Page 1 MDC Minutes 2011-10-21.doc REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Multicultural and Diversity Committee Friday, October 21, 2011 Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, CA100 Arcata: 435 Crestwood Drive Bayside: 1501 Irene Street Del Norte: 883 West Washington Boulevard, Room E3 Point Arena: 41341 Harris Ranch Road 11:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Members Present: Dennis, Michael; Emenaker, Ryan; Green, Toby; Herrera-Thomas, Deanna; Mancus, Philip; Mease, Ana Maria; Moon, Ruth; Potamianos, George; Shaw, Justine. Members Absent: Peter Blakemore Also Present: Vincent Peloso, Erin Wall. 1. Call to Order at 11:23. 2. Introductions and Public Comments: No public comments. 3. Approve the October 7, 2011 Meeting Minutes: On motion by Michael Dennis, second by George Potamianos, the minutes were unanimously approved. 5.3 Discussion Items, Multicultural and Diversity Committee Participation in Book of the Year Activities, Vinnie Peloso Chair Justine Shaw called for discussion item 5.3 to be taken up first as a courtesy to guest Vincent Peloso. In the course of the discussion, Ryan Emenaker was suggested as MDC liaison to the BOTY, since he serves on both committees, and he agreed. BOTY members are brainstorming ideas for events and activities. The DVD of the movie will be available Dec 06th, and the library will be contacted to order three copies, one for each library. The speakers are excited about presenting to the college. Dana Maher distributed copies of a book chapter authored by one of the speakers, Tiyi Morris, “Local Women and the Civil Rights Movement in Mississippi.” Ryan noted that women typically supported the freedom riders through less obvious, but more nurturing actions such as providing food, clothing, shelter, and communication networks. He added that the speakers regularly present together, and to a diverse range of audiences. George Potamianos asked if the speakers could address the conflicting views of how well, or how poorly, the book captures what segregation was really like. Michael Dennis asked how can we make this relevant to students today. Vincent Peloso said the BOTY committee discussed these same questions. Ryan said there are two themes or unique aspects to the movement centered in Jackson MS; one, there was no real leader; and two, it was not so much about getting rid of segregation as it was about power and control. Deanna HerreraThomas agreed that there are many other kinds or types of segregation than legally mandatedsocial, economic, cultural, etc. centered on power issues. Page 2 MDC Minutes 2011-10-21.doc Justine Shaw asked if there had been any word on HSU’s funding. Vincent Peloso responded that at this time, CR is taking the lead on the speaker arrangements and hoped to have it finalized by Thanksgiving break. The BOTY wants to get on the planning agenda for Spring budget discussions. Various MDC members offered background on how funding for different programs similar to MDC and BOTY have in the past been provided. Consensus was that informal processes are not adequate to sustain and maintain any program. Vincent Peloso shared the history of BOTY support and funding. Vincent Peloso invited anyone to help out with planning Spring activities. Discussion followed on various events and prizes that might be offered. Ana Maria Mease said the Latino Film Festival was tentatively scheduled for March 6-8, and Vincent said the speakers are likely to be here in early April, so there would be no concern for a conflict. 5.4 Discussion Items, Basic Skills Initiative Funding Application, Erin Wall Chair Justine Shaw then asked that agenda item 5.4 be brought up next as a courtesy to guest Erin Wall, who was on the phone. Erin reminded committee members of the BSI grant funds, and encouraged the MDC to apply for these grants. Apparently, there was an ESOL application for funds made last year for BSI, but there was some misunderstanding or disconnect. Justine Shaw asked Erin to explain the BSI grant process. Erin explained that the new form will clarify what the BSI committee looks for: number of students served; a plan to increase enrollment to a sustainable level; a plan for outreach; outline of delivery methods to the community; plan to work with local communities and / or organizations, for example, churches; and how to get enough students to enroll, and have a plan for enrollment. There followed a discussion and Q&A on each point. Deanna Herrera-Thomas asked for the membership of the BSI committee, Erin said: Harry Pyke; Jeff Cummings; MaryGrace Barrick; Keith Snow-Flamer; Barbara Jaffari; Rachel Anderson; Ron McQueen; and Vincent Peloso. Random discussion followed regarding the ESOL program, where it “lives” i.e., which department could take responsibility, or should it be its own department and the possibility of situating it within the CTE division. Justine Shaw stated, wherever it “lives” it needs support and an area coordinator with release time for outreach. Deanna stated that we have data supporting the need, that state guidelines incorporate ESOL within BSI, and asked what are the range of numbers the BSI committee is expecting to see. Erin replied that the BSI committee has a copy of the consultant ESOL report. Members then discussed the stops and starts at CR over the years regarding ESOL, with Ana Maria Mease noting that there has never been any continuation or follow up so that each time it’s like starting all over anew. The committee members thanked Erin Wall for her time and explanation of the BSI funding applications process. 5.1 Discussion Items, ESOL Program Chair Shaw recommended the committee discuss the ESOL program next since, which seemed a logical extension of the previous discussion item. Members discussed and reviewed the “ESOL program” that has never really existed. The English department has traditionally felt that ESOL does not belong in that department. However, it was noted that many ESL students are recommended into ENG 360- and some ENG 360 classes are funded with BSI funds. Committee members discussed the possibility of pitching a case for ESOL getting dedicated BSI funds, Page 3 MDC Minutes 2011-10-21.doc rather than having to request funds via application process, since ESOL is in the BSI mandate. Some members thought the deadline had passed, but Ruth Moon remembered a recent email from MaryGrace extending that to Nov 1st. Ruth Moon also suggested that, if grant funds are secured, the committee could then use the Stipends and Reassigned Time Committee to assign and compensate a coordinator position. Deanna Herrera-Thomas and Justine Shaw said they had a meeting with Latino community advocates on Nov. 2nd, to listen to their needs and get outreach ideas. Philip Mancus reported that there is no ESOL program or even a conversation about it at Del Norte, but he sees a real need for it in his students in his classroom. Philip then asked for clarification of where the discussion was going. Justine explained that she was meeting with Pres. Goswami later today, along with Ana Maria, Toby, and Deanna, to advocate for a minimal TLU budget for ESOL per campus, for release time for a coordinator, to discuss a mixed credit / noncredit class like Mendocino’s for Spring, hoping to start small and grow the program. Also, the idea that ESOL should be directly funded by BSI and not have to apply every year. Deanna reported that they will provide Utpal with a copy of the McIntyre report and the ESOL consultant’s report of 2008-09 since both show a consistent history of the same recommendations. In response to a question from Philip, Justine noted that “ESL” qualifies as a discipline, and that a reliable placement testing instrument is needed. 4. Action Item 4.1 Finalize and Approve Statement Regarding the Committee’s Tie to CR’s Mission for the Web Page. Discussion was brief and on a roll call vote, following motion by Michael Dennis and second by Deanna Herrera-Thomas, the following addition to the current MDC mission statement was approved, to be inserted as the first sentence: “The MDC supports the CR mission to promote equal access to life-long learning, educational opportunities, and economic vitality, to all populations within the district it serves.” Roll call vote as follows: Dennis, Michael - Y; Emenaker, Ryan - Y; Green, Toby - Y; HerreraThomas, Deanna - Y; Mancus, Philip - Y; Mease, Ana Maria - Y; Moon, Ruth - Y; Potamianos, George - Y; Shaw, Justine - Y. Discussion item 5.2 Diversity Training and Report item 6.1 Multicultural and Diversity Committee Spring 2012 Activity, Ryan Emenaker, tabled to next meeting. 7. Justine Shaw reported that she will be out of town for the November 18th meeting, and requested a substitute Chair, and Deanna Herrera-Thomas was appointed. Next meeting November 4, 2011. 8. George Potamianos moved to adjourn, Deanna Herrera-Thomas seconded, all voting Aye, meeting adjourned at 12:35pm.