Meeting of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, LRC 107 Wednesday, October 12, 2011 3:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT NOTES Sally Frazier, Angelina Hill, Roxanne Metz, Julia Peterson, Mike Peterson, Keith Snow-Flamer, Cheryl Tucker, Pat Girczyc ALSO PRESENT None DISCUSSION REVIEW STATUS OF THE 2011-12 WORK PLAN The Basic Skills Committee is using the strategic plan objectives in the BSI funding proposal rubric. It was also shared that the EMC is developing a committee evaluation rubric based on the Spring 2011 planning summit outputs that will be sent to the IEC in January to see if we want to use for all the committees. Had the current model for a couple of years. Move up to a circular model the idea is to have a subcommittee (Cheryl, Roxanne (chair), Pat, Jeff and Julia) work together on and have ready in January. There was concern raised about the perception that people have just learned and become familiar with the current model and it may be too early to change. The subcommittee will look at keeping consistent with the blue boxes theme and to work on work on something that is complimentary. The Committee agreed that the charge of the IEC should be advisory to the Planning Coordinator and provide more oversight of the planning process and not operational. Therefore the IEC work plan was revised to reflect the oversight charge. See below. ACCREDIDATION UPDATE IBA is a change from the past and it was codified and it has been infused in CRFO One level Measures of institutional effectiveness: KPIs and measures Another level Process evaluation piece, what is the process flow, how is it evaluated Planning summits and the themes that came out of them. (5) themes. DIRECTOR‟S REPORT OUT Education Master Planning Process Working on supplemental /chapters of the educational master plans there is an internal committee that is reflecting back to the external committees. The DE advisory committee is kind of doing there only thing may not have institutional direction. Don‟t know how the DE Ed plan is being done? Doesn‟t make any sense that they should have their own EM this silos the program. Julia is getting requests for DE not for credit training, looking for an increase in requests for more. Eureka main campus plan Roxanne anticipates that after the area plans are done there will be an update to the main campus plan. The Education Master plans are very area specific. What comes first the strategic plan or the EM plan. In the model the strategic plan is first. Future discussion includes: How are area plans going to be incorporated into main How will the eureka main be updated Strategic Planning Process The committee has met twice and discussed external trends not getting too bogged down in process. Program Review and Integrated Planning PRC co chairs have taken a look at the needs that came in from the needs addendums. The email will go out tomorrow to co-chairs of IPC committees and will forward to HR directors chairs of EMC. ADJOURNED The meeting adjourned at 4:30p.m. SUBMITTED BY lw Revised 2011-2012 IEC Work plan (subject to change depending upon planning issues identified) Planning Item Date of Completion Summer 2011 Responsible Person IEC 1. Redistribute the annual year-end report to the college community. 2. Assign a coordinator responsible for coordinating the institutional effectiveness and integrated planning process. Refine the integrated planning model that describes an ongoing, institution wide process of planning and assessment for the purpose of continuous improvement and linking planning to mission. Summer 2011 President January 2012 IEC and Planning Coordinator Review previous work IEC and planning committee work, develop timeline for future actions and update the planning narrative as needed for use in the planning cycle. Redistribute the annual report summarizing the analysis of the effectiveness of the college‟s planning processes. This report will guide all College units in planning the subsequent year„s work. January 2012 IEC SeptemberOctober 2011 IEC and Planning Coordinator Create a venue for dialog among appropriate groups and individuals to provide feedback on the integrated planning process and deploy quantitative and qualitative measures to assess the planning process and committees. Clarify what issues are Integrated Planning issues and what issues are not along with who and how these issues will be addressed. (e.g., emergency requests, new programs, grants, community education, business training, projector bulbs repairs, changes). Distribute the final 2011-12 annual report on Institutional Effectiveness district-wide that documents and quantifies progress made on each of the college‟s measures. March 2012 IEC and Planning Coordinator April 2012 IEC August 2012 Convocation IEC and Planning Coordinator 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Status Complete Report was discussed with the AMD group in summer 2011 Complete Roxanne Metz filled position. IEC subcommittee formed to develop a draft revised model for presentation to full IEC on January 25. Subcommittee is Roxanne Metz (lead), Cheryl Tucker, Julie Peterson, Pat Girczyc, and Jeff Cummings. Complete. Resent to “all” college community on September 20 and included in the Accreditation addendum.