Final EMC Evaluation Rubric Awareness Operates under charge Aware that a committee and charge is needed. The committee’s charge is being developed and documented. The members have a clear and agreed upon understanding of all areas of the charge. Engages in data-driven decision making A need to make datadriven decisions is acknowledged, but data is looked at in an inconsistent, ad-hoc basis. Decisions consistently rely on agreed-upon analyses of a set of defined data elements. Reports are interpreted in a consistent manner. Develops recommendations Awareness of the need and potential benefits of creating committee recommendations. Dialog about recommendations is becoming more prevalent. Aware that an evaluative process would benefit the committee. Dialog about the evaluative process is becoming more prevalent. Aware that broad based participation is necessary. Dialog about data is becoming more prevalent. A framework is beginning to develop in terms of the types of data to evaluate. Data elements are being defined. A framework is beginning to develop in terms of the types of recommendations made by the committee. Recommendations are sometimes made. Initial evaluation tools are being developed in terms of developmental progress and strengths and weaknesses. Sustainable Continuous Improvement The charge is well understood and reviewed consistently to ensure that it best meets the needs of the institution. Systematic evaluations are carried out to continuously improve the well-defined process. Agreed-upon recommendations are consistently made to constituent groups. The desired impact of the recommendation is well established. Systematic evaluations are carried out to continuously improve the well-established process. The committee annually evaluates itself and makes documented improvements based on the evaluation. Well-established evaluation tools are systematically evaluated for improvement. Communication processes are being developed to include dialogue among a broad constituent base. Communication processes are developed that are inclusive of key constituencies, and reach all relevant audiences. Collaborative, well-documented and ongoing processes are used to effectively communicate information to the college community. Engages in evaluative process Participates in communication Development Proficiency