General Observations

General Observations:
Budget: There are no specific program budgets that are relative to the ongoing and
manual needs of programs. Budgets are not tied to programs and are heavily dependent
on CTEA and VTEA funding which is supposed to be for general program enhancement
not day to day operational items.
The Business Technology assessments are more advanced in completion of program
learning outcomes.
There is a need for more assistance from Institutional Research for national and local
labor market data.
Several programs are without full-time faculty direction.
An overall plan is needed for maintenance and repairs.
Specific Observations:
Counseling and student conduct issues need to be addressed, especially regarding
conduct; they need someone in charge to mediate conduct issues.
Hire student conduct person; a “dedicated” and immediate person to respond when
situations of violence occur.
Actual budget numbers and distribution by program should be clear and available to all
programs (driven by data and collective analysis).
Develop plan of responsibility for full-time faculty regarding programs. Clarify the
division of labor.