10/10/06 1. Division: 2. Course Discipline and Number:

College of the Redwoods
Renewable every five years
Date: 10/10/06
1. Division: Mathemeatics, Science, and Engineering
2. Course Discipline and Number: MATH 4
3. Course Title: Matlab Programming
4. Distance Education Method:
Instructional TV on cable
Interactive TV on videoconference
5. Describe in detail how this course will apply the same standards of course quality as a
traditional classroom course (attach course outline and syllabus).
Distance students will be able to view precisely the same lecture as students
attending in person on campus, and phone contact will be available to ask questions
during lecture.
Students will use the Matlab software to write programs with an emphasis on
applications from mathematics, science, and engineering. Distance students will be
able to create and run these programs on computers in their home.
6. Describe how this course will include regular effective contact between the instructor and
Blackboard, email, and telephones will be the main sources of contact. The
Blackboard discussion group will be used to attach programs and snippets of code
for student inspection. Questions will be asked and answered via the Discussion
boards of Blackboard. Email to the instructor will meet with the same response.
Distance students can submit programs electronically, where they can be tested on
the instructor's machine. The instructor can then use email to pose any questions
and/or suggestions based on program perfomance.
7. Describe how standard methods of assessment will be adapted to the distance education
As this course is about programming, students are assessed on the performance and
structure of the program applications they are assigned to create. Both regular and
distance students have an equal advantage in this respect. There will also be a
student-selected programming project which distance students will be asked to
present on campus. Any additional assessment will be of the take-home variety so
that students can work on it at home.
Curriculum Approval: April 8, 2005 (rev.11/8/05)
Academic Senate Approval: May 6, 2005
May 29, 2016
Submitted by: David Arnold
Tel. Ext: 4222
Date: 10/10/07
Department Chair:
Distance Education Coordinator: Mark Winter
Division Chair: Tony Sartori`
Date: 10/25/06
Date: 10/31/06
Approved by Curriculum Committee: No
Academic Senate Approval Date:
Curriculum Approval: April 8, 2005 (rev.11/8/05)
Academic Senate Approval: May 6, 2005
Date: 11/17/06
May 29, 2016