MODELING NATuRAL REGENERATION ESTABLISHMENT IN THE NORTHERN ROCKY MOUNTAINS OF THE U.S~A. D. E. Ferguson USDA Forest Service. Intermountain Research Station Moscow? Idaho 83843,U.S,A. ABSTRACT Retrospective examination of cutover forests enables the development of models that predict regeneration success as. a function of plot cO:t;l.ditions and time since disturbance. The modeling process uses a two-state system. In the first state, all plots are analyzed to predict the probability of stocking (at least one established seedling on the plot). In the second state, only stocked plots are analyzed to predict seedling density, species composition, and seedling heights. Outcomes are predicted on a plot basis; therefore, the' model is sensitive to variation within the stand. Predictions are· then summarized to an area basis. The independent variables used to predict regeneration success are commonly recorded in forest· inventories. Study design, model development, model predictions, and model updates are discussed~ INTRODUCTION When developing a forest growth and yield model for the northern Rocky Mountains, Stage (1973) envisioned three components of the Prognosis Model. The first part to be coded was large tree growth, which was driven by periodic diameter increment equations. The second was growth of small trees, which was driven by periodic height increment equations. Last was prediction of regeneration establishment following timber harvests. The Prognosis Model is a distant-independent individual-tree growth and yield model. An inventory of trees is projected over time by adding incremental growth to trees. At each time step, growth and mortality are predicted as well as implementation of silvicultural prescriptions. An inventory .of trees on one or more plots represents a stand in the Prognosis Model. Each tree has a density associated with it, \¥hich is a function of the inventory plot size and number of plots sampled in the stand. For example, each tree sampled on a I-ha plot represents 1 tree/ha, each tree sampled on two 11l0-ha plots represents 5 trees/ha, and each tree sampled on ten 1I1000-ha plots represents 100 treeslha. Mortality ·in the Prognosis Model is simulated as a reduction in the treeslha represented by an individual tree record. The purpose of the Regeneration Establishment Model is to predict new trees that become established and add them to the inventory in the Prognosis Model, just as would be done if a regeneration inventory were taken at a future date. The Prognosis Model with the Regeneration Establishment Model can be used to decide which prescription best meets reforestation objectives and to link regeneration to long-term predictions of growth and yield. 30 This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Linkage to other extensions succeSSIOn. 10 the Prognosis Model allows predictions of secondary . The Regeneration Establishment Model has been developed for coniferous forests of the northern Rocky Mountains of the U.S.A. (Ferguson et al.. "1986, Ferguson and Crookston 1991, Ferguson and Carlson 1993). Regeneration success of ten conifer species is predi~ted as a function of plot attributes and time since disturbance. Independent variables are those typically collected during routine stand examinations. This paper discusses the approach takcm to develop the regeneration model and ideas for developing similar models for other geographic areas or ecological conditions.. STUDY DESIGN Predictions of regeneration must be quari.tified in a biologically meaningful and statistically sound manner. It is important that stands and plots be chosen in an unbiased manner because unbiased rates of regeneration success are essential for forest planning. A key point of the study design was to uSe stratified random sampling to retrospectively examine stands that were commercially harvested 2 to 20 years ago. Stands were classified into categories of ecological community type, regeneration method, site preparation method, and geographic location. Stratification' insured that important class variables would be represented in . sampling. From each stratification category, four to five stands were randomly selected for sampling. Stereo aerial photographs were obtained for each stand, and transects were drawn to sample variability observed on the photos, such as differences in aspect, site preparation, residual overstory density, and topographic position. About 25 points were distributed equi,distance along the transects. Each transect point was the centet: of a 11741-ha circular fixed-area plot for sampling regeneration and a variable radius plot for sampling the residual overstory, if present. Variables were recorded plot by plot to make them as independeilt as possible.' Plot variables included habitat type (ecological community type as defined by Cooper et al. [1991]), slope, aspect, topographic position, and type of site preparation. Residualoverstory density was recorded on each plot by species, using a variable radius plot. Stand variables were year of cutting, geographic location, and elevation. A 11741-ha plot was stocked when at least one conifer was established within its boundary. The ten conifer species included in the. model are shown in Table 1. The range of sizes for established trees was between 15 cm tall fot shade tolerant species and 7.5 cm diameter at breast height. Minimum establishment height for shade intolerant species was 30 cm. Minimum hei~hts roughly correspond to a 3-year old seedling. Potential crop trees were sampled on stocked plots. These trees are called "best trees" and were chosen by the following rules: 1. The two tallest trees on the plot regardless of species. 2. The tallest tree of each additional species on the plot not chosen in rule 1. 3. If rules 1 and 2 do not, result in at least four trees, select the tanest remaining trees, .if present, until at least four trees are chosen. 31 Data recorded for best trees were height, age at soil surface, and tree condition (incidence of damages, diseases, or insects). . Table 1. Scientific name, common name, and abbreviation for species in the Regeneration Establishment Model. Scientific name ---------------------_.. Pinus monticola Larix occidentalis . Pseudotsuga menz{esii Abies grandis Tsuga heterophylla Thuja plicata Pinus contorta Picea engelmannii Abies lasiocarpa Pinus ponderosa Common name Abbreviation ------------------------- ---------------- western white pine western larch Douglas-fir grand fir western hemlock western redcedar lodgepole pine Engelmann spruce subalpine fir ponderosa pine WP L DF GF WH C LP ES AF pp MODEL DEVELOPMENT The 11741-ha plot was the unit of analysis to predict the probability of stocking, density, and species composition. Equations for predicting seedling heights were developed from height measurements of best trees. The technique for developing equations follows the example of Hamilton and BriCkell (1983) for two-state systems. In the first state, a plot is either nonstocked or is stocked with at least one established seedling. All plots are used to predict the probability of stocking. In the second state, only stocked plots are used to predict the number of established seedlings on the plot and the species composition of those seedlings. Steps in the Regeneration Establishment Model are shown in Figure I. Steps 4-8 are the core of the model. In steps 4-8, the prpbability of stocking is predicted, the number of trees per stocked plot is chosen, the number of species on stocked plots is chosen, species are assigned to seedlings, and heights are predicted. A logistic regression algorithm was used to predict probabilities for dichotomously distributed dependent variables. The form of the logistic equation is: (1) where P is probability, e is the base of natural logarithms, ~i is the vector of regression coefficients, and xi. is the vector of independent variables. The predicted probability (P) is continuous and bounded within the interval [0, I]. Table 2 shows how the probability of stocking and attributes of stocked plots are used to predict regeneration in a stand. Each plot is processed independently, then aggregated to an area basis. 32 Step 1 Determine plot site preparation Compute years since last disturbance Calculate the increment in stocking 2 3 4 Estimate number of trees 5' Predict number of species 6 Calculate probability of species occurrence 7 8 9 Identify trees bes~ 10 Accumulate stand statistics 11 . Pass tr~e records to prognosis model 12 Yes Yes No Print regeneration summary 13 Figure 1. Computer steps in the Regeneration Establishment Model. Predicted regeneration is added to the inventory of trees in the Prognosis Model. 33 Table 2. Example of using the probability of stocking (P) to scale attribut~s of stocked plots to an area basis. TPSP is the predicted number of regeneration trees per stocked plot. In this example, N=5 plots. Species abbreviations are explained in Table 1. Probability of stocking (P) TPSP --------------- ..., 0.75 -' 0.61 4 2 0.35 0.53 1 0.29 1 Selected speCIes Predicted trees/ha (P*TPSP*741 )!N ---------------- ------------------- GF(2), DF(1) GF(3), WP(l) LP(2) WP(1) LP(l) ----------- x = 0.51 333,4 361.6 103.7 78.5 43.0 Species composition -------------------------- GF (222.3), DF (111.1) GF (271.2). WP (90.4) LP (103.7) WP (78.5) LP (43.0) ------------ --------------------------- I = 920.2 I=GF(493.5), DF (111.1) WP (168.9), LP (146.7) For some steps in the model, it is important to mimic the distribution of the dependent variable. For example, the number of seedlings on stocked plots has a reverse l-shape distribution (Figure 2). The most common occurrence is I tree per stocked plot, followed by 2, 3, 4 trees, etc. Such distributions can be modeled with a Wei bull cumulative density distribution (Bailey and Dell 1973). Once a Wei bull equation is developed, a uniformly distributed pseudo-random number in the interval [0,1] can be used to make an unbiased choice within the distribution. Percent 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Number of trees on stocked plots Figure 2. Distribution of number of seedlings on stocked plots. The tail of this distribution continues past 20 trees to 213 trees per plot. 34 Use of pseudo-random numbers to make unbiased choices among a number of possibilities means that rare events could have a large effect on stand averages if there are only a few plots in the simulation. When the number of inventory plots is less than 50, plots are replicated (repeatedly doubled) un~il there are at least 50 available for processing. However, model. users can control plot replications to produce stochasticity in projections (low number of plots projected) or have predictions that are more deterministic. (high number of plots processed). Table 3 summarizes, the independent variables used to predict the probability of stocking, number of trees per stocked plot, number of species per stocked plot, species occurrence, and seedling heights. Note that these independent variables are routinely· collected by foresters during stand Cixaminations. A few examples of model results provide insight into regeneration success in the northern Rocky Mountains. Figure 3 shows how slope and aspect interact in the probability of stocking equation. Steep south slopes have the lowest probability of stocking, while stocking becomes better as south. slopes become less steep. The probability of stocking increases slightly on north aspects as slope increases, but the increase is not as much as the decrease on south slopes. South slopes have the lowest increases in stocking over time and north slopes have the highest increases in stocking over time (Figure 4). East and west slopes are intermediate between north and south. Table 3. Summary of independent variables used to predict dependent variables. P is the probability of stocking, TPSP is the number of regeneration trees per stocked plot, and SPSP is the number of species per stocked plot. . Independent variable P TPSP ------------------------------------Years since disturbance Aspect Slope Elevation Residual basal area Type of site preparation Habitat type Geographic location Topographic position TPSP Same species in overstory Seedling age Seedling heightsl -------------- ----------- ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ../ ../ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ../ --------------------------------------------------I SPSP -------- Species occurrence 1 Separate equations developed by speci~s. 35 ./ ./ Probability 1.0 I 0.8 Slope percent ~~ o· "G_,,__ ~------- --------- . ".. 0.4 ......rr.-..::: .-..-.- ----... /.' ..--_.•.._...--.....-:- .. .----- ___ ~.... , .'" 50 0.2 0.0 ---- .. :--- -10 . . ::..'--..... ---.. ..... ~__ 30 0.6 ~:~ ..-_._;;;?-" r------,---.-------,---.-----r--..,------,---'---,- o 90 45 135 180 225 270 360 315 Aspect in degrees Figure 3. The interaction of slope and aspect on predicted probability of stocking. ~rObabi~i~ 1 Aspect N 0.8 - -- ! 0.6 E - -.............. _-----~.-...... 0.4 0.2 o~o ~--~----~----------~------~--~--------~ o 5 10 15 Years since disturbance Figure 4. The effect of aspect and time on·predicted probability of stocking. 36 20 W S ~~- ~~ ~ -~~ --~ An example projection from the Regeneration Establishment Model is shown in Table 4. Units have been converted to metric equivalents. The 10plots in this projection are on a north aspect, 30% slope, no residual overstory, an Abies grandis/Clintonia uniflora habitat type, 1070 m elevation, with 30% of the plots mechanically site prepared, and 10 years since harvest. ~ Grand fir has the highest density followed by Douglas-fir. Western hemlock and western redcedar do not occur on this habitat type, while subalpine fir is rare. The tallest seedlings are western larch, Douglas-fir, and western white pine. Seral species such as western larch, Douglas-fir, and western white pine become established quickly after timber removal and grow rapidly in full sunlight. Table 4. Example projection using the Regeneration Establishment Model. The probability of stocking is O~ 73 80 at 10 years after harvest. Species -------- WP L OF GF WH C LP S AF PP Density of all regeneration -------------121 74 477 1139 0 0 22 54 0 22 Density of best trees (per hal Average height of best trees (m) --------------- 121 74 306 788 0 0 22 54 0 22 -.----- ------ 1909 1387 1.4 1.6 1.4 1.1 0.7 0.8 1.1 Grand fir and Douglas-fir regenerated in sufficient numbers that plots are overstocked. This is ~ indicated by a drop in density between the column showing all regeneration and the column showing best trees in Table 4. The column showing best trees reflects the number of trees per ha by species one could expect to favor in future silvicultural treatments such as thinning. Predicted regeneration is added to the·tree list maintained in the Prognosis Model. Planting is simulated by creating tree records that are the species, density, and height specified by the model user. Equations in the Prognosis Model then predict 5-year periodic height increment for small trees. When the trees are larger, diameter increment equations predict growth of trees. Regeneration would be predicted again when harvests are simulated at a future time. 37 DISCUSSION Modeling regeneration success using the approach, presented in this paper should have application in other locations and ecological situations. Key points are to use a stratified random sample to retrospectively examine operationally harvested stands, record plot variables, and develop the model using a tw~-state technique. A stratified random sample means that variables of interest are included in the model, while assuring unhiased selection of sample stands. By using retrospe~tive examinations, results can be obtained in less time than creating conditions of interest, then waiting 10 to 20 years. Because operationally harvested stands are sampled, the model should reflect regeneration success than caD. be expected from routine harvest and site preparation methods. Recording plot variables helps to insure independence be~ween plots" an assumption of analysis of variance.. The use of plot variables in the model allows predictions to be sensitive to variation within the stand. For example, changes in overstory density or type of site preparation within the stand are accounted for by predicting outcomes plot by plot. Use of a two-state modeling technique helps decrease the variation that must be explained. In the first state, all plots are used to predict the probability of stocking (one or more established seedlings on the plot). _In the second state, only stocked plots are used to predict seedling density, species occurrence, and seedling heights-. The probability of stocking is multiplied by the attributes of stocked plots and expanded to an area basis. -Plot size is a consideration in the study design. The 11741-ha plot used in the Regeneration Establishment Model is a common size in the northern Rocky Mountains. Choice of the same· plot size makes predictions easier to understand by model users and their inventory data can - be processed by the model. Haig (1931) provides ideas for choosmg plot size for sampling regeneration that are based on densities of mature, fully stocked stands. Using the same plot size in the model as is used in local inventories -also means that inventory data can-be used to update, expand, or verify a regeneration model. Future updates may be . necessary if regeneration success changes due to insects, diseases, advances in technology, or global climate change. Inventory data can be used to expand a regeneration model to other geographic areas or ecological situations (Ferguson and Johnson 1988), or it could be used to verify an existing model and help decide when updates are needed. The modeling technique used to predjct regeneration in the Prognosis Model may need to be modifi,ed for situations where pre-harvest conditions strongly influence regeneration success. Examples are serotinous cones in lodgepole pine, species that sprout from roots or stumps, and seed stored in the soil. For these cases, features in the model would allow users to include the information from an inventory or the information could be stored when harvests are simulated. Two situations where pre-harvest information is used to predict regeneration success are included in the Regeneration Establishment Model. First, the history of spruce budworm (Choristoneura occidentalis) defoliation can be included in predictions of regeneration 38 success. Second, information is stored for species that sprout from roots or stumps. Computer storage retains the species, size, and number of trees harvested. When regeneration is predi~ted following the harvest, stored attributes are used to predict the number and size of sprouts. An assumption in developing the model is that the influences of soils, diseases, and insects are represented unbiasedly' through the random selection of stands and the dispersion of harvests over a number of years. Spanning a number of treatment years is much better than concentrating treatments in relatively few years. Choosing stands treated in a number of years also helps average sporadic events like seed crops and weather. Development of a regeneration model can identify topics for future research. Locations where stocking isbdow expectations can be investigated to determine the. mechanisms causing sparse regeneration. Other. topics highlighted during model development might be species that do not regenerate in adequate numbers or slow growth rates of seedlings. One recent development that would improve regeneration models concerns independent fitting of several regression equations from the same dataset. Each equation is usually considered independent, although this assumption may not be true. An improvement coUld be made if equations were fit simultaneously as described by Hasenauer et al. (in press)., Year-to-year variation in regeneration success would be another feature to include in regeneration models. Most species have cyclic years of cone crops, which interact with the bioti'C and abiotic environment before seedlings reach establishment size.. Covariances of probabilities could be .examined to see if it is possible to model year-to-year variation. REFERENCES Bailey, RL. & T.R Dell. 1973. Quantifying diameter distributions with the Weibull function. , Forest Science 19:97-104. . Cooper, S.V., K.E. Neiman & D.W. Roberts. 1991. Forest habitat types of northern Idaho: a second approximation. General Technical Report INT-236. USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station. 143p.. Ferguson, D.E., A.R Stage & RJ. Boyd. 1986. Predicting regeneration in the grand fir-cedarhe~ock ecosystem of the northern Rocky Mountains. Forest Science Monograph 26. 41p. Ferguson, D.E. & RR Johnson. 1988. Developing variants for the Regeneration Establishment Model. In: Forest growth modelling and prediction. General Technical Report NC~120. USDA Forest Service, North Central Experiment Station. p 369-376. Ferguson, ·D.E. & N.L. Crookston. 1991. User's guide to version 2 of the Regeneration Establishnient Model: a part of the Prognosis Model. General Technical Report INT279. USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station. 34p. Ferguson, D.E. & C.E. Carlson. 1993. Predicting regeneration establishment with the Prognosis Model. Research Paper INT-467. USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station. 54p. Haig, LT. 1931. .The stocked-quadrat method of sampling reproduction stands. Journal of Forestry 29:747-749. 39 Hamilton, D.A., Jr. & lE. Brickell. 1983. Modeling methods for a two-state system with continuous responses. Canadian Joumal of Forest Research 13: 111 7-1121 . .Hasenauer, H., R.A. Monserud & T.G. Gregoire. In press. Cross-correlations among single tree growth models. In: IUFRO proceedings, symposium on spatial accuracy assessment in natural resources and environmental sciences. todd Mowrer, ed. Stage, A.R. 1973. Prognosis Model for stand development. Research Paper INT-137. USDA Forest Service, Intermountain andRange Experiment Station. 32p. 40 ~-.--.---.--- Title: --- Modelling regeneration success and early growth of forest stands. . Proceedings from the IUFRO Conference, held in Copenhagen, 10-:-13 June 1996. Editors: J.P. Skovsgaard & V.K. Johannsen. Publisher: Ministry of Environment and Energy, Danish Forest and Landscape Research Institute. Citation: Skovsgaard, J.P. & V.K. Johannsen (eds.) 1996: Modelling regeneration. success and early growth of forest stands. Proceedings from the IUFRO Conference, held in Copenhagen, 10-13 June 1996. - Danish Forest and Landscape Research Institute, H0rsholm. 606 pp. ISBN: 87 -89822-59-5 Printing: DSR Tryk, DK-1867 Frederiksberg C, Denmark Number printed: 350 Price: DKK350 The publication is available from: Danish Forest and Landscape Research Institute H0rsholm Kongevej 11 DK-2970 H0rsholm Denmark Tel. +4545763200 Fax +4545763233