REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC) Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, AD 201 Boardroom (please note location has been changed to the boardroom) Monday, October 17, 2011 1:10 – 2:40 p.m. AGENDA EMC Mission To interpret enrollment trends, patterns and projections, student achievement/success data, basic skills student achievement data, and to inform all institutional divisions and units in meeting CR’s enrollment goals within a framework of collaboration continued growth and community alignment. The Enrollment Management Committee (EMC) also formulates enrollment goals consistent with the College’s mission and program review data, develops FTES budget projections, implements, monitors, and periodically revises the process of student enrollment and retention. 1. Call to Order 2. Approve October 3, 2011 Meeting Minutes* 3. Action Items 4. Discussion Items 4.1 Committee on Measures of Student Success (Angelina) 4.2 Update on transfer figures (Angelina) 4.3 Committee Evaluation Rubric (Sheila, Angelina, Rachel) 4.3.1 IEC recommendations for assessment of the planning processes 4.4 Spring schedule update (Tiffany) 5. Reports 5.1 Subcommittee Reports Develop plan to allocate additional TLUs Spring/Summer 2012 (Rachel, Bruce, Kathy) Recommend TLU allocation strategy (Rollover, decrease and growth funding) for 2012-13 (Jeff, Mark, Ken) Review fall schedule blocks and develop recommendation for improvement (Jeff, Allen, Danny, Tiffany) Develop 2011-14 EM plan (Keith, Sheila, Juana, Pam, Anna, Dave) 5.2 AB 743 (Block), Common Assessment, and AB 1056, E-Transcripts--Laws* 5.3 Summary of EMC/BPC Co-chair meeting 6. Announcements 7. Adjournment (* denotes attachment) Committee: Report: PARTICIPANT DETAILS > Dial your telephone conference line: (888) 886-3951 > Enter your pass code: 272482 PARTICIPANT CONFERENCE FEATURES: *0 - Contact the operator for assistance. *6 - Mute/unmute your individual line with a private announcement. REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC) Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, Boardroom Monday, October 3, 2011 1:10 p.m. Draft NOTES PRESENT Rachel Anderson, Jeff Cummings, Paul DeMark, Anna Duffy, David Gonsalves (phone), Kathy Goodlive, Sheila Hall, Angelina Hill, Anita Janis, Allen Keppner, Pam Kessler, Mark Renner (phone), Keith Snow-Flamer, Bruce Wagner and Danny Walker. ALSO PRESENT Roxanne Metz, Melissa Ruiz ACTION SUMMARY NOTES EMC summary notes of September 19, 2011, were approved with corrections. STATEMENT OF SUPPORT The committee reviewed the Statement of Support and several changes were recommended. Keith will make the suggested revisions and the final version will be posted on the EMC webpage. GENERAL EDUCATION (GE) OFFERINGS/ CAPACITY There was discussion regarding the General Education (GE) offerings of last year noting that a preliminary analysis was done to determine what should be done in the future. Discussion continued regarding what courses are being offered as GE courses, how a GE course is determined and if there is a sufficient number of GE courses offered. There was also discussion regarding how early in the registration process GE courses fill and how many of our students hope to transfer after 2 years. It was stated that we need to make a commitment to offer enough GE classes so that a student can transfer after 2 years. It was also stated that there needs to be a balance between the GE courses and other areas of the District’s mission. The Curriculum Committee advocates for GE courses and the numbers continue to grow. Discussion ensued regarding how the Curriculum Committee functions and if EMC should be making recommendations to them. Keith stated that the EMC will be challenged with delving into unknown areas to try to determine how to best serve the most students. TOTAL TLUs 2011-12 Keith reported that in reviewing TLUs for fall less than half of the TLUs allocated for 2011-12 year have been used. This could cause concern for meeting the FTES target and there may be a need to make up for it by building a larger spring schedule. There was discussion regarding the diminishing pool of Associate Faculty qualified to teach English classes. It was also noted that late starting classes may be harder to find Associate Faculty to teach as they have already made other commitments. The spring schedule will be loaded into Datatel over the next two weeks, once completed IR will run a fill-rate analysis and we will be able to make projections. There may be a need to front load the spring semester. ADJOURNED The meeting adjourned at 2:40 p.m. SUBMITTED lw Draft EMC Evaluation Rubric Attached is a first draft evaluation rubric for EMC operations. We began with broad-based statements that could be applied to the other planning committees, with the understanding that EMC members will have opportunities to provide feedback and refine these measures. We also recommend the institutional effectiveness survey be re-administered to assess any changes made by the committees to improve their work. Awareness Development Dialog about data is becoming more prevalent. A framework is beginning to develop in terms of the types of data to evaluate. Data elements are being defined. Awareness of the A framework is Develops recommendations need and potential beginning to benefits of develop in terms creating of the types of committee recommendations recommendations. made by the Dialog about committee. recommendations Recommendations is becoming more are sometimes prevalent. made. Engages in datadriven decision making A need to make data-driven decisions is acknowledged, but data is looked at in an inconsistent, adhoc basis. Operates under charge Aware that a committee and charge is needed. The committee’s charge is being developed and documented. Engages in evaluative process Aware that an evaluative process would benefit the committee. Dialog about the evaluative process is becoming more prevalent. Initial evaluation tools are being developed in terms of developmental progress and strengths and weaknesses. Proficiency Decisions consistently rely on agreed-upon analyses of a set of defined data elements. Reports are interpreted in a consistent manner. Agreed-upon recommendations are consistently made to constituent groups. The desired impact of the recommendation is well established. The members have a clear and agreed upon understanding of all areas of the charge. The committee annually evaluates itself and makes documented improvements based on the evaluation. Sustainable Continuous Improvement Systematic evaluations are carried out to continuously improve the well-defined process. Systematic evaluations are carried out to continuously improve the wellestablished process. The charge is well understood and reviewed consistently to ensure that it best meets the needs of the institution. Wellestablished evaluation tools are systematically evaluated for improvement. Assessment of the Planning Process: Results of the Planning Summits Institutional Effectiveness Summit Day One April 8, 2011 During the first summit, the attendees were divided into small groups to discuss the question: “What is important about an integrated planning process from your perspective?” Each group developed a list of interests about the integrated planning process. The interests were organized into the following four major themes. Theme 1: Efficient and Effective participation Engage people who are no longer engaged Improve communication and improve the process Agree upon standardized meeting times to allow for full faculty and staff participation Send agendas sent out and post district-wide Theme 2: Trust and Communication Increase trust in the process Share committee summaries during convocation. Begin the year thinking about the planning and end the year by reflecting on it. Ensure agreed upon processes are followed at all levels of the organization. Theme 3: Evaluation and feedback Build processes where each committee provides feedback to constituent groups. Ensure each committee evaluates their operations for improvement on an annual basis. Theme 4: Flexibility Safe boundaries The planning processes should never be in stone. Streamline the processes so that decisions can be made in a more quickly. Don’t allow circumvention of planning processes. Where possible the decision should be made at the level that it will be implemented. Analysis of the Summit Findings This analysis is done considering the five interests identified for integrated planning at the college. Efficient & Effective Participation, Efficient & Effective Process, Trust & Communication, Evaluation & Feedback, Flexibility Streamline the processes related to integrated planning to increase efficiency & effectiveness o Agree on what issues are Integrated Planning issues and what are not and how these issues are addressed. (e.g., emergency requests, new programs, grants, community education, business training). Standardize web/online communication o Publish all committee documents as both .pdf and .doc or .docx. o Decide on a consistent location for information. o Online committee work is done on MYCR and site is available to all constituents. o Committee documents, reports, minutes posted to Inside Redwoods with notice of new postings sent to ALL. o Common Calendar with all committee meeting information and agenda. Standardize face-to-face dissemination of information o All information should be heard/presented twice Information is heard/discussed within work groups. Information is heard/discussed within constituency groups. Standardize committee information to include establishment or annual review of: o Committee charge linked to District mission and current strategic goals. o Scope and authority. o Role in integrated planning process. o Membership. o Agreements for participation, meeting conduct and decision making methods. o Overall committee outcomes that are measurable. o Annual plan and outcomes. o Assessment plan and frequency of assessment. Standardize committee requests & reports o Make them user and time friendly. o Include assessment and outcomes in Program Review. o Set clear evaluation criteria ( i.e. trends, enrollments completions, goals). o Give committees the information that they need for planning and decision making. Include all interested parties in consultation. Standardize feedback mechanisms for all committees- reporting forms, reported to whom? Develop trust in accuracy and use of data. Update Board and Administrative policies to match IPM language. Mendocino & Del Norte incorporated into reports & requests or complete separate reports/requests. Consider a Planning Coordinator. Mentor student involvement (student leadership seminar?). Where and how to address Basic Skills planning, new initiatives? Committee membership chosen mutually by constituents/ committee members. Map all committees by constituents/membership to assess efficiency and assure diverse representation. Planning agenda based upon strategic goals (outcomes). Clarify processes to handle requests that are not directly related to strategic goals and integrated planning. 2011-2012 EMC Work Plan (subject to change depending upon planning issues identified) Planning Item Develop statement of support of the College’s mission and values. Develop plan to allocate additional TLUs for Spring/Summer 2012. Review fall 2011 schedule blocks and develop recommendation for improvement. Focus on rectifying problems with meeting requirements of the Student Accounting Manual and developing scheduling guidelines to enhance persistence and success. Review IEC recommendations for assessment of the planning processes. Develop rubric for evaluation of committee operations. Analyze GE class offerings. Develop 2011-2014 Enrollment Management Plan focusing on access, persistence, and retention. Recommend TLU allocation strategy for 2012-13. Develop enrollment FTES goals for 2012-2013. Provide initial assessment of the multiple measures process. Implement matriculation plan Finalize 2011-2014 Enrollment Management Plan. Provide final assessment of the multiple measures process. Review progress on meeting institutional effectiveness indicators. Evaluate EMC operations using agreed upon rubric. Date of Completion October Responsible Person EMC Status Complete November 7 In Progress November 7 In Progress October 17 November 7 November 7 December 5 In Progress In Progress In Progress November 7 November 21 November 7 In Progress Spring 2012 Spring 2012 Spring 2012 Spring 2012 Spring 2012