Date: 1. Division: 2. Course ID and Number:


College of the Redwoods



Renewable every five years

Date: 4/30/08


Division: Humanities and Communications


Course ID and Number: ECE 15


Course Title: School-Age Children in Child Care


Distance Education Method:

Instructional TV on cable

Interactive TV on videoconference



Describe in detail how this course will apply the same standards of course quality as a traditional classroom course (attach course outline and syllabus).

The assignments for the online course are the same as for the regular classroom format. Students will read the texts, listen to or read lectures, participate in online discussions, and complete assignments designed to achieve mastery of the student learning outcomes for the course. Course outline and syllabus are attached.

The weekly discussion forum will involve thoughtful review and response to material covered in the lectures, texts and other readings. Students will complete directed observation assignments in a school-age care program, design and implement curriculum plans, and complete critical reflections on these plans. Students will explore a range of school-age professional development organizations and ECE quality improvement efforts, including the California School Age Consortium (CSAC),

National School-Age Child Care Alliance (NSACA), National Institute on Out-of-

School Time (NIOST), and the National Association for the Education of Young

Children (NAEYC). Students will design a quality school-age child care program, and review a school-age program using the School-Age-Care Environment Rating Scale

(SACERS).This is the quality review tool that is required for school-age programs funded by the state in California, and is also used by programs nationwide to address quality in school-age child care programs. A mid-term and final exam will require that students demonstrate mastery of learning outcomes for this course.

All assessment assignments will be submitted online, graded online and returned with Instructor grades and feedback electronically.


Describe how this course will include regular effective contact between the instructor and students.

The instructor will initiate contact with students before the semester begins to communicate course expectations and requirements. The instructor will follow the

April 16, 2020 Curriculum Approval: April 8, 2005 (rev.11/8/05)

Academic Senate Approval: May 6, 2005

lecture and assessments schedule included in the syllabus, providing background material for all assignments and weekly postings.

Students are required to log on at least twice each week. They will submit at least one post weekly in response to the prompts and review questions assigned by the

Instructor, and will also be responsible for posting two responses weekly on the discussion boards. The instructor will monitor the discussion board, and enter into the discussions when appropriate. If a student does not log in during the week, the

Instructor wiil email the student to determine if the student needs assistance.

There will also be a question box set up in the discussion board area for student use.

The Instructor will respond within 48 hours during the work week or by 8:00 a.m.

Tuesday, if submitted over the weekend.

The other assignments for the course include directed observations in a school-age care program, developing and implementing curriculum activity plans, and designing a quality school-age care program, and two exams. Assignments will be evaluated using a grading rubric and returned to the student electronically, giving specific feedback using the track changes feature of Word.

Professional development oppportunities, upcoming workshops and conferences, current events in early care and education, information about grants, scholarships and quality improvement programs will be announced in lectures or as emails sent to students.


Describe how standard methods of assessment will be adapted to the distance education format.

The work for this course will give students the opportunity to demonstrate their mastery of course learning outcomes in the assignments detailed in the syllabus. All assignments are submitted, evaluated and returned to the student electronically.

Course assignments will be graded electronically using a rubric and the track changes feature of Word. The Class Discussion Forum postings will be evaluated electronically.

These will also be evaluated with the use of a rubric, and will be submitted and evaluated electronically.

Submitted by: Woolley


Tel. Ext:

Department Chair:

Distance Education Coordinator: Mark Winter

Division Chair/Director: M. Thomas

4311 Date: 4/30/08

Review Date:

Review Date: 5/1/08

Review Date: 5/1/08


Approved by Curriculum Committee: No Yes Date: 5/9/08

Board of Trustees Approval Date: 6/3/08

Curriculum Approval: April 8, 2005 (rev.11/8/05)

Academic Senate Approval: May 6, 2005

April 16, 2020
