Retreat Student Services Planning Meetings 2007/08 Student Development Program Review and Assessment

2007/08 Student Development Program Review and Assessment Retreat
Student Services Planning Meetings
Day 1 Tuesday July 17th
9:00 am
Review and Agree on Planning Meeting Outcomes
9:15 am
Module 1:
Enrollment and Budget Realities: Now and the Future
Discussion Facilitator: Ron Cox
9:45 am
Module 2:
Our Challenge: Maintaining High Quality Service with Budget
Discussion Facilitator: Tracey Thomas
10:15 am
10:30 am
Module 3:
Creating a Shared Vision for Student Services: What is our
preferred future?
Discussion Facilitator: Melissa Green
12:30 pm
Wrap up, observations, adjourn
Homework: Review mission statements
Day 2 Wednesday July 18th
9:00 am
Module 4:
Reframing Mission Statements
Discussion Facilitator: Ruby Jager
9:30 am
Module 5:
Connecting Our Goals with Strategic Directions
Discussion Facilitator: Tracey Thomas
10:45 am
11:00 am
Module 6:
Reviewing Program and Student Learning Outcomes: Do They
Reflect Our Thinking?
Discussion Facilitator: Cheryl Tucker
12:30 pm
Wrap up, observations and adjourn
Homework: Work on Program and Student Learning Outcome Statements
Day 3 Thursday July 19th
9:00 am
Module 7
Assessment: What Is the Plan for the Next Two Years?
Discussion Facilitator: Keith Snow-Flamer
10:00 am
Module 8:
Advancing the State of Information Technology in Student
Discussion Facilitator: Keith Snow-Flamer
11:10 am
11:20 am
Module 9:
Program Review: Assess Year Comprehensives and Finalize
Discussion Facilitator: Keith Snow-Flamer
Module 10:
Lay the
Future Change in Student Services: Dialogue on Continuing to
Foundation for Change and Determining the Next Steps in Our
Discussion Facilitator: Keith Snow-Flamer
Outcomes for the Planning Meetings
Module 1:
Enrollment and Budget Realities: Now and the Future
Discussion Facilitator: Ron Cox
To discuss our past enrollment pattern, projected enrollment, and the FY07 and
08 preliminary budgets.
Module 2:
Our Challenge: Maintaining High Quality Service with Budget Reductions
Discussion Facilitator: Tracey Thomas
To identify current and future challenges that may impact our ability to maintain
quality services.
Module 3:
Creating a Shared Vision for Student Services: What is our preferred
Discussion Facilitator: Melissa Green
To identify key components of the a shared vision statement that is sensible,
appealing, ambitious enough to force people out of comfortable routines, aims to
provide better services, and takes advantage of technology.
To create a draft vision statement.
Module 4:
Reframing Mission Statements
Discussion Facilitator: Ruby Jager
To review, and revise if necessary, our mission statements to reflect our draft
vision statement.
Module 5:
Connecting Our Goals with Strategic Directions
Discussion Facilitator: Tracey Thomas
To review and modify the goals identified in program review documents and to
formulate additional goals which connect to our strategic directions.
Module 6:
Reviewing Program and Student Learning Outcomes: Do They Reflect Our
Discussion Facilitator: Cheryl Tucker
To critique, and revise, the program and student learning outcomes we identified
in program review documents.
Module 7
Assessment: What Is the Plan for the Next Two Years?
Discussion Facilitator: Keith Snow-Flamer
To design a two year assessment plan that supports the measurement of
learning outcomes and that annual program review.
Module 8:
Advancing the State of Information Technology in Student Services
Discussion Facilitator: Keith Snow-Flamer
To discuss the possible impact technology may have on services to students.
To develop a plan that focuses on the automation of processes and systems to
students and faculty.
Module 9:
Program Review: Assess Year Comprehensives and Finalize Annual
Discussion Facilitator: Keith Snow-Flamer
To critique the recently completed comprehensive program review process and
discuss the requirements for FY07 comprehensive reviews and annual updates.
Module 10:
Future Change in Student Services: Dialogue on Continuing to Lay the
Foundation for Change and Determining the Next Steps in Our Planning
Discussion Facilitator: Keith Snow-Flamer
To identify next steps and timetables for refining the vision statement, mission
statements, and departmental goals.
I think we accomplished a lot in the nine hours we spent together last week in the retreat. The
purpose of this email is to list our accomplishments and layout a timetable to complete our work.
I have attached several files that summarized our modules 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 discussions.
1. We discussed our past enrollment pattern, projected enrollment, and the FY07 and 08
preliminary budgets with Ron Cox.
2. We identified 22 current challenges and 8 future challenges that may impact our ability
to maintain quality services.
3. We identified 7 key components of the a shared vision statement that is sensible,
appealing, ambitious enough to force people out of comfortable routines, aims to provide
better services, and takes advantage of technology.
4. We drafted a student services vision statement.
5. We reviewed and revised our mission statements to reflect the key components of the
vision statement.
6. We developed two year planning goals.
7. We developed two year program and student learning outcomes.
8. We discussed the possible impact technology may have on services to students with
Steve Stratton.
Timetable for future actions:
Work on finalizing two year planning goals and filing out the planning form
July 23-August 10
Work on finalizing program and student learning outcomes
July 23-August 10
Discuss the requirements for FY07 comprehensive reviews and annual updates
August 17
To design a general two year assessment plan that supports the measurement of learning
outcomes and program reviews
September 12
Department discussion of vision statement and mission statements
Finalize vision statement
Discuss theory base for student services
Student Services Annual Program Review Distribution of Activities Timeline
Develop initial two year goals
Review and revise mission statements to reflect the key components of
the division’s vision statement
Develop two year program and student learning outcomes
Provide annual program review template to the Program Review
August 7-10, 2007
Create general two year assessment plan that supports the
measurement of learning outcomes and program reviews
August 30-31, 2007
VP SS&LS meet with IR/Title III to discuss initial assessment plan and
possible tools and protocols
September, 2007
Coordinator arranges first meeting with review team members and
schedules future meetings as necessary
Coordinator establishes review team member’s responsibilities
Finalize two year goals—complete goal sheet
October, 2007
IR Director meets with SS&LS departments to discuss assessment plans
and timelines
October, 2007-March, 2008
Coordinator works with program members to complete assessments (if
necessary) and prepare reviews
November 5, 2007
Coordinator sends electronic draft annual reviews to the VP SS&LS
April 1, 2008
Coordinator sends one electronic and one hardcopy of the final program review
to the VP SS&LS
April 15, 2008
Program Reviews submitted to Senior Staff and Institutional Effectiveness
July 8, 2008
Summarizations of program reviews submitted to Board of Trustees for
information only.