M ar Biol (2007) 151:1275-1286 D O I 10.1007/S00227-006-0556-1 R E S E A R C H A R T IC L E Population structure and historical demography of the thorny skate (Amblyraja radiata, Rajidae) in the North Atlantic Malia Chevolot • Peter H. J. Wolfs • Jónbjöm Pálsson • Adriaan D . Rijnsdorp • Wytze T. Stam • Jeanine L. Olsen R eceived: 26 May 2006/ A ccepted: 9 N ovem ber 2006/P u b lish ed online: 19 D ecem ber 2006 © Springer-V erlag 2006 Abstract Population genetic structure of the thorny skate (Am blyraja radiata) was surveyed in >300 indi­ viduals sam pled from N ew foundland, Iceland, Norway, the K attegat and the central N orth Sea. A 290-bp fragm ent of the m t cytochrom e-b gene was first screened by SSCP. Sequences of SSCP haplotypes re ­ vealed 34 haplotypes, 14 of which w ere unique to Iceland, 3 to N ew foundland, 1 to N orw ay and 3 to the K attegat. The global F St was w eak but significant. R em oval of the two K attegat locations, which were the m ost differentiated, resulted in no significant genetic differentiation. H aplotype diversity was high and evenly distributed across the entire A tlantic (h = 0.8) w ith the exception of the N o rth Sea (h = 0.48). S ta­ tistical parsimony revealed a star-like genealogy with a central widespread haplotype. A subsequent nested clade analysis led to the inference of contiguous expansion with evidence for long distance dispersal betw een N ew foundland and Iceland. H istorical C om m unicated by O. K inne, O ldendorf/L uhe. M. C hevolot (E l) • P. H. J. W olfs • W. T. Stam ■ J. L. Olsen D ep artm en t of M arine B enthic Ecology a n d Evolution, C enter for Ecological and E volutionary Studies, Biological C entre, U niversity o f G roningen, P O B ox 14, 9750 A A H a ren , T he N etherlands e-mail: m.s.c.o.m.chevolot@ rug.nl J. Pálsson M arine R esearch Institute, P O B ox 1390, 121 Reykjavik, Iceland A . D . Rijnsdorp W ageningen Institute for M arine R esearch and Ecological Studies (IM A R E S ), A nim al Sciences G roup, W ageningen U R , PO B ox 68, 1970 A B IJm uiden, T he N etherlands dem ographic analysis showed that thorny skates have undergone exponential population expansion that started betw een 1.1 million and 690,000 years ago; and that the L ast Glacial M aximum apparently had little effect. T hese results strongly differ from those of a parallel study of the thornback ray (Raja clavata) in which clear structure and form er réfugiai areas could be identified. A lthough both species have similar life history traits and overlapping ranges, the continental shelf edge apparently does not present a barrier to m igration in A . radiata, as it does for R. clavata. Keywords Am blyraja radiata • T horny skate • R ajidae - Elasm obranchs ■C ytochrom e b • M itochondrial D N A ■Population structure • Iceland ■A tlantic Introduction T he thorny skate (.Am blyraja radiata; Rajiformes: R a­ jidae) is widely distributed throughout the N orth A tlantic region from H udson Bay to South Carolina, U SA in th e west, G reenland, Iceland and Spitzbergen in the north, and from Norway to the southern N orth Sea (including the western Baltic) in the east. Thorny skates live in shallow coastal waters but extend their habitat to a depth of 1,000 m. T heir life cycle is ovip­ arous, producing 20-80 eggs p er fem ale each year. T here is no passive pelagic larval state; rather, fully form ed rays hatch after several m onths (ca. 8-11 cm disc width) and m ature at 5-6 years (W alker 1998). T he species seems to be reproductively active all year round in areas where the reproductive biology has been studied (i.e. in th e G ulf of M aine Sulikowski et al. C l Springer M a r B iol (2007) 151:1275-1286 1276 2005, N o rth Sea W alker 1998). Philopatry of rays and skates has also been rep o rted and has indicated rela­ tively small hom e ranges. Tagging studies in U K w a­ ters, for example, have shown th at 85% of the individuals rem ained within a 110 km area (W alker et al. 1997; Dulvy et al. 2000; H eessen 2004). These observations, com bined with the life history traits, suggest th at population genetic differentiation may be relatively strong in A . radiata, as com pared with fish characterized by high fecundity, long pelagic larval stages and large m igratory ranges. G iven th at A . radi­ ata is characterized by low fecundity, slow growth rate, and late maturity; com bined w ith its vulnerability to over-exploitation (B rander 1981; H eist 1999), an assessm ent of population genetic structure over its range as com pared with o th er skates/rays is o f interest to m anagem ent and conservation. It is also of interest in the broader phylogeographic and dem ographic context of historical population growth. Distributions of the N o rth A tlantic and northern E uropean m arine biota have b een drastically affected by the Pleistocene glacial/interglacial cycles over the p ast 2.4 Myr. T he last glacial m aximum (L G M ), which occurred ca. 20,000 years ago, has significantly shaped contem porary distributions of b oth terrestrial (H ewitt 2000) and shallow-water, m arine organisms (Cunning­ ham and Collins 1998). M arine populations either be­ cam e extinct o r w ere forced to re tre a t (usually southw ard) into one o r m ore réfugiai areas. A s the ice retreated , populations expanded and recolonized areas previously covered by ice. Ice-sheet extension also drastically affected sea-level and coastlines; and the Baltic and th e N orth Sea effectively did not exist (Frenzel et al. 1992). Thus, for boreal species, potential refugia are postulated to have occurred at about the latitude of N ew foundland (47°N) in the western A tlantic and N orthern Portugal/Spain (43°N) in the eastern A tlantic. In addition, th ere is som e paleoclim atic evidence for a coastal, ice-free zone in southern Iceland (R undgren and Ingolfsson 1999; Bingham et al. 2003) which is also supported by som e genetic studies o f benthic m arine invertebrates (W ares and Cunning­ ham 2001; Addison and H a rt 2005; G ovindarajan et al. 2005). The degree to which som e dem ersal skates and rays were affected represents an interm ediate case betw een sessile, benthic organism s and widely foraging pelagic organisms. M itochondrial D N A (m tD N A ) sequences are appropriate for assessing genetic population structure, phylogeography and in m aking inferences about underlying historical dem ographic processes th at have shaped present-day structure (Avise 2000). Use of m tD N A has th e fu rther advantage th a t its effective £ ) Springer population size ((Ve) is four tim es sm aller than nuclear D N A N &due to its haploid nature and generally uni­ parental inheritance (B irky et al. 1989). Thus, the ef­ fect of genetic drift is stronger and a higher level of population differentiation can be observed with m tD N A than with nu clear D N A (e.g., H oarau et al. 2004). This can be o f great im portance in populations that do not reach m igration/genetic drift equilibrium, as in such areas w here recolonization history is recent. T h e aim of the p re se n t study was to survey regional population genetic an d phylogeographic structure in the thorny skate (A. radiata) in northern A tlantic. W e focused on four questions: (1) to w hat extent are A. radiata’s life history traits a good predictor of popula­ tion differentiation; (2) how has recent clim ate history shaped the regional distribution of A . radiata; (3) to w hat extent are historical im prints of refugia, recol­ onization and dem ographic expansion detectable; and (4) how do these results com pare to those for the thornback ray, Raja clavata (C hevolot e t al. 2006b)? Materials and methods Sampling and D N A extraction A total of 337 rays was sam pled from 13 locations during various bottom trawl surveys conducted be­ tween 2003 and 2004 (Fig. 1; T able 1). In order to obtain reasonable sam ple sizes, hauls w ere pooled in som e cases (See T able 1). Pooling rules w ere guided by tagging studies which suggested that individuals gen­ erally rem ained w ithin a 110-km area. Using a con­ servative approach, w e pooled hauls th at were close together, i.e., <50 km apart. A t som e locations, adults and im m ature individuals were caught together. In such cases, they w ere separated to avoid tem poral adm ixture (W aples 1998). These two m aturity stages w ere distinguished based on reproductive criteria, i.e. presence of fully differentiated shell glands for females and fully developed testes and claspers for males (Stehm ann 1995). M uscle tissue was collected from each individual and preserved in 70% ethanol. Total genom ic D N A was extracted using either a modified CTAB (H oarau e t al. 2002) or a silica-based extraction protocol (Elphinstone et al. 2003). SSCP and sequencing A 290-bp fragm ent of the cytochrom e b (cytb) was amplified by P C R using the prim ers A rC b-F (5'CACA G A T A A A A T C C C A T T T 3'), fluorescently 5' labeled with 6-FAM and Cb-R (5'C C G C C C A A TC A C T- M ar Biol (2007) 151:1275-1286 1277 Fig. 1 Sam pling locations for A m b lyra ja radiata (See T able 1 fo r abbreviations) C A A A C C 3'), fluorescently 5' labeled with H EX . P C R reactions w ere perform ed in a 10 pi total volum e containing 1-3 pi of extracted D N A (<1 ng), 1 X reaction B uffer (Prom ega), 0.2 m M of each dN TP, 0.25 U Taq D N A polym erase (Prom ega), 2 mM M gCl2, 0.5 pM o f A rC b-F and 0.64 pM of Cb-R. P C R amplifications w ere perform ed with either a PTC100™ therm ocycler (M J R esearch, Inc.) o r M astercycler gradient cycler (Eppendorf). P C R conditions were: initial dénaturation for 1 min a t 94°C; followed by 32 cycles of: d énaturation for 30 s a t 94°C, annealing a t 49°C for 30 s, and extension at 72°C for 1 m in 30, and follow ed b y a final extension step a t 72°C for 10 min. Single stran d conform ation polym orphism (SSCP) (O rita e t al. 1.989; Sunnucks et al. 2000) was used to screen fo r sequence variation in PC R fragm ents of equal length. P oint m utations affect conform ation of the single D N A strand, which can be revealed on n o n ­ denaturing polyacrylam ide gels. SSCP gels w ere run on an A B I Prism-377 autom atic sequencer (A pplied B io­ systems) as described in Coyer et al. (2002), except th at we used 0.3 x M D E concentration and added 5% glycerol to th e gel. Because m utations can affect the mobility of one or b oth strands differently (Lescasse 1999), separate labeling of each strand increases the sensitivity to d etect differences. A ll gels w ere analyzed independently and all unique haplotypes d etected by SSCP on each gel w ere se­ quenced. W hen m ore than five individuals showed the sam e SSCP haplotype, a t least two individuals w ere sequenced. P C R products were cleaned with E xoSapIt (USB C orporation) enzym e following the providers’ recom m endations. B oth strands w ere sequenced using th e Big D ye T erm in ato r Kit (A pplied Biosystems) and run on an A B I Prism-377 autom atic sequencer (A pplied Biosystems). Sequences w ere edited using BioEdit v7.0.1 (Haii 1999) and aligned with ClustalW and by eye. D ata analysis H aplotype (h) and nucleotide (n) diversities (Nei 1987) w ere estim ated using D naSP v.3.53 (Rozas and Rozas 1999). Population differentiation was assessed using W right’s Fsx (W right 1969). G lobal and pairwise FST w ere estim ated using th e W eir and C ockerham (1984) 6 estim ator with G enetix 4.05 (Belkhir e t al. 2004) and significance was tested with 3,000 perm utations. Intraspecific relationships of m tD N A haplotypes w ere inferred using a statistical parsim ony with the software tes v.l. 13 (C lem ent et al. 2000). T he resulting netw ork was used for a N ested Clade Analysis (NCA) to test for geographical association betw een haplotypes (or nested clades) and geographical distribution (Tem pleton et al. 1995). T he idea is to distinguish be­ tw een past (fragm entation, expansion) and contem po­ rary processes as tip clades are expected to be more recent than interior clades (D onnelly and Tavare 1986). T he first step is to nest the statistical parsimony netw ork following T em pleton’s nesting rules (Tem­ pleton et al. 1995; T em pleton and Sing 1993): H aplo­ types (“ 0-step clades”) separated by a single m utation are grouped together into a “ one-step clade” pro­ ceeding from the tips to the interior of the network; then “ one-step clades” , separated by a single m utation, are grouped together in “ two-step clades” . T he clus­ tering is continued until the next level of nesting would encompass the entire tree. A m biguities (intercon­ nected haplotypes forming a closed loop due to mul­ tiple parsim onious interconnections) w ere resolved Springer 1278 M ar B iol (2007) 151:1275-1286 Table 1 Sam pling locations of A m blyraja radiata Code L atitude (deg) L ongtitude (deg) N a M aturity stageb Sam pling d a te Newfoundland N ew foundland Nf 46.07 -47.37 30 A (-A ) O ff B jargtangar Bj 65.74 -27.4 32 I(-I) O c to b e r 2004 D F O Fall 10 0.834 0.0070 survey O c to b e r 2003 ICBTS 9 0.802 0.0055 A O c to b e r 2003 11 0.749 0.0060 Is Hu Skj -27.56 -27.97 -28.38 -27.98 -27.89 -27.69 -27.50 -27.03 -23.20 -21.08 -17.54 22 Isafjardarjüp H unafloi Skjalfandi 65.67 65.42 65.73 65.73 65.79 65.76 65.75 65.84 66.28 65.57 66.14 Ey Ska Ox hi 5 8 9 9 6 10 11 11 0.750 0.738 0.743 0.824 0.784 0.784 0.916 0.916 O ff H öfn Ho -18.43 -16.79 -16.28 -13.48 -13.99 -12.53 -12.70 -12.82 -12.60 -12.38 -12.90 2.92 3.14 10.35 A A I A A I I A O c to b e r 2003 IC B T S M arch2004 ICBTS M a rc h 2004 ICBTS E yjafjördur S kagafjördur O xafjórdur O ff jaistlfjördur 17 27 25 18 19 19 20 24 17 A O c to b e r 2003 ICBTS 6 0.806 0.0036 15 I February2003 IBTS 7 0.771 0.0039 4.81 22 19 11 I A I F e b ru a ry 2003 F eb ru ary 2003 8 6 3 0.789 0.0060 0.719 0.0044 0.473 0.0018 34 0.796 0.0056 Sam pling site Iceland E astern A tlantic K a tte g at Ka 66.16 65.94 66.28 66.91 67.06 63.91 63.95 64.02 64.08 64.22 63.96 59.37 58.87 57.50 C entral N orth Sea Ns 56.13 O ff H augesund H a A ll Locations 337 M a rc h 2004 M a rc h 2004 M a rc h 2004 O c to b e r 2003 C ru ise0 ICBTS ICBTS ICBTS ICBTS IBTS IBTS Nh h e 7If 0.0030 0.0047 0.0056 0.0057 0.0038 0.0058 0.0071 0.0071 a Sam pling size b A A dults, I Im m a tu re c D FO F a ll survey D e p artm en t o f Fisheries and O ceans, G overnm ent o f C anada, Fall survey, ICBTS IC elandic B ottom T raw l Survey (M arine In stitu te o f Reykjavik, O ctober and M arch surveys), IB T S In ternational B ottom T raw l survey (International council for the exploitation o f th e sea) d N u m b er o f haplotypes c H ap lo ty p e diversity (N ei 1984) 1 nucleo tid e diversity (N ei 1984) following T em pleton and Sing’s rules (1993). These rules a re based o n th ree criteria: th e frequency crite­ rion, in which haplotypes are expected to be connected to frequent haplotypes rath er than to rare haplotypes; th e topology criterion, in which haplotypes are ex­ p ected to be connected to interior rath er than tip haplotypes; and th e geographical criterion, in which new haplotypes are expected to rem ain in the same location as th e ancestral haplotype. U sing the nested design and th e softw are Geodis 2.4 (Posada et al. 2000), th e relationship betw een haplotype or clades and th eir geographical distribution was assessed. The program calculates the average clade distances (D c), S pringer which is a m easure of the geographical spread of a clade; the nested clade distances (D n), which is a m easure of how a clade is distributed in com parison to o th er clades within th e same nested clade level; and the interior-tip distances (I-T c and I-T N) which indicate how w idespread younger clades (tips) are com pared to their ancestors (interiors), relative to other clades w ithin the same nesting clade. T he statistical signifi­ cance of the distance m easures was calculated by com parison with a null distribution after 1,000 p e r­ m utations. Finally, th e biological m eaning of the out­ p u t was interpreted using th e latest T em pleton inference key (Tem pleton 2004). M ar Biol (2007) 151:1275-1286 Estim ates of past population expansion were m ade using the m ism atch distribution of th e cytochrom e b sequences (frequencies of pairwise differences betw een haplotypes), T ajim a’s D and F u ’s estim ators and a generalized skyline plot (coalescence approach). Con­ gruence am ong the th ree approaches provides stronger inference for population growth or lack thereof. The m ism atch analysis assum es th at population growth or decline will reveal a genetic signature (i.e., a unimodal distribution) different from th at observed with a con­ stant population size (Rogers and H arpending 1992). T he observed m ism atch distribution was com pared to an expected distribution under an expansion growth m odel and param eters of the m odel (x = time of expansion, 0O = population size prior to expansion, 0i = final population size) were estim ated from the m ism atch distribution through the least-square proce­ d ure (Schneider and Excoffier 1999). Based on the estim ated param eters x and the form ula x = 2¡i t, the tim ing of expansion can be estim ated if the substitution ra te is known. Substitution rates w ere estim ated at betw een 0.008 and 0.005 p er M yr (Chevolot et al. 2006b). T ajim a’s D and F u ’s estim ators test for neu­ trality, b u t signature o f a population expansion is also given by a significantly negative (Tajim a 1989; Fu 1997). T hese values w ere estim ated using A rlequin v3.0 and significance was tested against 10,000 perm u­ tations. H istorical dem ography was inferred using a coalescent approach through the generalized skyline plot based on the phylogeny of the haplotytpes. T he m odel of variable population size describes th e shape of the genealogy depending on the dem ographic history of the population. This approach is particularly effective fo r non-resolved, star phylogenies and low sequence variation (Strim m er and Pybus 2001), which is quite often the case for intraspecific phylogenies. T he first step in this analysis is to obtain phylogenetic trees from all m tD N A sequences with branch length proportional to time. T herefore, we first calculated the m ost likely m odel of m olecular evolution to explain the data using M odelTest v3.06 (Posada and Crandall 1998). A hier­ archical test of likelihood was perform ed under 56 m odels and using the likelihood ratio test (LR T), the H K Y m odel with a gam m a ra te was selected (/(A ) = 0.24; /(T ) = 0.27; /(C ) = 0.14; /(G ) = 0.35; transition/transversion ratio = 18.15; gam m a shape = 0.015) (P < 0.0001). T hereafter, m axim um likelihood trees were estim ated und er the H K Y m odel with gam m a shape and w ith a m olecular clock assumption using Paup v4.0bl0 (Swofford 1998). The software G enie 3.0 (Pybus e t al. 2000) was used to obtain the generalized skyline plot from the m axim um likelihood 1279 trees w ith a sm oothing algorithm. T he s param eter governs th e sm oothing algorithm and reduces the noise due to th e stochasticity of th e coalescence events. This param eter was chosen using the maximize optimization option. Results G enetic diversity analysis A m ong th e 337 individuals, 34 haplotypes w ere de­ tected; differences am ong haplotypes w ere due to 26 polym orphic sites, of which 12 were informative. All differences w ere due to substitutions; no indels were found. T he overall haplotype and nucleotide diversities w ere 0.796 and 0.009, respectively. T he highest haplo­ type diversity was found in Ox, Iceland {h = 0.916), and the lowest in the C entral N orth Sea (h = 0.473). In general, how ever, haplotype diversity was relatively hom ogeneous across all o th er locations (Table 1). Population differentiation Because the global 0 (0.019) was significant {P = 0.001), thorny skates w ere initially assumed to be significantly differentiated across the sampling sites. Pairw ise 0 com parisons showed th at m ost significant pairwise comparisons w ere due to the tw o K attegat locations (K a-I, K a-A ) (Table 2). Rem oval of K attegat populations resulted in a non-significant global 0 (0.008; P - 0.1). N o significant genetic differentiation was detected (global 0 = 0.0104, P = 0.12) am ong all of the Icelandic populations. G eographic distribution of haplotypes T he statistical parsim ony netw ork among th e different haplotypes (Fig. 2) revealed a star-like genealogy with H21 (found in all sampling locations) as the most central and th e m ost frequent (54.5%, T able 3; Fig. 2). T h e second m ost common haplotype was H 8 (also present in all locations) (Table 3; Fig. 2). Fourteen haplotypes were exclusive to Iceland, three were un­ ique to N ew foundland (H20, H23, H28), one (H32) to Norway, and three to the K attegat (H7, H10, H16). T he nested clade analysis (Fig. 2) revealed 13 one-step clades, 5 tw o-step clades and the overall netw ork is a three-step clade. A significant association betw een a clade and its geographic distribution was found in four cases (Table 4). T he em erging picture is restricted gene flow betw een K attegat, Iceland/N ew foundland (clade 1-3, H7); and the possibility of long-distance dispersal 4 6 Springer 1280 M ar Biol (2007) 151:1275-1286 Ha Ho io o ro— OOÖ o ? O iH ÖO pi or isolation by distance betw een Iceland N ew found­ land and K attegat (clad e 1-7, H19). W ithout samples from G reenland and th e Faroes, we cannot distinguish betw een these tw o scenarios in th e last case. Contigu­ ous range expansion is the b est explanation for haplotype/clade distribution at th e tw o-step level (clade 2 5, H21) and for the to tal cladogram , which indicates th at there has been h ig h connectivity among locations for a long time. H N H IO W OHH OO O Ö C^) O Ö iÖ «“nÖ H O n>— n <— '» r— ■ > t— ' i f l H H ' O l f l H H N O i n O H H N o ö o o I’O )vO *1o— 1io N Otnr -O ~ feNC 0oO 0V N O N © C m TV C Oo O s o s T — < o o o o o o ® © ®Oo o o o ÖÖo C5Oo O03O NN ON OT — 1t-~s C M oo m TION C N C M C M o p Oo S Oo o o o o o Ö? ? ? i ? c ? ? Ö? o 1 io I1— OM c■ o*TOo — 1C tf-N O S11C M M -N - ow Moo N 1-*N o1sC o O o o o o o o Ö? ÖÖÖo ÖÖÖ? Ö 1 IO ON O Historical dem ography T he star-like genealogy for th e haplotype netw ork is consistent with a sudden exponential expansion of A . radiata populations. T his is supported by th e unim odal m ism atch distribution in Fig. 3 and the test of goodness fit of a sudden expansion m odel th a t could not be re ­ jected (P - 0.12). T h e estim ated param eters of the m odel w ere r = 1.414, 90 = 0.21 and 0! = 1,000, from which the tim e of expansion for A . radiata was esti­ m ated to have started betw een 690,000 and 1,100,000 years ago and not during the L G M (substi­ tution rate = 0.005 an d 0.008 p er M yr, see M aterials and m ethods). T ajim a’s D statistics were -1 .6 and the F u ’s Fs statistics -27.3; both w ere significant (P = 0.026 and P < 0.001, respectively). T h e generalized skyline plot (Fig. 4) is also consistent w ith past population growth. CO C CO ■'vt' O cO i—( —i OHN OO OO T-H o oi-H or—! oCM oO 'D d d cp d d pI ? t s cm v©cofMONOoot'--ooN Ox H C O N n n o n n o o o o o o o o o d d d d d d c ^ d d C M c o c O t'-C M c O jM O Ska C M O t- H t - < C M < - < 1 > v -< o o o o o o o o d d c j> d d c j) O c ji N i o co Ol ' t N ON If) t~~ Os oo c omco o oo o o o o Skj-I Ey VN coMoo oh oo oo oo co o d d dd d d Skj-A N o ot- i ? Discussion Population differentiation N — < C^- O N—«C ^lI t— I t— iO 1— o oo o o dcp^C f Is o o o o d c jid ^ ? Bj-A Hu cM v n -3- c o >-< o CO T-l o o d d -O tí tí Bj-I z o 43 co < at-< >O O * d ¡3 V Í3 >* Nf Locations Table 2 Population differentiation among the sampling locations based on pairwise multi-locus 9 estimates (Weir and Cockerham 1984). Ka-I K a-A o o o ö d c^> « < Z mm *£) Springer 'd d 3 ~ÇN ‘ÇT _w X O (0 CÖ (0 m ffi % % W LO O a S K Sd Ná ¡Z, T he n e a r absence of genetic differentiation in A. rad­ iata over the N orth A tlantic does not conform to pre­ dictions based on life history characteristics of Rajidae. A lthough a lack of pow er related to the small sample size and the use of only one m olecular m arker might explain this (W aples 1998), the finding of strong and highly significant structure a t the ocean basic scale in a parallel study using the same m arker for another R a ­ jidae species Raja clavata (with a 9 30 tim es higher) (Chevolot et al. 2006b) suggests th at our results are not an artifact. B oth species have sim ilar life history traits but different depth ranges such that, the continental shelf m argins are effective barriers. Tagging studies (m ark/recapture) conducted for R ajidae species have indicated traveling distances on th e o rd er of hundreds of kilom eters, (Tem plem an 1984; W alker et al. 1997; H unter et al. 2005) as com ­ pared to traveling distances on th e order of thousands of kilom eters for m any bony and cartilaginous fishes M ar Biol (2007) 151:1275-1286 Fig. 2 Statistical parsim ony netw ork (heavy lines) and n ested clade design (light lined boxes) for m tD N A haplotypes o f A . radiata. T he square indicates th e m ost p robable ancestral haplotype. O th e r haplotypes are indicated by circles; and sm all black dots denote in term ed iate haplotypes not p resen t in th e data set. E ach line in th e netw orks betw een haplotypes represents a single m utational change. Internal am biguities w ere resolved follow ing T em p leto n and Sing (1993), and th e less likely paths betw een haplotypes are show n by a dashed line. T he n ested clade level is given in a hierarchical m anner; 1-n for 1-step clade, 2-n fo r 2-step clades. T he w hole cladogram is a 3-step clade 1281 2-5 2-2 1-10 1-11 1-12 H2 O H IO H26 H15 H33 H13 1-13 H18 H11 H9 2-3 1-14 2-1 1-7 1-8 --y H17 H14 H30 H22 1-1 H29 H21 H31 H8 H12 H 32 H24 H34 H27 1-2 H19 1-4 H28 Iceland only O Kattegat only (S) N orw ay only Newfoundland only (M etcalfe and A rnold 1997; Law son and R ose 2000; K ohler and T urner 2001; Sedberry and L oefer 2001; Q ueiroz et al. 2005) supporting the hypothesis of re ­ gional p opulation structure in A . radiata. A closer look within the R ajidae, however, reveals th at A . radiata travels the farthest—betw een 1.4 and 3 tim es as far as R. clavata (Tem plem an 1984; W alker e t al. 1997). U ntil now, little attention has been paid to this difference because m ism atches betw een tagging and genetic studies (H o arau et al. 2004; C hevolot e t al. 2006a) have been so great th at the variance rep o rted within tagging studies was largely discounted. Tagging studies typically encom pass a p eriod of a few years (max 4 years), less than a generation (first age at m aturity for A . radiata 5-6 years) in R ajidae, w hereas genetic studies integrate processes over m any generations. Thus, our genetic result on A . radiata, suggests th at the m igratory range is m uch greater than previously acknowledged. T he large scale genetic hom ogeneity m ay lie in the fact th at thorny skates are not restricted to shallow shelf as they have been caught at depths down to 1,000 m (Stehm ann and Biirkel 1994). For exam ple, A . radiata is com m only caught across the channel separating Iceland and G reenland continental shelves a t approxim ately 66°N, w here depth is as low as 600 m and it is as well regularly fished on th e Iceland F aro e R idge w here depth is around 500 m (J. Palsson, 1-3 H3 H5 H7 2-4 1-6 H25 H20 1-5 H23 Pers. Comm.). This suggests th at its wide depth range enables A . radiata to m igrate over large distances b e ­ tw een continental shelves using intercontinental ridges. The strong differentiation observed betw een th e two K attegat locations am ongst the rest is probably due to differences in salinity and tem perature that occur in th e transition from th e N orth Sea into the Baltic, as significant restricted gene flow across th e transition zone has been shown in several other groups of m arine organisms. In the turbot {Scophthalmus m axim us), no genetic differentiation was found betw een the A tlantic and the N orth Sea, but highly significant differentiation was found betw een the Baltic locations and N orth Sea/ A tlantic locations (Nielsen et al. 2004). Similar results w ere obtained in the E uropean plaice {Pleuronectes platesssa) with the m itochondrial m arker (H oarau e t al. 2004) and in the cod (Gadus m orhua) (Nielsen e t al. 2001). O th er groups of m arine organisms that showed strong differentiation betw een the N orth Sea and the Baltic Sea include th e seagrass Zostera marina (V an O ppen et al. 1995; Reusch et al. 1999; Olsen e t al. 2004), th e seaweeds Cladophora rupestris (Jo­ hansson et al. 2003) and Fucus serratus (Coyer et al. 2003). Salinity and tem perature play a m ajor role in shaping population structure in the herring, Clupea harengus (Jprgensen et aí. 2005). In all of these cases, local adaptation to environm ental conditions m ay be *2} Springer 1282 M ar B iol (2007) 151:1275-1286 Table 3 H ap lo ty p e distributions per sam pling sites. H ap lo ty p e (A ccession num ber) H l (D Q 521996) H 2 (D Q 521997) H 3 (D Q 521998) H 4 (D Q 521999) H 5 (D Q 522000) H 6 (D Q 522001 H 7 (D Q 522002) H 8 (D Q 522003) H 9 (D Q 522004) H 10 (D Q 522005) H l l (D Q 522006) H I 2 (D Q 522007) H13 (D Q 522008) H 14 (D Q 522009) H15 (D Q 522010) H 16 (D Q 522011) H 17 (D Q 522012) H 18 (D Q 522013) H I 9 (D Q 522014) H 20 (D Q 522015) H21 (D Q 522016) H 22 (D Q 522017) H23 (D Q 522018) H 24 (D Q 522019) H 25 (D Q 522020) H 26 (D Q 522021) H 27 (D Q 522022) H 28 (D Q 522023) H 29 (D Q 522024) H 30 (D Q 522025) H31 (D Q 522026) H 32 (D Q 522027) H 33 (D Q 522028) H 34 (D Q 522029) T o ta l Nf Bj-I B j-A Is 2 1 2 1 Hu Skj-I Skj-A 1 1 1 1 Ska Ox 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 pi 1 2 1 3 Ho 1 Ha K a-I 6 6 3 2 1 5 9 1 5 1 7 3 1 1 4 3 1 K a-A Ns 1 6 2 1 4 4 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 10 13 1 12 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 11 6 1 1 1 7 11 12 4 1 8 1 9 7 7 11 8 22 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 30 32 3 1 22 17 1 27 25 18 im p o rtan t and may lead to stronger genetic differen­ tiation than large geographic distance or depth. Phylogeographic patterns F o r m uch of th e N o rth A tlantic biota, h ab itat loss during th e L G M resulted in local extinctions and in a generally southw ard range modifications into periglacial refugia. A s ice sheets retreated, populations ex­ panded generally following the leading edge hypothesis (Ibrahim et al. 1996). In this m odel, theory predicts th at th e leading edges will be less genetically diverse as founders m ove away from the geneticallym ore-diverse form er refugia (and under th e further assum ption of large réfugiai population sizes). The degree to which this m odel holds is also expected to differ betw een shallow benthic and pelagic organisms, th e form er suffering the most. Rays and skates might be predicted to occupy an interm ediate position as they *£) S pringer Ey 19 19 1 20 24 17 15 19 T otal 4 6 1 8 1 12 9 61 18 1 5 1 6 7 3 1 6 2 7 1 140 4 1 4 3 3 3 2 1 4 2 1 8 1 337 are free to move b u t are still dependent on bottom substrate for feeding and egg laying. Low haplotype diversity in the N orth Sea is consis­ te n t with the leading edge m odel since is has only ex­ isted for the past 8,000 years (Zagwijn 1992; D inter 2001). However, th e broad distribution of haplotypes across the entire A tlantic, com bined with the star-like haplotype netw ork and the contiguous range expansion does not conform to the usual refugium m odel but to a high gene flow species with long-term connectivity betw een the eastern and western A tlantic (Avise et al. 1987; Avise 2000), as it has been found in som e teleosts species (e.g. B rem er et al. 2005; Ely et al. 2005). Thus, an East-W est A tlantic connection has existed for a long time. T h e large num ber of haplotypes found in Iceland is m ost likely due to th e adm ixture betw een w estern and eastern A tlantic populations as a consequence of its central location ra th er than as a potential glacial M ar Biol (2007) 151:1275-1286 1283 Table 4 Phylogeography inference from th e N ested clade analysis follow ing T em p leto n ’s key (2004) C la d e D o m in an t haplotype/geographical distribution Inference C lade 1-3 C lade 1-7 H 4/Iceland, N ew foundland and K attegat H 19/Iceland, N ew foundland and K attegat C lade 2-5 T otal Cladogram H 21/all sites H 21/ all sites R estricted g e n e flow T oo few sam ples to distinguish betw een Long d istan ce dispersal and isolation by distance Contiguous ra n g e expansion Contiguous ra n g e expansion O nly clade w ith significant association betw een haplotype/clades and geographical distribution are shown. See Fig. 2 for the nested design refugium . This is supported by the presence of haplo­ types found in N ew foundland and Iceland (H2, H19, H 33), and a second se t of haplotypes found only in Iceland and E urope (H 7, H 9, H U , H14, H17, H30). A lthough our sam pling effort was proportionally larger th an in the rest of th e N orth A tlantic, m ost of the Icelandic locations have haplotype diversities within the range of those found in Canada, N orw ay and the K attegat. 0,35 0,30 0,25 - u. 0,10 - H istorical dem ography 0,05 0,00 0 4 2 8 6 10 Number of pairwise differences Fig. 3 M ism atch distribution fo r A . radiata. T he line represents th e expected distribution u n d e r a sudden expansion m odel e=0.0009 2 0,01 0,002 0,004 500,000 y rs 0,006 0,008 0,010 1000,000 yrs T im e ( s u b s titu tio n p e r s ite ) Fig. 4 G en eralized skyline p lo t of A . radiata. T he x-axis represents th e tim e since th e expansion in substitutions p e r site and in thousands o f years; th e y-axis th e estim ated effective population size scaled to th e substitution rate. T he e-param eter governing th e sm oothing algorithm was selected from the A kaike Inform ation criterion (A IC ). T he last glacial m axim um p eriod is re p re se n ted by the dashed area Like R. clavata, A . radiata population expansion defi­ nitely predated th e end of the LG M and was estim ated at 0.6-1.1 Myrs, which corresponds to th e B avelian and C r omeri an complexes, both being successions of cold and w arm periods (Zagwijn 1992). In the N orth A tlantic, m arine species (so far investigated) seem to follow a pre-L G M expansion m odel, e.g., th e common goby (Gysels e t al. 2004), the A tlantic swordfish (B rem er et al. 2005), th e A tlantic bluefin tu n a (Brem er et al. 2005), A tlantic bigeye tuna (M artinez et al. 2006), th e red alga Palmeria palmata (Provan et al. 2005), th e brown alga Fucus serratus (H oarau et al. subm itted), the bivalve M acom a balthica (Luttikhuizen et al. 2003) and the estuarine fish, Ethm alosa fimbriata (D urand et al. 2005); w here the date of expansion was estim ated a t betw een 536,000 (for the com m on goby) and 128,000 years (for the red alga, Palmeria palmata). Thus, it is likely that highly m obile species and/or those able to shift in th e subtidal fared better in the many glacial-interglacial periods. F o r A. radiata, a general southerly displacem ent of th e distribution probably occurred; population sizes w ere probably little af­ fected. T o conclude, although A. radiata and R. clavata share sim ilar life-history traits, different phylogeo­ graphic and population genetic structure patterns were found: no significant population differentiation for A. radiata in th e N orth A tlantic; and strong population differentiation for R. clavata in E u ro p ean waters (Chevolot et al. 2006b). Clearly, life-history traits in C ) Springer 1284 the R ajidae are poor predictors o f the population dif­ ferentiation. Acknowledgments W e thank H e n k H eessen from th e R IV O (IBTS survey, T h e N etherlands), D avid W . K ulka, T odd Inkpen and Jo e Firth from th e D ep artm en t o f Fisheries and O ceans of th e C anadian governm ent (D F O , Fall survey), and crew m em ­ bers from the different research vessels for their help in the sampling; and J.A . C oyer and G. H o a rau for their useful com ­ m ents on previous versions of this m anuscript. 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