Bgtoptions201314CRBgtForecast4RevisedP1.pdf College of the Redwoods - Budget Planning Committee (BPC) PRELIMINARY DRAFT - For Discussion Only 2013-14 BPC Budget Balancing Options ESTIMATES Links to Planning and Standards: SP Goal 3 Fiscal and Operational Sustainability Standard D. The institution plans and manages its financial affairs with integrity and in a manner that ensures financial stability. The level of financial resources provides a reasonable expectation of both short-term and long-term financial solvency. Standard D. 4 Financial resource planning is integrated with intitutional planning. 1 Student Technology Fee Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 2 Parcel Tax Measure Q funds have recently been used to upgrade student labs. However, there is Annual Revenue a need for additional computer lab and the need to keep the machines up-to-date. - There is very limited funding available in the general fund. This $10/term optional fee could augment those general fund dollars and allow for a student help desk to provide additional service to students. Would not directly bring bgt savings, but will relieve the pressure to increase the general fund bgt, so proactively will help the budget. Requires 70,000 CR Board of Trustees (BOT) approval. 2013-14 2013-14 Annual Revenue Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 3 CO Deficit Factor Policy Change - 2013-14 Annual Revenue Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 4 CO Deficit Factor Hold Harmless Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 5 CO HEPI inflation Factor Policy Change Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 3/15/2013 12:04 PM - Could generate $400K in 2014-15 and $800K thereatter. Requires BOT approval and voter approval. Parcel tax example: "To provide stable funding the State cannot take away; make health and safety improvements; fund school nursing programs to promote good health; maintain small class sizes; retain teachers; and protect and expand music, art, and dance programs; shall the Arcata Elementary School District collect a $49 yearly education tax for five years, providing an exemption for senior citizens, no money for administration, with citizen oversight and all money benefiting local Arcata Elementary schools?" Arcata's parcel tax covers 5,200 parcels and is estimated to generate $1MM over 5 years. Currently, the Chancellor's Office Deficit Factor occurs as a mid-year cut, but the CO reduces the funding per FTES instead of reducing the FTES targets on a pro-rata basis. With a reduction to the FTES target, local districts would maintain some local control by being able to adjust course section offerings. However, when the CO cuts the funding per FTES, district cannot exercise their local control to reduce course sections. Requires State Board of Governors action. 2013-14 Annual Revenue - Requires Legislative action. Same as above, except that the State would need to provide backfill to hold colleges harmless when the State's revenue estimates are too high. Therefore, there would be no mid-year deficit factor budget cuts. The K-12 system already enjoys this level of hold harmless. CR has taken defict factor cuts totalling over $1 million between 2007-08 and 2012-13. Defict factor was $510K in 2011-12 and esitmated at $410K for 2012-13. Requires State Board of Governors action. This change would be that the State funding per FTES would be adjusted each year by the greater of the funding increase 2013-14 from the State or the Higher Education Price Index (HEPI) rate. Then, the CO would Annual Revenue adjust enrollment targets down, if necessary, to balance the State funding model. This policy change would help partially address a structural problem where CR's costs - increase each year, but the State does not provide an inflation adjustment each year. An alternative would be to use the Consumer Price Index (CPI). For 201213, 2.3% inflation or $575K not funded, for 2013-14, inflation at 1.6%, but HEPI at 24,963 1.7%, so .1% not funded. 1 2013-14 CR Bgt Forecast4 @ Revised P-1.xlsx Bgt Options College of the Redwoods - Budget Planning Committee (BPC) PRELIMINARY DRAFT - For Discussion Only 2013-14 BPC Budget Balancing Options ESTIMATES 6 High demand or high cost program fee Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 7 Close and/or lease remote campuses and unused buildings Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 8 Purchasing card 2013-14 Annual Revenue - 50,000 Require direct deposit for all payroll Annual Revenue - 130,000 2013-14 Permanent svgs Increase class size limits or faculty teach an extra class Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 11 Develop a Foundation alumni program Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 3/15/2013 12:04 PM Mandate use of the purchasing card program for all purchases under $1,000. Would increase efficiency but minimal budget impact. - This would increase efficiency, but probably minimal budget impact. 2013-14 Permanent svgs Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 10 Estimate space rental including Eureka academic buildings: $130K. 2013-14 Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 9 Requires Legislative action. Currently, the State sets the enrollment fees for all colleges at a single rate. This would allow individual districts to set a separate, locally controlled and locally retained program fee for certain programs that are either high demand or high cost. To alleviate concerns about needy students, an alternative would be to allow BOG students to be exempted or partially exempted from this fee. - Increased class sizes will generate more FTES per course section. 2013-14 Annual Revenue Also, faculty might agree to teach an extra class without overload or some similar option. There are 84 FTEF in the permanent postion inventory. If each faculty taught one extra course, that could generate $935K in additional revenue from the state funding model, less potential adjunct cost of $359K, yields $576K revenue. Requires 576,000 negotiation. - Avoid the myth that community college alumni don't donate. Monroe Community Annual Revenue College (N.Y.) received generous donations, including a $1 million stock gift, by building an alumni database and keeping personal connections with graduates. The school - used research firm Harris Connect to track down various types of alumni and to gather information on them. The decision helped to boost Monroe's alumni database from 28,000 to more than 110,000 people. 2013-14 figure is a first year estimate, would grow 20,000 from there. 2013-14 2 2013-14 CR Bgt Forecast4 @ Revised P-1.xlsx Bgt Options College of the Redwoods - Budget Planning Committee (BPC) PRELIMINARY DRAFT - For Discussion Only 2013-14 BPC Budget Balancing Options ESTIMATES 12 Use Google for campus email Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 13 Mandatory meal plan for all students - Sell surplus goods on ebay 2013-14 Annual Revenue Make the campus smoke free 2013-14 Annual Revenue Move student course evaluations to an online form 2013-14 Permanent svgs Use bond funds to install solar or wind generator Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 3/15/2013 12:04 PM Savings would be that staff don't have to pick up butts all over and the tents could be removed. - Savings would be in printing, scantron and the like. 2013-14 Permanent svgs Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 17 Would require change to Administrative procedures. Might bring in a small amount of revenue from surplus sales. - Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 16 Require all students to purchase a certain amount on a meal plan each term depending on the number of credits taken. Violates Ed Code - Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 15 - Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 14 Google apps for education 2013-14 Permanent svgs - 2013-14 Permanent svgs - Savings would be in reduced utility costs over time. A $600K solar investment or $350K wind turbine investment might net $30K to $50K in annual savings. The CO has energy efficiency funds available that might leverage this project's funding. 30,000 3 2013-14 CR Bgt Forecast4 @ Revised P-1.xlsx Bgt Options College of the Redwoods - Budget Planning Committee (BPC) PRELIMINARY DRAFT - For Discussion Only 2013-14 BPC Budget Balancing Options ESTIMATES 18 Qualified administrators teach a course Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 19 Offer an employee focused non-credit development course Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 20 Reduce starting salaries for new hires Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 21 Close most campus services on Fridays Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 22 Non-credit enrollments Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 23 Lease space for highway billboards, allow advertising on campus property Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 3/15/2013 12:04 PM 2013-14 Annual Revenue - There are 26 FTE managers in the position inventory. If half are able to teach an extra class, that could generate $147,206 in revenue, less potential adjunct cost of $57K, yields $91K potential new revenue. Requires negotiation. 91,000 2013-14 Annual Revenue - While anyone could attend, offer a non-credit course geared toward CR employees who could sign up and get professional development training while also getting some apportionment funding. There are 282 employee FTE in the position inventory. If only one third take a one unit non-credit course per term that could generate $17K in state funding. 17,000 Requires negotiation. 2013-14 Permanent svgs 5,000 5,000 5,000 15,000 2013-14 Permanent svgs Savings might be realized from reduced staffing contracts, less temp staff, and less staff required to cover duties. Requires negotiation. 21,440 1,750 23,190 2013-14 Annual Revenue - Non-credit FTES are reimbursed at 60% of the For-credit rate, so this non-credit represents a stop-gap measure until for-credit enrollments can grow. A plus is that noncredit courses can be offered with no enrollment fee, so may be easier to attract noncredit students. Will require swift approval by curriculum committee to get classes offered. May require negotiations on faculty reimbursements due to lower funding level. Estimate is the net revenue after faculty costs. 20,000 2013-14 Annual Revenue - Current policy only addresses advertising in Athletic facilities. This would allow the District to lease space near highways to signage companies for billboards. It would also allow firms to advertise on campus, for example beverage ads incorporated into the College marquee, ads on exam papers, etc. After investigating this option, CR does not have good right of way at Hwy 101 in Eureka. Checking on other sites. - 4 2013-14 CR Bgt Forecast4 @ Revised P-1.xlsx Bgt Options College of the Redwoods - Budget Planning Committee (BPC) PRELIMINARY DRAFT - For Discussion Only 2013-14 BPC Budget Balancing Options ESTIMATES 24 Merge with another college 2013-14 Permanent svgs Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 25 Rollback 2012-13 COLA Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 26 Rollback 2012-13 Step Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 27 Eliminate 2013-14 Step Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 28 Employees Pay Monthly for Health Benefits Plus Inflation Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 29 Switch Medical Plans from Oak to Spruce Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 3/15/2013 12:04 PM - This would be a long term option that would take several years and possibly require legislative action to allow CR and another community college district to merge. This is long term idea for consideration, not a near term solution. 2013-14 Permanent svgs 113,340 36,389 149,729 A 1.5 % COLA for 2012-13 began in July paychecks. COLA would be rollbacked for the second six months of 2012-13 and in future years. Will require successful negotiations to implement. BPC ranked a similar proposal as 2 out of 11. 2012-13 Steps began in July paychecks. The 2012-13 Steps would be rolledback for the second six months of 2012-13 and in future years. Will require successful 121,854 negotiations to implement. BPC ranked a similar proposal as 5 out of 11. 2013-14 Permanent svgs 178,316 74,113 374,283 Assuming that current contract terms would continue into 2013-14, 2013-14 Steps will begin in next July's paychecks. The 2013-14 Steps would be rolledback permanently. 121,854 Will require successful negotiations to implement. BPC ranked a similar proposal for 2012-13, but this is a new proposal. 2013-14 Permanent svgs 178,316 74,113 374,283 Employees would pay a monthly premium for health and welfare benefits. CR pays a flat rate per covered employee, regardless of number of dependents, of $1,198/mo or Permanent Svgs $14,376/yr per covered employee. Each year, monthly premiums would increase by $106/month the benefit cost increase percent. Estimate is only employees who receive health benefits, NOT all employees: 130 Classified, 61 Admin/Mgr/Conf, 83 Instr & Non96,672 instructional Faculty, 274 Total Benefitted Employees. In general fund: 76 Classified, 77,592 42 Admin/Mgr/Conf, and 61 Faculty. BPC ranked a similar proposal as 5 out of 11. 53,424 These headcounts are for all funds, will research the general fund employees receiving benefits. Requires negotiations. 2013-14 227,688 District employees receive Blue Shield's Oak plan for health benefits. CR pays a flat rate per covered employee, regardless of number of dependents, of $1,198/mo or 2013-14 $14,376/yr per covered employee. Based on current rates, the District could opt for the Permanent Svgs less costly plan to save $1,018 annually per covered employee. Estimate is only employees who receive health benefits, NOT all employees: 130 Classified, 61 77,347 Admin/Mgr/Conf, 83 Instr & Non-instructional Faculty, 274 Total Benefitted Employees. 62,081 In general fund: 76 Classified, 42 Admin/Mgr/Conf, and 61 Faculty. Will require 42,744 successful negotiations to implement. These headcounts are for all funds, will research the general fund employees receiving benefits. 182,172 5 2013-14 CR Bgt Forecast4 @ Revised P-1.xlsx Bgt Options College of the Redwoods - Budget Planning Committee (BPC) PRELIMINARY DRAFT - For Discussion Only 2013-14 BPC Budget Balancing Options ESTIMATES 30 Switch Medical Plans from Oak to HDHP plan Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 31 Switch Dental Plans from plan 12 to 3 Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 32 Switch Vision Plans from C7 to A1 Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 33 Reduce Faculty Non-Instructional Release Time Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 34 Layoffs, Reorganization, RIF Permanent Svgs Not a practical option in the short run, due to the high deductible and potential need to 168,547 start a health savings account. 135,281 93,144 396,972 District employees receive Guardian's plan 12. CR pays a flat rate per covered employee, regardless of number of dependents, of $1,198/mo or $14,376/yr per 2013-14 covered employee. Based on current rates, the District could opt for the less costly Permanent Svgs dental plan to save $88 annually per covered employee. Estimate is only employees who receive health benefits, NOT all employees: 130 Classified, 61 Admin/Mgr/Conf, 83 17,811 Instr & Non-instructional Faculty, 274 Total Benefitted Employees. In general fund: 76 14,296 Classified, 42 Admin/Mgr/Conf, and 61 Faculty. Will require successful negotiations to implement. These headcounts are for all funds, will research the general fund 9,843 employees receiving benefits. 41,950 2013-14 Permanent Svgs 5,682 4,560 3,140 13,382 2013-14 Permanent svgs Furlough Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 3/15/2013 12:04 PM District employees receive plan C7 vision coverage. CR pays a flat rate per covered employee, regardless of number of dependents, of $1,198/mo or $14,376/yr per covered employee. Based on current rates, the District could opt for the less costly vision plan to save $75 annually per covered employee. Estimate is only employees who receive health benefits, NOT all employees: 130 Classified, 61 Admin/Mgr/Conf, 83 Instr & Non-instructional Faculty, 274 Total Benefitted Employees. In general fund: 76 Classified, 42 Admin/Mgr/Conf, and 61 Faculty. Will require successful negotiations to implement. These headcounts are for all funds, will research the general fund employees receiving benefits. Approximately $700K in faculty non-instructional release time is included in the collective bargaining agreement. The $200K is a placeholder estimate. Will require successful negotiations to implement. BPC ranked a similar proposal as 2 out of 11. 200,000 200,000 2013-14 Permanent svgs Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 35 Based on current rates, the District could opt for the less costly plan to save $2,218 annually per covered employee. Will require successful negotiations to implement. 2013-14 Faculty layoff would require multiple annual advance notices and would be effective July 1. Administrative layoffs require March 15 advance notice and would be effective July 1. Manager, classified and confidential would require 45 days advance notice. Savings will depend on the magnitude of reductions. BPC ranked a similar proposal as 10 out of 11, and 11 out of 11. Employee's would take a certain number of workdays off as unpaid furlough days. 24 furlough days Furloughs do not provide ongoing savings, but do help the budget in the year that the 467,424 furlough is in place. Will require successful negotiations to implement. BPC ranked a similar proposal as 7 out of 11. 2013-14 718,512 357,120 1,543,056 6 2013-14 CR Bgt Forecast4 @ Revised P-1.xlsx Bgt Options College of the Redwoods - Budget Planning Committee (BPC) PRELIMINARY DRAFT - For Discussion Only 2013-14 BPC Budget Balancing Options ESTIMATES 36 Eliminate temporary staff Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 37 Suspend Overtime This would reduce temporary staff in the general fund. To make this budget cut work, we will need to reduce the respective department budgets, so that the funds are not 50,000 spent on other items. BPC ranked a similar proposal as 6 out of 11. 2013-14 Permanent svgs 50,000 2013-14 Permanent svgs Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 38 Eliminate general fund support to other funds & categoricals Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 39 Reduce General Fund Support to DSPS to a Minimum Level Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 40 Suspend General Fund Capital Outlay Already Done 2013-14 Permanent svgs 118,000 2013-14 Permanent svgs Eliminate High School Concurrent Enrollment Fee Waiver Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 3/15/2013 12:04 PM General fund provides support to non-general fund operations and categorical programs as follows: Shively Farm: $28,000 Child Development: $90,000 General fund provides support to DSPS. Mandated services will need to be provided, even if cost is above minimum, need to find low cost services. 67,938 2013-14 Permanent svgs Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 41 Managers would be advised to not approve overtime work, except in cases involving immediate health and safety. BPC did not rank this proposal as overtime approval is a manager's decision. 2011-12 comp time earned was $53,642, paid out was $15,865. 2013-14 Permanent svgs 20,000 Already reduced capital outlay to meet previous budget savings target. Suspend the capital outlay budget. Budget is $135,335, but may be unrealistic to suspend entire budget, so half is noted as savings. High School concurrent fee waiver was reduced to $20,000 in 2011-12 to provide a partial fee waiver for early college high school programs at Eureka main and Del Norte campuses. This would eliminate the $20K remaining fee waiver. Unlike the Board of Governor's (BOG) fee waiver, this is a local fee waiver, so it reduces District revenue. BPC didn't rank this proposal, but supported the 2011-12 fee waiver reduction. 7 2013-14 CR Bgt Forecast4 @ Revised P-1.xlsx Bgt Options College of the Redwoods - Budget Planning Committee (BPC) PRELIMINARY DRAFT - For Discussion Only 2013-14 BPC Budget Balancing Options ESTIMATES 42 Eliminate Summer Term and/or Use 11 Month Contracts NOT AN OPTION FOR 2013-14 2013-14 Permanent svgs Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 43 Campus Shut Down Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 44 Reorganize Deans, division chairs, area coordinators, etc Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 45 Suspend Full Sabbaticals - Shut down campus during breaks. Permanent svgs Shut down a building. 5,000 Reduce the times when the college is open. Probably can't close a bldg, since no duplication of facilities at other bldgs. Less svgs in out years as enrollments pick up. 2013-14 5,000 2013-14 Permanent svgs Hold Open Vacant Positions Planned to be Filled Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 47 Program Discontinuance - Eliminate Academic Programs &/or Reduce Athletics Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 3/15/2013 12:04 PM Efficiencies and cost savings might be realized by reorganizing these adminstrative functions. However, a portion of these non-instructional administrative costs are included in the collective bargaining agreement. The $80K is a placeholder estimate. Will require successful negotiations to implement. BPC ranked a similar proposal as 3 out of 11. Will require negotiations. 80,000 2013-14 Permanent svgs Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 46 The District would offer no summer term classes or very limited classes, for example only online classes. Note that the $600K BPC savings estimate is more conservative assuming that instructional & certain other employees would not be reduced. If we move forward, then more detailed savings estimates will need to be developed. Will require successful negotiations to implement. BPC ranked a similar proposal as 8 out of 11. Staff: $422,000 (11 months or 8.3% savings) Instructional and non-instructional faculty: $649,000 (only the non-instructional portion could be reduced) Managers, confidential, etc: $208,000 Total: $1,278,000 ACCJC probation report cites the need tor continued progress on professional development, so this option could harm accreditation requirements. Suspend full sabbaticals. Will require successful negotiations to implement. 2013-14 Permanent Svgs This would not apply to instructional faculty vacancies. This option would require that all vacant positions only be filled internally by a general fund employee and will require transfers to fill key postions. BPC ranked a similar proposal as 3 out of 11. 63,000 2013-14 Permanent svgs Potential savings from suspending academic programs or reducing the athletic budget. For academic programs, review cost data to identify high cost programs, inefficient programs, unsustainable programs to suspend due to lack of State funding. Savings will depend on the magnitude of reductions. BPC ranked a similar proposal 7 out of 11. - 8 2013-14 CR Bgt Forecast4 @ Revised P-1.xlsx Bgt Options College of the Redwoods - Budget Planning Committee (BPC) PRELIMINARY DRAFT - For Discussion Only 2013-14 BPC Budget Balancing Options ESTIMATES 48 Contract Out Graphics, IT, Custodial, Groundskeeping, Warehouse, Payroll, Security, or other department 2013-14 Permanent Svgs Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 49 Reorganize confidential staff - Associated Students Fund Clerical Support 2013-14 Permanent Svgs Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 51 Consolidate Admissions, Financial Aid, Records Done Reduce Campus Public Safety to less than 24/7 coverage Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 53 Suspend Board of Trustees Stipends (one-time) Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 3/15/2013 12:04 PM Associated Students could provide some funds to help offset costs related to the clerical support provided by the District. BPC ranked a s imilar proposal as 9 out of 11. 2013-14 Permanent Svgs Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 52 Reorganize the 6 confidential staff for overall savings. 2013-14 Permanent Svgs Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 50 Savings from contracting out for services through an RFP process. ECS 88003.1 requirements. 2011-12 cost center budgets are as follows: Graphics/Mrkting: $490,000 IT: $1,102,000 Custodial: $690,000 Groundskeeping: $279,000 Warehouse/Logistics: $209,000 Payroll: $186,000 Security: $175,000 Will require successful negotiations to implement. This has already been done to meet previous budget savings target. Efficiencies from combining services and staffing. BPC ranked a similar proposal as 1 out of 11. 2013-14 Permanent Svgs 9,000 9,000 2013-14 Permanent Svgs Certain shifts would not be covered, so County Sheriff would be first responder. Night shifts when school is not in session might be an example. Savings estimate is based on 90 days with one shift not covered. BPC ranked a similar proposal as 11 out of 11. These stipends would be held back during the year. BPC ranked a similar proposal as 8 out of 11. 26,000 26,000 9 2013-14 CR Bgt Forecast4 @ Revised P-1.xlsx Bgt Options College of the Redwoods - Budget Planning Committee (BPC) PRELIMINARY DRAFT - For Discussion Only 2013-14 BPC Budget Balancing Options ESTIMATES 54 Reduce from 9 Trustees to 5 Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 55 Revenue generating initiatives This would reduce the number of trustees from the current level of 9 seats down ot 5 seats. Savings from: - Benefits: $42,349 Stipends: $13,383 Travel: $8,888 - Election costs: $30,000 <<Only if election is contested 64,620 Total: 94,620. Only $64,620 included since most elections not contested. 2013-14 Permanent Svgs 2013-14 Annual Revenue Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 56 Centralize AOA staff Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 57 Eliminate printing of all catalogs and schedules Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 58 Reduce Software Costs - By centrally locating AOA support staff for the instructional areas to one location, efficiencies and savings might be realized. Savings is about .25 FTE at about $30K 12,500 salary. BPC ranked a similar proposal as 6 out of 11. 2013-14 Permanent Svgs 12,500 2013-14 Permanent Svgs Reduce Travel & Supplies Costs Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 3/15/2013 12:04 PM Place catalogs and schedules on CR website. Eureka main schedules are online only. Mendocino and Del Norte centers are online and paper. 5,000 2013-14 Permanent Svgs Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 59 Move forward on some of the revenue generating initiatives previously identified by the BPC, such as locating cell phone or communications towers on District property. Additional revenue is already included in the budget, so conservatism requires that the estimate not be increased until some of the new money starts to materialize. BPC ranked a similar proposal as 4 out of 11. 2013-14 Permanent Svgs - Review our software expenses for lower cost alternatives. and Parature Convert from Turn It In to Safe Assign There will be transition costs to go to new software. Also software prices increase, so savings is net of inflation. Need IT Dept & Technology Planning Committee review. Eliminate or reduce the travel budget. Use more online professional development and training. Total travel budget is about $200K. We must pay for travel between Mendocino, KT, Del Norte, etc. We have already limited travel, so cannot realistically budget for a substantial cut. Can't cut utility, insurance, and other "fixed cost" services and supplies budgets. Already took $200K cut in 2012-13. 10 2013-14 CR Bgt Forecast4 @ Revised P-1.xlsx Bgt Options College of the Redwoods - Budget Planning Committee (BPC) PRELIMINARY DRAFT - For Discussion Only 2013-14 BPC Budget Balancing Options ESTIMATES 60 Use More Web-Based Services 2013-14 Permanent Svgs Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 61 Sell Property 2013-14 Annual Revenue Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 62 Use ASCR Student Cards or Higher One Card for Student ID Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal 63 Reduce Faculty Overload Assignments 2013-14 Annual Revenue 15,000 64 Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal Extra Mendocino property. Extra Del Norte property. Extra Eureka main property & bldgs. Garberville budget is minimal (utilities), so recommendation is to not add staffing. Will require staff research, legal review and time to market property. No return in the near term. Proceeds from property sale cannot go to operating expenses. Repeat of number 7 Savings from using an ASCR sponsored card instead of a District ID card. Alternative would be to use Higher One card for the ID card. Savings is estimated on ID card stock and printers, would still need to take pictures. 2013-14 Permanent Svgs Classified Instr & Non-instructional Faculty Admin/Mgr/Conf Subtotal One-time draw from Employee Benefit Trust (one-time) Use more automated or web based services for routine interactions, registration, financial aid, payments, parking permit purchase. Students may appreciate not having to stand in line for routine transactions. Will take time to implement. - 2013-14 Permanent Svgs - $3 million fund balance in the employee benefit trust may be drawn upon by the general fund. The balance was built up in earlier years when about $1.6 million of the general fund's excess fund balance was transferred to the employee benefit trust. However, the trust is currently drawing against those balances because annual payments into the trust are less than the payments out to beneficiaries. Since this is a one-time solution, we must identify a permanent savings for 2013-14 for any amounts noted here. BPC ranked a similar proposal as 8 out of 11. SAVINGS ESTIMATE SUMMARY - Includes some "duplicates" and some items that require negotiations Classified 1,153,691 Instr & Non-instructional Faculty 1,682,294 Admin/Mgr/Conf 770,031 Other 433,558 GRAND TOTAL 4,039,573 3/15/2013 12:04 PM 11 2013-14 CR Bgt Forecast4 @ Revised P-1.xlsx Bgt Options College of the Redwoods - Budget Planning Committee (BPC) PRELIMINARY DRAFT - For Discussion Only 2013-14 BPC Budget Balancing Options ESTIMATES Summary of Evidence Health and Welfare Benefits Programs Options: 3/15/2013 12:04 PM This is a summary of available plans and fees. More detailed plan information can be obtained directly from Human Resources, the North Coast Medical Insurance Group, and the vendors. Note that North Coast Schools Medical Insurance Group requires at least 45 days advance notice if CR chooses to switch plans. 12 2013-14 CR Bgt Forecast4 @ Revised P-1.xlsx Bgt Options College of the Redwoods - Budget Planning Committee (BPC) PRELIMINARY DRAFT - For Discussion Only 2013-14 BPC Budget Balancing Options ESTIMATES 3/15/2013 12:04 PM 13 2013-14 CR Bgt Forecast4 @ Revised P-1.xlsx Bgt Options College of the Redwoods - Budget Planning Committee (BPC) PRELIMINARY DRAFT - For Discussion Only 2013-14 BPC Budget Balancing Options ESTIMATES 3/15/2013 12:04 PM 14 2013-14 CR Bgt Forecast4 @ Revised P-1.xlsx Bgt Options College of the Redwoods - Budget Planning Committee (BPC) PRELIMINARY DRAFT - For Discussion Only 2013-14 BPC Budget Balancing Options ESTIMATES 3/15/2013 12:04 PM 15 2013-14 CR Bgt Forecast4 @ Revised P-1.xlsx Bgt Options College of the Redwoods - Budget Planning Committee (BPC) PRELIMINARY DRAFT - For Discussion Only 2013-14 BPC Budget Balancing Options ESTIMATES Education Code Section 88003.1 (a)Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, personal services contracting for all services currently or customarily performed by classified school employees to achieve cost savings is permissible, unless otherwise prohibited, when all the following conditions are met: (1)The governing board or contracting agency clearly demonstrates that the proposed contract will result in actual overall cost savings to the community college district, provided that: (A)In comparing costs, there shall be included the community college district's additional cost of providing the same service as proposed by a contractor. These additional costs shall include the salaries and benefits of additional staff that would be needed and the cost of additional space, equipment, and materials needed to perform the function. (B)In comparing costs, there shall not be included the community college district's indirect overhead costs unless these costs can be attributed solely to the function in question and would not exist if that function was not performed by the community college district. Indirect overhead costs shall mean the pro rata share of existing administrative salaries and benefits, rent, equipment costs, utilities, and materials. (C)In comparing costs, there shall be included in the cost of a contractor providing a service any continuing community college district costs that would be directly associated with the contracted function. These continuing community college district costs shall include, but not be limited to, those for inspection, supervision, and monitoring. (2)Proposals to contract out work shall not be approved solely on the basis that savings will result from lower contractor pay rates or benefits. Proposals to contract out work shall be eligible for approval if the contractors wages are at the industry's level and do not undercut community college district pay rates. (3)The contract does not cause the displacement of community college district employees. The term "displacement" includes layoff, demotion, involuntary transfer to a new classification, involuntary transfer to a new location requiring a change of residence, and time base reductions. Displacement does not include changes in shifts or days off, nor does it include reassignment to other positions within the same classification and general location or employment with the contractor, so long as wages and benefits are comparable to those paid by the school district. (4)The savings shall be large enough to ensure that they will not be eliminated by private sector and community college district cost fluctuations that could normally be expected during the contracting period. (5)The amount of savings clearly justify the size and duration of the contracting agreement. (6)The contract is awarded through a publicized, competitive bidding process. (7)The contract includes specific provisions pertaining to the qualifications of the staff that will perform the work under the contract, as well as assurance that the contractor's hiring practices meet applicable nondiscrimination standards. (8)The potential for future economic risk to the community college district from potential contractor rate increases is minimal. (9)The contract is with a firm. A "firm" means a corporation, limited liability corporation, partnership, nonprofit organization, or sole proprietorship. (10)The potential economic advantage of contracting is not outweighed by the public's interest in having a particular function performed directly by the community college district. (b)Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, personal services contracting shall also be permissible when any of the following conditions can be met: (1)The contract is for new community college district functions and the Legislature has specifically mandated or authorized the performance of the work by independent contractors. (2)The services contracted are not available within community college districts, cannot be performed satisfactorily by community college district employees, or are of such a highly specialized or technical nature that the necessary expert knowledge, experience, and ability are not available through the community college district. (3)The services are incidental to a contract for the purchase or lease of real or personal property. Contracts under this criterion, known as "service agreements," shall include, but not be limited to, agreements to service or maintain office equipment or computers that are leased or rented. (4)The policy, administrative, or legal goals and purposes of the community college district cannot be accomplished through the utilization of persons selected pursuant to the regular or ordinary hiring process. Contracts are permissible under this criterion to protect against a conflict of interest or to ensure independent and unbiased findings in cases where there is a clear need for a different, outside perspective. These contracts shall include, but not be limited to, obtaining expert witnesses in litigation. (5)The nature of the work is such that the criteria for emergency appointments apply. "Emergency appointment" means an appointment made for a period not to exceed 60 working days either during an actual emergency to prevent the stoppage of public business or because of the limited duration of the work. The method of selection and the qualification standards for an emergency employee shall be determined by the community college district. The frequency of appointment, length of employment, and the circumstances appropriate for the appointment of firms or individuals under emergency (6)The contractor will provide equipment, materials, facilities, or support services that could not feasibly be provided by the community college district in the location where the services are to be performed. 3/15/2013 12:04 PM 16 2013-14 CR Bgt Forecast4 @ Revised P-1.xlsx Bgt Options College of the Redwoods - Budget Planning Committee (BPC) PRELIMINARY DRAFT - For Discussion Only 2013-14 BPC Budget Balancing Options ESTIMATES (7)The services are of such an urgent, temporary, or occasional nature that the delay incumbent in their implementation under the community college district's regular or ordinary hiring process would frustrate their very purpose. (c)This section shall apply to all community colleges, including community college districts that have adopted the merit system. (d)This section shall apply to personal service contracts entered into after January 1, 2003. This section shall not apply to the renewal of personal services contracts subsequent to January 1, 2003, where the contract was entered into before January 1, 2003, irrespective of whether the contract is renewed or rebid with the existing contractor or with a new contractor. Also reference: 3/15/2013 12:04 PM 17 2013-14 CR Bgt Forecast4 @ Revised P-1.xlsx Bgt Options