REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Integrated Committee Chairs Monday, April 23, 2012 10:00am-noon Boardroom Agenda Outcomes Expected: 1. General agreement on description of how the program review and annual planning and allocation process works, committee charges, and the information each committee needs to complete their work. 2. General agreement on what information to include in committee operating agreements (internal committee work). Review Notes from April 2 meeting Timetable for aligning functional plans to the strategic and education master plans—May, 2012 o o o o o Basic Skills Plan Enrollment Management Plan Student Equity Plan Technology Master Plan Facilities Master Plan Snapshot of draft updated program review and integrated planning model. o Future of Furniture and Equipment Committee Review revised realigned committee charges Discussion of integrated planning o o Part 1: Description of how our program review and integrated planning process Define the roles and interactions of committees evaluating and making decisions regarding the “resource” portions of planning Define the roles and interactions of committees evaluating and making decisions regarding the “non-resource” portions of planning – enrollment management, basic skills, student equity. Define the planning and feedback process of program and discipline improvement. Include the process of defining Quality Improvement Plans and discipline planning goals. VP’s aggregate operational requests ($5,000 or less) and forward to BPC Part II: How the committees work General Recommended Modifications for Planning Committees Specific Recommended Modifications REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Integrated Committee Chairs Monday, April 2, 2012 3:00-5:00 p.m. Boardroom NOTES Present: Sue Alton, Bob Brown, Jeff Cummings, Pat Girczyc, Utpal Goswami, Lee Lindsey, Roxanne Metz, MaryGrace McGovern, Keith Snow-Flamer, Bruce Wagner, and Maggie White. OUTCOMES OF THE MARCH 24 PLANNING SUMMIT MaryGrace reported the outcomes of the planning summit that was held on March 24, 2012. According to the results of the rubric, the committee has made significant progress. Everything has been completed or is in progress. The following outcomes were discussed: The scope and charges of the committees could be more refined. How do they fit in with the program review charge and the discontinuance policy? Comments: -The charge of the committee should be defined by the governance process. The boundaries of the committee should be defined by the president. -The structure is fine, but the roles and boundaries of the committees need to be clarified. Define and have persistent language throughout committees. Determine how the committees link to the Strategic and Education Master Plans. Have a standardized feedback mechanism, so the committees receive feedback about requests. Assessment data should be used by committees. Before decisions are made, they should look at the number of students that will be impacted. Co-chairs of committees should have discussions about how things function. Was the information that was passed on to the committees coherent? There was a discussion about assessment within the committees and the importance of appointing the right person to a committee. DEVELOP COMMITTEE ACTIONS TO ADDRESS SUMMIT FINDINGS The following committee actions were suggested: SLO’s and PLO’s need to be integrated in the program reviews. Comments: -It was suggested that SLO’s be included in faculty contracts. -Assessments need to be completed before grades are submitted. -We need to be able to enter multiple SLO’s and PLO’s at one time. We need to update APs for the Financial Advisory Committee. We need to deactivate obsolete committees and combine others. There was a discussion about the planning process and who would be responsible for monitoring the process. The IEC evaluates the planning process. Roxanne could monitor the planning process. We need data analysis—input-output for each committee. 2 We need to build a foundation so the committee system functions, maintains itself, and has good communication. The chair of the committee could be responsible for making sure that their committee is following the planning process. We need to improve communication between committees about recommendations and methods of receiving feedback. Decisions should be data informed and documented. It was recommended that committees prioritize requests and decide which ones should be considered. Important requests should be included in program reviews. Small requests (below $5,000) should be reviewed by deans or at the division level. ALIGNING FUNCTIONAL PLANS TO THE EDUCATION MASTER PLAN The following suggestions were made: They are looking at objectives that are relevant to the education plan and developing Education Master Plan goals. Everything in the Strategic Plan will be linked to at least one plan. Subsequent plans will elaborate on it. Unit plans will be driven by the plans they are closest to. The information will be included in program reviews. When the unit plans are completed, they will be connected to the Strategic Plan. The managers or deans will make sure the plans are connected. Adjust the program review process so the QIP is updated or a new unit plan is written annually. The unit plan will be tied to assessment and institutional planning at some level. All of the requests will be based on the unit plan. We need to build the right process, so we make the right decisions. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR IEC TO CONSIDER Re-align committee charges. Look at including the Basic Skills Committee and the Student Equity Planning Committee in the integrated planning model. The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. 3 Realigned Committee Scope/Charges Enrollment Management Committee Scope 1. Develop a holistic, comprehensive, and integrated approach to enrollment management (data 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. analysis, curriculum and program mix, retention and persistence, advising and recruitment, marketing/promotion, budget, and technology); Recommend scheduling strategies, instructional, and student support plans to enhance student access, success, retention, persistence, and goal attainment; Analyze enrollment trends, patterns, projections, and growth as well as basic skills student achievement data; Provide recommendations and information to divisions and units on the implementation of enrollment targets and emergent enrollment management issues; Process and act on student equity, success, retention, goal attainment data received from PRC and recommend budget to the BPC; Recommend enrollment targets when necessary; and Provide leadership for the development of the enrollment management plan. Facilities Planning Committee Scope 1. 2. 3. 4. Review college facilities master plan and educational master plan for consistency; Review new facilities projects; Review and make recommendations on the college’s deferred maintenance program; Review college facilities use policies and procedures; Assist in the development of facilities maintenance standards and quality control for all college facilities; 5. Review projects and make recommendation on priorities for bond funded facilities; and 6. Receive facilities and furniture planning requests (greater than $5,000) from PRC and forward recommendations to BPC. 4 Budget Planning Committee Scope 1. Assist in the development of budget assumptions and reaffirm revenue projections and periodically review institutional budget in relation to state average and cohort schools; 2. Review the prioritizations of the Integrated Planning Functional committees and Program Review resource requests that meet criteria of $5000 or greater to develop a recommended rank order for funding; 3. Review operational requests for resources greater than $5,000 from Vice Presidents and develop rank order for funding; 4. Recommend allocation mechanism for distributing/reducing funding for personnel, operational and planning requests; 5. Assists in the development of the final budget by establishing incremental funding plans should the state funding vary from the assumptions; 6. Conduct budget hearings as necessary to receive constituency/departmental input on budget requests; 7. Develop long term (3-5 years) budget strategies and maintains a long term budget plan; and 8. Develop and recommends policies/procedures for effective budget planning and control. Technology Planning Committee Scope 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Recommend development and use of instructional and information technology at CR; Recommend academic enterprise system integration needs; Recommend the adoption of new academic technology tools/systems; Recommends the use of academic technology; Receive technology and equipment planning requests from PRC and forward recommendations to BPC; 6. Develop and revise the IT Disaster Recovery Plan subject to available resources; and 7. Receive technology planning requests (greater than $5,000) from PRC and forward recommendations to BPC. Basic Skills Committee Scope 1. Recommend and support educational programs, student support services, and matriculation policies that enhance retention, persistence, and academic success of basic skills students; 2. Promote the use of effective practices in developmental education for administrative, student services, and instructional programs; 3. Provide professional development regarding effective practices in developmental education. 4. Track basic skills students from entry to completion; 5. Assess and evaluate the programs designed to improve student success; 6. Allocate and oversee expenditures of BSI categorical funds; and 7. Process and act on basic skills data received from PRC and recommend actions to the EMC. 5 Program Review Committee Scope 1. The sequence, notification and evaluation of Comprehensive and Annual program review documents; 2. The format for program reviews, to include an evaluation of (1) program/unit goals and purpose, (2) program description, (3) program effectiveness, (4) recommendations and planning for program improvement, (5) course/discipline/program PLOs/SLOs and assessment, (6) student achievement data, and (7) actions taken since last program review; 3. The identification and provision of appropriate institutional research data and support for the programs and units being reviewed; 4. The calendar of program review activities; 5. The forwarding of program review subcommittee summaries and executive summaries; and 6. The forwarding of the Program Review Committee executive summaries, Comprehensive and Annual “tear outs” to the appropriate Integrated Planning Functional Committee’s Institutional Effectiveness Committee Scope 1. Evaluate the integration of the planning process, including, but not limited to a coordinated, institutional approach in addressing college priorities and the interrelationship among institutional plans; 2. Monitor and refining the ongoing planning process; 3. Develop and assessing critical institutional effectiveness outcome measures to inform the planning process; 4. Provide an annual evaluation of progress toward achievement of the institution’s strategic initiatives; 5. Provide an annual assessment of the effectiveness of the planning committees and the institutional planning process to the College Council; 6. Establish regular communication with the campus community regarding the institutional planning process and gaining input from the college community regarding planning issues; and 7. Promote an ongoing, robust and pervasive dialog about institutional effectiveness. Staff/Professional Development Scope 1. Provide professional development training programs for all college employees. 2. Offer opportunities for professional development that are designed to enhance the performance and effectiveness of the participants in their current positions and to broaden the employees' knowledge and skills to prepare them for future job responsibilities aligned with the mission and values of the college. 3. Work with the appropriate vice president to reviews rank and recommend department requests to the president based upon growth assumptions, budget, and assessment data and other specific data. Student Equity Plan Committee Scope TBD 6 General Recommended Modifications for All Planning Committees 1. Include committee charge, processes, and membership responsibilities. 2. Calendar of planning functions, data exchanges, decision making, and feedback to provide information for budgeting, decision making, and continuous improvement of the process. 3. Describe how committees are aligned with each other and the strategic plan and mission of the college. 4. Hold a committee organizational meeting to discuss how the committee works, roles and responsibilities, and committee norms. 5. All committees will review program review executive summary at the beginning of each planning cycle. 6. Resource-related planning chairs will meet at the beginning of each planning/budgeting cycle to evaluate, distribute, and/or reject program review “resource requests” (alternate process: Planning coordinator (or IEC chair) to facilitate and prepare spreadsheets/reports for integrated planning functional committees) 7. All resource allocations will incorporate program review findings, links with the strategic/education master plan, and outcome assessments into their work and prioritization of requests. 8. Ranking of resource items includes references to program review data including links to the strategic plan and assessments. 9. Include educational effectiveness as a demonstrated priority in all planning structures and processes. 10. VPs, Deans, Directors (if appropriate) use program review information to propose annual operational budgets to BPC. These proposals should be presented “in person” to the BPC so the basis for budgets can be discussed and the BPC can evaluate the needs relative to program review data and planning. 11. Include educational effectiveness as a demonstrated priority in all planning structures and processes. This will be stated in mission and scope of each committee. Demonstrated through use of assessment/program review data and Strategic/Ed Master planning goals in each step of the planning process. 12. Hold an annual “pre summit” training meeting with planning committee co-chairs at the beginning of each budget-planning cycle (early fall). The roles, procedures and boundaries of the committees are described. The larger planning process and links to outcomes assessment, the strategic plan, education master plan, and college mission are described and discussed. 7 Specific Recommended Modifications Program Review (PRC) 1. Rename “Needs Addendum” to “Resource Request” – this is a more accurate description of the process. 2. Modify resource requests to include reasoning and justifications linked to strategic plan, educational master plan, SLO’s and PLO’s for all requests. In addition, establish additional information within requests that demonstrates total cost of ownership – Standard III 3. Define resource requests to better match resource items considered by the BPC ($5,000.00+?). Define a separate process where operational budgets are proposed by Deans, VPs, etc based on program review summaries. The “Resource Request” should not include operational budget items. 4. Establish an initial feedback form to be distributed by the BPC to all constituents who received funding allocations from “resource requests” (needs addenda) in the 2009-10 and 2010-11 years. 5. Establish a sustainable feedback form within program reviews that informs how requests that were funded assisted that area in meeting strategic plan, educational master plan, SLO’s and PLO’s from previous year’s request. 6. Program review templates to report whether allocation of resources result in improvements. Put this in the “resource request” (needs addendum) or the template itself. – 7. Create an “Assessment and Planning” Tab for the program review template. This section will require: o discussion of assessment results and improvement actions o discussion of plans formed (improvement actions) based on assessment results o discussion of how assessment results were used to inform the QIP (or planning goals) 8. Incorporate student equity data into program reviews – require program analysis. 9. Provide program review executive summary in terms of equity analysis. Budget Planning Committee (BPC) 1. Include in budget reporting, a linkage of all financial resource allocations to mission and goals of institution. 2. Establish an initial feedback form to be distributed by the BPC to all constituents who received funding allocations from needs addenda requests in the 2009-10 and 2010-11 years. The purpose is to establish some evidence prior to next year’s program review as to how the funding has assisted in meeting their needs and how that links to college mission and goals 3. Spreadsheet from Measure Q requests linking requests to current strategic plan, educational master plan, SLO’s and PLO’s. BPC recently submitted current budget ranking recommendations with linkages to strategic plan, educational master plan, SLO’s and PLO’s. 4. Establish a sustainable and meaningful data base that clearly shows how resource allocations helped constituents meet mission, strategic plan, educational master plan, SLO’s and PLO’s while improving reporting and communication district wide the process of institutional priorities with financial planning. 5. Establish a minimum $5,000 threshold for requests. 6. Reject all resource requests that are not linked with program review, assessment, learning outcomes, not health and safety required, or operationally imperative. 7. Review program review executive summary at the beginning of each planning cycle. 8. Continue to complete annual surveys and self-assessment report –this provides an evaluation of process and goals from previous annual – report is forwarded to IEC. 8 Enrollment Management Committee 1. Incorporate a statement that educational effectiveness is a demonstrated priority in Mission/Scope of committee (see Facilities Committee Mission as an example). 2. Review program review executive summary at the beginning of each planning cycle. 3. Continue to complete annual surveys and self-assessment report –this provides an evaluation of process and goals from previous annual – report is forwarded to IEC. Technology Planning Committee 1. Incorporate a statement that educational effectiveness is a demonstrated priority in Mission/Scope of committee (see Facilities Committee Mission as an example). 2. Ranking of resource items includes references to program review data including links to the strategic plan and assessments. 3. Review program review executive summary at the beginning of each planning cycle. 4. All resource allocations will incorporate program review findings, links with the strategic/education master plan, outcome assessments, and total cost of ownership. This will be reported as part resource request prioritization 5. Continue to complete annual surveys and self-assessment report –this provides an evaluation of process and goals from previous annual – report is forwarded to IEC. Facilities Planning Committee 1. Incorporate a statement that educational effectiveness is a demonstrated priority in Mission/Scope of committee 2. Ranking of resource items includes references to program review data including links to the strategic plan and assessments. 3. Review program review executive summary at the beginning of each planning cycle. 4. All resource allocations will incorporate program review findings, links with the strategic/education master plan, outcome assessments, and total cost of ownership. This will be reported as part resource request prioritization. 5. Continue to complete annual surveys and self-assessment report –this provides an evaluation of process and goals from previous annual – report is forwarded to IEC. Student Equity 1. Review program review executive summary in terms of equity analysis. 2. Present SEP findings annually to the Board. 3. Continue to complete annual surveys and self-assessment report –this provides an evaluation of process and goals from previous annual – report is forwarded to IEC. Basic Skills Committee 1. Incorporate a statement that educational effectiveness is a demonstrated priority in Mission/Scope of committee (see Facilities Committee Mission as an example). 2. Review program review executive summary at the beginning of each planning cycle. 3. Continue to complete annual surveys and self-assessment report –this provides an evaluation of process and goals from previous annual – report is forwarded to IEC. 9 Institutional Effectiveness Committee 1. Establish a standing “planning committee” that oversees and updates the Strategic and Master plans – A subcommittee of the IEC with a charge to annually evaluate and update plans at the direction of the IEC. 2. Address program review executive summaries and non-resource aspects of planning such as basic skills, student equity, and enrollment management IEC’s year-end report. 3. Incorporate a statement that educational effectiveness is a demonstrated priority in Mission/Scope of committee (see Facilities Committee Mission as an example). 4. Expand master planning calendar to include institutional plans and related processes (such as SEP annual analysis). Dates for evaluation and revisions of strategic and education master plans must be incorporated into master planning calendar. 5. Continue to evaluate, and report on, effectiveness measures and indicators will be evaluated and reported each year by the IEC. This evaluation must be included in the master planning timeline to ensure a review of the measures and indicators data. 6. Continue to sponsor planning summits and implement work-plans around ongoing, pervasive and robust dialog. Continue to measure and assess the effectiveness measures scorecard. 7. IEC’s year-end executive report will address program review executive summaries. 8. IEC’s year-end executive report will address non-resource aspects of planning such as basic skills, student equity, and enrollment management 9. Promote an ongoing, robust and pervasive dialog about institutional effectiveness 10