Meeting of the First Year Experience (FYE) Committee
February 14, 2013, 1:15 – 2:30 p.m., SS-104
FYE Mission
Our mission is to improve the retention, persistence, and success of first year college students.
Present: Natalie Barbero, Sheila Hall, Pam Kessler, and Erin Wall.
9. Call to Order: Sheila called the meeting to order at 1:20.
10. Review Notes from January 24, 2013: Approved
11. Action Items: None
12. Discussion Items:
12.1 Review revisions to new student letter/email: Everyone liked the revisions that
were made to the letter. This letter is the first communication that is sent to all new
students. The letters are mailed to students once a week and the students’ email
accounts are activated at the time the letters are mailed. In the letter we have clarified
the steps students need to follow. The following suggestions were made to the new
student letter:
 Step 2: It was suggested that we capitalize and italicize the last sentence that
tells the students they are required to check their email on a regular basis.
 Step 3: It was suggested we add a statement saying the following: “You are
required to take the math and English placements to assure you are placed in
the correct classes.”
 It was suggested we include a flowchart of the steps that students need to
complete as part of the follow-up letters that will be sent to new students.
12.2 Math and English placement process: Everyone agreed that the placements
need to be given at CR, except for out of the area students. The testing environment
needs to be controlled. Disadvantaged students can best be served if they take the
placements at CR. It was suggested the ASC set up a schedule that is convenient for
students to take the placements and also offer placements by appointment. We could
designate special placement testing times and orientations for special groups (EOPS,
TRIO, etc.) on our campus. Students need to take the placements before they meet
with an advisor. We need to get the students attention about the importance of
placements. Sheila reviewed the placement information. We proposed some new
language for the ASC placement website. The following changes were suggested:
Use the word “placement” instead of “assessment.” Under Math and English
Placement Information, add a statement that says the following: “You are required to
take the placements to assure you enroll in the correct classes.” Also add a statement
that says it is highly recommended that you spend some time studying for the
placements. Move the math and English placement review information and links to
the area below the statement about the importance of studying for the placements.
Sheila showed everyone an example of the Accuplacer student placement report. If
the student doesn’t think this report is accurate they should speak with an academic
advisor. Erin suggested we give the students a document showing the high school
course equivalent to the English and math classes at CR. This could be given to the
student before they take the placements. It was suggested we give the student a
document that shows the placement sequence and include a statement about the
opportunity to reassess. Sheila reviewed the math and English sequence chart that is
in the CR catalog. Sheila reviewed the placement retest process. There are questions
about the process of how students request a retake of the placements. We need to
clarify what is going on between placement testing and advising. New students must
take the placements before they meet with an advisor. Sheila would like to offer
multiple placement test and orientation options, all in one day and separate day.
Whatever works best for the student. Sheila will put together a document about what
students need to do next (a flowchart). Sheila will invite MaryGrace to the next FYE
meeting (February 28) to discuss this process. The discussion was tabled until the
next meeting. There was a discussion about the possibly of Reading 360 being
eliminated and how this could impact students. It was recommended that a Student
Services’ policy be developed for advisors on how to advise students if Reading 360
is not offered.
12.3 Orientation video outline: Sheila reviewed the components of the orientation
video. The video is about eight minutes long and is a talk show theme with students
and staff. There was a discussion about the enrollment process area of the video.
Pam suggested the information about placements appear before the financial aid
information. It was suggested we emphasize that financial aid is not supposed to be a
student’s main source of income, and we should include something about the
consequences of not having books for class. Sheila said she will review the video.
12.4 Review fee notice, information to students about D-Reg: D-Reg will be
discussed at the next meeting.
13. Reports:
5.1 Student representative requested: Sheila said we would like a student
representative on the committee. A student will contact Sheila about this.
14. Future Agenda Items:
14.1 Summer/Fall course scheduling to support FYE: Sheila said GS 6 classes and
two sections of online GUID 8 Career Planning classes will be offered this summer.
Math Jam will also be offered. Extended orientation classes (1/2 unit) might be
offered during the summer to help students develop Student Education Plans.
14.2 Student Success Task Force Recommendations Status: Was not discussed.
15. Announcements: None
8. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.
(Draft)FYE 2013 Pilot of Revised Multiple Measures
Student takes Accuplacer and places
into Math 380 (What are the personal
information questions at the start of
Student meets with an Advisor (Math
Faculty?) to review their math
history including their high school
(High School students to bring
unofficial high school transcripts to
the placement test?)
Student who has taken course work
of Algebra II or higher in high school
Orientation Components (Draft)
within the last 5 years and completed
it with an A or B (as verified through
transcripts) is advised with the
following two options:
1) Remediate through 302, or 302
followed by 303, to get back to where
they left off in their mathematics
education either during the summer
or the Fall. Students will take the
Optimath Placement at the end of
each course and must pass to move
up in placement.
2) Referred to the Math Jam site to
review themselves and then reassess
with the Optimath Placement
instrument within one semester.
Students with no prior experience in
Intermediate Algebra, or students
who took Intermediate Algebra but
received a grade of C or lower, retain
Math 380 placement.
Orientation Components (Draft)
Upon completion of an orientation session, students will be able to:
Recognize college resources that will support academic success
Identify a course of study and develop a Student Education Plan
Demonstrate knowledge of at least three possible academic goals at College of the Redwoods
Demonstrate profeciency with CR technology tools (e.g. MyCR/Sakai, student email, and
*This outcome could also be offered in “mini” workshop or drop-in sessions during the summer, and
during the two weeks before and after the semester start.
Two-hour orientation session will include:
 Video
 Overview of degrees
 First semester of success – a prescriptive schedule based on individual skill level, course
success rates, and course of study
 Login to Web Advisor
o Review academic program, advisor will change program if needed
o Run program evaluation (degree audit) and explain
o If the Student Course Planning Worksheet is available, students will identify courses
and terms to develop an initial SEP
o If the Student functions of Web Advisor are not available, advisors will identify
courses and terms to develop an initial SEP
 Student registers for classes
A distance education component and/or version is in the planning stages now.