Please write down three ways the College of the Redwoods faculty, staff and or administration can help you reach your academic goals. 1. I want to be a part of more discussions like this. The fact that there was a black student union was new to me, I want to join it, and get involved in Student politics, but I tried contacting the ASCR and no one calls me back. 2. I loved the movie and the discussions. I want to get involved, I love the teachers are here to support us outside of the classroom. Now I know which teachers want me in their classes. I realized in these discussions that I can be a leader too. Next time I would like to organize a fun event where students can get together of Karaoke on the quad and get to know each other, but I don’t know how to do it. It feels like an alien ghost town sometimes so I hang out with black friends mostly where I feel like I belong, but now I see more that I do belong here (after today). 3. I learned so much from the group discussions. I felt so different from other students and didn’t fit in. But now I see that other students might feel the same and that they have different backgrounds than me, but they are just as different as me. I want to bring friends next time. Teachers can be more flexible about working schedules. I have to make money to survive and I can’t always make my own work schedule. The school can be more helpful about that. 4. This is the coolest event I have come to so far at CR. We should plan more events and have some fun, team building activities. I want to be involved in more discussions and I feel I have a new set of friends. 5. Reaching out to students personally when they witness abnormal behavior. Welcome students to stay after class, set up 2o minute time slots to visit with students & influence students to see counselors to find out what degree they want, and how to get it. 6. EOPS has been very helpful in my academic planning, but if I wasn’t in EOPS I’m not sure I would even know about it. Class announcements about academic planning would be helpful. More one on one support and encouragement from staff. 7. Math 380 & 120 will keep me from getting a degree. 8. Lessen work-load for online classes as professors admitted online classes are more difficult. More understanding from profs (in class) for those of us who can’t make every class due to work/kids/etc… 9. Pay attention/get to know the students on more than just an academic level. Acknowledge inequalities and attempt to correct them. 10.Try to include everyone in conversations. The counselors are hiding out it seems like. They should visit classrooms and share information. Have free food on certain days for us kids who can’t buy lunch. I am hungry! 11.I can’t believe that the instructors are here to talk to us about what we think. This is the first time anyone asked me about how I felt or how I could be supported. This is what I want to have happen. 12.If it wasn’t for instructors like Sam Savage, Denna and Sean Herrara-Tomas I wouldn’t be here or who I am today. They saved my life and they don’t even know it. I am now confident to be a leader and pursue my dreams of creating a non-profit that helps kids without family support to get through school. So I guess it would be best if other instructors were more about learning about their students and their lives and were willing to do extra time with students to find out what their dreams are. Please write down three ways the CR faculty, staff and or administration can help you reach your personal goals. 1. I’m 22 years old and I wouldn’t say I have any I’m just going through the motions. 2. Financial Aid needs to come sooner. I wait a long time for the money to come so I can buy books and then I get too far behind. I have dropped a few classes because of this. 3. It would be cool if the ASCR let us meet where the offices are in the cafeteria, it is like they try to keep their offices a secret and make it really hard for students to form groups and be supported. I tried applying for ASCR funds for a student event and was turned down with no reason. It is like they don’t want events or students in the way of whatever they mysteriously do. 4. More discussions and events like we are having tonight! I feel heard and respected in this new community of people I know who care. I didn’t know professors who cared so much about students and were willing to talk about their lives with us, like they treat us like adults. As a woman of color I feel weird being the only black person in a classroom and I didn’t know that others felt the same way until tonight. 5. More extra-credit for attending CR events. Personal discussions/evaluation meetings/session 6. Pregnancy is a legitimate reason to be absent and interferes with attendance and should count as sick days. Some professors understand and some do not. I feel that a little flexibility goes a long way for people who have children who can’t afford day care. 7. More dialog sessions, more class discussions about real diversity issues, more conversations and groups like this!!!! 8. Encouragement! Positive reinforcement, more hobby/craft/elective classes and more choices. 9. Everyone treated the same. 10.More “clubs”, Groups”. Promotional job fliers. Public Volunteering. 11.Teachers, you will be the reason students go to counselors and make sure they are taking the classes/getting their needs taken care of, frequently tell the students how to reach out to counselors. 12.One way could be to announce when there are openings for work study. 13.More options for open forum discussions. More options for parents to bring their kids to campus (my daughter is 10 and doesn’t qualify for any day care on campus). 14.Encourage freedom of speech. 15.Support regardless of age/race/sexuality/gender. Open minded. 16.Instructors are afraid to notice that racism and sexism exist in their classes. It is really weird when I go to classes and the instructor is white and everyone else in the class is white, and it makes me feel like those classes and teachers don’t want me there-even if they are helpful, it is like they don’t get how someone would feel who doesn’t fit the mold. 17.I want to take a black studies class. 18.Where are the black studies classes and where are the dance classes? 19.I would like more choices in classes to take. 20.I hate my online classes because it is hard to get support or help from the instructors; it is so alienating to be working on my own. I could come to the college but then I wouldn’t see the reasons for taking online classes. Please write down ways by which the CR community could create a healthy and thriving diverse educational atmosphere where every student can leave the college knowing they were treated with care and respect. 1. Treat everyone equally.. support diversity, continue to foster cultural diversity and awareness. 2. I think more tutoring options for students who do not qualify for EOPS/Light Center etc… 3. More “groups” advocating for change or one sole group. 4. Town Hall meeting like settings where students can voice their concerns and opinions-create many events where many cultures are explored. 5. CR could throw multicultural events on the campus. Where people set up tents with food and music on their culture or ethnicity or sexuality. I also feel that if we could have a big club meeting where different clubs meet up and talk about what their club or union is about. I believe that students will t eth the opportunity to interact with people they are not used to interacting with, and understanding and strong school community can be built. 6. Tell teachers to please remind students to see counselors, and let students know your office hours, and it is Okay to come talk about academic and personal goals. 7. Camps, activities. Lots of camps and activities. 8. It seems like CR has fewer student based activities and visible student government than any other campus I have ever seen. It is weird. 9. I wanted to start a student union and got a major run-around from the ASCR. Those guys are super hard to reach and they keep changing their criteria for what unions are required to have to be official. I just gave up. 10. More events celebrating diversity-“Good Hair” was greatmore like that please!! 11. Offer diversity programming and social learning events or gatherings. 12. We need a real centralfied community space for gatherings to create a belonging sense.