Annual Program Review Update *Be sure to include information from all three campuses. Program: Communications and Marketing Date: Jan. 10, 2009 Name: Paul DeMark Email/Phone 476-4561; (Lead Contact) 1. State your program’s mission The Communications and Marketing Department provides the integrated marketing, printing and public relations services for the CR District to maintain a positive image for the College and to help draw students to CR. 2. Program Changes Have there been any changes in your program or area since your last Program Review? No XXX (go to next question) Yes ____ Describe the changes below: 3. Program Trends If applicable, describe how external or internal changes are impacting your program and describe efforts within your area to address these impacts. Include supporting data from Institutional Research or other sources in your discussion. The demographics of the District are changing. A) The District’s population is aging – there are fewer high school graduates throughout the District each year. According to the Calif. Dept. of Finance, the population of high school graduates is expected to decrease more than 18 percent from 2010 to 2015. The numbers of potential adult learner students -- defined as those 25 to 49 -- is significant: 41 percent of the student district headcount in the 2007-2008 academic year. Strategies for marketing to this group: ¾ Create new, visually integrated, appealing and informative brochures for every program and find ways to distribute them through various outreach efforts. ¾ Advertise on commercial and public media that have this age range in mind – including Internet/online advertising, such as online newspapers, Google Ads, a college MySpace page -- as well as advertising on commercial and public media that have an older demographic audience. These include print media, TV networks/shows and radio stations that attract an older audience, and public radio and TV stations. - 1 - The number of adults over-50 is expected to increase at approximately two percent a year according to the Calif. Dept. of Finance. New ways, and traditional methods, to reach these potential students are being developed and continued such as: ¾ Creating new, visually integrated and appealing and informative brochures for every program and finding ways to distribute them through various outreach efforts. ¾ Advertising on commercial and public media that have an older demographic audience. These include print media, TV networks/shows and radio stations that attract an older audience, and public radio and TV stations. ¾ New marketing messages aimed at this age demographic are being developed. B) There is a growing Latino population, expected to increase by .3 percent a year from 2010-2015, according to the California Department of Finance. ¾ The Communications and Marketing Department has done a fair amount of advertising in recent years on Spanish-speaking radio, TV networks and a Spanish-language newspaper. The marketing has included information about classes and student registration, and financial aid opportunities. ¾ The C & M Department looks forward to working with the Enrollment Management Committee to more specifically target advertising and outreach efforts to the Latino population of the District. C) The Native American population is projected to grow by three percent a year between 2010 and 2015, according to the Calif. Dept. of Finance. ¾ The C & M Department has been putting class inserts in the Hoopa Tribal newspaper, the Two Rivers Tribune, prior to each semester and has recently begun advertising on the Hoopa Tribe public radio station, KIDE Radio. ¾ The C & M Department looks forward to working with Hoopa Career and Technical Education Program, and the Enrollment Management Committee, to develop targeted advertising and outreach efforts to the Native American population of the District. 4. Budget Resources List your department’s budget for the following categories in the table below. Restricted funds have a sponsor/grantor/donor (federal, state, local government, etc). The funds are restricted by the sponsor/grantor/donor. Everything else (including action plans) is unrestricted. Category Printing budget Equipment replacement and repair budget Professional Development Work-study funding Additional Budget Items Unrestricted Funds $40,000 0 $1,950 includes travel and members fees --Discretionary 0 Dist. Advertising: $81,550: Software: Dist: 2,000; Discretionary: $500 Paper: $16,000 - 2 - Restricted Funds Printing Supplies: 6,000 Warehouse Supplies (incl. paper): $16,313 Contract Services (Outreach materials): $6,000 Xerox Rental Equipment: $365,000 Postage and Delivery: $15,225 Motor Pool – car rental and gas reimbursement: $750. Tools and Equipment under $200: $450. Office Supplies: $750. Periodicals (newspapers and magazines: $400. Remodeling: $0 Other (i.e. Collections) Is the funding for these areas adequate? I will just detail areas that I feel are inadequate. Printing: $40,000 – The C&M Department asked for $60,000 for this category – which funds printing of class schedules for the Eureka campus and catalogs for the District. The funding for this was cut by $20,000. So we would up with a $40,000 budget. Is not adequate if the college wants to print enough class schedules to mail them to a significant number of people such as 70,000, which we have done for the main Eureka campus nearly every semester for the past 8 years. We are moving toward a district-wide schedule for the 2009-2010 year and it remains to be seen if there will be added costs because of a potentially bigger schedule. Also, the catalogs cost nearly $2.50 each to print and they are needed in significant numbers for new students. For 2008-09 we printed 6,000. One option: to charge $1 to $2 each for the catalogs. Communications and Marketing also produced catalogs on CD, which cost much less to produce. - 3 - Mailing out class schedules and having significant distribution of them in the various communities is a powerful marketing tool and has been done for the last 8 years. Inadequate funding for class schedules will diminish this marketing tool. Not having enough catalogs is a problem since each student attempting to earn a degree or certificate needs to have one as the road map of his or her “contract” with the District. District Advertising: This year’s budget is $81,550. While it is significant, if the District is to grow as significantly as the Draft Education Master plan outlines, this budget may need to be increased. Demands for advertising have grown each year over the past 10 years. However, the C & M Department is creative with maximizing advertising dollars by utilizing media interviews with media outlets with whom we advertise, using publicity campaigns and grassroots efforts, such as posters and fliers. Postage and Delivery: This $15,225 budget will not be enough if we mail out more class schedules district-wide as well as mailing out more postcards and other marketing materials. The outcome issue would be a lack of marketing information given to District residents. Equipment replacement and repair budget C & M’s District budget was cut from $7,000 to zero in October 2008. The C&M Discretionary budget categories of Technology Equipment and New Furniture/Equipment were cut from a total of $3,000 to $0 this fall. The problem with cutting the District budget occurs when major pieces of equipment need to be replaced. During fall 2008, in Printing Services, a folding machine and shrink wrap machine both died. The cost of both of them combined is over $13,200. Both machines serve the needs of faculty and staff District-wide. Without them, we couldn’t have provided for outreach efforts, student and faculty needs. We have adjusted our budget categories to pay for these needed pieces of equipment. Paper drill (puts holes in paper) -- Machine may need replacing. It is around 30 years old. Cost is estimated at between $4,000-$5,000. It is a tool used for students’ and faculty course packets. (We produce the course packets for students and faculty internally.) Paper cutter. Estimated to be around 40 years old. Used for many college purposes. It is beginning to fail. It can’t really be fixed. We would have to replace at an estimated cost of $10,000, maybe more. - 4 - 5. Staff Resources Complete the Classified Staff Employment Grid below (please list full- and part-time staff). This does not include faculty, managers, or administrative positions. If a staff position is shared with other areas, estimate the fraction of their workload dedicated to your area. Staff Employed in the Program Graphic Artist: Lynn Lozier-Hannon – Fulltime. Graphic Artist: Bosha Struve – Fulltime. Communication and Marketing Assistant – Jesse Wiedel -- 11-month, fulltime. Part-time staff Gains over Prior Losses over Prior Assigned Area Full-time staff (give number) Year: 0 Year (give reason: (classified and 2 Graphic retirement, Artists management) 0 reassignment, (give number) health, etc.) 5 -- one is an 111 C&M month 0 Assistant employee. 2 Graphic Artists (both classified employees) 1 C&M Assistant (both classified employees 1 Printing Services manager 1C&M Director Do you need more full-time or part-time classified staff? If yes, explain why. No. 6. Work study Resources Work study students employed in the program -- 0 Assigned Area How many? “Type” of Gains over Prior (give number) workstudy(federal, Year Calworks, EOPS) Do you need more work study student help? If yes, explain why. - 5 - Losses over Prior Year 7. Facilities and Technology Are facilities adequate for achieving the outcomes of this department/program? ( ) Yes ( X) No If No was checked, complete the following grid for each space that does not meet the needs of this department/program: List space (classroom, instructional, office) name/number: Check if any of the following are not adequate: () ( ) ADA ( ) Number (X) Technology Ventilation / access of seats / (computers, room temp work stations projectors, internet) The two graphic artists both need updated computers to keep up with the ever-changing demands of the field. ( ) Other (briefly describe): The CD labeler is very slow. We are investigating outsourcing this job to a local printer. Describe the specific action and estimated cost (if available) to make this space adequate for your needs: If applicable, list the average number of discipline/program sections scheduled in this room each semester, and the total number of students enrolled in these sections. Sections: Students: 8. Equipment Is the available equipment adequate to achieve the outcomes of the department/program? ( )Yes (X ) No Refer to # 7 above – need new computers for both graphic artists. - 6 - If No was checked in Item 8, complete the following grid for each piece of equipment being requested for this department/program: Equipment Approximate Price 2 computers $2,000 each CD labeler We will outsource this job to a local CD printer. Number of students using equipment each semester (if applicable) Describe how the equipment allows achievement of program outcomes Equipment Repair Is the equipment used for your department/program in need of repair, which is outside your current budget allotment? This does not include classroom specific equipment repair described in the facilities section. ( X) Yes ( ) No If Yes was checked, provide the following information to justify a budget allotment request: Equipment requiring repair >> Folding Machine. (folds sheets of paper). Needed to be replaced by a new one in fall 08 and was. Cost: $5,700. >> Shrink Wrap Machine. Needed to be replaced by a new one in fall 08 and was. Cost: $7,500 Repair Cost / Annual maintenance cost N/A -- Number of students using equipment each semester (if applicable) N/A Describe how the equipment allows achievement of program outcomes. Folding machine is used to fold class schedule inserts which are inserted into newspapers to market out classes to various District communities. Also used for many other marketing materials such as brochures and student letters. Shrink wrapper: Student Course packet materials for sale in the bookstore. Paper drill (puts holes in paper Used for students’ and faculty course packets. (We produce the course packets for students and faculty internally.) Paper drill (puts holes in paper)-Machine may need replacing. It may be 30 years old. Cost estimated between $4,000$5,000. Used for students’ and Paper cutter: Used for many college uses, including for a lot of instructional materials for students and faculty. - 7 - faculty course packets. (We produce the course packets for students and faculty internally.) Paper cutter. Estimated to be around 40 years old. Used for many college uses. It is beginning to fail. Can’t really be fixed. Would have to replace at an estimated cost of $10,000, maybe more. 9. Faculty Resource Needs (If applicable) N/A If applicable, complete the Faculty Employment Grids below (please list full- and part-time faculty numbers in separate rows): Faculty Load Distribution in the Program Discipline Name (e.g., Counseling, Total Load for fall 2007 term % of Total Load by Full- % of Total Load by Part-Time Faculty - 8 - % Change from fall 2006 % Change from fall 2005 Explanations and Additional Information EOPS, Library) Time Faculty (e.g., retirement, reassignment, etc.) - 9 - a. If you are requesting a full-time faculty position develop an attachment to this report that addresses the following criteria (as listed in AR 305.03) • The ratio of full-time to associate faculty • Current availability of associate faculty • Relation to program review recommendations • Effect on diversity of the faculty • Effect on academic offerings and ability to serve students and the community • Effect on the vitality and future direction of a program and/or the college • Effect on student learning b. If your Associate Faculty needs are not being met, describe your efforts to recruit Associate faculty and/or describe barriers or limitations that prevent retaining or recruiting Associate Faculty 10. Learning Outcomes Assessment Report List all expected program-level outcomes, whether you have completed the assessment loop or not. For each outcome, identify the means of assessment and the criteria for success. Summarize the data that have been collected in the ‘Assessment Results’ column. If no data have been collected and analyzed for a particular outcome, use the ‘Assessment Results’ column to clarify when these data will be collected and analyzed. In the fourth column, indicate how the assessment results are being used to improve the program. Program Outcomes (may be operational for some student service and administrative areas) Means of Assessment and Performance Criteria Assessment Results Summary Use of Results External: Increase awareness of CR’s degree and certificate programs, as well as Student Services programs, through the production of new, graphically integrated and more informative brochures. External: Track the number of new brochures being created for each academic and career technical program. N/A N/A Internal: Create an internal website for staff and faculty to order outreach materials Keep records of the number of brochures being distributed in outreach efforts, either on campus or in the external communities. Internal: Track the number of outreach materials and which ones are being ordered. - 10 - N/A N/A List all course-level student learning outcomes for which some assessment activity (assessment, analysis, or use of results) has taken place since the most recent program review, and complete the table below as appropriate Student Learning Outcomes (course-level) Means of Assessment and Performance Criteria Assessment Results Summary Use of Results Discuss the extent to which part-time faculty (if applicable) have been involved in the dialogue about assessing student learning outcomes: 11. Curriculum Update (if applicable) N/A Identify curricular revisions and innovations undertaken a. in the last year. b. planned for the coming year. - 11 - Complete the grid below Course Year Course Outline Last Updated Year Next Update Expected Was the course added or deleted? If the proposed course outlines updates from last year’s annual update (or comprehensive review) were not completed, please explain why. 12. Communication Are the current lines of administrative, faculty, and staff communication adequate to meet the needs of this department/program? Describe representative example of effective or ineffective communication. Administrative: It is critical that as a department which reports directly to the President/Superintendent to have regular meetings with that person. The C & M Director in December began regular monthly meetings with the president. The C&M Director believes it would be optimal to meet with the president every other week, but it is good to at least to have a monthly meeting. The President has been accessible by e-mail and has arranged special meetings when needed. For the last three years, class schedules and catalog deadlines have not been met – creating late printings for class schedules and catalogs. We recognize that the last three years have been extraordinarily challenging for the District for numerous reasons. However, the C&M Department will continue to stress the importance of meeting class schedule and printed catalog deadlines for outreach, marketing and student retention purposes. Faculty: Faculty have direct access to the C&M Department and it is not a problem for the department to meet with faculty individually. Some problems persist with meeting deadlines for submitting course packet materials to be printed. The C & M Dept needs to be continue to be proactive with reminding people of the deadlines. Staff: The communication with staff is open and reciprocal. For all areas: Updated Adobe software that would enable people to modify PDF’s or fill out interactive forms would help the efficiency of Printing Services. The new C & M website will help people order outreach materials. 13. Action Plans List any action plans submitted since your last annual update. Describe the status of the plans. If they were approved, describe how they have improved your department/program. N/A 14. Department Goals Report - 12 - List goals the department will attempt to accomplish in the next three years. Each year, you will be asked to update the Goals Report to make adjustments to the goals the program enters this year. College Strategic Plan Goal Division Goal Department Goals FY2008-11 A) Obj. 5.4: Improve K-12 outreach. N/A A) Improve public relations, advertising and marketing materials for the K-12 population B) 4.2: Educate the community about the importance and value of a college education. B) Improve advertising, public relations and publicity regarding the value and importance of a college education. 15. Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) The QIP is intended to assist the program in thinking and planning for a minimum of the next three years. Many factors that influence the implementation of the department/program’s plans can and do change over time. Each year, you will be asked to update the QIP to make adjustments to the plans the program enters this year. Because this document will be used to inform planning processes, it is very important that all the requested information be provided. The form has been designed to elicit the information needed for this process. Each “block” on the form is for a single recommendation; thus, the department/program should complete all the fields for each of the recommendations. - 13 - Quality Improvement Plan C & M 1. New CR brochures. Category Department Goal the Action is connected Descriptions From A above. Provide new brochures for each academic and career technical program as well as Student Services and Administrative Services departments. Recommendation Number and Title C & M 1. New CR brochures. Planned Implementation Date Beginning February 2009 Estimated Completion Date June 2011 Action/Tasks Collect information and photos from programs and departments and begin making new brochures. Measure of Success/Desired Outcome: The brochures are designed and printed and given to distribution points throughout the District as well as to outreach workers and faculty members. Estimated Cost(s) Estimating that there will be about 75 academic and career technical program brochures, and another 25 student services and administrative services department brochures, the total will be 100 brochures. Each three-fold brochure will cost .15 cents each. If we print 200 for each program, the cost is $1,600. The C&M Department. Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded. The outreach efforts of the College will be severely limited. External Accreditation Recommendations (if applicable) N/A Quality Improvement Plan C&M 2. Value of college education marketing. - 14 - Category Department Goal the Action is connected Recommendation Number and Title Descriptions Create brochures, radio, TV, print and web marketing that explain and convince the community about the value of a college education. These marketing pieces can include: student and employer testimonials; the salary advantages to earning college degrees and/or certificates; and the ease of transferring to UCs and CSUs after earning a degree or certificate. C&M 2. Value of college education marketing. New TV, radio, print ads, brochures and posters focusing on about the value of a college education. Planned Implementation Date Beginning February 2009 Estimated Completion Date July 2009 Action/Tasks Collect information and photos, and record video commercials – including testimonials. Measure of Success/Desired Outcome: The marketing and advertising materials are created and distributed in various outreach areas and/or through paid media advertising buys. Estimated Cost(s) Approximately $5,000 for video production. The C&M Department. Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded. The marketing efforts of the college to reach new students will be limited. External Accreditation Recommendations (if applicable) - 15 - N/A