Fall 2014 Volume 11 Number 4 UBHC EAP Link Timely Topic: Practicing Gratitude Published by Employee Assistance Program Student Wellness Program Do you have so much on your plate that you’re left feeling stressed and overwhelmed? Piscataway (732) 235-5930 Newark (973) 972-5429 Voorhees (856) 770-5750 www.ubhc.org This Fall take the time to practice gratitude! We exist in a world where fundamental laws of science and the universe exist. Laws such as gravity and rhythm cannot be denied. Yet, we are often unaware of the “Universal Law of Attraction.” It is the law of attraction that explains how cells of all living creatures are held together, as “like attracts like.” This universal law governs our entire existence. Services: Employee Counseling Supervisory Training Supervisor Consultations Substance Abuse Services On-site Seminars Crisis Debriefing Tips for Practicing Gratitude at Work: Imagine you have an invisible note-taker, whose sole job is to record the thoughts and feelings you have about your job Next, imagine your note-taker following you throughout the day, poised with pen and paper in hand Every time you find something to be grateful for, your notetaker will record it Look for as many things as possible to be grateful for each day (ex: technology, friendships with coworkers, support staff, maintenance staff, etc.) Focus on your favorite aspects of your job and say, “Thank you for ____”. EAP SERVICES Remember the EAP is available to you and any family member residing in your household, should you be experiencing any stress based events. All services are free and confidential. Your employer has already provided this as another benefit to you. No information is shared with your employer In our daily lives, the law of attraction operates on our thoughts and feelings. Whatever we think about comes about, and when we think “I don’t like my job,” we attract more negative experiences in our work. On the contrary, if we are to think, “I love my job,” and sincerely feel appreciation, we will attract more things that we like about our jobs. The power of gratitude transcends religious affiliation, and has been recognized by thousands of scientists, philosophers, inventors, educators, discoverers, and prophets for centuries. Yet, many people today are unaware of its presence. In order to experience the benefits of gratitude, it must be practiced every day. It starts with the words, “Thank you.” These two words are paramount to transforming any situation, acting as a bridge between where you are presently and where you would like to be. Many of us think we may be too busy to take the time to engage in this exercise. However, practicing gratitude can transform your relationships, finances, health, career, and overall happiness regardless of your current circumstances. If you take the time to express thanks each day, you will begin to see and feel the positive effects it has in your life. According to the law of attraction, you have to be grateful for what you already have in order to attract more of it. Since gratitude is a feeling, take the time each day to deliberately place your mind in a state of thankfulness. The more you experience this feeling, the more you will notice its positive effects. Tips adapted from: Byrne, Rhonda (2012). The Magic. Simon & Shuster. without written consent from you. Not only is the EAP available for concerns related to stress, we also work with individuals, couples and families for reasons such as personal difficulties, relationship concerns, grief, anxiety management, parenting issues, time management, and substance abuse. Whatever your concerns, we are here for you. Feel free to reach out to us by telephone if you have any questions, concerns or would like to schedule an appointment. We’re a phone call away. 1-866-EAP-UBHC (1-866-327-8242)