Dean’s Council Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Dean’s Council
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
9:00a – 10:30a, LRC 103 & HOCC Conference Room
Present: Utpal Goswami, Rachel Anderson, Jeff Cummings, Pat Girczyc, Maggie Ly, Geisce
Ly, Anita Janis, Crislyn Parker, notes
1. Corsair Connection (Keith):
 The Corsair Connection is the first year experience program. Keith will send the framework
electronically to all Deans, to work with Instruction on the next steps of student development,
to make a stronger program. The program primarily targets basic skills students; to provide as
much support to at- risk students as possible during the first semester and first year for
retention and persistence through the second. Keith especially needs help with late courses
and how to link courses.
 Utpal noted this year we did not see usual drop in enrollment and would like to figure out a
way (this semester) to keep them going. He would like more disciplines to look at alternate
ways of providing developmental education.
 Other discussion included whether Basic Skills funds can be used to develop alternate
developmental education programs. Keith will research this. Rachel briefed on how advisors
look at our concurrent enrollment success.
 Concerns were expressed on how to adequately serve students at all levels of college
preparedness, to ensure success. These discussions should move to the EMP and EMC.
2. Program Review Update (Rachel):
 Rachel gave a brief overview of changes to the needs addendums and program review
templates and process this year. Documents that need to be completed are located on the IR
site. At the end of the process, completed documents are posted on the Program Review
Internal site. PRC agendas, meeting notes, actions and updates are posted on the internal site
regularly. There is a direct link on the Program Review internal site to IR.
 The annual and comprehensive templates have been streamlined. The information requested
is specifically designed to look at the health of the program. Assessment will be an
addendum. The PRC is using a checklist of key performance indicators defined by the
program discontinuance and revitalization committee, with emphasis on assessment. Annuals
and comprehensives will be done in the spring. Competed program reviews are submitted to The focus of the PRC will be on closing the loop this year. The
prioritization-BPC-feedback loop wasn’t smooth. This year, final prioritizations will include
a trail back to line item requests, at least for authors to check.
3. Update on GE Assessment Plans (Rachel):
 All assessment plans are due 10/3. The PRC will not forward a needs addendum request to
planning committees until assessment is completed.
 The GE Assessment process will take a year and a half to complete, as they are evaluating one
component a semester. GE Comprehensive review will include all three components and by
spring all faculty will be involved. At the end of each semester, two “grade” rosters will be
submitted: one for student grades and the second for GE assessment. Because documentation
is through the grade process, tracking can be done through IR by course, grouping, etc.
 By the 5th year, all information will be compiled to evaluate how the program has done over
time. There will be a group meeting for the comprehensive program review. Rachel is
confident we will meet proficiency by the end of 2012, except for the feedback loop. The
feedback loop will be addressed by documenting how information is returned to faculty; who
will document how they will incorporate the feedback into the next semester.
4. Discussion on Plans for Evaluating Online Courses Fall Semester. (Rachel):
 The process will be the same as the in-seat evaluation process. The online student evaluation
form will be the same form as in-seat forms, in Survey Monkey format. Geoff will create a
test site for each class, as the information must be anonymous, but we need to know what
class is being evaluated. The form will be posted on the class site and at the end of two
weeks, downloaded for the evaluation process. The observational component will also be the
same; the observer will let the instructor know a date between the sixth and twelfth week, will
follow the class, and complete the same form (AF-2).
5. Discussion of the Faculty Allocation Process and Related Information (Anita):
What are the steps and timeline to ensure we put out timely advertisements?
 Per Utpal, submit requests for growth and new programs through the Program Review and
Addendum process. Regarding departing faculty, the same form should be used, but might be
outside of PR. The Prioritization Committee begins discussions in December,
recommendations go to cabinet/president for final authorization pending budget approvals.
Announcements go out in February.
Dean Report-outs:
Geisce – Mendo is struggling to get construction work requests completed.
Utpal - hopefully the bulldozers in Eureka will be gone by mid-October.
Anita – the DN ramp has been designed at an estimated cost of $3600. Tim is to meet with the
contractors soon.
 Jeff - has two measure Q funding priorities and is concerned how funds will be allocated for
promised projects. He has questions about replacement computers and labs and how they will
be cycled. He will work with IT and Steve to establish a campus wide process.
7. Other/Future Discussion Topics:
 Per Keith: Regarding the Spring Schedule, priority registration starts November 7. He would
like to open the schedule on web advisor October 2 and will send the current iteration of
TLUs. Advisors are asked to send the Dean’s what they see is needed for spring, from student
 Utpal noted that the Self Study Visiting team will visit in seat classes during the visit. On
Wednesday 10/19 a group will visit night classes and be a guest in online classes. We should
receive a list of which classes. The purpose is to compare syllabi of online with face to face,
and confirm core materials and tests are equivalent. Faculty may need to give samples of tests.
Meeting adjourned. Next meeting: September 27, Lakeview Room, following Expanded