College of the Redwoods Instructional Council Deans Meeting Academic Senate Office 8/3/2010, 11am

College of the Redwoods
Instructional Council Deans Meeting
Academic Senate Office
8/3/2010, 11am
Present: Utpal Goswami, Mike Peterson, Geisce Ly, Rachel Anderson, Pat Girczyc, Anita
Janice, Crislyn Parker-recording
Absent: Ahn Fielding
1. Instructional Council – meeting times/composition
 Once a month
 Point is to communicate ideas and have proactive discussion
 Composition detail-Deans, area coordinators, site representatives and additional people
(determined as needed). Noted that:
o CTE has two (2) area coordinators: CIS, AT
o AA has three (3) area coordinators; Note: Area coordinator stipends based on
HR-CRFO negotiation and MOU; the negotiated TLUs are divided between
divisions, who agree on allotments. As of today, assumption is that the same
agreement is in place.
o Health Occ (established three broad areas under for Health Occ and Public
Service: Nursing, Allied Health, Public Services). Public Service has one area
coordinator for AJ and needs one each for Allied Health & Nursing (Utpal will
check with HR)
o The first meeting will be for approximately 30 minutes. The divisions will
introduce this concept, get feedback from their selected groups, compile
information and submit to Crislyn to set schedule. The concept will be introduced
in division meetings.
o Deans will provide a list of area cords to Crislyn
o Mendo and Del Norte don’t have area coordinators; instead, Geisce meets with
faculty twice a month, and faculty meet with each other twice a month. Both sites
will identify a site representative to participate in Instructional Council.
2. Associate Faculty Coordination/Adjunct Orientation
o Connie Carlson will coordinate hiring, professional development, flex MQs, for associate
faculty; she will be the point person-district wide
o Professional development will be agenda item soon, with Connie in attendance
o Date set for Saturday, August 21 associate faculty orientation (because there are so few
new adjuncts, a new associate faulty orientation is not really necessary)
o Gear activities to returning faculty, include anything new in district
o Include rules and procedures, Assessment, SLO’s (important for GE program review)
o HR presentation, DSPS, SS (disruptive students, etc.)
o Geisce Ly will put together a one or two hour professional development segment on CAT
– Classroom Assessment Techniques (instructor can assess how students are receiving
materials and instruction) and some instructor experience best practices
o Future professional development topic- learning styles (GL believes need at least 2
dedicated hours to that topic
3. Thursday, August 26 schedules: division meetings, assessment workshop
o AA- 9 to 10:30 all divisions; CTE –10:00 – 11:30; HOPS-10:30 or 11-12:30
o Utpal will attend each for 30 minutes
o Utpal will attend faculty meetings at Mendo and DN soon;
o Usually one VP attends Mendo and DN convocations. Jeff, Keith and Utpal to decide
o An Assessment Workshop will be held at 1pm on 8/26; Justine will travel to Mendo, DN
on another day
o Regarding the 8/27 Convocation breakout sessions, it was suggested moving program
review to division meeting level; instead would it be possible to add Glasers Conflict
workshop to each block
o Include introduction to MyCR in Maggie’s What’s Where presentation at Convocation
4. Class Capture/Instructional Technology
o Good chance we can get funding for this project through Pat Girczyc
o Utpal introduced the web-based Tegrity program, which can be used by multiple users at
one time. One of the problems with other systems, even with mobile ones; only one box,
one at a time and costly
o Utpal would like to move faculty away from the idea that technology is only for distance
learning, and bring it into everyday classroom
o Noted that Del Norte is unable to do live web streaming; server too slow, but recorded
streaming is better
o IT folks need to be included in discussions
o Once established in Eureka, we can explore how to move some of this to KT/Hoopa
5. Identify topics for discussion
o Think about small class scheduling, at deans and area coordinator level as well
o Realigning Basic Skills
o Best practices, key points on getting thru tough economic times (learn from other
“healthier” institutions i.e. College of the Siskiyous, Shasta
o 30 minute professional development-share topics and rotate, maybe over lunch?
o Conversation on how we each see our roles in the college with admin, faculty, etc.
6. Other
Suggested for the August 6, 12 18 Organizational Communications presentations, Del Norte
and Mendo gather groups into one place