CR Committee Digest

CR Committee Digest
Wednesday, April 01, 2015
The CR Committee Digest provides important updates from the Planning and Senate Committees. Visit here for
detailed information about the committee:
Visit the committee calendar to see the next time each committee meets: CR's calendar of committee meetings
Technology Planning Committee
The TPC continued to rank resource requests from program review to give to the Budget Planning Committee. The
committee looks at the following criteria when evaluating technology requests:
What is the impact on student success? Is this supported by assessment or achievement data?
Is the request required by law, mandate, or to support accreditation?
Is there appropriate support and facilities to implement and maintain requested technology?
Does the request support strategic planning initiatives? (e.g., annual plan, ed master, strategic plans)
How many students/faculty/staff will be impacted by this request?
Program Review Committee
The PRC continues to review and evaluate comprehensive and annual program reviews. To date, all of Student
Development and Administrative Services reviews have been evaluated. About half of the instructional reviews
have been evaluated.
Institutional Effectiveness
The IEC invites you to attend the Institutional Effectiveness Summit on Saturday, April 18! The summit is at 9 am in
the Boardroom. Lunch will be served. Get involved in planning! More details about the event are being
communicated in email.
The IEC has been working on a draft of the 2015-2016 Annual Plan. The plan was just reviewed by Expanded
Cabinet. The Board of Trustees will review the draft at their April 7 meeting.
Final revisions are being made to a Committee Handbook set to be released in the fall. The IEC has created a
handbook for all non-senate committees with the committee scope, membership appointments, and terms. The
handbook also contains responsibilities of committee members and the chair. We hope this is a useful resource for
our committees as we move forward.
Expanded Cabinet
Much of the conversation at February`s Expanded Cabinet meeting focused on campus climate. Concerns were
expressed about the morale issues resulting from lack of pay restoration and increased workloads. Cabinet members
concluded that we have come too far at CR to let differences of opinion polarize our campus again, and we will work
together on these issues to support student success, accreditation and fiscal stability.
We also discussed the Associate Dean positions, how to increase the number of students completing SEPs, and the
ACCJC Substantive Change proposal to transfer the Mendocino Coast Education Center to Mendocino College.
College Council
In a continuing effort to update our outdated policies, the College Council has reviewed numerous policies this past
month. Over 50 different BPs and APs have been distributed to "ALL" for constituent review via email.
Some of them are new, as required by the regulations of Title IX and the Clery Act; some of them are personnel
policies being sunset because the details are included in our collective bargaining agreements; and some of them are
just needed revisions to very old policies. There will be many more BPs and APs being sent for constituent review in
the next 2 months. If you wish to comment on any of the drafts, contact your constituent group representative on
College Council. You will also note the increased activity in the Board of Trustees agenda packet.
The CR Committee Digest provides important updates from the Planning and Senate Committees. Visit here for
detailed information about the committee:
Visit the committee calendar to see the next time each committee meets: CR's calendar of committee meetings
Budget Planning
BPC is preparing to review program review resource requests once the Facilities and Technology Planning
Committees complete their rankings. The BPC also completed another measure q bond project rebalancing. The
Committee received an informational report on the Governor`s Budget proposal for 2015-16.
Assessment Committee
The Assessment Committee will only meet once during the month of March, on March 30th.
However, related assessment activity has occurred at March meetings of the Academic Senate.
The Academic Senate approved new deadlines for course-level assessments. Starting in fall, 2015 course assessment
will be due one week after final grades are due. Spring course assessments (starting spring, 2016) will be due one
week after grades are due for the spring semester. The online tools will be updated (new course outcomes and other
parameters) during the summer so that changes made in course outlines are available at the beginning of fall
The Senate also discussed and sent forward a recommendation to modify Board Policy 3260 to reflect roles and
responsibilities for determining outcomes and assessment processes.
Wednesday, April 01, 2015
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