World Review of Business Research Vol. 5. No. 2. April 2015 Issue. Pp. 39 – 59 Impact of Agriculture, Industry and Service Sector’s Value Added in the GDP on CO2 Emissions of Selected South Asian Countries Janifar Alam* The study will determine the impact of Agriculture, manufacturing Industry and Service sector’s value added in the GDP on CO2 emissions of selected south Asian countries; Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka. Moreover, the study empirically analyze the factors that affects CO2 emissions and examine the Environmental Kuznets Curve for GDP per capita and CO2 emissions in metric tons per capita of mentioned countries by using World Bank data for 39 years from 19722010. The finding of this study suggests that value added of agriculture in the GDP has negative significant impact on CO2 emissions where industrial and services value added in the GDP has positive significant impact on CO2 emissions. All measured associating factors are significantly affects the growth of CO2 emissions. The existence of EKC “U” shape does not hold because CO2 emissions increase with income. Field of Research: Environment and National Economy 1. Introduction Climate change and global warming are the greatest and most significant environmental issues for the last two decades. Scientists claim that the increasing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions produce a substantial increase of greenhouse gases, which have given rise to recent occurrences of warm temperatures. Elevated CO2 emissions from industries, factories, vehicles have contributed to the greenhouse effect, causing warmer weather that lasted long after the atmosphere.CO2 emissions have grown radically in the past century because of human activities, mainly by the use of fossil fuels as well as energy production that are directly linked with economic growth and development. Environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) analysis is an econometric methodology which assumes that environmental quality or pollutant emissions are correlated with economic growth. The growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is specifically a good indication of economic growth. The EKC relationship states that environmental degradation increases when GDP per capita increases up to a certain threshold level and beyond a threshold level (the turning point) pollution decreases and environmental quality improves. The EKC discusses “Stages of economic growth” that execute in three phases; it discusses, Stage 1: Society concentrates resources in the primary sector (i.e. extraction, agriculture) to satisfy necessary consumption; Stage 2: As basic needs are satisfied and further consumption is concentrated on consumption goods so resources are switched to the secondary sector (i.e. manufacturing) and environmental pollution increases and Stage 3: Society moves from the secondary to the tertiary sector (i.e. Services) characterized by much lower levels of pollution. Janifar Alam, Lecturer, School of Business, University of Information Technology and Sciences, GA-37/1 Progoti Sarani, Baridhara J-Block, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh. e-mail: Alam In 1991, the EKC hypothesis was first introduced by Grossman and Krueger for different environmental indicators, including the CO2 emissions as well. The EKC hypothesis stated an inverted U-shape relation between various indicators of environmental quality and per capita income. Under this hypothesis, CO2 emissions were usually explained by linear, quadratic or cubic polynomial functions of income per capita.CO2 accounts for the largest portion of greenhouse gas emissions and a major source of environmental problems. Thus it is meaningful to examine the EKC relationship between CO2 emissions and GDP per capita. Several effects of global warming are projected to affect the South Asian region including steady sea level rise, increased cyclonic activity and changes in ambient temperature and precipitation patterns. As per the IPCC, the projected for the mean annual increase in temperature by the end of the century in South Asia is 3.3 °C with the min-max range as 2.7 and 4.7°C. The mean value for Tibet would be higher with mean increase of 3.8°C and min-max figures of 2.6 and 6.1 °C respectively which implies harsher warming conditions for the Himalayan watersheds. The corresponding sea level rise at the end of the 21st Century relative to the end of the 20th Century ranges from 0.18 to 0.59 m. Ongoing sea level rises have already submerged several low-lying islands in the Sundarbans, displacing thousands of people. Temperature rises on the Tibetan Plateau, which are causing Himalayan glaciers to retreat. So the study is conducted to examine the EKC relationship between CO2 emissions and GDP per capita on South Asian region for some selected countries like Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka. The study has analyzed the factors affecting on the annual growth of GDP and CO2 emissions. Numerous factors are responsible for CO2 emissions such as Rate of deforestation, Trade, Population density, Urbanization, Climate, Population growth, Number of Vehicles on road, Education level, Employment level and country‟s investment. Here the study observe robustness of some associating factorsofCO2 emissions which are GDP, Fossil fuel energy consumption, Exports and Imports of goods and services, Energy production, Energy use and Electric power consumption. There are only three variables selected as major contributors of the annual GDP growth which are Agriculture, Industry and services. GDP is the monetary value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given time period, though GDP is usually calculated on an annual basis. GDP is the sum of gross value added by all resident producers in the economy plus any product taxes and minus any subsidies not included in the value of the products. It is calculated without making deductions for depreciation of fabricated assets or for depletion and degradation of natural resources. Traditional macroeconomic accounting divides GDP into three principal categories: Agriculture, Industry, and Services. Agriculture includes agricultural and livestock production and services; fishing; hunting; and forestry. Industry includes mining and quarrying; manufacturing; construction; and electricity, gas, and water. Finally, Services includes transport, storage, and communications; wholesale and retail trade; banking, insurance, and real estate; ownership of dwellings; public administration and defense and other services. Now this study concentrates on average contribution of agriculture, manufacturing and service sector in GDP contribution of 39 years; from the year of 1972 to 2010. In the GDP of Bangladesh, the average contribution of agriculture sector is 32.22%, manufacturing sector is 21.61% and service sector is 46.17%.In the GDP of India, the average contribution of agriculture sector is 28.45%, manufacturing sector is 25.58% and service 40 Alam sector is 45.97%.In the GDP of Nepal, the average contribution of agriculture sector is 49.58%, manufacturing sector is 16.07% and service sector is 34.35%. In the GDP of Sri Lanka, the average contribution of agriculture sector is 22.99%, manufacturing sector is 27.30% and service sector is 49.71%. It is noticeable that value addition of service sector in GDP is higher than manufacturing sector. So our society is in service economy as service sector generates more wealth than the manufacturing sector of the economy. According to the EKC hypothesis, our economy moves from the secondary (manufacturing) to the tertiary sector (Services) and environmental pollution should be decrease. To justify the hypothesis, the study wants to investigate the association of CO2 emissions with value added of agriculture, value added of industry and value added of services in the GDP (% of GDP) which was not addressed by the past studies. The main objective of the study is to analyze the impact of agriculture, industry and service sectors value added in the GDP on CO2 emissions of Asian countries which are Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka. empirically analyze the factors that affects the CO2 emissions and Environmental Kuznets Curve for GDP per capita and CO2 emissions countries from the year of 1972 to 2010. manufacturing selected south In addition to examines the for mentioned The rest of the paper is organized as follows namely section 2 reviews the theoretical background, section 3 discusses literature review, section 4 lays out the methodology, section 5 discusses the results from the analysis and the last section concludes. 2. Theoretical Background EKC is an inverted-U-shaped relationship between economic growth and measured pollution indicators or environmental qualityas economic growth is linked to continuous structural transformation and change. In fact EKCmodel represents the structural change; as income of an economy grows over time, emission level grows first, reaches a peak and then starts declining after a threshold level of income has been achieved. Figure 1: Environmental Kuznets Curve Thus the EKC has another term “stages of economic growth” as economies pass through a transition from agriculture based economies to industrial economies results in increasing environmental degradation and then post-industrial service based economies consequently begin to demonstrate decreases in pollution and environmental degradation. The transition from agricultural to industrial economies results in increasing environmental degradation 41 Alam due to greater use of natural resources, more emission of pollutants, emphasize to increase in material output. The transition from industrial to service based economy is assumed to result in leveling off and a steady decline of environmental degradation because of increased environmental awareness, higher environmental expenditures, efficient technologies and increased demand for environmental quality. As income moves away from the EKC turning point, it is assumed that transition to improving environmental quality starts. Figure 2: Stages of Economic Development 3. Literature Review Akbostanci et al. (2009) investigated the relationship between income and environmental degradation in Turkey. By using a time series model spanning from 1968 to 2003, they found that CO2 emissions and income tend to have a monotonically increasing relationship in the long run. This monotonically increasing relationship implies that the EKC hypothesis does not hold in this case. Ang (2008) found positive link between GDP per capita, energy consumption, CO2 emissions for Malaysia. Causality runs from output to energy consumption not only in the short, but also in the long run. Galeotti et al. (2009) explained that EKC is not found at all the times relating to CO2. Halicioglu (2009) examine the relationship between income per capita, carbon emissions, energy use and trade openness for Turkey. Results from ARDL bounds testing approach support cointegration among the series. In addition to EKC relation, he also found that energy consumption, trade and CO2 emissions are the main contributors to economic growth in the long run. Halicioglu (2009) applied ARDL approach of cointegration in a loglinear quadratic equation among CO2 emission, energy consumption, economic growth in order to test the validity of EKC for Turkey. Results suggested that the most significant variable in explaining the carbon emissions in Turkey is income followed by energy consumption and foreign trade. Jalil and Mahmud (2009) found uni-directional causality running from economic growth to CO2 emissions in China. The results of the study also indicate that the carbon emissions 42 Alam are mainly determined by income and energy consumption in the long-run. Moreover trade has a positive but statistically insignificant impact on CO2 emissions. Lean and Smyth (2009, 2010) examined the relation between electricity consumption, CO2 emissions and output for ASEAN countries using a panel vector error correction model. They found a positive and significant long run relation between electricity consumption and CO2 emissions. The CO2 emissions and GDP per capita relation supports the existence of EKC. Saboori and Soleymani (2011) examines the dynamic relationship among carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, economic growth and energy consumption based on the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis for Iran during the period 1971 to 2007. Auto regressive distributed lag (ARDL) results suggest that the existence of three forms of long-run relationship among variables when CO2 emissions, economic growth and energy consumption are the dependent variables. The results do not support the EKC hypothesis which assumes an inverted U-shaped relationship between income and environmental degradation. The long-run results indicate energy consumption has a positive and significant impact on CO2 emissions. 4. Methodology The data has been collected from the secondary source known as world development indicators from the year 1972 till 2010 consecutive years. There are basically four variables included in the model that are agriculture, manufacturing, services and GDP Growth. At first this study tracing the relationship between variables and to check the effect of independent variables (agriculture, manufacturing and services) on dependent variable (GDP Growth). GDP = α+ β1 (Agriculture) + β2 (manufacturing) + β3 (services) +е ………….model 1 Now we consider model 2 to analyse the effects of different determinants on the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. CO2 = f (GDP, export, Import, fossil fuel energy consumption, energy production, energy use, electricity power consumption) …………… model 2 From model2, CO2 = f (GDP); Hence, CO2 = f (α+ β1Value added of Agriculture in the GDP + β2 Value added of manufacturing industry in the GDP + β3value added of services in the GDP+е)……..........................model 3 The Econometric Model; CO2 = α+ β1(Value added of Agriculture in the GDP) + β2(Value added of manufacturing industry in the GDP) + β3(value added of services in the GDP) + β4(export) +β5(Import) +β6(fossilfuel energy consumption)+ β7(energy production) + β8 (energy use) + β9 (electricity power consumption)+е Hypothesis test : When share of the Services sector‟s value added (VA) in the GDP is higher, CO2 emissions decrease. 43 Alam : When share of the Services sector‟s value added (VA) in the GDP is higher, CO2 emissions does not decrease. The basic empirical analysis of the EKC starts from an estimate of (a variation of) CO2 = α+ β1GDP + β2 GDP2 + β3 GDP3 +е… … … … … … … … … … … (1) The EKC hypothesis requires that β1> 0, β2< 0 and β3 = 0. The income level at which environmental degradation begins to decline is called income turning point (ITP). The ITP of an EKC is obtained by setting the first derivation (with respect to income) of equation (1) equal to zero and solved for income; this yields – β1/2β2.With β1> 0, β2< 0 and β3> 0 an N-shaped pattern is obtained, i.e. there is a second turning point, after which the environmental degradation rises again with increasing income. 5. Empirical Results 5.1 Effects of GDP Growth on CO2 Emissions In the regression analysis of Bangladesh India, Nepal and Sri Lanka, it is observed that GDP growth has strong positive influence on CO2 emissions that is highly significant in the regression model. Value added of agriculture in the GDP is negatively associated with CO2 emissions and Value added of industry and services in the GDP are positively correlated with CO2 emissions that are all highly significant. 5.2 Effects of Determinants on CO2 Emissions For above mentioned south Asian countries, The explanatory variables; Exports and Imports of goods and services, Fossil fuel energy consumption, Energy Production, Energy Use and Electric power consumption are positively correlated with CO2 emissions which are all statistically significant. 5.3 Effects of Value Added of GDP on CO2 Emissions Value added of industry and services in GDP is positively correlated with Exports, Imports of goods and services, Fossil fuel energy consumption, Energy Production, Energy Use and Electric power consumption but Value added of agriculture in GDP is negatively correlated with these factors that are also highly significant for all selected south Asian countries. 44 Alam 5.4 Description of Variables Table1: Definition of study variables Description CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita) GDP per capita (current US$) Square of GDP per capita Cube of GDP per capita Share of the Agriculture sector‟s value added (VA) in theGDP (% of GDP) Ind_%GDP Share of the Industry sector‟s value added (VA) in theGDP (% of GDP) Serv_%GDP Share of the Services sector‟s value added (VA) in theGDP (% of GDP) Export Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) Import Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) Fossil Fossil fuel energy consumption (% of total) Energy Production Energy production (kt of oil equivalent) Energy Use Energy use (kt of oil equivalent) Electricity power Electric power consumption (kWh per capita) consumption Variable CO2 GDP GDP2 GDP3 Agri_%GDP 5.5 Regression Analysis 5.5.1 Regression Analysis of Bangladesh Effects of Determinants on CO2 Emissions in Bangladesh From the econometric model of Bangladesh, it shows the following relation; CO2 = α -.006 (Value added of Agriculture in the GDP) + .014 (Value added of manufacturing industry in the GDP) + .009 (value added of services in the GDP) + .018(export) +.018 (Import) + .006(fossil) + 0.000015 (energy production) + 0.0000126(energy use) + .001(electricity power consumption)+е Effects of Value Added of GDP on CO2 Emissions in Bangladesh Agri_%GDP = α – 1.947(export)- 2.077 (Import) -.738 (fossil) -.002 (energy production) .001(energy use) – .140 (electricity power consumption)+е Ind_%GDP =α + .785(export) +.811 (Import) + .292(fossil) + .001 (energy production) + .001(energy use) + .053(electricity power consumption) +е Serv_%GDP =α + 1.162 (export) +1.266 (Import) + .446 (fossil) + .001 (energy production) + .001(energy use) + .087(electricity power consumption) +е 45 Alam The table of regression analysis of Bangladesh is given below; Table 2: Regression analysis of Bangladesh (Panel A) Country: Bangladesh Estimators Model GDP Agri_% Ind_% Serv_% Export Import Fossil Summary GDP GDP GDP CO2 R .947 .801 .785 .786 .939 .845 .958 R-Square .896 .642 .616 .617 .881 .714 .919 B .001 -.006 .014 .009 .018 .018 .006 Sig .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 Agri_% R .728 .722 .670 .888 GDP R-Square .530 .521 .450 .789 B -8.467 -1.947 -2.077 -.738 Sig .000 .000 .000 .000 Ind_% R .702 .738 .664 .892 GDP R-Square .493 .545 .441 .796 B 20.706 .785 .811 .292 Sig .000 .000 .000 .000 Serv_% R .721 .688 .653 .857 GDP R-Square .519 .474 .426 .734 B 13.388 1.162 1.266 .446 Sig .000 .000 .000 .000 Table 2: Regression analysis of Bangladesh (Panel B) Country: Bangladesh Estimators Model Energy Energy Use Electricity Summary Production power consumption CO2 R .994 .995 .984 R-Square .987 .989 .968 B 1.528E-005 1.260E-005 .001 Sig .000 .000 .000 Agri_% R .803 .804 .729 GDP R-Square .644 .646 .532 B -.002 -.001 -.140 Sig .000 .000 .000 Ind_% R .782 .790 .705 GDP R-Square .611 .624 .496 B .001 .001 .053 Sig .000 .000 .000 Serv_% R .790 .786 .721 GDP R-Square .624 .619 .520 B .001 .001 .087 Sig .000 .000 .000 46 Alam Environment Kuznets Curve for CO2 Emissions and GDP in Bangladesh The graphical representation of the relation between GDP per capita and CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita) in figure 1 shows that an inverted “U” shape of the EKC does not hold since emissions rather have an upward trend. It is seen that N-shaped pattern is obtained as CO2 emissions increases again with increasing income. Figure 3: Carbon dioxide emissions and GDP in Bangladesh, 1972-2010 CO2 emissions and GDP per capita in Bangladesh, 1972-2010 0.4 0.35 0.3 CO2 0.25 Emissions 0.2 (metric tons per capita) 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 CO2 0 200000000 400000000 600000000 GDP per capita (current US$) The above graphical representation of CO2 emissions and GDP per capita in Bangladesh for the year of 1972 to 2010 reveals thatCO2 emissions accelerate as value added of industry and services in GDP expansively rising at the same time. 5.5.2 Regression Analysis of India Effects of Determinants on CO2 Emissions in India From the econometric model of India, it shows the following relation; CO2 = α -.050 (Value added of Agriculture in the GDP) + .149 (Value added of manufacturing industry in the GDP) + .067 (value added of services in the GDP) + .061(export) +.052 (Import) + .031(fossil) + 0.000003434 (energy production) + 0.000002348(energy use) + .002(electricity power consumption) +е Effects of Value Added of GDP on CO2 Emissions in India Agri_%GDP = α – 1.119(export)- .935 (Import) -.583 (fossil) -0.0000633 (energy production) - 0.00004253 (energy use) – .044 (electricity power consumption)+е Ind_%GDP =α + .258(export) +.223 (Import) + .140(fossil) + 0.00001512 (energy production) + 0.000009787(energy use) + .010(electricity power consumption) +е Serv_%GDP =α + .861 (export) +.712 (Import) + .443 (fossil) + 0.00004818 (energy production) + 0.00003275(energy use) + .033(electricity power consumption) +е . 47 Alam The table of regression analysis of India is given below; Table 3: Regression analysis of India (Panel A) Country: India Estimators Model Summary CO2 R R-Square B Sig Agri_% R GDP R-Square B Sig Ind_% R GDP R-Square B Sig Serv_% R GDP R-Square B Sig GDP .909 .827 .001 .000 .840 .705 -35.385 .000 .721 .520 108.081 .000 .837 .700 46.340 .000 Agri_% GDP .957 .915 -.050 .000 Ind_% GDP .793 .629 .149 .000 Serv_% GDP .964 .930 .067 .000 Export Import Fossil .937 .878 .061 .000 .901 .811 -1.119 .000 .739 .546 .258 .000 .911 .829 .861 .000 .926 .857 .052 .000 .884 .782 -.935 .000 .750 .563 .223 .032 .885 .783 .712 .000 .970 .941 .031 .000 .966 .932 -.583 .000 .823 .678 .140 .000 .964 .930 .443 .000 Table 3: Regression analysis of India (Panel B) Country: India Estimators Model Energy Energy Use Electricity Summary Production power consumption CO2 R .996 .996 .997 R-Square .992 .992 .995 B 3.434E-006 2.348E-006 .002 Sig .000 .000 .000 Agri_% R .969 .952 .953 GDP R-Square .939 .906 .909 B -6.330E-005 -4.253E-005 -.044 Sig .000 .000 .000 Ind_% R .823 .779 .796 GDP R-Square .677 .607 .633 B 1.512E-005 9.787E-006 .010 Sig .000 .000 .000 Serv_% R .969 .963 .959 GDP R-Square .939 .927 .919 B 4.818E-005 3.275E-005 .033 Sig .000 .000 .000 48 Alam Environment Kuznets Curve for CO2 Emissions and GDP in India The graphical representation of the relation between GDP per capita and CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita) in figure 2 shows that an inverted “U” shapes of the EKC does not hold since emissions rather have a rising trend. Figure 4: Carbon dioxide emissions and GDP in India, 1972-2010 CO2 emissions and GDP in India, 1972-2010 2 1.5 CO2 emissions 1 (metric tons per capita) CO2 0.5 0 0 1E+09 2E+09 3E+09 GDP per capita (current US$) The above graphical representation of CO2 emissions and GDP per capita in India for the year of 1972 to 2010 shows that CO2 emissions rises as value added of industry and services have positive correlation with CO2 emissions and increases with increasing income. 5.5.3 Regression Analysis of Nepal Effects of Determinants on CO2 Emissions in Nepal From the econometric model of Nepal, it shows the following relation; CO2 = α -.003 (Value added of Agriculture in the GDP) + .007 (Value added of manufacturing industry in the GDP) + .004 (value added of services in the GDP) + .006(export) +.005 (Import) + .012(fossil) + 0.00002367 (energy production) + 0.00001979(energy use) + .001(electricity power consumption) +е Effects of Value Added of GDP on CO2 Emissions in Nepal Agri_%GDP = α – 1.423(export) – 1.391 (Import) - 3.107 (fossil) - .007 (energy production) - .006 (energy use) – .398 (electricity power consumption) +е Ind_%GDP =α + .699(export) +.459 (Import) + .922(fossil) + .002 (energy production) + .001(energy use) + .092 (electricity power consumption) +е Serv_%GDP =α + .724 (export) +.932 (Import) + 2.185 (fossil) + .005 (energy production) + .004(energy use) + .306(electricity power consumption) +е 49 Alam The table of regression analysis of Nepal is given below; Table 4: Regression analysis of Nepal (Panel A) Country: Nepal Estimators Model Summary CO2 R R-Square B Sig Agri_% R GDP R-Square B Sig Ind_% R %GDP R-Square B Sig Serv_% R %GDP R-Square B Sig GDP .737 .543 .000 .000 .787 .620 -7.254 .000 .404 .163 10.537 .011 .878 .772 11.030 .000 Agri_% GDP .891 .794 -.003 .000 Ind_% GDP .753 .567 .007 .000 Serv_% GDP .852 .726 .004 .000 Export Import Fossil .700 .490 .006 .000 .624 .389 -1.423 .000 .868 .754 .699 .000 .432 .187 .724 .006 .902 .813 .005 .000 .931 .867 -1.391 .000 .871 .758 .459 .000 .850 .722 .932 .000 .981 .962 .012 .000 .895 .801 -3.107 .000 .753 .567 .922 .000 .858 .736 2.185 .000 Table 4: Regression analysis of Nepal (Panel B) Country: Nepal Estimators Model Energy Energy Use Electricity Summary Production power consumption CO2 R .897 .916 .889 R-Square .805 .839 .790 B 2.367E-005 1.979E-005 .001 Sig .000 .000 .000 Agri_% R .938 .935 .927 GDP R-Square .880 .873 .860 B -.007 -.006 -.398 Sig .000 .000 .000 Ind_% R .625 .631 .604 GDP R-Square .390 .398 .365 B .002 .001 .092 Sig .000 .000 .000 Serv_% R .978 .970 .973 GDP R-Square .956 .941 .946 B .005 .004 .306 Sig .000 .000 .000 50 Alam Environment Kuznets Curve for CO2 Emissions and GDP in Nepal The graphical representation of the relation between GDP per capita and CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita) in figure3 shows that an inverted “U” shapes of the EKC does not hold since emissions going up. Figure 5: Carbon dioxide emissions and GDP in Nepal, 1972-2010 CO2 emissions and GDP in Nepal, 1972-2010 0.16 0.14 0.12 CO2 0.1 emissions 0.08 (metric tons per capita) 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 CO2 0 100000000 200000000 300000000 GDP per capita (current US $) It is seen that CO2 emissions increases with increasing value added of industry and services in the GDP of Nepal. The trend shows that CO2 emissions sharply increase. 5.5.4 Regression Analysis of Sri Lanka Effects of Determinants on CO2 Emissions in Sri Lanka From the econometric model of Sri Lanka, it shows the following relation; CO2 = α -.023 (Value added of Agriculture in the GDP) + .066 (Value added of manufacturing industry in the GDP) + .027 (value added of services in the GDP) + .006(export) +.003 (Import) + .019(fossil) + .000 (energy production) + 0.00008009(energy use) + .001(electricity power consumption) +е Effects of Value Added of GDP on CO2 Emissions in Sri Lanka Agri_%GDP = α – .181(export) – .122 (Import) - .724 (fossil) - .008 (energy production) .003 (energy use) – .053 (electricity power consumption) +е Ind_%GDP =α + .030(export) +.047 (Import) + .116(fossil) + .001 (energy production) + .001(energy use) + .001 (electricity power consumption) +е Serv_%GDP =α + .151 (export) +.075 (Import) + .608 (fossil) + .007 (energy production) + .003(energy use) + .044(electricity power consumption) +е 51 Alam The table of regression analysis ofSri Lanka is given below; Table 5: Regression analysis of Sri Lanka (Panel A) Country: Sri Lanka Estimators Model GDP Agri_% Ind_% Serv_% Export Summary GDP GDP GDP CO2 R .865 .957 .656 .938 .192 R-Square .748 .915 .430 .880 .037 B .000 -.023 .066 .027 .006 Sig .000 .000 .000 .000 .242 Agri_% R .878 .134 GDP R-Square .771 .018 B -74.661 -.181 Sig .000 .416 Ind_% R .664 .094 GDP R-Square .441 .009 B 235.423 .030 Sig .000 .571 Serv_% R .843 .131 GDP R-Square .711 .017 B 84.154 .151 Sig .000 .427 Import Fossil .133 .018 .003 .419 .124 .015 -.122 .453 .198 .039 .047 .226 .089 .008 .075 .589 .973 .947 .019 .000 .920 .846 -.724 .000 .614 .378 .116 .000 .906 .821 .608 .000 Table 5: Regression analysis of Sri Lanka (Panel B) Country: Sri Lanka Estimators Model Energy Energy Use Electricity power Summary Production consumption CO2 R .822 .956 .949 R-Square .676 .914 .900 B .000 8.009E-005 .001 Sig .000 .000 .000 Agri_% R .879 .965 .968 GDP R-Square .772 .931 .938 B -.008 -.003 -.053 Sig .000 .000 .000 Ind_% R .553 .647 .647 GDP R-Square .306 .418 .418 B .001 .001 .001 Sig .000 .000 .000 Serv_% R .875 .950 .944 GDP R-Square .766 .903 .892 B .007 .003 .044 Sig .000 .000 .000 52 Alam Environment Kuznets Curve for CO2 Emissions and GDP in Sri Lanka The graphical representation of the relation between GDP per capita and CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita) in figure 4 shows that an inverted “U” shapes of the EKC does not hold since emissions have a growing trend. Figure 6: Carbon dioxide emissions and GDP in Sri Lanka, 1972-2010 CO2 emissions and GDP in Sri Lanka, 1972-2010 0.7 0.6 0.5 CO2 emissions 0.4 (metric tons 0.3 per capita) CO2 0.2 0.1 0 0 1E+10 2E+10 GDP per capita (current US$) It is seen that CO2 emissions increases stridently because of growing share of Industry and services in the total GDP. From the above regression analysis of Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka, it is noticeable that value added of services in GDP is positively correlated with CO2 emissions because export, import, fossil fuel energy consumption, energy production, energy use and electricity power consumption which are also positively correlated with both value added of services in GDP and CO2 emissions and statistically significant also. For this interrelation among the factors ofCO2 emissions and value added of services in GDP, CO2 emissions increases with the growth of value added of services in GDP. So the null hypothesis is rejected. Now the study attain the findings that- When share of the Services sector‟s value added (VA) in the GDP is higher than manufacturing sector, CO2 emissions does not decrease rather increase. The study do not get any inverted- U shape relation betweenGDP per capita and CO2 emissions metric tons per capita asCO2 emissions increases again with rising income. 6. Conclusion In this study, The EKC hypothesis contradicts in the sense that our south Asian society‟s moves from the secondary to the tertiary sector (Services) but CO2 emissions does not decrease rather increases with rising income that is the new findings of the research. This study finds out that, growth of CO2 emissions linked with not only value added of industry in GDP but also value added of services in GDP. So the implication of the research is that staying service economy is not the only way of reducing CO2 emissions because value added of services in GDP also associated with CO2 emissions. 53 Alam There are certain limitations of the study which be taken into account for further studies in the future, like sample size is small which is only for 39 years and the study cannot include the data of CO2 emissions from mining and quarrying; manufacturing; construction and electricity of industrial sector and the data of CO2 emissions by transport, trade, real estate and other services because of unavailability of data. Besides this study do not include all associating factors of CO2 emissions. However, this paper basically investigates the impact of principal categories of GDP (Agriculture, Industry and Services) on CO2 emissions. 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Saboori, B and Soleymani, A 2011, „CO2 emissions, economic growth and energy consumption in Iran: A co-integration approach‟, International Journal of Environmental Sciences, Vol. 2, no.1, PP. 44-53. 54 Alam Appendix Table 6: Descriptive Statistics of Study Variables Variable CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita) Country Bangladesh India Nepal Sri Lanka GDP per capita Bangladesh (current US$) India Nepal Sri Lanka Agriculture, Bangladesh value added India (% of GDP) Nepal Sri Lanka Industry, value Bangladesh added (% of India GDP) Nepal Sri Lanka Services, etc., Bangladesh value added India (% of GDP) Nepal Sri Lanka Exports of Bangladesh goods and India services (% of Nepal GDP) Sri Lanka Imports of Bangladesh goods and India services (% of Nepal GDP) Sri Lanka Fossil fuel Bangladesh energy India consumption Nepal (% of total) Sri Lanka Energy Bangladesh production (kt India of oil Nepal equivalent) Sri Lanka Energy use (kt Bangladesh of oil India equivalent) Nepal Sri Lanka Electric power Bangladesh consumption India (kWh per Nepal capita) Sri Lanka Obs. 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 Mean .1682 .8659 .0744 .3608 307.6577 439.1145 218.6309 710.5923 32.2254 28.4534 49.5813 22.9917 21.6090 25.5797 16.0717 27.2965 46.1656 45.9669 34.3470 49.7116 9.4212 10.1775 14.1742 30.3559 16.4242 11.7622 24.5446 39.3807 46.7251 54.9306 6.5676 33.2703 12122.6854 300714.0291 5910.4471 4046.5752 14694.5403 356102.1973 6399.7412 6255.9507 77.1416 297.0791 41.9043 202.5330 Std.Dev .09031 .37102 .04288 .15610 148.99130 296.41993 113.35224 548.11269 12.80760 7.03266 12.29963 6.44410 5.05005 1.97753 4.34140 1.54648 8.01884 5.35216 9.02690 5.49111 4.75033 5.65944 5.39465 4.76382 4.13485 6.65287 8.23481 6.50946 15.40714 11.64290 3.54356 8.18179 5872.95707 107639.9367 1624.84785 738.23688 7130.89562 157369.4019 1984.10564 1863.54282 66.51648 154.03289 28.66711 118.47195 Minimum .05 .38 .02 .20 91.49 125.20 78.88 192.61 17.81 17.74 32.73 11.34 6.06 20.16 8.18 24.20 26.43 36.53 20.07 40.64 2.90 3.96 5.45 21.33 8.10 3.64 7.92 23.90 20.71 37.17 1.92 23.54 5034.91 145862.11 3676.67 2811.89 5872.83 160128.83 3758.48 3927.61 10.33 100.35 6.00 64.92 Maximum .37 1.67 .15 .63 762.80 1417.07 595.77 2400.02 61.95 43.31 71.76 33.16 27.22 29.03 22.92 30.64 56.05 54.64 49.94 58.84 17.66 23.60 26.33 39.02 24.96 28.67 37.71 54.80 71.41 72.47 12.65 46.37 25759.94 531303.82 8877.77 5543.98 30755.83 723743.18 10218.36 9844.50 247.44 641.27 103.44 449.23 55 Alam Table 7: Correlations among study variables of Bangladesh Country: Bangladesh Correlations CO2 CO2 GDP Agri_%GDP Ind_%GDP Serv_%GDP Exports Imports Fossil Energy production Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Pearson Correlation GDP Agri_% Ind_% Serv_% Exports Imports Fossil GDP GDP GDP Energy production Energy use Electric power consumption 1 .947** 1 .000 -.801** -.728** 1 .000 .000 .785** .702** -.968** 1 .000 .000 .000 .786** .721** -.987** .917** .000 .000 .000 .000 .939** .835** -.722** .738** .000 .000 .000 .000 .845** .762** -.670** .664** .000 .000 .000 .000 .958** .880** -.888** .892** .000 .000 .000 .000 .994** .956** -.803** .782** .000 .000 .000 .000 .995** .950** -.804** .790** .000 .000 .000 .000 .984** .958** -.729** .705** Energy use Electric power Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 consumption **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). .000 .000 1 .688** .000 .653** .000 .857** .000 .790** .000 .786** .000 .721** .899** .000 .923** .000 .935** .000 .947** .000 .924** .000 .000 1 1 .802** 1 .000 .839** .957** .000 .000 .855** .963** .000 .000 .846** .911** .000 .000 1 .999** .000 .988** .986** .000 .000 1 1 56 Alam Table 8: Correlations among study variables of India Country: India Correlations CO2 CO2 GDP Agri_%GDP Ind_%GDP Serv_%GDP Exports Imports Fossil Energy production Energy use Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Pearson Correlation GDP Agri_% Ind_% Serv_% Exports Imports Fossil GDP GDP GDP Energy production Energy use Electric power consumption 1 .909** .000 -.957** .000 .793** .000 .964** .000 .937** .000 .926** .000 .970** .000 .996** .000 .996** .000 .997** 1 -.840** .000 .721** .000 .837** .000 .925** .000 .954** .000 .801** .000 .904** .000 .933** .000 .913** Electric power Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 consumption **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). 1 -.889** .000 -.986** .000 -.901** .000 -.884** .000 -.966** .000 -.969** .000 -.952** .000 -.953** .798** .000 .739** .000 .750** .000 .823** .000 .823** .000 .779** .000 .796** .911** .000 .885** .000 .964** .000 .969** .000 .963** .000 .959** .987** .000 .865** .000 .930** .000 .957** .000 .944** .000 .000 .000 .000 1 1 1 1 .836** 1 .000 .917** .979** .000 .000 .947** .954** .000 .000 .930** .969** .000 .000 1 .993** .000 .996** .996** .000 .000 1 1 57 Alam Table 9: Correlations among study variables of Nepal Country: Nepal Correlations CO2 Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Pearson Correlation GDP Sig. (2-tailed) Agri_%GDP Pearson Correlation CO2 Sig. (2-tailed) GDP 1 .737** 1 .000 -.891** -.787** 1 .000 .000 Pearson Correlation .753** .404* Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .011 Pearson Correlation .852** .878** Serv_%GDP Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 Pearson Correlation .700** .179 Exports Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .276 Pearson Correlation .902** .742** Imports Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 Pearson Correlation .981** .747** Fossil Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 Pearson Correlation .897** .908** Energy production Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 Pearson Correlation .916** .904** Energy use Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 Electric Pearson Correlation .889** .926** power Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 consumption **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). Ind_%GDP Agri_% Ind_% Serv_% Exports Imports Fossil Energy Energy Electric GDP GDP GDP production use power consumption -.830** .000 -.963** .000 -.624** .000 -.931** .000 -.895** .000 -.938** .000 -.935** .000 -.927** 1 .650** .000 .868** .000 .871** .000 .753** .000 .625** .000 .631** .000 .604** 1 .432** .006 .850** .000 .858** .000 .978** .000 .970** .000 .973** 1 .765** .000 .680** .000 .447** .004 .467** .003 .411** 1 .899** .000 .862** .000 .868** .000 .850** 1 .904** .000 .924** .000 .897** 1 .998** .000 .996** 1 .000 .000 .000 .009 .000 .000 .000 .000 .995** 1 58 Alam Table 10: Correlations among study variables of Sri Lanka Country: Sri Lanka Correlations CO2 GDP Agri_% GDP Pearson Correlation 1 Sig. (2-tailed) Pearson Correlation .865** 1 GDP Sig. (2-tailed) .000 Pearson Correlation -.957** -.878** Agri_%GDP Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 Pearson Correlation .656** .664** Ind_%GDP Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 Pearson Correlation .938** .843** Serv_%GDP Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 Pearson Correlation .192 -.106 Exports Sig. (2-tailed) .242 .522 Pearson Correlation .133 -.057 Imports Sig. (2-tailed) .419 .729 Pearson Correlation .973** .785** Fossil Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 Pearson Correlation .822** .867** Energy production Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 Pearson Correlation .956** .901** Energy use Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 Electric Pearson Correlation .949** .936** power Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 consumption **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Ind_% Serv_% Exports Imports Fossil GDP GDP Energy production Energy use Electric power consumption CO2 1 -.691** .000 -.979** .000 -.134 .416 -.124 .453 -.920** .000 -.879** .000 -.965** .000 -.968** .529** .001 .094 .571 .198 .226 .614** .000 .553** .000 .647** .000 .682** .131 .427 .089 .589 .906** .000 .875** .000 .950** .000 .944** .693** .000 .299 .065 .139 .398 .199 .225 .128 .000 .000 .000 .436 1 1 1 1 .208 1 .204 .177 .740** .280 .000 .173 .911** .293 .000 .128 .890** .437 .000 1 .948** .000 .940** .989** .000 .000 1 1 59