Habits of Mind Leadership Community of Practice Supporting California’s 112 Community Colleges To Build Learning and Leadership Capacity http://hom.3csn.org Application to the Habits of Mind Leadership Community of Practice Name of College: ________________________________ Team Leader: Name: Position: Office phone: Cell: Email address: Team Members Please provide the following information about all proposed participants Name: Position: Office phone: Cell: Email address: Name: Position: Office phone: Cell: Email address: Name: Position: Office phone: Cell: Email address: 1. Prior Knowledge If your campus has supported Habits of Mind professional learning in the past, please describe the work that has been done so far. If this is a new initiative, please explain why you would like to bring Habits of Mind to your campus. What prior experience or knowledge do you have with Habits of Mind? How have you been involved in Habits of Mind? Please be specific. 2. Initiative Scope What vision do you have for the scope of the Habits of Mind initiative on your campus? Do you plan to ask all divisions to participate, or do you see this beginning in a particular department, area, or committee? 3. Campus Integration How could participating in the HoM Leadership Community connect with existing Basic Skills, Equity, college-wide professional learning plans, or other plans on your campus? (Determining these connections might also help identify funding sources for your college’s participation in the training.) 4. Reasons for Applying Please briefly describe what you hope to gain from participating in the Leadership Community of Practice in Habits of Mind, and any particular issues or topics you hope the facilitators will address during the trainings. 5. Anticipated Challenges Please describe any challenges you have encountered or expect to encounter as you implement Habits of Mind in your own context. This question is intended to help us provide the best support possible, not as a way to screen out colleges where challenges exist (100% of applicants). 6. Institutional Support Please describe the existing institutional support for your team’s participation in this professional learning opportunity. Identify the name and title of the college administrator (VP level) who has agreed to “sponsor” and support your participation and will champion your work. Letter of Support Please include a letter from the college administrator (VP level) who will champion and support your initiative. The letter should be addressed to Deborah Harrington, Executive Director of 3CSN, following the template below. Please print the letter on college letterhead, scan it into pdf format, and submit electronically with the application. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Deborah Harrington, Executive Director, 3CSN California Community Colleges Success Network Dean of Student Success, Los Angeles Community College District [date] Dear Dean Harrington: This letter expresses support for our college’s application to the Habits of Mind Leadership Community of Practice offered by 3CSN. We understand that in exchange for the training and resources that 3CSN provides, our college agrees to meet certain program requirements: 1) We will provide a consistent team of 2-4 participants who will attend all three institutes; 2) We will contribute $125 per team member to offset the costs of training and food at the three institutes; 3) We will share institutional data on professional learning outcomes for follow-up studies by 3CSN into the impact of Habits of Mind. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, [Signed by the “sponsoring” Vice President]