Instructional Program Review Template for Academic Year 2013‐2014 

Instructional Program Review Template for Academic Year 2013‐2014 (fields will expand as you type) Please provide a concise response to all questions, and include relevant details in direct support of your responses. Bulleted lists may be used to clearly organize information. Section 1 ‐ Program Information 1.0 Name of Program: Biological and Environmental Science
Date: November 14, 2013 1.1 Program Review Authors (include names and campus locations): Karen Reiss (EKA), Peter Blakemore (EKA), Teresa Sholars (Mendocino
Coast), Wendy Riggs (EKA), Tanya Smart (Mendocino Coast)
(Due 2013-14 LOA of Brie Waters Biology faculty at Del Norte instructional site, the following were invited to participate in dialogue for this
program review: Mark Renner, Bob Mize, Mike Haley, Anita Janis, Heinz Falenski & Melody Pope. Additionally, Eureka, Del Norte,
Mendocino Coast, Klamath-Trinity full time & associate faculty in these disciplines and site leadership were included as well )
1.2 Dean’s Signature: Tracey Thomas Date: November 14, 2013 1.3 Individual Program Information # of Degrees offered: 9 (MS.AS; SCI.LA.A.AA; SCI.LA.B.AA; SCI.LA.C.AA; # of Certificates offered: 2 (MS.CA; NH.CR‐ certificate of recognition SCI.LA.D.AA; SCIEX.LA.A.AA; SCIEX.LA.B.AA; SCIEX.LA.C.AA; are not included in completion data) SCIEX.LA.D.AA) 1.3.1 State briefly how the program functions support the college mission: The Biological and Environmental Science program supports the college mission by providing courses necessary for career technical, transfer, and
general education. The program provides foundational training for students seeking a career in the allied health fields with courses such as General
Biology, Microbiology, Human Anatomy, Human Physiology, and Human Biology. Students planning to transfer to 4-year institutions and major
in life science fields (e.g., biology, marine biology, botany, zoology, pre-med, pre-dental, fisheries, wildlife, etc.) take Zoology, Botany, and Cell
and Molecular Biology to satisfy their first-year biology major requirements, along with other required preparatory courses in chemistry, physics
and math. Finally, there are a number of Biology and Environmental courses that satisfy the CR AA, CSU and UC GE Science requirements. The
program serves the needs of the local community with degrees and certificates in Marine Science Technology and Natural History at the
Mendocino Coast campus. The Biological and Environmental Science program is in a continual process of self‐assessment and improvement to
ensure that the program services provide the support that students require. The Marine Science Technology program is currently under review for
Program Revitalization, Suspension or Discontinuation.
1.3.2 State briefly program highlights/accomplishments: cBiological Environmental Sciences 2013‐14.docx 3/6/2014 Page 1 On the Mendocino Coast students who want careers as park interpreters and natural resource managers and fish and wildlife take our courses. A
high percentage of people who work for the California State Parks (7/7), Mendocino Botanical Gardens(5/5) and California Fish and Wildlife(4)
and CA Department of Forestry and Fire Protection(5) have been trained by the above courses.
Section 2 ‐ Data Analysis 2.1 Enrollment & Fill Rate Review and interpret data by clicking here or going to: Select your program and click on: Enrollments & fill rates Comment if checked: Enrollment ☒ Enrollment in Environmental Science declined 21% in 2012-13, dropping from 452 students in 2011-2012 to 356 students in
2012-2013. Environmental Science 11 was offered in Fall 2011 and not offered in Fall 2012 at Eureka. Additionally
Environmental Science 11 was offered in Del Norte in 2011-12 but not during 2012-13. Environmental Science at Mendocino
Coast is consistently offered once a year. These patterns in course offering may have contributed to some of the rise and fall
of enrollment.
Comment if checked: Fill Rate ☐ 2.2 Program Majors Review and interpret data by clicking here or going to: Select your program and click on: # of Majors Comment: 353 students have declared SCIEX.LA
227 students have declared SCI.LA.A.AA
Marine Science.AS program as major:
Eureka 35 students
Del Norte 2 students
Mendocino 18 students
Online 2 students
Marine Science.CA program as major:
cBiological Environmental Sciences 2013‐14.docx 3/6/2014 Page 2 Eureka 2 students
Mendocino 2 students
Authors indicate that any student with any intention to go into any life science field should declare academic program
Sciences faculty have been working with counselors to urge them to direct students to Science, EVEN if they’re way low on
the math prep. It may take them a year longer to get math ready for the prep science classes, but SCIEX.LA does not prepare
students for transfer if they are planning to transfer to a major in Science.
Also, some students change to SCIEX.LA retroactively, because they have nearly enough units for SCI.LA.A.AA, but not
quite, and they’ve hit their unit cap for financial aid and need to transfer. It would be interesting to have data that may indicate
how many of the SCI.LA.A.AA vs. SCIEX.LA transferred to a major in science at a CSU or other.
2.3 Success & Retention Review and interpret data by clicking here or going to: Select your program and click on: Success & Retention Success ☐ Comment if checked: District average success rate is 69%. Biological and Environmental Science is 75%.
Course level success below 50% was found in Biology 15 (43%) at Eureka and ENVSC at Del Norte (48% )
Eureka faculty for Biology 15 commented that there were a disproportionate number of students in the class last year that just
hit rock bottom. Interestingly, most of the students were in attendance through the last week, but didn’t take the final or
submit their lab notebook because they knew they were going to fail and needed to devote time to other classes. More
generally, students sometimes go into their GE classes thinking they’ll be easy, and they’re not, and by the time students
realize the level of difficulty they do not choose to withdraw.
Retention ☐ Comment if checked: 2.4 Persistence Review and interpret data by clicking here or going to: Select your program and click on: Persistence & Completion rates Comment: cBiological Environmental Sciences 2013‐14.docx 3/6/2014 Page 3 2.5 Completers Review and interpret data by clicking here or going to: Select your program and click on: Persistence & Completion rates Comment: 2.6 Program Completers Review and interpret data by clicking here or going to: Select your program and click on: # of Completers Comment: 5 students received a Liberal Arts Science degree in both 2011-12 & 2012-13.
46 students received a Liberal Arts Science Exploration degree in 2012-13 a drop from 74 students in 2011-12.
5 students received a Marine Science AS degree in 2012-13.
5 students received their MST degree in 2012-13 due to the fact that in 2011-12 was the retirement of a full time faculty
member on the Mendocino Coast campus in the MST program. Campus recruitment activities did not continue. According to
Mendocino Campus staff, there were 22 students in MST. Student survey was completed and the loss of students was in part
due to inexperienced associate faculty in 2012-13.
Student Equity Group Data 2.7 Enrollments Review and interpret data by clicking here or going to: by group Select your program and click on ~ by Student Equity Group below the Enrollments & fill rates Comment: There are fewer students in DSPS and Basic Skills compared to the district. This is consistent at all locations.
2.8 Success & Retention Review and interpret data by clicking here or going to: by group Select your program and click on ~ by Student Equity Group below success & retention Comment: Students in Biological and Environmental Sciences who are 50 and older have the lowest success rate. This age group has the
highest success rate across the district.
For the program, students in DSPS have a 10% lower success rate than those not in DSPS. The difference is only 2% for the
district. Basic skills students in this program are also somewhat less successful compared to their success in the district as a
cBiological Environmental Sciences 2013‐14.docx 3/6/2014 Page 4 Re-entry students are often not ready for the intensity of college-level work in Science. Future consideration could be given to
student success courses for re-entry students and supplemental instruction and peer tutors to target high risk science courses
with emphasis on strategies to study sciences for students with disabilities. 2.9 Completers by group Review and interpret data by clicking here or going to: Select your program and click on ~ by Student Equity Group next to persistence Comment: Skip this item. Data not provided. Faculty Information 2.10 Faculty Review and interpret data by clicking here or going to: Select your program and click on: Faculty (FT/PT) & FTES/FTEF Comment: The FTES/FTEF is higher in this program than the district.
There is a higher proportion of part-time faculty teaching in the program than the district, especially in Environmental
Full time faculty Teresa Sholars Mendocino Coast will retire at the end of the 2013-14 year. With her retirement there will be
no full time science instructor on campus. As a result, a full time faculty request will be submitted. The scope of qualifications
for the faculty position will expand in order to cover multiple science disciplines including biology, physical science and
marine science. A full time instructor is needed to complete assessment and planning requirements and program review,
oversee internships and recruit new students.
The instructor provides supervision to the lab technician, hired fall 2013, a 19 hour a week classified staff for the science lab.
The full time faculty has oversight of the following:
1. Purchase of consumables for science labs
2. Repair and maintenance of equipment in the science labs.
3. Application of OSHA safety and hazardous rules for dealing with the cadaver, chemical wastes and equipment like
eye wash stations, fume hoods and autoclave.
4. Oversee the green house which is used not only for the AG program but to grow and house plants for biology labs.
5. Schedule science classes sequentially so students access basic GE classes in a timely manner. Expertise and
knowledge for lab set up and take down, equipment use requirements unique to the science rooms on the site.
CTE/Occupational programs cBiological Environmental Sciences 2013‐14.docx 3/6/2014 Page 5 The following Labor Market section should be completed by all CTE/Occupational programs. Only CTE/Occupational programs need to complete this section (2.9). 2.11 Labor Market Data Refer to the California Employment Development Division:
Provide a narrative that addresses the following: a. Documentation of labor market demand b. Non‐duplication of other training programs in the region c. Effectiveness as measured by student employment and program completions. Narrative: Summary of Section 2 Overall, what did you learn from the data provided in this section? Be sure to indicate if your discoveries apply to the entire district, or if they vary by site. Section 3 – Critical Reflection of Assessment Activities Curriculum & Assessment Data What courses, if any are not on track with regard to a 2‐year assessment cycle? Explain if this is a consequence of how often the course is offered or other mitigating factors such as outcome updates that may have changed the assessment cycle. # of course SLO reports submitted during 2012‐2013. Reports submitted in 2012‐13 up to the Sept 15, 2013 deadline were included in 2012‐2013. # of degree/cert (PLO) reports submitted during 2012‐2013. Reports submitted in 2012‐13 up to the Sept 15, 2013 deadline were included in 2012‐2013. % of Course Outlines of Record up to date. Includes approvals through spring 2013. Explain any mitigating circumstances. Indicate if you have submitted updated Course Outlines of Record this fall. If there is no plan for updating outdated curriculum, when will you inactivate? View curriculum status: click here or go to: Select your program and click on: Curriculum Status cBiological Environmental Sciences 2013‐14.docx 3/6/2014 Page 6 Biology courses not in a 2
year assessment cycle are
not scheduled every
56% of Biology Course
Outlines of Record are
The following course
outlines are out of date:
Biology 9 has not been
taught for years and is being
inactivated. D. LaPenta
currently revising BIOL 2.
K. Reiss currently revising
BIOL l 7, 18, 26, 27. T.
Sholars currently revising
BIOL 99A....other 99s and
120s to be inactivated.
80% of Environmental
Science Course Outlines of
Record are current.
Environmental Science 22
course outline is out of date.
Did the Program Advisory Committee Meet in the last year? Y/N Click here to view the Program Advisory Committee webpage 3.1 What changes have been made to the program based on assessment findings? You may include results from your closing the loop reports that map to your program. Several main initiatives have come out of our assessment findings in multiple courses. The first is a more widespread experimentation amongst
faculty with OpenStax textbooks. We have heard, increasingly, that students can’t afford the textbooks. This year, ALL BIOL 1 sections
(approximately 9 sections per semester) have moved to free online textbooks, and have modified the syllabus accordingly. There has also been
more experimentation by different faculty with partial or complete “flipped’ classes. This began with W. Riggs enthusiasm for the concept, and
her hopes that it would increase student preparation and engagement before they even set foot in lab or lecture hall. She has now applied these
techniques to both BIOL 6 (Human Anatomy) and BIOL 1 (General Biology). Other faculty are now using Riggs as a resource to learn how to
design online pre-lab quizzes, record lectures for online viewing, carry out peer-instruction in class, etc. While different faculty are implementing
innovative learning strategies such as the “flipped-classroom” at different levels, ALL faculty are experimenting with more tools and techniques to
increase student engagement than ever before. A final initiative for some faculty is greater emphasis on learning how to deconstruct and analyze
test questions, combined with how to write logically complete answers. This has been spearheaded by K. Reiss who had seen, in her assessment
data, a strong leaning towards students “knowing’ things that they couldn’t coherently explain, and failing to appreciate the details of what was
being asked for in specific exam questions. These efforts dovetail nicely with burgeoning campus-wide Writing Across the Curriculum initiatives.
3.2 (Optional) Describe assessment findings/observations that may require further research or institutional support. We have reported previously that students at the other sites, and especially Klamath-Trinity, do not have access to the same resources for studying
as do students at EKA. These important resources include everything from microscopes and slides to more open study space hours. Our hope is
that some of the old-but-still-good equipment can be sent to sites where it can be used; we also would like to see a greater availability of student
services at these sites.
cBiological Environmental Sciences 2013‐14.docx 3/6/2014 Page 7 Institutional support of DSPS remains critical, and we see this very acutely in Biological Sciences. Students that we discover to have serious
learning difficulties are often unable to get appointments with DSPS quickly enough for it to be a useful referral that semester. There is no
question that this contributes to retention and success of these students. DSPS students need support from the beginning of the term.
We have also reported annually regarding the need for experienced biology tutors. There is only one person on the Eureka campus who is
qualified and in the position to help biology students, and he is in DSPS with a fully booked schedule. In the absence of funding to hire tutors we
need to be more creative for example, we will be trying to pass curriculum for both peer tutoring and supplemental instruction for the more
rigorous major’s and pre-R.N. classes. There are no tutors on the Mendocino Coast campus.
Summary of Section 3 Provide any additional explanations for items described in section 3. Section – 4 Evaluation of Previous Plans 4.1 Describe plans/actions identified in the last program review and their current status. What measurable outcomes were achieved due to actions completed. Action plans may encompass several years; an update on the current status, or whether the plan was discarded and why. Click here to view completed program reviews from last year. Actions Taken Current Status Impact of Action (describe all relevant data used to evaluate the impact) Ongoing; in phase now where we’re discovering some
problems with implementation (e.g., students who have
taken College English but not 150 being denied
Students appear to have a higher level of
literacy in those classes that have changed
to the Eng150 prerequisite, but the change
is too new and not widespread enough for
data to be available.
Outcomes better represent science faculty
consensus on our goals for our LASciEx
students, and resulted from much
dialogue within and outside of department
Science faculty will engage in campus
diversity training.
Continue to add English 150
prerequisite in science transfer level
course outlines in Biological and
Environmental Sciences
Science faculty will complete
writing of new Program Learning
Outcomes for the L.A. Science Exploration
cBiological Environmental Sciences 2013‐14.docx 3/6/2014 Page 8 meetings.
Obtain new equipment for
Microbiology, Zoology, and Botany
laboratories in new Eureka Academic
buildings as well as resource requests at the
Del Norte campus.
Students will be better able to achieve
course learning outcomes (only ½ a
semester in so no assessment data but see
4.2 (If applicable) Describe how funds provided in support of the plan(s) contributed to program improvement: The new equipment in the new laboratories has been immensely valuable for program improvement. Biology is a hands-on and visual field, and if
each and every student isn’t engaged in a meaningful way with high quality, functioning equipment we lose them.
Though we’re only a half a semester (fall 2013) into the use of the new equipment, and thus have no data to support this claim, anecdotal evidence
abounds. Students in BIOL 4 and 6, which have heavy microscope use, no longer complain about their inability to see what they’re supposed to
be seeing thanks to the new binocular compound microscopes. The teacher scopes all have dark field and phase contrast illumination, and there is
fluorescence, additionally, in the cell biology lab.
Using phase contrast illumination, video cameras, and the Smart Board to watch cytoplasmic streaming in a live amoeba makes a lasting
impression on students. Three classes have already taken the new binoculars into the field, and with one pair of very good binoculars per student,
they no longer become disengaged because they can’t see.
The zoology students, in particular, had the best birding field trip to the Arcata Marsh in the professor’s 8 years of teaching at CR. The new
marine aquarium is a vast improvement over the old one that has been broken, without funds for repair, for 2 years, so now students in BIOL 4,
and next semester in BIOL 15, can see living organisms in lab.
The cameras and smart board in the cadaver room allow for detailed discussion of demonstration dissections that all students can see, rather than
peering over and around each other’s heads.
Section – 5 Planning Click here to link to Institutional Planning Documents 5.1 Program Plans Based on data analysis, student learning outcomes and program indicators, assessment and review, and your critical reflections, describe the actions to be taken for the 2013‐2014 academic year. Use as many rows as you have actions, and add additional rows if you have more than 5 actions. Please number all rows that you add. Please be specific. This section and section 6 should include a detailed justification so that the resource prioritization committees understand your needs and their importance. cBiological Environmental Sciences 2013‐14.docx 3/6/2014 Page 9 * Not all actions in this program plan section may require resources, but all resource requests must be linked to this section. 5.1 Program Plans Action # 1 Action to be taken: Relationship to Institutional Plans Include the specific plan and action item relevant to your action to be taken. For example: Annual Plan 2013‐
2014 Theme: Persistence; or List the specific action Goal 1: Student Success: to be taken in enough EP.1.6.2 Develop a plan for narrowing the achievement gap detail so that someone outside of your area can for underrepresented student populations. understand. Purchase 2 cadavers
for the BIOL 6
Human Anatomy,
BIOL 8 – Human
Biology, BIOL 4 –
General Zoology lab
facilitates in Del
Norte and Eureka to
facilitate student
mastery of all CLO’s.
Additionally cadavers
are also used for other
courses on campus
such as ART 19Figure Drawing.
Expected Impact on Program/Student Learning Describe the expected impact in a way that someone outside the program can understand. The impact should be measurable. Cadavers provide for threedimensional exploration of the human
body, primarily in BIOL 6 – Human
Anatomy, which is required for
application to the R.N. program.
Cadaver study in BIOL 6 facilitates
student mastery of ALL course
learning outcomes and is
pedagogically essential.
Annual Plan 2013-14
SP.3 Fiscal & Operational
Implement a budget cycle for
equipment replacement (e.g.,
computers, vehicles, lab
Measure Q
cBiological Environmental Sciences 2013‐14.docx 3/6/2014 With cadavers, students can locate a
structure, move it around, and
experience how it is positioned in the
body in relation to other structures.
They can pull on a tendon and watch
the fingers grasp. They can see the
spread of lumpy metastases
throughout the body cavity of a
cadaver with pancreatic cancer. They
Page 10 Relationship to Assessment Resources Needed (Y/N) Include all assessment results that indicate that this action will yield the desired impact on the program. If the assessment has yet to be conducted, explain when and how it will be conducted. A yes here requires a corresponding request in the next section. Cadavers are
directly used in
assessment of
Identify and classify
the major tissue
types, organs and
organ systems in the
human body, and
explain how
structure affects
function at all levels
and SLO#2
Distinguish between
normal and
abnormal tissue,
and be able to relate
pathology to
underlying cellular
Measure Q
can discover the shrapnel that caused
the neural degeneration of calf
muscles of a veteran. These sorts of
experiences are profound and create
learning of the deepest and most
lasting sort, and they happen
routinely in our anatomy lab. While
there are individuals that claim you
can teach anatomy without cadavers,
or even online, this is a kind of
anatomy that is shallow and replete
with nomenclature without context.
Students that work with cadavers are
able to genuinely understand the
interconnectedness of body parts in a
way that is not possible with twodimensional illustration. This
interconnectedness underlies
function, and its disruption leads to
pathology. Moreover, past experience
with cadavers enables students to
gain more accurate information in the
future from two-dimensional
illustrations, as well as from opaque
living bodies. Finally, for health
occupations students, working with
cadavers is their first classroom
experience with death, and emotional
learning occurs.
The cadavers are also important for
other courses on campus and for
community education. Other Biology
classes that use the cadavers are BIO
8 – Human Biology, BIO 4 – General
Zoology. ART 19 – Figure Drawing
also visits the cadaver lab every
semester, and some students
undertake prolonged studies that
enhance their artwork. Several local
cBiological Environmental Sciences 2013‐14.docx 3/6/2014 Page 11 or tissue
dysfunction. They
are indirectly
essential in
assessment of other
SLOs according to
the pedagogical
reasons described
There is no
assessment data
available from a
time when cadavers
were not a part of
the course.
schools including Fortuna High
School and Arcata School of Massage
visit the cadaver lab regularly. Yoga
teacher trainees, prospective health
occupations students, midwives, and
dancers are also among those who
request cadaver tours for educational
2 Del Norte Campus
Life Science needs
remodel to address
safety and ADA ,
emergency shower,
Smart Board
technology and
cadaver storage which
meets requirements
SP.3.2.34 Implement a
budget cycle for capital
repairs and maintenance &
SP.3.2.3 Implement a budget
cycle for equipment
EP.4.1.1 E.P.4.4.1 Implement
minimum technology specs
for all new or retrofitted
Measure Q
SP.3.2.34 Implement a
budget cycle for capital
repairs and maintenance &
SP.3.2.3 Implement a budget
cycle for equipment
3 Purchase 15 laptops
and mobile computer
lab for use in the
science department.
EP.4.1.1 E.P.4.4.1 Implement
minimum technology specs
for all new or retrofitted
Measure Q
cBiological Environmental Sciences 2013‐14.docx 3/6/2014 Students require functional, up to
date equipment of assist in
comprehension of anatomical,
morphological, and physiological
topics in Biology
A mobile computer lab would
positively impact student learning in
many science courses by facilitating
student-centered active learning in
the laboratory environment.
Research in learning science clearly
indicates improved student learning
when content is delivered using
active, student-centered methods.
Laptops will enable instructors to use
computer simulations as well as data
collection and analysis tools during
laboratory time. The biology
department currently possesses 6 sets
of iWorx data acquisition and
analysis tools for the study of
Page 12 Increase success of
students in biology
laboratory courses
Increase success of
students in biology
laboratory courses
Measure Q
Measure Q
physiology. While the tool set will
facilitate student mastery of ALL
course learning outcomes Human
Physiology (BIOL 7) and, can be
used in other courses that
incorporates the study of
physiological processes (including
BIOL 1, 4, 7, and 8).
5.2 Provide any additional information, brief definitions, descriptions, comments, or explanations, if necessary. Section 6 ‐ Resource Requests 6.0 Planning Related, Operational, and Personnel Resource Requests. Requests must be accompanied by an action plan in the above section. Requests should include estimated costs. Submit a support ticket if you do not know the estimated costs. If you are requesting personnel resources, you must also include the “Request for Faculty or Staffing” forms, located at review. Submit one form for each request. Additional Instructions: 
Put down the full amount you are requesting in the “Amount” column. Put down the annual amount of any ongoing or recurring costs in the “Annual Recurring” column. For example, a personnel request for a permanent position might show an Amount of $30,000 and an Annual Recurring Cost of $30,000. A request for equipment might show an Amount of $5,000 and an Annual Recurring cost of $200. A professional development request might show an Amount of $800 and a recurring cost of $0. 
If you have a grant or some other source of funding, include in the “Request” column a brief description of the source of funds and the dollar amount that is expected to be covered by the other source and if the other source covers any of the annual recurring costs. 
Note in the “Request” column if this is a repeat request, and how many times you have submitted this request. The item number must match the corresponding action # from section 5. Add rows as necessary. cBiological Environmental Sciences 2013‐14.docx 3/6/2014 Page 13 Action Type of Request (Check One) # use # above Request Describe your request here in a way that someone outside the program can understand. #2
Del Norte Campus Science Wing Modernization
ADA and OSHA safety regulations remodel to
address ventilation, emergency shower, Smart
Board technology and cadaver storage which
meets requirements.
Operational Planning To be reviewed by Prioritization To be Committees of reviewed the Budget and grouped Planning by Associate Committee Deans. Personnel Professional Development To be To be reviewed by reviewed by the Faculty Professional Prioritization Development Committee. Committee $ Amount
$ Annual Recurring Costs X
Del Norte
Science Wing
Measure Q
500,000 #1
2 Cadavers required for CLO’s in Biology 6, 8,
4 & Art 19 Figure Drawing. UC Davis is
retrieving all Cadavers in June 2014 due to a 3
year usage rule. Cadavers are $2500.00 each
this includes delivery, retrieval and cremation.
Measure Q
5000.00 #3
Purchase 15 laptops and mobile cart for
Sciences BIOL 1, 4, 7, 8 , 20 & ENVSCI 10
Measure Q
15,669.25 2 Full time Biology faculty (Eureka &
#1,2,3 X
Section 7‐Author Feedback Provide any constructive feedback about how this template or datasets could be improved. cBiological Environmental Sciences 2013‐14.docx 3/6/2014 Page 14 Contact Person (Name, email, phone) Tracey Thomas Tracey‐
edu 476‐4325 Karen Reiss Karen‐
u 476‐4220
Karen Reiss Karen‐
u 476‐4200 Karen Reiss Karen‐
u 476‐4200 Teresa Sholars Teresa‐
edu. 962‐
How much do you agree with the following statements? (mark your choice with an x )
Strongly Somewhat
Somewhat Strongly
Disagree Disagree
This year’s program review was valuable
[ x]
in planning for the ongoing improvement
of my program.
Analysis of the program review data was
useful in assessing my program.
[x ]
Section 8‐ PRC Response by section (completed by PRC after reviewing the program review) 8.0 The response will be forwarded to the author and the supervising Director and Vice President: S.1. Program Information: Completed S.2. Data Analysis: Acceptable: identified changing trends and provided explanations. S.3. Critical Reflection of Assessment Activities: Acceptable; some courses in the process of being updated; assessments have initiated changes; some needs identified based on assessments. S.4. Evaluation of Previous Plans: Exemplary S.5. Planning: Exemplary S.6. Resource Requests: Exemplary. Requests linked to planning section 5. cBiological Environmental Sciences 2013‐14.docx 3/6/2014 Page 15 