Dean’s Council Wednesday, May 9, 2012 8:30am - 10:00am Health Occupations Conference Room Notes Present: Utpal, Rachel, Joe, Jeff, Pat, Geisce, Crislyn-notes 1. Template for Tracking Faculty Evaluations Drop down boxes, to be maintained by Crislyn, who will notify Deans when evaluations are due? Tenured faculty resides with academic senate Populate 90 people with names, all full time Then determine who is due when In all list of people due for evals this year Associate faculty will be tracked by Connie Carlson 2. Format for Board Reports Educate the board with board reports that inform them with issus; i.e. program review, etc., develop a template so board cognizant of what we are tracking. As an aid to help them understand. Pat volunteered to create a draft template Jeff what are we tracking as an institution to keep them informed and attach to KPIs. Identify as institution what we track and keep an eye on those. Pat take to division level to determine where we stand Utpal reports need some flexibility but could start with here is look at x division using established KPIs; FTE trend; etc. First part of presentation how unit stands up to KPIs adopted; then address unique issues Utpal: board has no idea of what they will get from the reports; no consistency between them; should be known elements in each report as well as hot topics or current issues. Template will be a guideline It is our job to educate them Farm report started as part of the Cal-Trans grant which required updates on funding; eventually moved to including all kinds of issues and has become are we subsidizing the farm, etc. Apparently board has had interest for many more years than the grant. Historical data related to KPI, etc. Or start with goals, etc. Admin can say we are focused on programs at kpi level if board wants more information. “unit level” means whoever is giving report i.e. dental, health occ, ; won’t present report unless a quorum of the board wishes to have the report. Anita and Geisce reports are more acknowledgements of MC and DN as component of the district. Not presenting report on KPIs. Odd they report at each meeting. Separate template for them? 3. Assessment Coordination during Summer Goal every course has assessment of slos; 84 courses Erik available for training 6 faculty members who will be semi-consultants for associate faculty Deans responsible to make sure work gets done/tracked properly; we want to show it is done May have to revise the summer courses with too many slos, to be part of curriculum in fall Role of Dean should be oversight? (Jeff) Utpal: how? 1. Every faculty gets sheet from dean, SLOs are, make sure plan to assess (use existing sheet, but pre-populate it) Rachel has the largest number of courses and should get the most faculty to assist. Per Rachel, SLOs are in the syllabus, so extra form not necessary; she thinks we should determine which ones still need assessing. All summer faculty should know. Feels assessments have been done and tweaks should be implemented in summer, and assessed and reported out in the fall. Maybe also include a GE cycle assessment and include did you have a closing the loop, etc. Utpal: ok every course has been assessed over spring and summer, 84 courses all SLOs have been assessed. Showing sustainability. By end of summer everything has been assessed over spring and summer. Utpal: tool – issue is aggregating; solution every outcome has at least on numeric output; Number of students met/exceeded and how many did not – a %; this can be aggregated. Reporting will be by SLOs. Pick one and report out on how tested, and the results. Can then be aggregated to see institutionally; Next iteration of software; historical data, then question, so you have one more SLO to report; if yes, go on, if not, submit. 4. Review of Strategic Plan and Educational Master Plan In June, meet as a group and review all to develop for example, 7 issues need to focus on (VPI and Division); document there was dialog which developed action plans. Goal 1 is instruction and student services Math and English placement will be a curriculum item Utpal would like Dean’s to look at to develop action plans based on it and we need to be more specific and might need more people around the table. (student services staff?) Must be more specific. And evidence we have gone there, how ties to units, integration of planning process. Utpal will ask Roxanne to merge the plans together to see where they align. Utpal’s experience is every degree has a plan, which shows what classes are required, which are electives and show semester by semester what should be done Schedule would be aligned around these plans Mid June will be set for a retreat; Dean’s will send vacation dates to Crislyn Geisce would like to commend Roxanne on the SP and EmPs 5. Other 175 day rule; flex calendar is used to get to 175 Limit of 8.75% of load, or 15 days How many hours determines a flex day; chancellor’s office uses 6 hours STRS definition full-time faculty work 175 days; our faculty by contract can’t be assigned to Saturday class, so working 155 16 week calendar based on how many hours worked AOAs: Creative Arts retiring Dec; Connie Simpson Retiring June, MSE has none; Renee in DN scheduled to be filled in August; Front office staff needed; per Utpal is to have her submit to HR Plan for replacement AOA for Rachel and Jeff is how to make happen; moving people from downtown to Eureka; (some may retire or quit) if budget is ok will say go ahead and hire; if other, determine how to plan – transfer or open internal search. (CSEA conract pgs 33 – 35 on transfers) Adjourn