Print publication design request Name Email address

Print publication design request
Insert your name
Email address
Insert your email address
Phone number
Insert your phone number
When do you need the final product delivered by?
How much money do you have to spend on this?
Who is your communication targeted at? Please list all groups.
What do you want this communication to achieve?
Design work required
Have you had any thoughts about what communication you
want to create (leaflet/booklet/postcard/other)?
Is the copy already prepared? If so, please send it to us at the
same time as submitting this form. If not, please summarise how
it will be generated and when it will be available.
Support required from
University Marketing
We can offer different levels of support, from helping you to
create a brief for a design agency to project managing the
design of a communication. Please indicate what level of support
you’re looking for.