Meeting of the Distance Education (DE) Planning Committee
Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, SS 104
Thursday, April 30, 2015, 3:00-4:30 pm
1. Meeting Called to Order: Present: Mark Winter, Mark Renner, Reno Giovannetti,
Wendy Riggs, James Hayes, Mike Butler, Lisa Sayles, Keith Snow-Flamer-guest, Crislyn
2. Introductions and Public Comment: Members of the audience are invited to make
comments regarding any subject appropriate to the DE Planning Committee
3. Approve Mar. 26 and Apr. 16, 2015 DE Planning Committee Minutes (attachment):
Approved as stand.
4. Action Items
4.1 Certificate for OTLT graduates, Mark Winter (attachments):
 Approved per changes
4.2 Final selection of website factoids, Reno Giovannetti (attachment):
 Discussion: how to best present the factoids and scrolling CR online courses.
 Agreed to keep the top 5 suggestions. Reno will update as new courses are submitted.
 Approved as amended.
5. Discussion Items
5.1 Online faculty evaluations during 14-15, Mark Renner and Mark Winter:
 Mark, Reno and Mark have been requested to provide assistance with getting the evaluations
done. The objective is to make online evaluations as conclusive as face to face.
 The DEPC can retrieve data and submit a recommendation to Keith to move forward for a
good evaluation process. The DE staff are drafting a survey to give to deans or designees to
determine how many instructors were evaluated in 2014-15 for online; how many online
classes were evaluated; and the response rate for (online) F3.
 Using an Evaluation Tool Kit (Canvas add-on)is one solution. Start in the fall with a
one-semester trial. The toolkit can also be used for face to face classes and would ensure
consistency. Schools who have already adopted canvass and decide to include add-ons might
be able to renegotiate a lower cost than the current cost of canvas. The toolkit also offers
sophisticated surveys faculty might use for purposes other than evaluations.
 Agreed that before increasing online offerings, quality must be included. The process of
evaluations is to improve courses; nothing punitive.
 Next steps are to gather data, review current practice and how successful we are at getting
student feedback and put together recommendations. This will an action item on the next
5.2 Respondus lockdown browser trial-final issues, Reno Giovannetti
 Respondus is installed, working, and at point where we are going through the process. On
issue not addressed was documenting what a remote proctor needs to know about installing
the lockdown browser. Reno will send to committee as completed.
 A review of how the process went will be conducted.
 Mark has students at DN who will use the Respondus browser and the rest will be through
Tina in the LRC. 1 student will be in Oceanside-external proctor. Mark will get feedback
from this proctor.
5.3 Student Complaint Process, Reno Giovannetti (attachment)
 Discussion on what language to include for feedback (paragraph 2) and what will happen
with the feedback. (Student Resources is the beginning of online student help). We need to
document that we have collected and responded to complaints.
 Discussion the complaint area should mimic the current process for student complaints
Online complaints have been handled. Online is one of many routes to capture complaints.
Having language clear for students on where to go and who to contact is what we want. The
submit function will shoot these to the CR online email (Reno).
 Complaints and feedback will go to the Director of DE and she will field/forward on to the
VPI. If we add language for student complaint, we can direct how the student moves
6. Reports
6.1 Website update, Reno Giovannetti – above
6.2 Archiving of Proctoring Form B, Reno Giovannetti –
 Mark spoke to Deans and will codify that the dean and the DE each keep a copy.
6.3 OTLT Session 2 graduates, Mark Winter (attachment)
 The session included a mix of instructors who have been teaching for a long time, associate
faculty, one administrator and one counselor.
 Feedback from the graduates is very positive and the learning curve was great. The many
discussions and opportunity to talk with colleagues was fantastic.
 Suggestion: 1) offer a two week crash session; and 2) offer summer sessions (a canvas LT)
 Associate faculty are motivated for full-time faculty to develop and offer more online
7. Future Agenda items
7.1 “How to create videos” training session for faculty (to be covered May 14)
8. Announcements: next meeting May 14, 2015.
9. Adjourn