REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC)

Meeting of the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC)
AD 201 Boardroom
Monday, April 16, 2012
1:10 – 2:40 p.m.
EMC Mission
To interpret enrollment trends, patterns and projections, student achievement/success data, basic skills
student achievement data, and to inform all institutional divisions and units in meeting CR’s enrollment
goals within a framework of collaboration continued growth and community alignment. The Enrollment
Management Committee (EMC) also formulates enrollment goals consistent with the College’s mission
and program review data, develops FTES budget projections, implements, monitors, and periodically
revises the process of student enrollment and retention.
1. Call to Order
2. Approve Notes
3. Action Items
4. Discussion Items
4.1 EOPS Data Analysis (Sheila Hall and Angelina Hill)
4.2 EMC Self Assessment
4.2.1 Committee assessment To what degree were our goals met? What changes or improvements need to be made to further our goals? What are our primary goals for next year?
4.3 Brief report about EMC-related topics that were discussed at the BSI Program Review Data
4.4 Update on Multiple Measures Process from the Advising Perspective (Jennifer)
5. Reports
5.1 Summer Enrollment Update (Tiffany)
5.2 FY 2011-12 FTES projection update (Keith)
5.3 Report on Late Start Spring Course Fill Percentage and FTES (Tiffany)
6. Future Agenda items
6.1 Review PRC Executive Summary (April 30)
6.2 Set 2012-13 EMC Planning Agenda (April 30)
7. Announcements
8. Adjournment
CCC Confer is available for those unable to attend in person: Phone 888-886-3951,
Passcode 272482
Meeting of the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC)
Monday, April 2, 2012
Present: Rachel Anderson, Geoff Caine, Jeff Cummings, Anna Duffy, Jolene Gates (phone)
Kathy Goodlive, Angelina Hill, Anita Janis (phone), Allen Keppner, Pam Kessler, Mark Renner
(phone), Dave Gonsalves (phone), Keith Snow-Flamer, and Bruce Wagner.
1. Call to Order: Keith Snow-Flamer called the meeting to order at 1:15.
2. Approve March 19 Meeting Notes: Correction to 6. Future Agenda Items for April 2
meeting (first bullet)—change the word “easier” to “more efficient.” The notes were approved
with the change.
3. Action Items
3.1 EMC Self-Assessment: Angelina reviewed the results of the developmental assessment
(The Committee Evaluation According to Developmental Progress Rubric). The following
suggestions were made:
The EMC should continue to work on defining the charge and scope of the committee.
There was a discussion about the need to develop a system of tracking recommendations
and receiving feedback.
Possibly shorten the EMC’s mission statement so the committee can measure outcomes
understand its function.
Need to assess the committee’s goals.
There was a discussion about the EMC’s rating for communicating information to the
college community. Pam said it was good that Bruce and Keith met with the Academic
Senate. She suggested that representatives from the EMC meet with the senate each
semester. There needs to be improvement on integration, documentation, and
communication between committees. It was recommended that the IEC have a summit
meeting twice a year.
Angelina will provide a summary of survey data to accompany the notes. The information
will be posted on the EMC website.
Keith asked everyone to keep these suggestions in mind when setting up the April 30 EMC
planning agenda. We need to look at the EMC charge and scope of work.
4. Discussion Items
4.1 Basic Skills Program Review Data: Angelina decided to present this information at a later
date because only part of the data was available. Angelina reported on the statistics from the
2010-11 Performance Indicators for Basic Skills. A group of students were tracked through the
basic skills course sequence. She said our success rates and the results of these statistics are
similar to other colleges’ statistics. It was suggested that the EMC review this data annually.
They need to look at how we are investing our basic skills funding and find ways of improving
our success rates. There was a discussion about the courses that are considered to be basic skills
courses. They said it is very important to know the definition of basic skills courses. Angelina
reviewed the assessment data. She asked everyone to look through the basic skills data and let
her know if there is anything that stands out. She will present the ARCC data at the next EMC
4.2 Institutional Effectiveness Indicators: Angelina reviewed the institutional effectiveness
data. Some of the results were not available yet. Angelina said the purpose of this document is
to get an idea of how the institution it is meeting its mission. She said the student satisfaction
data is very strong. Students are very satisfied with CR.
Pam said we need to have a common definition of terms to help us communicate clearly.
Angelina said they are creating a set of common data elements that all planning groups will be
able to use. These data elements will be defined and the college will be able to use them in
decision making. Pam suggested that this be presented at convocation. This is very important to
the institution. Jeff said it is important for the public to know if we are progressing or not over
time. It was agreed that showing data from the last three years would be beneficial.
5. Reports
5.1 Summer Schedule Status: Tiffany was unable to attend the meeting. Keith reported that
continuing student are scheduled to register for summer classes this week. New students will
begin registering next week. Kathy said the student retention in the late start classes is poor. We
will discuss the status of the late start classes at the next EMC meeting.
5.2 Status and Fall 2012/Spring 2013 Schedule Development: Keith said Tiffany is just about
finished entering the fall schedule. She will give a draft to the deans and directors for review.
The following comments were made:
There is a need to communicate our goals for students and make sure we aren’t
overlapping classes.
There was a discussion about stand-alone classes, and the EMC committee
recommendation for a moratorium on the approval of additional general education and
elective classes. Classes should not be posted unless they have been approved by the
deans. Jeff and Rachel will communicate with Mandy about this issue.
It was recommended that the EMC review the fall schedule.
We need to have clearer guidelines about who has academic authority over classes or
programs and course assessment.
Keith said we will post the rubric and survey results on the EMC website.
6. Future Agenda Items:
Angelina will present ARCC data.
Review status of late start classes.
7. Announcements: None.
8. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 2:50.
2011-2012 EMC Work Plan (subject to change depending upon planning issues identified)
Planning Item
Approve statement of how the EMC support the mission
and vision of the district.
Develop plan to allocate additional TLUs for
Spring/Summer 2012.
Review fall 2011 schedule blocks and develop
recommendation for improvement. Focus on rectifying
problems with meeting requirements of the Student
Accounting Manual and developing scheduling guidelines
to enhance persistence and success.
Review IEC recommendations for assessment of the
planning processes.
Develop rubric for evaluation of committee operations.
Analyze GE class offerings.
Develop 2011-2014 Enrollment Management Plan
focusing on access, persistence, and retention.
Recommend TLU allocation strategy for 2012-13.
Develop enrollment FTES goals for 2012-2013.
Provide initial assessment of the multiple measures
Implement matriculation plan
Finalize 2011-2014 Enrollment Management Plan.
Update on the multiple measures process.
Review progress on meeting institutional effectiveness
Evaluate EMC operations using agreed upon rubric.
Date of
Early October
Fall 2011
Fall 2011
Fall 2011
Fall 2011
Fall 2011
Fall 2011
Fall 2011
Fall 2011
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
April 16
April 30
In Progress
In Progress
In Progress
April 16
In Progress