PVAMU Student Sign Off, A Cause to Pause

PVAMU Student Sign Off, A Cause to Pause
One of the most important stages of philanthropy is expressing Gratitude.
Want to express your appreciation for a professor, or a staff
member who has made an impact on your college career? Here’s
the chance. Visit the Student Development Initiative in the MSC
TOMORROW, from 11:00-1:30 p.m. to share your expression of
gratitude by signing off on the Student Engagement and
Philanthropy banner.
Created in honor of the CASE ASAP SEP Day, Feb. 27, 2014.
Your expressions of thanks will be displayed outside of the Pardus Café during this historic event, where most faculty and staff
members congregate. Bridging the gap, fulfilling a dream, encouraging a student, sharing your appreciation.
Join Us for the Sign Off.