REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING June 3, 2015 Agenda Item # XXX SUBJECT: APPROVE 2015-16 TENTATIVE BUDGET RECOMMENDATION Action is required. The President/Superintendent recommends approval of the 2015-16 Tentative Budget pursuant to BP/AP 6200 Budget Preparation. This action helps the District meet Accreditation Standard III D The institution plans and manages its financial affairs with integrity and in a manner that ensures financial stability. BACKGROUND The Board must approve a Tentative Budget before June 30, 2015 to provide a beginning budget for the District effective July 1, 2015. This 2015-16 Tentative Budget has been prepared with reasonable, but conservative assumptions. Exhibit A recaps the District’s 2015-16 Tentative All Funds Budget. Exhibit B recaps the District’s 2015-16 Tentative General Funds Budget. In Exhibit B, the first column of figures recaps the monthly financial report as presented at this Board of Trustees meeting. Then, adjustments are entered in the next column to calculate the 2015-16 Tentative Unrestricted General Fund Budget report. No significant changes have been entered in the restricted general fund or the other funds listed in Exhibit A. Several of the Governor’s proposed increases are not included at this time, for example proposed increases for categorical funds. These augments will be reported in detail in the 2015-16 Final Budget after the Legislature finalizes a budget, the Governor signs the budget, and the Chancellor’s Office releases detailed allocation spreadsheets by district. Exhibit B notes that enrollments have been kept at the estimated 2015-16 enrollment stability level of 3936 FTES as reported on the most recent 20141-5 CCFS 311Q Quarterly Financial Status report and the 2014-15 “P-2” CCFS 320 enrollment report. Therefore, for apportionment funding calculations, full-time equivalent students (FTES) have been held to 2014-15 enrollment levels. During 2015-16, the District will likely only report Fall and Spring FTES, so enrollment levels above enrollment stability are unlikely. Revenues and expenditures include an estimate of apportionment from the May Revised Governor’s Budget proposal along with expenditure increases for a salary step and annual benefit cost increases. The Tentative Budget shows a modest increase to fund balance, continuing the District’s commitment to steady improvement in fiscal stability. Federal revenue remains unchanged at the 2014-15 level of about $100 thousand. State revenue has been adjusted for a 1.02% cost of living adjustment (COLA). Revenue from the proposed base budget increase and the proposal to increase the number of full-time faculty to meet FON (Faculty Obligation Number) requirements has been recognized (The District is currently meeting its FON requirement.) The District’s share of systemwide FTES is about 0.344%, so that percentage was applied to the Governor’s proposals. The Base Budget Increase might be larger if basic funding for small districts and the rural allocation are adjusted upward, but that is not included in this report. The Chancellor’s Office will provide more accurate allocations in August 2015 in time for the preparation of the 2015-16 Final Budget report for the Board’s September meeting. Local revenue remains unchanged at this time as the entire change in Apportionment was recognized in State revenue. When the Chancellor’s Office provides more granular figures, adjustments to apportionment can be made between State and Local revenue. Expenditures include the salary levels restored during 2014-15 plus a 2015-16 salary step. Benefit cots have been increased by 6%. Health and welfare costs are increasing at a smaller rate next year, but other payroll expenditures, such as final unemployment tax assessments have not been reported yet. Non-payroll costs were increased by 2.5% as well. The net result of the revenue and expenditure adjustments in this 2015-16 preliminary budget estimates a small increase to the fund balance calculating to 6.3%. Exhibit A: 2015-16 Tentative All Funds Budget REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT TENTATIVE BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2015-16 REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE REVENUES: Federal Sources State Sources Local Sources General Fund (10) 8100-8199 $ 8600-8699 8800-8899 Total Revenue EXPENDITURES: Academic Salaries Other Staff Salaries Employee Benefits Reorganization & RIF Supplies & Materials Services & Other Operating Capital Outlay 1000-1999 2000-2999 3000-3999 4000-4999 5000-5999 6000-6999 Total Expenditures EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES): Interfund Transfers In Debt Service Interfund Transfers Out Student Financial Aid 8980-8988 7100-7199 7300-7399 7500-7699 Total Other Sources (Uses) FUND BALANCE INCREASE (DECREASE) GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Child DevelStudent Other Sp opment Farm Rev Funds (33) (34) (39) Debt Serv Fund (21) & (29) Capital Projects (41) 1,356,475 $ 18,062,227 11,942,054 0 $ 0 2,155,764 72,891 $ 244,229 48,669 0 $ 100,000 22,000 0 $ 0 595,000 0 0 20,000 31,360,756 2,155,764 365,789 122,000 595,000 20,000 10,969,396 6,586,963 7,055,421 1,271,000 342,861 4,027,353 323,207 0 0 0 0 254,781 155,061 18,134 7,985 0 200,000 90,000 75,000 9,000 0 0 0 26,159 13,512 6,276 5,000 6,881 100,000 8,000 132,000 300,000 0 0 6,000,000 30,576,201 0 455,789 138,000 730,000 6,084,000 784,554 2,155,764 (90,000) (16,000) (135,000) (6,064,000) 15,000 0 (464,460) (377,717) 98,907 (2,133,681) 0 0 90,000 0 0 0 28,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (677,177) (2,034,774) 90,000 28,000 0 0 107,377 120,990 0 12,000 (135,000) (6,064,000) 1,772,720 0 2,020,120 0 16,861 0 0 0 218,495 0 11,000,000 0 1,772,720 2,020,120 16,861 0 218,495 11,000,000 1,880,097 $ 2,141,110 $ 16,861 $ BEGINNING FUND BALANCE: Beginning Balance Prior Year Adjustments 9790 9791-9792 Adjusted Beginning Balance ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 12,000 $ 83,495 $ 4,936,000 Exhibit A: 2015-16 Tentative All Funds Budget – Continued REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT TENTATIVE BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2015-16 PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE REVENUES: Federal Sources State Sources Local Sources Enterprise Funds (5X) 8100-8199 $ 8600-8699 8800-8899 0 $ 0 60,000 8,700,000 $ 300,000 0 0 $ 0 298,854 10,129,366 18,706,456 16,092,341 950,000 60,000 9,000,000 298,854 44,928,163 1000-1999 2000-2999 3000-3999 4,000 220,000 50,000 0 25,000 900 0 0 0 0 0 900,000 4000-4999 5000-5999 6000-6999 60,000 120,000 400,000 9,000 80,510 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,973,396 7,379,878 8,268,367 1,271,000 451,020 4,380,256 7,129,483 854,000 115,410 96,000 (55,410) Total Expenditures EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES): Interfund Transfers In Debt Service Interfund Transfers Out Student Financial Aid TOTAL ALL FUNDS (Memo Only) 0 $ 0 950,000 Total Revenue EXPENDITURES: Academic Salaries Other Staff Salaries Employee Benefits Reorganization & RIF Supplies & Materials Services & Other Operating Capital Outlay FIDUCIARY FUND TYPE - TRUST Associated Student Employee Student Financial Benefit Body Aid Trust Trust (71) (74) (78) 8980-8988 7100-7199 7300-7399 7500-7699 Total Other Sources (Uses) FUND BALANCE INCREASE (DECREASE) 900,000 39,853,400 9,000,000 0 (601,146) 5,074,762 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (9,000,000) 225,000 0 0 0 456,907 (2,133,681) (464,460) (9,377,717) 0 0 (9,000,000) 225,000 (11,368,951) (376,146) (6,294,189) 96,000 (55,410) 0 491,362 0 125,345 0 5 0 1,750,907 0 17,395,815 0 491,362 125,345 5 1,750,907 17,395,815 5 1,374,761 $ 11,101,626 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE: Beginning Balance Prior Year Adjustments 9790 9791-9792 Adjusted Beginning Balance ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 587,362 $ 69,935 $ Exhibit B: 2015-16 Tentative General Funds Budget REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT TENTATIVE GENERAL FUNDS BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2015-16 REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE Full-time Equivalent Students (FTES) REVENUES: Federal Sources 1.02% COLA Increase faculty numbers to meet FON Base Budget Increase State Sources Local Sources Total Revenue EXPENDITURES: Academic Salaries Other Staff Salaries Employee Benefits Pay Restoration - draft estimate Supplies & Materials Services & Other Operating Capital Outlay Total Expenditures Unrestricted 2014-15 June 2015 BOT Adjustments Unrestricted 2015-16 May Revised Budget Restricted 2015-16 General Fund 2015-16 Tentative Bgt 3936 0 3936 100,598 100,598 1,255,877 1,356,475 14,100,509 11,639,170 0 282,010 258,145 915,556 1,455,712 0 15,556,221 11,639,170 2,506,006 302,884 18,062,227 11,942,054 25,840,277 1,455,712 27,295,989 4,064,767 31,360,756 10,265,427 4,916,532 5,923,204 1,240,000 228,045 3,133,560 137,086 256,636 122,913 355,392 31,000 5,701 78,339 3,427 10,522,063 5,039,445 6,278,596 1,271,000 233,746 3,211,899 140,513 447,333 1,547,518 776,825 0 109,115 815,454 182,694 10,969,396 6,586,963 7,055,421 1,271,000 342,861 4,027,353 323,207 25,843,854 853,408 26,697,262 3,878,939 30,576,201 598,726 185,828 784,554 EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) (3,577) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/(USES): Sale of Land & Buildings Interfund Transfers In Intrafund Transfers In Debt Service Intrafund Transfers Out Interfund Transfers Out Student Financial Aid Other Sources (Uses) 0 15,000 0 0 0 (464,460) (41,889) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 0 0 0 (464,460) (41,889) 0 0 0 0 0 150,000 0 (335,828) 0 0 15,000 0 0 150,000 (464,460) (377,717) 0 (491,349) 0 (491,349) (185,828) (677,177) Total Other Sources (Uses) TEMPORARY ONE-TIME SAVINGS FUND BALANCE INCREASE (DECREASE) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE: Beginning Balance Prior Year & Other Adjustments Adjusted Beginning Balance ENDING FUND BALANCE Net Fund Balance Percent Excess Reserve Over 5% Minimum (494,926) 107,377 0 107,377 2,092,646 0 1,597,720 0 175,000 0 1,772,720 0 2,092,646 1,597,720 175,000 1,772,720 1,597,720 1,705,097 175,000 1,880,097 6.1% 280,960 6.3% 345,666 BUDGET IMPLICATIONS The District will use this budget to begin the 2015-16 fiscal year, until the State’s adopted budget is enacted. 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