Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Sultan Qaboos University
P. O. Box 36, Al-Khodh 123
Muscat, Oman
Tel: (968) 24142413 (Office)
Fax: (968) 24141490 (Dept.)
Fax: (968) 24143415 (College)
B. Sc., M.Sc. in Mathematics
Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics,
Moscow, Russia
Ph.D. in Mathematics
Ural State University, Sverdlovsk, Russia
D.Sc. in Science
Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
Employment Information
Bashkir State Pedagogical Institute, Ufa, Russia
Assistant Professor
Senior Lecturer
Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Ufa, Russia
Assistant Professor
Senior Lecturer
Associate Professor
Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
In SQU: Precalculus, Calculus I, Calculus II, Mathematics for Commerce, Linear Algebra, Differential
Equations for Engineers, Introduction to Complex Variables, Integral Transforms, Complex Analysis
Research interests
Value distribution of meromorphic functions, normal families of meromorphic functions, composition
operators on Banach spaces of analytic functions, analytic differential equations, analytic differential
Refereed journal papers
1. S. Makhmutov [1983]. The distribution of the values of meromorphic functions of class Wp. Soviet
Math. Dokl. v. 28, no. 3, 758-762, 1983. (Russian and English)
2. S. Makhmutov [1986]. Classes of meromorphic functions characterized by the spherical derivative.
Soviet Math. Dokl., v. 33, no.2, 450-455, 1986. (Russian and English)
3. S. Duborija, N. Labudovich, S. Makhmutov, Z. Pavichevich (1993). Growth of the spherical derivative
and classifications of meromorphic functions, Mathematica Montisnigri, (Yugoslavia), v.2, 113-130, 1993.
4. S. Makhmutov [1996]. On Bloch-to-Besov composition operators, Proc. Japan Academy, v.72, Ser. A,
10, 232-234, 1996.
5. S. Makhmutov [1997]. Integral characterizations of Bloch functions. New Zealand Journal of
Mathematics, 1997, v.26, 201-212.
6. S. Makhmutov [1997]. Hyperbolic Besov functions and Bloch-to-Besov composition operators,
Hokkaido Journal of Mathematics. (1997) v. 26, no. 3, 699-711.
7. S. Makhmutov [1998]. The distribution of a-points of meromorphic functions and the growth of
spherical derivative, Bulletin of Hong Kong Math. Soc. (1998) v.2, 89-98.
8. V. Gavrilov, S. Makhmutov [1999]. Analytic cluster sets. Nihonkai Math. Journal, (1999) v.10, no. 2,
9. S. Makhmutov [2000]. Hyperbolic Variant of the Main Nevanlinna Theorem. Doklady Akademii
Nauk, 370 (2000), no. 3, 309-312. (Russian and English)
10. S. Makhmutov, M.Tjani [2000].Composition operators on some Mobius invariant Banach spaces.
Bulletin of the Australian Math. Soc., 2000, volume 62, number 2, 1-19.
11. S. Makhmutov [2001]. α-normal functions and Yosida functions. Complex Variables, (2001), v. 43,
12. M.Lindström, S.Makhmutov and J.Taskinen [2004]. The essential norm of a Bloch-to- Qp composition
operator, Bulletin of Canadian Math. Soc. (2004), vol. 47 (1), pp. 49—59.
13. S. Makhmutov [2007]. Characterizations of analytic cluster sets. Southeast Asian Bull. Math. 31
(2007), no. 2, 307—312
14. S. Makhmutov, M. Vuorinen [2007]. On Normal Families of Quasiregular Mappings. - Comput.
Methods Funct. Theory, 7 (2007), no. 2, 401—413.
15. R. Aulaskari, S. Makhmutov [2008]. On the Growth of Dirichlet Integral for Some Function Spaces.
Comput. Methods Funct. Theory, 8 (2008), no. 2, 475—482.
16. S. Makhmutov [2009]. Value distribution of bounded analytic functions, New Zealand Journal of
Mathematics, (2009), v. 39, p. 19-24
17. R. Aulaskari, S. Makhmutov, J. Rättyä. [2009] New characterizations of meromorphic Besov, Qp and
related classes. Bulletin of the Australian Math. Soc., v.79, no. 1, (2009), 49-58
18. R. Aulaskari, S. Makhmutov, J. Rättyä. [2009] Results on the meromorphic φ-normal functions.
Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, (2009), v. 54, no.9, 855 – 863
19. R. Aulaskari, S. Makhmutov, J. Rättyä. [2010] Weighted Yosida functions. Complex Variables and
Elliptic Equations, (2010), v. 55 (1), 167 – 172.
20. S. Makhmutov. [2011] Spherical derivative of meromorphic solutions of analytic differential
equations. Differential Equations (2011), v. 47, no. 2, 283-286.
21. R. Aulaskari, S. Makhmutov, J. Rättyä. [2011] Counter examples on non- -normal functions with
good integrability. New York Journal of Mathematics, (2011), 17a, 1-11.
22. S.Makhmutov, M. Makhmutova [2014]. On p-Yosida Functions. Complex Variables and Elliptic
Equations, (2014), v. 59, no. 12, pp. 1696-1705.
23. M. Makhmutova S.Makhmutov, [2015]. On parallel algorithms for solving the direct and inverse
problems of ionospheric sounding. Mathematica Montisnigri, (2015), v. 32, pp. 23-30.
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Refereed conference proceedings
S. Makhmutov [1985]. On meromorphic functions with uniform growth of characteristic function.
Theory of probability, stochastic processes, functional analysis. Moscow State University, Moscow. 1985, p.
36-38. (Russian)
S. Makhmutov [1996]. Value distribution of non-Bloch functions, in "Geometric Complex
Analysis", World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 419-425, 1996.
S. Makhmutov [1996]. Hyperbolic Besov functions, in "Spaces of analytic and harmonic functions
and operator theory", Kyoto University, Kokyuryoku 946, Kyoto, 133-140, 1996.
S. Makhmutov, M. Makhmutova [1997]. Estimates of spherical derivative, in "Nonlinear Waves."
GAKUTO International Series. Mathematical Sciences and Applications. Gakkotosho, Tokyo. (1997) v.10,
S. Makhmutov [2000]. Characterization of analytic cluster sets. ―Complex analysis, differential
equations and related topics‖, Part 1, Ufa, 2000, p.110-114. (Russian)
R. Aulaskari, S.Makhmutov and H.Wulan [2004]. On qp–sequences. ―Finite or infinite
dimensional complex analysis and applications”, Adv. Complex Anal. Appl., 2, Kluwer Acad. Publ.,
Dordrecht, 2004, pp. 117-125.
S. Makhmutov [2005]. On analytic cluster sets. ―Mathematics Research at the Leading Edge‖
(Eds. A. Badawi, M. Anabtawi, D.F. Anderson, S. Elaydi), Nova Science Publishers, NY, 2005, pp. 87-94.
S. Makhmutov [2011] Growth of the spherical derivative of functions from the Nevanlinna class.
Contemporary problems of mathematics and mechanics Volume VI, issue 2, Moscow State University Press, Moscow,
2011, pp. 103-107
S. Makhmutov [2013] First Fundamental Theorem for Bounded Functions. Proceedings of the 19th
ICFIDCAA, Hiroshima. Tohoku University Press, Sendai, 2013. 177-185
Intellectual property development
Learning and research system for statistic simulation ―Monte Carlo Tutor‖. Proprietary software. Certificate
of registration No.312 issued by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. Day of entry
25.01.1993. Registration number 164.7210.312. (In collaboration with V.Starikov, M.Makhmutova at el.)
1983, May. Conference of young scientists in mathematics, physics, mechanics and control theory", Ufa,
1984, September. School-Colloquium on Geometric Analysis, Donetsk, USSR.
1985, January. Conference of youth scientists "Theory of probability and functional analysis". Moscow
State University, Moscow, USSR.
1985, May. Conference of youth researchers in mathematics, physics, mechanics and control theory",
Ufa, USSR.
1986, January. Conference of youth scientists "Theory of functions and its applications". Moscow State
University, Moscow, USSR.
1987, May. All-Union symposium in theory of approximation functions. Ufa, USSR.
1988, December. International Conference on Complex Analysis and PDE, Halle, Germany.
1992, May. Conference "Problems of high education". Ufa, UGATU, USSR.
1994, September. Annual Meeting of Mathematical Society of Japan. Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Tokyo, Japan.
1994, November. Workshop on Banach spaces of analytic functions. Shinshu University, Matsumoto,
1995, January. Workshop on function theory. Nippon Institute of Technology, Saitama, Japan,
1995, March. Geometric Complex Analysis. International Conference. Yokohama, Japan.
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1995, March. Annual Meeting of Mathematical Society of Japan. Ritsumeikan University, Shiga,
1995, September. Annual Meeting of Mathematical Society of Japan. Tohoku University, Sendai,
1995, November. Workshop on value distribution of meromorphic functions. Yamaguchi University,
Yamaguchi, Japan.
1995, December. International Symposium "Spaces of analytic and harmonic functions and operator
theory", Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.
1996, July. International workshop on the value distribution theory and its applications. Hong Kong.
1996, September. Workshop on value distribution theory. Nippon Institute of Technology, Saitama,
1996, November. Workshop on function theory. Niigata University, Niigata, Japan.
1997, February. Workshop on function theory. Kyoto University, RIMS, Kyoto, Japan.
1997, August. Function spaces and complex analysis. Joensuu, Finland.
1998, May. Third conference on function spaces. Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, USA.
1999, September. Function spaces and complex analysis. Joensuu, Finland.
2000. February. Problems in theory of functions and applications. Winter workshop. Saratov, Russia.
2000, May. International conference on theory of functions, differential equations and related topics,
Ufa, Russia.
2000, November. Complex Analysis Workshop, SQU, Muscat, Oman.
2001, May. Conference in Mathematical Analysis and its Applications, Sharjah, UAE.
2001, June. 5-th International Summer School ―Theory of functions, differential equations and related
topics‖, Kazan, Russia.
2001, August. 3rd International ISAAC Congress. Berlin, Germany
2002, February. 2002 Complex Analysis Workshop, SQU, Muscat, Oman.
2002, May. International Conference ―Asymptotic in Differential Equations‖, Ufa, Russia.
2003, May. UAE Mathematics Day, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE.
2003, June. The XIX Rolf Nevanlinna Colloquium, University of Jyuvaskyla, Finland.
2004, April. UAE Math Day 2004, American University of Sharjah, UAE.
2004, June. Functional Analysis Workshop, Joensuu, Finland.
2004, August. International Conference on Analysis and Geometry, Novosibirsk, Russia.
2005, January. First SQU Workshop on Topology and its Applications, Oman
2005, June. CMFT-2005 (Computational Mathematics and Function Theory), Joensuu, Finland.
2005, August. The XX Rolf Nevanlinna Colloquium, Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland.
2006, June. Analytic Function Spaces, Joensuu, Finland.
2007, May. Extremal Problems in Complex and Real Analysis. Moscow, Russia.
2007, June. Ufa International Mathematical Conference dedicated to the memory of Alexei Leontiev.
Ufa, Russia.
2008, March. The Third International Conference on Mathematical Sciences, ICM 2008, UAEU, UAE.
2008, June. The Fifth International Conference ―Advanced Course in Operator Theory and Complex
Analysis‖, University of Seville, Seville, Spain.
2010, January. International Conference in Analysis and its Applications 2010, Sultan Qaboos
University, Muscat, Oman.
2010, August 18-21. International Conference ―Metric Geometry of Surfaces and Polyhedra‖ dedicated
to the Centennial Anniversary of Nikolai Vladimirovich Efimov. Moscow, Russia.
2010, December. The 19th International Conference on Function Spaces. Hokkaido University, Sapporo,
2011, December. The 19th International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex
Analysis and Applications, Hiroshima, Japan
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2012, October. International Conference on Conformal Mappings and Value Distribution Theory, Tokyo
Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
2012, November. The 7th International Conference on Science, Mathematics and Technology Education.
4-7 November, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman.
2013, May. 19th International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications. May 26-30, 2013.
Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman.
2013, August. XXII Rolf Nevanlinna Colloquium. University of Helsinki, August 5-9, 2013. University
of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.
2013, December. The 22nd International Conference on Function Spaces. Tokyo University of Science,
Tokyo, Japan
2014, June. Complex and Harmonic Analysis and Related Topics. June 14-18, 2014. University of
Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland
2015, June. Workshop on complex differential equations and value distribution theory. June 11-13,
2015. University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland
Referee for the journals / proceedings
Hokkaido Journal of Mathematics
Science and Technology - Sultan Qaboos University, Journal for Scientific Research
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Applied Mathematics Letters
Sultan Qaboos University Journal for Science
Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization
Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society
Journal of Interpolation, Approximation and Scientific Computing
Proceedings of the 19th ICFIDCAA
Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis
Mathematische Nachrichten
Proceedings of the Japan Academy
Computational Methods and Function Theory
Reviewer of Mathematical Reviews of American Mathematical Society, 1988 - present
Reviewer of the journal "Mathematika" (in Russian), 1985-1993
Grant and contract support
Grant of Research Corporation ―Astrophysics‖ (1988-1990)
Grant of the Ministry of Education of Russia 1991-1993 (for the computer textbook on Monte Carlo Method)
Grant of the Ministry of Education of Russia 1992-1993 (Project for development of automatic library system
at Ufa State Aviation Technical University)
Grant of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, 1997-2000 (for fundamental research in
mathematics, individual grant) (principal investigator)
Grant of Ufa State Aviation Technical University, 1998-1999 (principal investigator)
Grant of Bashkir Academy of Sciences, Russia, Ufa, 1998
Grant of Väisälä Foundation (Finland), 1999 (for research in complex analysis, international project)
Grant of the Finnish Academy of Science, 1999 (Grant for visit and research at the University of Helsinki
during October-November 1999)
Grant of Mittag-Leffler Institute, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Sweden 1999
INTAS Project (European Union Research Project) 1999-2001, Project # 99-00965
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Tempus-Tacis Project (European Union Educational Project) Coordinator of the Project M-JEP 10723 (19992002) during 1999-2000
Grant of the Academy of Science of Finland (Grant for visit and research, University of Helsinki), 2000
Grant of the Academy of Science of Finland (Grant for visit and research, University of Helsinki), 2001
Grant of SQU, 2001-2003 (principal investigator) Project IG/SCI/DOMS/01/08
Grant of SQU, 2002-2004. (principal investigator). Project IG/SCI/DOMS/02/07
Grant of the Academy of Science of Finland (Grant for visit and research, University of Helsinki), 2003
Grant of SQU, 2004-2006 (principal investigator). Project IG/SCI/DOMS/04/04
Grant of the Academy of Science of Finland. Visitor program 2005-2006, 2005.
Grant of the Academy of Science of Finland. Visitor program 2005-2006, 2006
Grant of SQU, 2007-2009 (principal investigator). Project IG/SCI/DOMS/07/01
Grant of SQU, 2010-2011 (principal investigator). Project IG/SCI/DOMS/10/04
Grant of SQU, 2013-2014 (principal investigator). Project IG/SCI/DOMS/13/03
Universities visited for research and talks (since 2010)
University of Eastern Finland, Finland
University of Eastern Finland, Finland
University of Eastern Finland, Finland
University of Eastern Finland, Finland
EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
University of Bern, Switzerland
University of Eastern Finland, Finland
University of Eastern Finland, Finland
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