BUDGET PLANNING COMMITTEE (BPC) Wednesday, March 20, 2013 3:00 p.m.



Wednesday, March 20, 2013

3:00 p.m.

SS 104



Call Meeting to Order – 3:00 p.m.


Approve Meeting notes from March 12, 2013



Update on Board Budget Workshop a) 3 year forecast b) Mendocino c) Athletics/PE


Program Review Resource Requests

CR Accreditation website: http://www.redwoods.edu/accreditation/

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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

10:00 a.m.

LRC 107




Summary Notes



Bob Brown, Solomon DeCamp Michael Dennis, Tami Engman, Tim Flanagan, Pat

Girczyc, Utpal Goswami, Lee Lindsey and Tami Matsumoto (phone).

CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by committee co-chair Bob Brown.

The meeting notes from February 20 and 22 were reviewed and approved with revisions. The final versions will be posted on the BPC website. MEETING NOTES



The resource requests from program review need to move forward to FPC and

TPC to do their ranking. This committee also needs to review our rubric that will


CONSOLIDATION be used to rank the requests. The committee needs to be sure not to lose sight of this task even though we’re in budget crisis.

Bob Brown reported that a task force has been created by the IEC to review all of the district’s committees that are not Academic Senate committees that possibly



BOT WORKSHOP have overlap and could be consolidated. The BPC has been identified to be reviewed. The objective of looking at committee structure is looking at reducing the overall number of meetings.

Discussion continued regarding processes that are and are not working well for the committee. It was suggested that the committee take more formal votes and that votes be recorded in the meeting notes. It was also suggested that constituency representatives on the committee report to their respective groups regarding what happens at meetings.

Vice President Lindsey further explained stability funding and that last year the district was guaranteed funding for 4811 FTES regardless of the actual enrollment number which was only 4500 FTES. He continued by saying that this year (2012-

13) will be funded for approximately 4500 FTES even though our projections are showing that we will only have around 4364 FTES. If the projections are accurate the floor for our funding next year will be at 4364 FTES. Mr. Lindsey noted that this and an increased deficit factor are reflected in the most recent budget forecast.

He went on to say that if there was some way to increase our enrollment up to

4811 we could get funding with stability restoration funds all the way up to 4860

FTES for the year.

There was continued discussion by the committee regarding the need to make a push and work on the recruitment of more students. It was suggested that the Fall schedule be built with extra sections and an increase be made in online course offerings.

Vice President Lindsey will create an addendum to the budget forecast showing the potential revenue if the District were to succeed in bringing in 4860 FTES.





This will allow everyone to see what the actual funding could be with this level of increased enrollment. This will also allow for EMC to have a discussion about identifying ways to increase enrollment. It was also noted that it’s important to get marketing out there to talk about our accreditation standing.

Vice President Lindsey stated that at this time we cannot sell the Garberville site because it is still under construction. He went on to say that if we were to sell the site at this time we would probably take a loss. He also noted that any monies from the sale would go back into the Measure Q fund. He stated that he is concerned about trying to include selling the site in the budget forecast because it would be a lengthy process of at least a couple of years. This recommendation is being taken very seriously by the President and the board of trustees but it’s probably not something that will happen in the next couple of years. There is a possibility that the district will be able to lease some of the space at the Garberville site and the revenue from the leases may offset the operational costs.

Dr. Goswami stated that it would be very short sited to sell Garberville and/or close centers or sites. He also stated that selling the Garberville site would not add any revenue to the general fund; but it would alienate potential voters of a parcel tax. He also suggested that BPC make a statement saying that Garberville will not be supported by the general fund.

Mr. Lindsey stated that we have to be cautious when considering a parcel tax to help balance the budget because there is no guarantee that it would be supported by the Board of Trustees or the public.

He also stated that a couple of ideas he has would be possibly offering Community

Education and non-credit courses at the Garberville site as a way to bring in some revenue.

Bob Brown stated that we need to get the word out that some revenue will be coming in to cover costs.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m. lw
