Annual Program Review Update Program/Discipline: Date: DANCE August 27, 2007 Trends and Relevant Data 1. Has there been any change in the status of your program or area? (Have you shifted departments? Have new degrees or certificates been created by your program? Have you added or deleted courses? Have activities in other programs impacted your area or program? For example, a new nursing program could cause greater demand for life-science courses.) If not, skip to #2. Note: curricular changes should be addressed under 12-14. Dance had been placed under Humanities in 2005-2006 but has since been moved back to the Physical Education Division. The move to Humanities occurred due to a decision from a former Humanities Dean. The move back to Physical Education was at the request and persistence of the Physical Education Department. There have been no dance degrees or certificates created and no additional or deactivated courses. 2. Have there been any significant changes in enrollment, retention, success rates, or student demographics that impact your discipline? If so, please include data sheets (Excel or Word format) showing these changes. Data from the past two academic years reflects dance section decreases due to associate faculty reductions district-wide. All dance classes are taught 100% by associate faculty and when administrative decisions were made to reduce the number of associate faculty, our dance sections were reduced and thus enrollment was reduced. [see attached enrollment data by academic year chart]. The standard practice of section offerings prior to associate faculty reductions were three dance classes each semester: one Ballet (Dance 32), one Jazz (Dance 31), and one Modern Dance (Dance 30). The attached chart, Enrollment Data by Term, outlines that active sections during Spring 2007 were reduced from Fall 2006 and that Dance 32 was not offered in each term. 3. Occupational programs must review the update of their labor-market data, some of it provided by Institutional Research, to illustrate that their program: a. Meets a documented labor market demand, b. Does not represent duplication of other training programs (in the region), and c. Is of demonstrated effectiveness as measured by the employment and completion success of its students. N/A 4. Do you have needs (professional development, library resources, and so forth) not previously required by the discipline or not previously addressed in budget or equipment considerations? Please describe. Professional Development dollars for continued education and training would be helpful. Dance instructors have requirements to fulfill hours of additional training in order to maintain certifications. Library resources that include hard copy dance books and DVD’s that would be available for students to view for the purpose of writing term papers and viewing for performance guidelines would be a valuable asset to the students learning objectives. Dance does not have its own budget separate from the physical education department budget. 5. Does your discipline need additional support from Student Services beyond that previously provided? Create a system to track the number of students planning on transferring to Humboldt State and majoring in Dance and/or tracking students who plan on majoring in Dance at any four-year institutions. Counselors and advisors becoming more aware of the Humboldt State University Dance major. 6. Complete the Faculty Employment Grids below (please list full- and part-time faculty numbers in separate rows): Faculty Load Distribution in the Program Discipline Name (e.g., Math, English, Accounting) Dance Total Teaching Load for fall 2006 term % of Total Teaching Load by FullTime Faculty % of Total Teaching Load Taught by PartTime Faculty Changes from fall 2005 6 TLU’s 0% 100% Fall ’05 had 11 TLU’s with 100%taught by associate faculty 2 Explanations and Additional Information (e.g., retirement, reassignment, etc.) District-wide decision to reduce associate faculty teaching loads reduced ability to offer dance sections. This reduction has had an impact on our dance sections. Faculty Load Distribution in the Program Discipline Name (e.g., Math, English, Accounting) Dance Total Teaching Load for spring 2007 term 3 TLU’s % of Total Teaching Load by FullTime Faculty % of Total Teaching Load Taught by PartTime Faculty Changes from spring 2006 0% 100% None Explanations and Additional Information (e.g., retirement, reassignment, etc.) Reductions in associate faculty district-wide as a solution to save district dollars impacted the dance program to only offering one dance section instead of 3 dance sections. Do you need more full-time faculty? Associate faculty? If yes, explain why and be sure to include data sheets justifying the need. Data has shown that Dance offerings are directly related to the timeframe in which budget decisions made by the administration reduced the number of associate faculty. Options to maintain our dance course offerings are to: 1. Maintain our associate faculty by committing to offer high enrollment courses no matter what the district budget situation. [data on Dance section enrollments list fill % ranging from 84%-106%-- see chart titled ‘Summary of Data’]. If our IR department was to track ‘first filled course by division”, our Dance courses would be towards the top of the list. 2. Hire a full-time faculty member who is qualified to teach all Dance sections. Dance classes have been the brunt of associate faculty reductions and thus course section reductions. To maintain a diverse environment in our Physical Education Division, dance courses are needed. During the semesters of reduced associate faculty, our division was mainly offering weight training and team sport courses which end up being male dominant. As our IR department begins to track gender demographics of our division offerings the data to support this will be accessible. 7. Complete the Staff Employment Grid below (please list full- and part-time staff numbers in separate rows: 3 Staff Employed in the Program Assignment Full-time Part-time staff (e.g., Math, (classified) staff (give number) English) (give number) Gains over Prior Year Losses over Prior Year (give reason: retirement, reassignment, health, etc.) Do you need more full-time staff? Part-time staff? If yes, explain why and be sure to include data sheets justifying the need. No Staff for Dance 8. If necessary, to clarify your needs, please comment on current available staff and distribution of FTE's for contract and part-time faculty. Describe strengths and weaknesses of faculty/staff as appropriate to program's current status or future development. The future development of the Dance program relies on a commitment from the district to maintain high enrolled courses which are taught by associate faculty. There is not a full-time Physical Education professor who has the qualifications to teach the dance sections. Facilities 9. Comment on facilities the program uses, their current adequacy, and any immediate needs. Have your discipline’s facilities needs changed? If so, how? Please provide a data-based justification for any request that requires new or additional facilities construction, renovation, remodeling or repairs. The Dance classes are held in the Fieldhouse- which is a dome-shaped building with terrible acoustics. All equipment for dance classes are portable (mirrors, sound system, mats.) Over the years discussion involved creating a room within the fieldhouse that would have a wall of mirrors and bars, a wood floor, a surround sound system, and a wireless speaker system. Discussion has also included using a current wire that exists to hang a curtain. The curtain would help in creating a separate and more teachable space. Equipment 10. Have your discipline’s equipment needs changed? If so, how? Is equipment in need of repair outside of your current budget? Please provide a data-based justification for any request that requires a new or additional budget allotment. 4 Three additional mirrors are needed so students can assess their own poses, patterns, jumps, and coordination. Class size has ranged from 23-32 students and one mirror accommodates 6 students. Currently there are two mirrors that can accommodate 12 students at a time. Update the current wireless sound system. The current system is roughly 5 years old and is breaking down. A new system would allow more movement of the instructor away from the base sound unit and would create a better ‘hearing’ environment for the students. As stated in #9 above, a curtain to separate areas of the fieldhouse would be an advantage in creating a better dance class environment. A wire suspended from the ceiling already exists. Learning Outcomes Assessment Update 11. How has your area or program been engaged in student learning outcomes assessment? a. Summarize your results. b. What did your program learn from these results that enabled you to improve teaching and learning in the discipline? c. How have part-time faculty been made aware of the need to assess SLOs? The Physical Education Department full-time faculty have been attending department workshops and drafting updated SLOs during the 06-07 academic year for PE and HE courses. All Dance curriculum is taught by part-time faculty. One full-time Physical Education professor will be aiding the part-time dance faculty in understanding, writing, and assessing Student Learning Objectives. Curriculum Update (Reminder: Send updated course outlines to the Curriculum Committee.) 12. Identify curricular revisions, program innovations, and new initiatives undertaken in the last year. None 13. Identify curricular revisions, program innovations, and new initiatives planned for the next year. Curriculum is in the process of being updated/revised. The entire Physical Education Department is working to update all Dance, PE, and HE courses. Discussion to create A (beginners) and B (intermediate) series dance classes are 5 occurring in order to create a concurrent level of learning. Currently all students are blended with their skill and knowledge in one section. Intermediate students are, at times, limited in growth of their skills due to instructor attention on the beginning students. Current curriculum course enrollment maximums for Jazz, Modern, and Ballet are set too high. Updated curriculum will address appropriate class size so students are able to meet learning objectives. Dance 34 (Dance Fundamentals) will be reviewed and could possible become the Dance Series A course which would be a pre-requisite course for all other dance classes. 14. Complete the grid below Course Year Course Outline Year Next Update Last Updated Expected Dance 30- Modern Dance Dance 31- Jazz Dance Dance 32-Ballet Dance 34- Dance Fundamentals 6/2003 7/2003 6/2003 6/2003 Spring 2008 Spring 2008 Spring 2008 Spring 2008 Goals and Plans 15. If you have recently undergone a comprehensive review, attach your Quality Improvement Plan if applicable. Not Applicable at this time. 16. If you do not have a QIP, what goals and plans does your area have for the coming year? The Dance program will continue discussions with Humboldt State University as courses are updated so that the courses will articulate with HSU’s dance major. It is also a goal of the program to improve the equipment and environment of the dance space so that the dance experience is positive for the students. 6