“Working with Basic Skills Students” Ann Foster College of the Redwoods

“Working with
Basic Skills Students”
Ann Foster
College of the Redwoods
January 10, 2013
Workshop Agenda
• 1. Welcome & Introductions
• 2. California Community Colleges’
Success Network (3CSN) Overview
• 3. Habits of Mind: Overview
• BREAK 1:50-2:00
• 4. Reading Apprenticeship Demonstration
• 5. Questions/Answers
Reflection 1
• Please take a moment to complete
Reflection 1.
3CSN Professional
Development Outcomes
• Recognize and address gaps, needs,
opportunities, and strengths related to
teaching and learning in a range of
educational settings.
• Design, implement, and evaluate effective
learning environments for diverse groups
based on relevant research.
College of the Redwoods
Workshop Outcomes
• Understand 3CSN’s mission and
infrastructure, including regional networks
and communities of practice.
• Understand Reading Apprenticeship
framework and Talking to the Text routine
and identify one way the RA framework
can be utilized in learning environments.
I) 3CSN Overview
 Definition
 Mission
 Professional Development
 Question/Answer
What is 3CSN
3CSN is a professional
development initiative
sponsored by the California
Community College
Chancellor’s Office as part of
the statewide Basic Skills
The 3CSN Mission
Develop leaders in California
community colleges who have the
capacity to facilitate networks of faculty,
staff, and students for curricular and
institutional redesigns in support of
increased student access, success,
equity and completion.
3CSN’s Professional Development
Events and Activities
• 7 Regional Networks
– San Diego, Orange County, Foothill Inland
Empire, LA, Central Valley, N. CA, Far North
• Basic Skills Initiative Leadership Institute
• Learning in Networks Knowledge Sharing
• Communities of Practice
– Acceleration, Habits of Mind, and Reading
Learning Net works
3CSN Overview
• Questions…
Reflection 2
Please take a few minutes to complete
Reflection 2.
II) Habits of Mind Overview
 Definition
 Online Course
 Example
What do we mean by
habits of mind?
A habit is an acquired
predisposition to respond
in particular ways.
A combination of having the
inclination, capability and
commitment to particular
behaviors that lead to productive
outcomes in a range of learning
Why Teach Habits of Mind?
• To develop self-directed,
self-regulated learners.
• To help learners be
predisposed to behaving
intelligently and
productively when
confronted with problems,
dilemmas and uncertainties.
• Rather than
just provide
information; we
can teach
learners how to
use that
How & Where do Students
Develop these Skills?
Through a cumulative, collective process that
takes time and demands integration and synthesis
from the learner.
Students don’t learn problem-solving or coherent
writing from one course, or only specific courses.
The whole of the college experience, inside and
outside the classroom, provides the structure,
learning opportunities, and time for reflection.
Online Course Module
• Student Self-Knowledge and SelfAssessment
• 6-Week Course
3CSN’s Online Habits of Mind
Course Modules
Spring 2013
Register at EventBrite.com
• Feb. 3-Student Responsibility and SelfEfficacy
• Feb. 3-Student Goal Setting
• Mar. 10-Student Time Management
• Mar. 10-Student Responsibility and SelfEfficacy
Successful Habits of Mind
Programs include:
Faculty ownership
and collaboration
Student ownership
and collaboration
support and Board
development to
Clear and
messages across the
Embedded across
the curriculum
Infused into student
and academic
support services
Ongoing assessment
Habits of Mind
Example-Entire College
• iFalcon at Cerritos College
– “Branded” student success behaviors.
– Visible presence throughout campus.
– Student involvement and promotion.
– Technology integration (student portal) and
weekly announcements to all students.
– Faculty inquiry and curriculum development.
– Framework for student services and learning
Reading Apprenticeship
The RA Framework
An RA routine Demonstration:
Talking to the Text
 RA routine practice and debrief
 Question/Answer
West Ed &
Reading Apprenticeship
West Ed is a professional development
and research organization focusing on
improving academic literacy in diverse
populations of adolescents and postsecondary students using Reading
Apprenticeship, a research-based
instructional framework.
Reading Apprenticeship Defined
A partnership of expertise between the
teacher and students, drawing on what
content area teachers know and do as
skilled discipline-based readers and on
learners’ unique and often
underestimated strengths
Dimensions of Reading
In Reading Apprenticeship
Classrooms, Teachers
• Focus on comprehension and
metacognitive conversation
•Create a climate of collaboration
•Provide appropriate support while
emphasizing student independence
Invites readers to converse
with text to explore
content as well as
individual reading
Use sentence prompts as
conversation guides.
Talking to the Text
• Using the prompts on bookmark handout
and your own reading strategies, use ‘talk
to the text’ as you read the section titled
Mindsets and Achievements.
• Pair/Share-In groups of two or three, share
the notes you wrote on your text. Also,
considering discussing strategies,
challenges, and insights.
RA helps to develop more powerful
readers through:
•engaging students in more reading– for
recreation, subject-area learning, and selfchallenge;
•making the teacher’s discipline-based
reading processes visible to the students;
•making students’ reading processes,
motivations, strategies, knowledge, and
understanding visible to the teacher and to
one another;
RA helps to develop more powerful
readers through
•helping students gain insight into their own
reading processes; and
•helping them develop a repertoire of
problem solving strategies for overcoming
obstacles and deepening comprehension of
texts from various academic disciplines.
Upcoming 3CSN Events
1/25-All-day RA Workshop at Sac City
2/1-All-day LINKS VI Event at Shasta College
Habits of Mind Online Modules
April 2013-RA Online Course begins
Spring 2013-Far North Regional Event
– (Date and Location to be determined)
• 6/2-6/7-BSILI Event at Lake Arrowhead
• 3CSN website
• 3CSN’s Reading Apprenticeship website
• EventBrite's Homepage
• This powerpoint represents collaboration
among all 3CSN team members. I appreciate
their contributions and continued dedication.
Deborah Harrington, Bradlen Vaden, Jan Connal,
Roza Ekimyan, Donna Cooper, Erik Armstrong,
Lisa Brewster, Agnes Jose-Eguaras, Nika Hogan,
Katie Hern, Miya Squires, and Crystal Kiekel.
Please Complete Evaluation