College of the Redwoods LARGE-CLASS FORMAT PROPOSAL Course should be re-submitted for large-class format approval every five years. Date: 10-14-08 Course Proposed for Large-Class Format: Geol 10 Maximum Class Size on Course Outline: 40 Attach a copy of the course outline Maximum Class Size proposed for Large Format Sections: 80 Describe how the instructor(s) will maintain the academic quality of the course offered in largeclass format. What pedagogical methods will be used to ensure student outcomes? (See course outline.) During the Fall 2008 semester we offered one large format section (75 student cap) of Geol 10 (Environmental Geology) on the Eureka campus. During this trial, the assignments and expectations remained the same as for the 40 student class. Blackboard as well as in-class projection of material (PowerPoint, web links, quick time movies) have been used in both the 40 student format and the large format section. Student performance of two course SLOs were evaluated as part of the 08/09 program review report. Performance on both multiple choice and short answer questions showed attainment of the SLO by a majority of the students taking the course (90% on one question; approximately 80% for a group of four related questions; and 55% complete success, 33% partial success on a short answer question). All of the required assessment activities listed in the course outline will be maintained in the larger-format version: In-class activities that allow students to self-assess their understanding of the material •At least one essay assignment that requires a student to demonstrate their ability to organize data, analyze data, and defend an opinion based on logical scientific reasoning. •At least one examination that requires a student to demonstrate their understanding of earth science concepts. Three modifications have been made for the larger format course 1. Development of more detailed grading rubrics that allow for efficient grading of relevant material. 2. Use of class packet diagrams rather than actual maps in some of the activities. 3. Greater use of Blackboard to ensure students have access to all classroom presentation materials (PowerPoint Slides, notes, web links, homework assignments). Submitted by: David Bazard Tel Ext: 4224 Date: 10-14-08 Division Chair/Director: Dave Bazard Date: 10-14-08 VP Academic Affairs: Date: Curriculum Committee Use Only Approved by Curriculum Committee Yes No Academic Senate Approval Date: 11/21/08 Board of Trustees Approval Date: 1.6.09 Approved by Curriculum Committee: Rev. April 11, 2008 Academic Senate Approval: April 18, 2008 Date: 11.14.08