IDS 10 DE CC Date used for Datatel: 10-30-01 DISTANCE LEARNING CLASSES Courses already approved by the Curriculum Committee require an additional review and approval in order to be taught as distance learning classes, defined as classes “in which the instructor and student are separated by distance and interact through the assistance of communication technology “(Title 5, 55370). The purpose of this separate review and approval is to ensure that classes taught by means of distance learning have the same quality, rigor and intensity as other classes. In order to encourage experimentation and accommodate limited timelines, classes may be taught once by means of distance learning before being approved by the Curriculum Committee. The Committee, however, must be informed before the course is scheduled. 1. Course for which approval is being sought: IDS 10; Intro to CD Studies 2. Maximum class size for the distance learning section: 20 3. Please specify what communication technologies will be used for this class and how: Lectures videotelecast live. Power Point Overhead slides Educational videos 4. How many hours of instruction will be delivered by means of these technologies? The whole semester 5. How many hours of instruction will be provided in person by the faculty member? Monthly trips to Del Norte. Open invitation to visit Eureka site Note: Instructors of transfer level classes must meet with the class in person “on some regular basis.”“ Instructors of other classes must simply “maintain regular contact.” 6. What forms of supplementary communication will be used and to what extent (e.g., telephone, e-mail, regular mail, computer bulletin board, newsletters)? On camppus voice mail E-mail 7. Please specify the reasons this course is appropriate for delivery by distance education: Del Norte students have requested this consistently, so there is the demand and the need. 8. Please specify the changes that will be made in the delivery and conduct of the class in order to maintain its quality: I want to maintain spontaneity and involvement. I am not certain how this will affect that quality. I will experiment with small group discussions and reporting back to the group but I am not sure that will work. Curriculum Committee 10/11/96 IDS 10 DE CC Date used for Datatel: Faculty member: Mike Goldsby Dean/Assoc. V.P.: ? Date: 11-01-01 Curriculum Committee Approval: Curriculum Committee 10/11/96 Date: 10-30-01 Date: 10-30-01