REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Multicultural and Diversity Committee

Meeting of the
Multicultural and Diversity Committee
Of the Academic Senate
 Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, CA100
 Arcata: 435 Crestwood Drive
 Bayside: 1501 Irene Street
 Crescent City: 165 Courtney Lane
 Point Arena: 41341 Harris Ranch Road
Friday, September 28 2012
11:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
1. Call to Order
Members present: Philip Mancus (Faculty, DN), Michael Dennis (Faculty),
Deanna Herrera-Thomas (Faculty), Justine Shaw (Faculty), Rachel Anderson
(Administrator, ex-officio), Gara Miner (Student, ex-officio), Dana Maher
(Faculty), Toby Green (Faculty, MC), Holly Wendt (DSPS, ex-officio), Ruth Moon
(Faculty), George Potamianos (Faculty)
Audience member: Youjay Baird (Student)
2. Introductions and Public Comments: Members of the audience are invited to make
comments regarding any subject appropriate to the Multicultural and Diversity
Herrera-Thomas is working on changes to AP5300
3. Approve the September 21, 2012 Meeting Minutes
Herrera-Thomas moved, Maher seconded. Minutes approved unanimously.
4. Action Item
4.1 Approve the 2012-2013 Multicultural and Diversity Committee (MDC) Priority List
(Attachment 1)
Herrera-Thomas moved, Dennis seconded.
Dennis moved, Maher seconded. An amendment to change the word “electing”
to the word “nominating” in bullet subpoint #5.
Roll call vote (on the amendment): Mancus, Dennis, Herrera-Thomas, Shaw,
Maher, Green, Moon, Potamianos. Moon abstained.
Herrera-Thomas moved, Shaw seconded. Roll call vote (on amended item 4.1):
Mancus, Dennis, Herrera-Thomas, Shaw, Maher, Green, Moon, Potamianos.
Moon abstained.
5. Discussion Items
5.1 2012 Student Equity Plan, Deanna Herrera-Thomas (Attachments 2, 3)
Herrera-Thomas wants to place this in the “Reports” section of the next
agenda. She urged everyone to carefully read the SEP.
Herrera-Thomas continued: We need to demonstrate compliance with our plan
and the implementation of it as a part of accreditation requirements. Five of the
eight “indicators” in the plan are mandated by the Chancellor’s Office. The
three additional indicators are important and most of the ways to
address/implement them are “budget neutral”. We only need to pick one
activity per indicator to accomplish in a year to be in compliance.
There is a chancellor’s office recommendation to not only include Equity data
in program review, but to use that data as a way to improve.
5.2 Multicultural and Diversity Center Proposal, Dana Maher (Attachment 4)
Maher is fine with the way the document looks now. She is wondering where
we might take this for the next step.
Miner is taking this issue up with ASCR (see 6.1 below).
Dennis suggested that this should be included in area program reviews. He
also suggested that administrators can take requests directly to the Budget
Planning Committee and into the Integrated Planning Process. Anderson said
there would still have to be a programmatic need demonstrated. She also
indicated that the creation of this kind of facility fit well with our Strategic
Master Plan and Ed. Master Plan.
Herrera-Thomas suggested that the SEP oversight committee would also be the
place to take this. Can an MD Center go through the same process as the
newly created Veteran’s Center?
Shaw suggested a “Math Lab” model to run the facility.
Moon said that ASC rooms are open now. Maybe MDC can use one of the
rooms for the MD Center now. Mancus will contact Mary Grace Barrick, library
Herrera-Thomas will make minor changes to the document, Maher will draft
the resolution, Dennis will include references to larger institutional plans, and
the document will be actionable at the next meeting of this committee. It will
have to be ready on October 8 to make the next agenda.
5.3 Accreditation Oversight Committee Standard IIIA – Section III.A.4 Draft, Philip
Mancus (Attachment 5)
Mancus showed everyone a draft that he and Herrera-Thomas received from
Dave Bazard, AOC chair. Herrera-Thomas has done a lot of quick work
documenting MDC actions that have contributed to meeting these standards.
5.4 Appoint an MDC Representative to the Equal Employment Opportunity Advisory
Committee, Philip Mancus (Attachment 6)
Mancus said this committee was being formed, and its membership includes
one MDC member. The MDC’s nomination will be actionable at the next
meeting and will go forward to the Senate for their confirmation or denial.
There was a lively discussion about what kind of EEO legal expertise might be
required to participate on this committee. Mancus will inquire with HR about
what kind of responsibilities and training will be required/provided for this
5.5 Define MDC Membership, Philip Mancus (Attachments 7, 8)
Mancus said that we don’t really have a specifically defined student position on
this committee, in the by-laws. We will bring this back at the next meeting,
with the revisions discussed reflected in the document.
5.6 Coordinate Future Diversity Training Sessions
Herrera-Thomas said that there are two kinds of training, EEO legal
compliance training, and diversity training outside of EEO legal obligatory
issues. The MDC could provide some information about services available to
conduct diversity trainings. Herrera-Thomas has a contact with the ADL and
we can possibly join one of their training sessions at another college. ADL
training typically costs $25,000, a cost that would be waived (or minimized)
under this option.
Shaw left the meeting at 12:35PM.
Maher left the meeting at 12:45PM.
5.7 Provide Support for ESOL Curriculum and Courses
6. Reports
6.1 ASCR Update, Gara Miner
Miner said that ASCR discussed and demonstrated its support for the creation
of a Multicultural and Diversity Center. This should reflected in the minutes of
the ASCR Special Meeting 9/19/2012.
6.2 MDC Website Update, Justine Shaw
6.3 Diversity Requirements for Program Completion, Course Outlines of Record, and
General Education Outcomes
7. Announcements/Open Forum
Meeting adjourned due to lack of quorum (12:48PM)
Public Notice—Nondiscrimination:
College of the Redwoods does not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, color or
disability in any of its programs or activities. College of the Redwoods is committed to providing reasonable
accommodations for persons with disabilities. Upon request this publication will be made available in alternate formats.
Please contact Sally Frazier, Administrative Secretary to the Academic Senate, 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, Eureka, CA
95501, (707) 476-4259, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday—Friday.
Next Meeting: Friday, October 12, 2012