Spring 2011

College of the Redwoods Program Review Committee Executive Summary Adopted November 6, 2009 Mission Statement The College of the Redwoods’ Program Review Committee leads and facilitates authentic assessment as it relates to student success and planning at the institution for all subject and service areas. The committee reviews Annual and Comprehensive Program Reviews that provide the strong foundation upon which College of the Redwoods develops, identifies, states and documents quality improvement plans and goals including providing the direction of prioritization of funding, and support needs as organized under the strategic planning objectives. Objective: To provide an evaluative Executive Summary of this program’s review for authors, the Integrated Planning Committees, and the District. Program Review Subject/Service Area: __Bookstore_________________ Program Review Authors: ___Jean Lawry_____________________________________________________ Summary and Recommendations: Additional Comments: 1. Program strengths: Implementation of new online website Textbook data now online Goals well defined with timeline and responsible parties identified 2. Program challenges/obstacles: In need of a part‐time staff person for online/web management Funding for QIPs Communication – the bookstore is often not kept in loop when schedule changes are made (i.e. cancelled or added classes) 3. Commendations & Recommendations: Using assessment to create goals and plans for next academic Recommend: investigating a book renting program year part‐time staff for online web management Goals and Planning are a good example for Bookstore goes to a point of sale system (cost administrative services program reviews approx. $90,000) – Both these are Bookstore goals 4. Program Budget/Funding Sources: Include how business principles /processes are in Self sustaining entity, mostly adequate funding line with strategic mission including clarification on how excess profits are put into scholarship 5. Program Goals/Plans: Mission states bookstore is operating on sound Goals are well defined with timelines and responsible parties business principles, and income will cover operating identified expenses Results of survey are guiding marketing plans 6. Program Outcomes Assessment (PLOs/SLOs): No information about DN or Mendo in this program Assessment and action from online student satisfaction review survey No long range planning for assessment; the survey is adequate Process: Completed Executive Summary forms will be sent to program review authors. PRC will forward Executive Summaries to the appropriate integrated planning committees. 7. Student Success/Achievement/Basic Skills obstacles/challenges: Success based on improved access Process: Completed Executive Summary forms will be sent to program review authors. PRC will forward Executive Summaries to the appropriate integrated planning committees. College of the Redwoods Program Review Author’s Executive Summary Addendum Mission Statement: The College of the Redwoods’ Program Review Committee facilitates the process at the institution for all subject and service areas. The committee reviews Annual and Comprehensive Reports providing an opportunity to develop, identify, and state quality improvement plans and goals, as well as request priorities for funding, and support needs as organized under the strategic planning objectives. • Objective: This document provides the authors the means to respond the Executive Summary of the Program Review Committee. These comments will be included as addendums along with the PRC’s Executive Summary, and posted on the Program Review site at inside.redwoods.edu Annual Program Review Update Subject/Service Area: ____Bookstore____________________ Annual Program Review Update Authors: _____Jean Lawry______________________________ Summary and Recommendations: Additional Comments: 1. Program strengths: 2. Program challenges/obstacles: 3. Commendations/Recommendations: 4. Program Budget/Funding Sources: 5. Program Goals/Plans: Bookstore funds are at the discretion of the President. Excess profits, may be, but are not necessarily, put into scholarship 6. Program Outcomes Assessment (PLOs/SLOs): The Del Norte and Mendocino campus bookstores operate under the same policies, principles, and management, as the Eureka campus bookstore. They conduct business in a much more limited fashion, being open only the first three weeks of each semester. Both campuses were included in our survey. Process: PRC will forward completed Executive Summaries to program review authors. Authors will have two weeks to provide feedback and corrections on errors of fact and/interpretation PRC will forward Executive Summaries and authors reponse (if available) to the appropriate integrated planning committee and the CPC. 7. Student Success/Achievement Basic Skills obstacles/challenges Process: PRC will forward completed Executive Summaries to program review authors. Authors will have two weeks to provide feedback and corrections on errors of fact and/interpretation PRC will forward Executive Summaries and authors reponse (if available) to the appropriate integrated planning committee and the CPC. 