6 194.7 196.6 199.0 201.2 198.9 193.6 187.2 184.8 191.9 191.4 194.2 198.0 198.0 202.1 199.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -43.8 -38.5 -35.8 -20.3 -15.7 -27.0 -40.0 -47.3 -49.2 -44.8 -42.2 -38.8 -29.6 -32.4 -21.7 -29.8 -36.7 -36.7 -36.7 -36.7 ........ ........ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.2 Leq Time Base , Minutes Line Source Data : - Length of Line Segment, m - Source Speed, Km/Hr - No. of Movements in Time Base -Segment integration time, min. Point Source Data : - No. of Events in Time Base - Each Event Duration, min. - Duration Of All Events, min. Leq @ Receptor, dBA ........ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ........ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 21.5 ........ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 24.2 ........ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 39.7 ........ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 44.3 ........ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 33.0 20.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 570 570 1135 970 800 530 388 228.00 228.00 454.00 388.00 320.00 212.00 155.20 ........ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.7 60.0 ........ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.8 60.0 Yes Yes 100 15 150 60.00 100 15 50 20.00 ........ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ........ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.2 17.8 60.0 60.0 Yes Yes 100 100 15 15 570 570 228.00 228.00 ........ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 21.2 60.0 ........ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.4 60.0 ........ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 27.6 60.0 ........ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 38.3 60.0 ........ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ........ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.2 ........ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ........ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A 100 15 50 20.00 100 15 70 28.00 100 15 50 20.00 100 15 70 28.00 100 15 50 20.00 50 10 1 0.30 50 10 1 0.30 50 10 1 0.30 50 10 1 0.30 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 60 60.00 1 60 60.00 1 60 60.00 1 60 60.00 1 60 60.00 1 60 60.00 1 60 60.00 1 60 60.00 1 60 60.00 1 60 60.00 1 60 60.00 1 60 60.00 1 60 60.00 1 60 60.00 1 60 60.00 1 60 60.00 1 60 60.00 1 60 60.00 1 60 60.00 1 60 60.00 22.0 27.3 33.0 47.8 51.6 38.5 24.2 12.7 6.0 21.0 23.6 16.4 27.1 22.9 35.0 25.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Other Adjustments ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ................................................ Net Source Leq ,dBA 0.0 0.0 0.0 22.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 27.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 33.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 47.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 51.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 38.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 24.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 21.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 23.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 27.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 22.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 35.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ALL SOURCES Leq 53 ................................................ ................................................ 53.41673948 Overall Lp 47 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53.41673948 53.41673948 53.41673948 53.41673948 53.41673948 53.41673948 53.41673948 53.41673948 53.41673948 53.41673948 53.41673948 53.41673948 53.41673948 53.41673948 53.41673948 53.41673948 53.41673948 53.41673948 53.41673948 dBA SS Wilson Associates Consulting Engineers Maximum Lp 44 dBA 25 Project No.: WA10-028-1 SS WILSON ASSOCIATES SOUND LEVEL PREDICTION MODEL (20 segments) ........................................................ N23 : Line & Point Sources (20) Model- March 12, 1999 29/03/2012 14:40 File Number : Project Name : Receptor Name : Other data Other data WA10-028-1 Longbridge Community Parking Lot Location 2 ..................................... ..................................... Leq SOUND LEVELS AT RECEPTOR 100.0 90.0 SOUND LEVEL, dBA 80.0 70.0 Net Source Leq ,dBA 60.0 #REF! 50.0 40.0 30.0 .... .... .... .... CM16 CM15 CM14 CM13 CM12 CM11 CM10 CM9 CM8 CM7 CM6 CM5 CM4 CM3 CM2 CM1 20.0 SOURCE CODE Source Number Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N Source Code Name CM1 CM2 CM3 CM4 CM5 CM6 CM7 CM8 CM9 CM10 CM11 CM12 CM13 CM14 CM15 CM16 .... .... .... .... Source Name/Details Net Leq @ Receptor,dBA Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car .... Movements Movements Movements Movements Movements Movements Movements Movements Movements Movements Movements Movements Movements Movements Movements Movements 22.0 27.3 33.0 SS Wilson Associates Consulting Engineers 47.8 51.6 38.5 24.2 12.7 6.0 26 21.0 23.6 16.4 27.1 Project No.: WA10-028-1 22.9 35.0 25.5 0.0 .... 0.0 .... 0.0 .... 0.0 APPENDIX B: RESPONSES TO DRAFT COMMENTS SS Wilson Associates Consulting Engineers 27 Project No.: WA10-028-1 Item Section Reviewer Dwg. # / Spec Section / Page # Comment Response 1 ENG-MEC dmackinn-1 WA10-028-1, Page 7 NPC-205 is due to be replaced by NPC-300 which contains specific requirements for transit operations and associated functions. Please review draft NPC-300 and include commentary with respect to this pending change. Firstly, here is the exact response we received from MOE on the status of the document: "The draft NPC-300 continues to be a draft document. It was submitted for the approvals that are required before it can be posted as a decision on the Environmental Registry, at which time it would be publicly released and would begin to be implemented ". Secondly, the MOE position on parking lot has always been same and that is to exclude parking lots from stationary sources. However, two other important factors should be noted for this project: (1) during the public meeting, this issue was raised several times by the neighbours and most importantly (2) the fact remains that introduction of the parking lot instead of the raw green land is that we will lose considerable ground attenuation, ie. the parking lot when empty will result in a sudden surge if converted from green to asphalt. 2 ENG-MEC dmackinn-2 WA10-028-2, Page 3 As mentioned, the protocols developed were intended for specific transit projects, namely the RTEP Sheppard Line. This project should not reference those old RTEP protocols unless agreements have been formalized to apply them likewise for TYSSE projects. Three points: (1) The criteria used are consistent with those given in Table 1 of the TTC Design Manual DM-0106-00 provided with this response, (2) verbal consultation with the MOE staff took place at the outset of the project and in the absence of specific protocol for this application, the recommendation was made to use any TTC MOE protocol for similar applications, and (3) if neither were used, we would still have used general acoustic noise impact assessment guidelines which would be similar to what was presented. 3 ENG-MEC dmackinn-3 WA10-028-2, Page 3 4 ENG-MEC dmackinn-4 WA10-028-2, Page 3 Include any agreements with regard to noise protocols for reference in the Appendix. In absence of any formally agreed noise protocol, the present legislative standards should be used, i.e. NPC-205 which is due to be replaced entirely by NPC-300. Valid request, we have the summary in Section 2.0 of the report and we will include the full text in the revised document as an Appendix too. There is no need to make reference to NPC-205 nor future NPC-300. If you search in both documents you will not find any reference to transit, LRT, subway or light rail transportation of any kind. The only applicable documents are those in Section 2.0 of our report although it does not have the same name, but generically it is the same type of source of noise. If this answer is not suitable, then we can switch the text to be general acoustic assessment criteria which are supported by many acoustic texts. 5 ENG-MEC dmackinn-5 WA10-028-2, Page 3 Obtain and review current design manual section DM-0403. Please acknowledge it. We received and reviewed Design Manual DM-0403 and we reviewed same as well as many other documents we collected over the years from TTC and there is no relevant material to the project on hand or the same type of source (i.e. bridge rather than station). Should we acknowledge this fact in the revised report? 6 ENG-MEC dmackinn-6 WA10-028-2, Page 3 Obtain and review current design manual section DM-0106. Please acknowledge it. We received and reviewed Design Manual DM-0106 and we reviewed same. You are correct in that Table 1 of the DM document applies in general to this project, but again it does not make reference to the Yonge Street Extension. Nevertheless, we will make reference to it as the criteria are identical to what we used. 7 ENG-MEC dmackinn-7 WA10-028-2, Page 3 Further to comment DJM-03, recommend to obtain and review latest draft version of DM-0106-00. As recommended within this draft section, provide an updated section of noise protocols to be used for this project. Same response as No. 6 above and specifically we will make reference to the document as part of the criteria being used. We expect no technical change to the results. 8 ENG-MEC dmackinn-8 WA10-028-2, Page 6 Coordinate partial or full enclosure of the bridge with associated tunnel fire ventilation design. Review the need for portal doors, additional make up shafts, etc. Firstly, coordination of this item would have to be between MRC and the engineers responsible for fire, ventilation and design of shafts. From a noise viewpoint, any additional shafts and ventilation design may or may not require noise control, which is straightforward and a statement to this effect can be included. In regards to the need for portal doors, the good news is since we have acoustic insulation in the enclosed bridge tunnel, there will be no need for doors and the use of good sound absorbing material near the portal openings is an essential component to keep the portals open. 9 ENG-MEC dmackinn-9 WA10-028-2, Page 6 If any portion of the bridge is to be fully enclosed, all materials involved should be non-combustible with essentially no smoke. This would include plexiglass panels, acoustic insulation, etc. mentioned. Coordinate contribution of such materials to flame and smoke capabilities of the tunnel fire ventilation system. We certainly agree with this requirement. The sound absorbing material to be used is considered non-combustible and has very low smoke generation and has been accepted by many codes (typically Roxul or equal). We are confident that we can find such products if we are given the exact fire spread and smoke generation ratings maximum levels. The use of plexiglass is only a generic reference and we apologize for its use, however we are aware of other products that can be specified including safety glass. For the purposes of this report, we should only include reference to the maximum smoke generation of TTC. 10 Safety 3.0, MOE NPC-205 Is a parking lot considered a stationary source? The need for an acoustic barrier seems to be more out of need to mitigate a nuisance then to comply with NPC-205. Our contribution is also estimated to be lower than the ambient level. Please see response to Item No. 1 above. WE WOULD LIKE TO REMIND THE PERSONS WHO WROTE THIS COMMENT THAT IT IS NOT ONLY IN THE PUBLIC MEETING THAT THIS ISSUE WAS RAISED, BUT ALSO A PRIVATE MEETING BETWEEN TTC, YORK REGION TRANSIT AND SEVERAL REPRESENTATIVES OF THE RATE PAYERS ASSOCIATIONS THAT THE AGREED UPON CONTROL MEASURES WERE DISCUSSED AT LENGTH. WHOEVER WANTS TO MAKE A NEW DECISION, THEY BETTER CONSULT WITH MARY FRANCISTURNER, TOM MIDDLEBROOK AND OTHER TTC HIGH LEVEL OFFICIALS WHO ATTENDED THIS MEETING AT YRT LARGE BOARDROOM!! TJoseph-1 SS Wilson Associates Consulting Engineers 28 Project No.: WA10-028-1