Discip lin e : En glish (En g . 3 5 0 ) Se m e st e r & Ye ar : F2 0 1 1 Discip lin e Assessm e n t An aly sis For m Directions: For each course SLO undergoing assessment, collect the Transfer/Basic Skills Assessment forms for Individual Course Sections. Convene a department meeting (and/or communicate with department members) to summarize and discuss the SLO assessment results/analyses for all sections English DEPARTMENT Meeting Date (if applicable) And/or Alternative Means of Communication 8/26/11 9/16/11 5 instructors (2 FT, 3PT) Number of Faculty/Staff Participating (# fulltime, # adjunct, and total) 5 faculty Number of Faculty Sharing Assessment Results Number of Course Sections Assessed Course SLO or Degree SLO Measured --Identify Course(s) and Degree-- 6 Eng. 350 sections SLO#1: As a reader, identify the main idea and its major and minor support in simple academic articles. Eng. 350 ASSESSMENT TOOLS Describe assessment tool/ assignments faculty/staff used to measure the SLO. Reading Test #2 (S2011) “Kids and Computers: Digital Danger” Students read and annotated a 2-page article ahead of time. In class, students used their annotated articles to answer questions about the reading. Questions 1,2,6,7, and 9 were used to assess SLO#1. 20% of all tests were randomly selected to be assessed. ASSESSMENT RESULTS (Summarize the overall results of your department, including performance data if applicable.) Satisfactory identification of Thesis: 33% (Q1) Plan of development: 73% (Q2) Commentary: 53% (Q6) Overall identification score: 53% Satisfactory explanation of Thesis (MI): 73% (Q9) Major Support: 33% (Q7) Overall explanation score: 53% In what areas was student performance outstanding? Almost all students (73%) could identify the plan of development and could explain the main idea. In what areas should student performance be improved? Students had difficulty identifying the main idea and explaining major support (33% for both). Describe unaddressed student needs or issues that the assessment revealed. NEXT STEP(S) TO IMPROVE STUDENT LEARNING More work on identifying the thesis and on explaining and understanding the connection of the major support to the thesis is needed. □ □ How will your department address the needs and issues that were revealed by your assessment? What are your collective plans □ □ □ Seek out or design faculty development activities on teaching and assessment Consult teaching and learning experts about teaching and assessment methods Encourage faculty to share activities that foster improved student learning Write collaborative grants to fund departmental projects to improve teaching Purchase articles/books on teaching/assessment. and strategies for improving student learning? Check all that apply. □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Create bibliography of resource material Visit classrooms to provide feedback (mentoring) Share rubrics and assessment results among all discipline faculty Analyze/revise course curriculum and/or SLOs Analyze department curriculum to strengthen the coherence of the program or the progression of skills from course to course Nothing; assessments indicate no improvements necessary Other (please describe): Additional Explanation: We need to select questions that more accurately target the outcome that we want to assess. SLO#1 addresses identification, not explanation of the main idea and major and minor support. In the next assessment, we will choose questions more carefully that do not “muddy” the skills being assessed. Outlining major and minor support would be one way to assess part of this SLO. Identification questions need to be separated from those that require explanation, a higher level comprehension skill. Although identification of the thesis is already a major focus of teaching in Eng. 350, we will continue to emphasize this important skill. Priorities to Improve Student Learning List the TOP 3 TO 6 actions/changes faculty judge will most improve student learning. 1. Systematic teaching in identification of thesis 2. Troubleshoot why one thesis answer is superior to another. 3. Sharing what works and doesn’t with other faculty 4. Informal monitoring and sharing of results of thesis identification on one of the next two major reading tests 5. Design better test questions. IMPLEMENTATION Describe the departmental plans to implement these priorities. The results of this analysis will be made available to Eng. 350 faculty. Also, we will make an effort to gather informal results on identifying the thesis and major and minor support on one of the major reading tests of S2012. TIMELINE FOR IMPLEMENTATION Provide a timeline for implementation of your top priorities. S2012 REASSESSMENT When do you plan to reassess this SLO? F2016