Document 12364498

Meeting of the Basic Skills Committee
October 5, 2012
FM 107
9:00a.m – 9:55a.m
Meeting Notes
BSC Mission Statement
Our mission is to improve the retention, persistence, and success of basic skills students
BSC Scope/Function
To recommend and support educational programs, student support services, and matriculation
policies that enhance retention, persistence, and academic success of basic skills students.
1. To promote the use of effective practices in developmental education for administrative,
student services, and instructional programs.
2. To provide professional development regarding effective practices in developmental
3. To work with Institutional Research in tracking basic skills students from entry to
4. To assess and evaluate the programs designed to improve student success.
5. To allocate and oversee expenditures of BSI categorical funds.
1. Call to Order: Geisce Ly (phone), Angelina Hill, Rachel Anderson, Keith Snow-Flamer, Jeff
Cummings, Harry Pyke, Erin Wall
2. Approve Notes from 9/7/2012 meeting
3. Action Items
4. Discussion Items
4.1 2011-2012 ESL/Basic Skills Allocation End-of-Year Report & 2012-2013 ESL/Basic Skills
Allocation Goals/Action Plan and Expenditure Plan Due October 10 (Wall/Snow-Flamer)
The committee began suggesting some changes to the first narrative, regarding what we have
learned through the last five years of the BSI. The following were suggested:
1st paragraph: plague is too strong; needs some tense revisions; add something about experiencing
organizational problems.
2nd paragraph: merge to first with student services and shortage of faculty.
3rd paragraph: drop credentials and add degrees and certificates
Strike out: Students in basic skills programs may feel they are not making progress toward their
career goals.
Add something about BSC’s role in institutional planning and working to improve integrity
(regularity) of our data by working with IR and sharing this with the college. Also add something
about basic skill courses being labor intensive. We started to run out of time so the co-chairs would
work to improve the narrative.
Homework: practice using data look-up and find something interesting to share. Get extension on
Still need to do the rest (Long term goal, and action plans)
4.2 IR data look-up (Angelina)
The committee was walked through the Chancellor’s Office website’s new basic skills progression
database. Still have issues with Math MIS data. So for now just look at English and Writing for now.
Angelina will find one data set and type up a draft narrative for the committee. She would like us to play
around with the tool ourselves. The new data tool does have some issues. One being it works about 90%
of the time. Homework for the committee was to “play” on this database and see what we could find.
It was decided that we should apply for an extension so we can finish our report collaboratively and have
time for the Academic Senate and President to review and sign-off on our report. Friday October 12th
from noon-2 was scheduled as a work session to complete the report.
5. Reports
6. Adjournment
(* denotes attachment)