Elisabeth Arweck (last updated 12 July 2013) 2013

Elisabeth Arweck (last updated 12 July 2013)
Full list of conference presentations
“Which Agents or Factors have a Socialising Effect on Young People’s Approaches to
Religion and Religious Diversity?”, paper presented in the thematic session on Religious
Diversity and Religions and Beliefs Education”, convened by Gary Bouma & Anna Halafoff,
32nd bi-annual SISR/ISSR (International Society of the Sociology of Religion) conference,
“Rethinking Community: Religious Continuities and Mutations in Late Modernity”, 27–30
June 2013, Turku, Finland.
“Personal, Social and Health Education in England—A ‘Real’ School Subject?”, Contribution
to the Symposium on “Life Skills Education in English and Swedish Schools: An Example of
Health and Values Promotion or Therapeutic Social Engineering in Post-Secular Societies?”,
Nordic Conference on Religious Education (NCRE), “Religious Education in Post-secular (?)
Societies”, Reykjavik, Iceland, 10–13 June 2013.
Respondent to Keynote Presentation by Linda Woodhead on “Religion and Change in
European Societies”, Nordic Conference on Religious Education (NCRE), “Religious
Education in Post-secular (?) Societies”, Reykjavik, Iceland, 10–13 June 2013.
“Religion Materialised in the Everyday: Young People’s Attitudes towards Material
Expressions of Religion”, BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group, annual conference,
“Material Religion“, Durham University, UK, 9–11 April 2013.
“A Closer Look at the Referee Process”, BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group Post
graduate Event, “Aspiring Academics: From Research to Recognition”, Durham University
8–9 April 2013.
“Forming Good Habits for Writing and Publishing: An Editor's Guide”, BSA Sociology of
Religion Study Group Post graduate Event, “Aspiring Academics: From Research to
Recognition”, Durham University 8–9 April 2013.
“Religious Diversity in the UK: Attitudes and Views of 13–16-Year-Old Students”,
International Seminar on Religious Education and Values (ISREV) XVIII, ”Respecting
History and Remembrance in Religious Education Research”, Turku, Finland, 29 July–3
August 2012.
“An Editor's Guide to Forming Good Habits for Writing and Publishing”, The PG Conference
on the Study of Islam and Muslims, Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education, Dundee, 24–
25 May 2012 (invited keynote).
“A Sense of Belonging or a Sense of Being Marginalised? Young People’s Perceptions of
Religious Diversity in Relation to their Own Stances”, BSA Sociology of Religion Study
Group, Annual Conference, “Religion and (In)Equalities”, 28–30 March 2012, Chester, UK.
“Research in the Scientific Study of Religion: From the Local to the Cross-National”, Annual
Conference of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (SSSR), 28–30 October 2011,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.
“Young People’s Attitudes to Religious Diversity from the Perspective of the Qualitative
Data” (with Julia Ipgrave), ESRC/AHRC ‘Religion in Education’ Conference, University of
Warwick, 25–26 July 2011.
“How Do Young People View Religious Diversity? Impressions from Focus Group
Discussions with 13–16 Year Old Students in the UK”, 31st bi-annual SISR/ISSR
(International Society of the Sociology of Religion) conference, “Religion and Economy in a
Global World”, 30 June–3 July 2011, Aix-en-Provence, France.
“Capturing Young People’s Views of Religious Diversity: How do Method and Theory
Conjoin?”, BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group, Annual Conference, Birmingham, 11–13
April 2011.
“The Role of Emotions in Mixed-Faith Families”, British Association for the Study of Religion
(BASR), Birmingham, 6–7 September 2010.
“Progress Report: Young People's Attitudes to Religious Diversity”, Award Holders Seminar,
AHRC/ESRC Religion and Society Programme, Edinburgh, 8 April 2010.
“Mixed-faith Families in the UK: Where does Religious Education Come in?”, International
Seminar on Religious Education and Values (ISREV), Ottawa, Canada, 25–30 July 2010.
“Christian-Muslim Families: Reflections of the Changing Face of Christianity in the 21st
Century?”, BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group Annual Conference 2010, Edinburgh, 6–
8 April 2010.
“Young People in Mixed Faith Families: A Case of Uncertain Boundaries?”, British
Association for the Study of Religion (BASR), Annual Conference, 7–9 September 2009,
Bangor University, Wales.
“Young People Who Grow Up in Mixed-Faith Families: A Case of Identities Grounded in
Religion?”, 30th bi-annual SISR/ISSR (International Society of the Sociology of Religion)
conference, “The Challenges of Religious Pluralism”, 27–31 July 2009, Santiago de
Compostela, Spain.
“The Role of Emotion in Mixed-Faith Families”, Second Meeting of the AHRC Network on
Emotion, Identity and Religious Communities, University of Durham, 14–16 July 2009,
Durham, UK.
“Young People in Mixed Faith Families: A Case of Knowledge and Experience of Two
Traditions?”, BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group, annual conference on “Religion and
Knowledge” 30 March–1 April, 2009, Durham, UK.
“Mixed-Faith Families: The Role of Parents in the Religious Identity Formation of their
Children”, conference regarding project on “Investigating the Religious Identity Formation
of Young People in Mixed-Faith Families”, 26 March 2009, Leamington Spa.
“Mixed-Faith Families: How Young People Perceive the Formation of their Religious
Identities”, conference regarding project on “Investigating the Religious Identity Formation
of Young People in Mixed-Faith Families”, 26 March 2009, Leamington Spa.
“Enrichment or Estrangement? How Young People in Mixed Faith Families see their Dual
Heritage”, paper presented to the WRERU Seminar, 27 January 2009, University of
“Mixed-Faith Families in Britain: Transmission of Plural Values?”, invited paper, Colloque de
recherche du Comité Religion et Société Université de Lausanne, Observatoire des religions
en Suisse (ORS), 4–5 December 2008, Lausanne, Switzerland (by invitation).
“Religious Studies, Religionswissenschaft, the Sociology of Religion and the Study of New
Religious Movements”, invited paper, conference on “Das Ende der Gemeinschaft? Neue
Religiöse Bewegungen im Wandel”, Universität Zürich, Religionswissenschaftliches
Seminar, 21–22 November 2008, Zurich, Switzerland (by invitation)
“The Interaction of the Major Religions at Close Quarters: Religiously Mixed Families in the
UK”, ISREV (International Seminar for Religious Education and Values) XVI on “Religious
Education and the Theology of Religion: The Implications for Religious Education Today of
the Self-Understanding of the Major Religions”, 27 July–1 August 2008, Ankara, Turkey
“Close Encounters: The Intersection of Faith and Ethnicity in Religiously Mixed Families”,
Encounters and Intersections: Religion, Diaspora and Ethnicities, 9–11 July 2008, Oxford,
“Report from a Current Research Project on the Religious Identity of Children Growing up
in Mixed Faith Families”, invited paper, AREIAC (Association for RE Inspectors, Advisors
and Consultants) Annual Conference 2008, on “Religion, Education, Diversity and the
Media”, 7–9 July, Hove, UK (by invitation).
“Experiences of Young People Who Grow Up in ‘Mixed-Faith Families’: Multiple Cultural
Competence or Fractured Chains of Memory?”, BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group,
annual conference on ‘Religion and Youth” 8–10 April, 2008, Birmingham, UK.
“Plurality at Close Quarters: Mixed-Faith Families in the UK”, DVRW (German Association
for the Study of Religion)/EASR (European Association for the Study of Religions): joint
conference, on “Plurality and Representation: Religion in Education, Culture and Society”,
23–27 September 2007, Bremen, Germany.
“Mixed Race and Mixed Families in Britain: The Case of Growing up in a Mixed Faith
Family”, eCongress on “Mixedness and Mixing” organised by the (then) Commission for
Racial Equality (CRE), 4–6 September 2007.
“Growing up in a Mixed Faith Family: Processes and Agents of Transmission”, SISR/ISSR
(International Society of the Sociology of Religion): bi-annual conference, on "Secularity
and Religious Vitality", 23–28 July 2007, Leipzig, Germany.
“Exploring Young People's Religious Identities: Issues in Combining Conventional with
Virtual Ethnography“, BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group & UK Research Network for
Theology, Religion and Popular Culture, joint conference, “Religion, Media and Culture:
Exploring Religion and the Sacred in a Media Age”, 2–4 April 2007, Oxford, UK.
“Education in Human Values: A Programme for Promoting Children's Spiritual
Development, Paper presented to the Seminar, Department of Theology, University of
Durham, Durham, UK.
“One Programme, Diverse Applications: A Values Programme in the School Context”,
ISREV XV, on “Religious Education in a World of Religious Diversity”, Driebergen, The
Netherlands 30 July–4 August, 2006.
"Exploring a Less Conspicious Aspect of New Religious Movements: Theory and Method
Involved in the Study of Educational Projects", xxviii (bi-annual) Meeting of ISSR/SISR
(International Society for the Sociology of Religion) on "Religion: Challenging Boundaries",
Zagreb, 18-22 July.
'Values Based Education and the Values of Peace and Non-Violence: The Case of an
Educational Programme in British Schools.' ISREV XIV (International Seminar on Religious
Education and Values) on " Religion and Violence: The Role of Religious Education and
Values", July 2004, Philadelphia, USA.
'Spirituality in Education: Promoting Children¹s Spiritual Development through Values.'
BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group Annual Conference on "The Sociology of
Spirituality", March/April 2004, Bristol.
“Neue Religiöse Bewegungen und die Vermittlung von menschlichen Werten: Eine
empirische Untersuchung”, Tagung der Sektion Religionssoziologie on “Empirische Fragen
der Religionssoziologie”, October/November 2003, Erfurt, Germany.
“Sathya Sai Education in Human Values: Challenges and Implications of the Research”,
Workshop, October 2003, University of Warwick.
“The Dynamics of New Religious Movements in Diachronic Perspective: The Development
of Educational Programmes”, British Association for the Study of Religion (BASR) Annual
Conference on “Religions in Transition: Diachronic ad Synchronic Perspectives”,
September 2003, Chester.
“PSHE, SMSC & Citizenship: One Programme to Cover Them All?” British Educational
Research Association (BERA) Conference, September 2003, Edinburgh.
“The Power of Transmission? The Virtues and Values of Educational Programmes in New
Religious Movements”, 27th ISSR (International Society for the Sociology of
Religion)/SISR Conference on “Religion and Generations”, August 2003, Turin, Italy.
2003 “Religious Text in an Educational Context: The Case of a New Religious
Movement.” BSA (British Sociological Association) Sociology of Religion Study Group
Annual Conference on “Texts and Religious Contexts”, April 2003, Oxford.
British Educational Research Association (BERA)
International Seminar on Religious Education and Values (ISREV)
BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group Annual Conference
Spalding Symposium on Indian Religions
“New Religious Movements and Religious Freedom in Germany”, XXXVI Conference of the
SISR (International Society for the Sociology of Religion), “Interpreting Religion Today:
Competing Processes and Paradigms”, Ixtapan de la Sal, Mexico, August.
“Religious Studies, Religionswissenschaft, and the Sociology of Religion: How Do They Fit
Together?” Interdisciplinary Seminars in the Study of Religion, Christ Church, Oxford,
“Death and New Religious Movements”, University of Reading, March.
“New Religions and ‘New Ways’ of Dying”, King’s College London, March.
“An Editor’s View of Post-graduate Writings and Submissions”, BSA Sociology of Religion
Study Group, Post-graduate Conference, Bristol, January.
“Sociologists as Prophets? The Case of New Religious Movements.” BSA Sociology of
Religion Study Group, Annual Conference, “Prophecy & Prediction”.
Conferences Attended
“Religion and Belief, Discrimination and Equality: A Decade of Change?”, University of
Oxford, 5 October 2012.
“Non-religion and Secularity: New Empirical Perspectives”, 11 December 2010, Wolfson
College, Oxford.
Follow-up conference of the AHRC/ESRC Religion and Society Programme, 23–24
November, Lancaster.
“Law, Religion and Education Conference: Religious Freedom in the Sphere of Education”,
8–9 October 2010, Maison Française, Oxford.
AHRC/ESRC Religion & Society Phase 2 Launch Conference, 12–14 May 2009, Lancaster,
UK (by invitation)
Negotiating Identities”, E-Congress on Social Identities in Conflict, 15–16 May 2007,
organised by ‘Identity Research’, Open University
British Association for the Study of Religion (BASR), annual conference on “The Ethical
Dimension”, Bath Spa University, Bath, UK, 4–6 September 2006
Workshop on “Virtual Ethnography in Contemporary Social Science”, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands, 27–29 September 2006
“Identities: Negotiations in Contemporary Space(s) An Interdisciplinary Postgraduate
Conference”, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, 2 December 2006
Other Conference Activities
Critic of ‘Author Meets Critics Session’ for Imprisoned Religion by Irene Becci, 32nd biannual SISR/ISSR (International Society of the Sociology of Religion) conference,
“Rethinking Community”, 27–30 June 2013, Turku, Finland (by invitation)
Critic of ‘Author Meets Critics Session’ for How Prophesy Lives, edited by Diana Tumminia
& William H. Swatos, Jr., Annual Conference of the Society for the Scientific Study of
Religion, 28–30 October 2011, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA (by invitation)
Critic of ‘Author Meets Critics Session’ for Lived Religion by Meredith McGuire, 30th biannual SISR/ISSR (International Society of the Sociology of Religion) conference, “The
Challenges of Religious Pluralism”, 27–31 July 2009, Santiago de Compostela, Spain (by
Convenor of Session on “Conflict over Religion in Education”, SISR/ISSR (International
Society of the Sociology of Religion): bi-annual conference, on “Secularity and Religious
Vitality”, 23–28 July 2007, Leipzig, Germany
Conference Organisation
“Religion in Education”, University of Warwick (with presentations from award holders of
the ESRC/AHRC Religion and Society programme), commissioned by the ESRC/.AHRC
Programme Director Prof. Linda Woodhead, 25–26 July 2011.
Conference regarding the project on “Investigating the Religious Identity Formation of
Young People in Mixed-Faith Families”, 26 March 2009.
“Text and Religious Context”, Annual Conference of BSA Sociology of Religion Study
Group, Plater College, Oxford, 2003.
“Materialising Religion: Expression, Performance & Ritual”, Annual Conference of BSA
Sociology of Religion Study Group, Plater College, Oxford, 2001.
“Mainstream Religions: Conflicts, Diasporas, Issues”, Study Day of the BSA Sociology of
Religion Study Group, November 2001.
“The Journey of Life”, Study Day of the BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group, November
2000, London.