Educational Pathways Task Force Meeting Friday March 14, 2014 9am – 10:30 SS 104 Counseling Conference Room Agenda Attendees: Bob Brown, Mark Renner, Dan Calderwood, Jay Dragten, George Potamianos, Peter Blakemore, Erin Wall, Tracey Thomas, Joe Hash, MaryGrace McGovern, Dave Bazard, Keith Snow-Flamer, Erin Wall, Angelina Hill Final review of Potential criteria/indicators for submission to the Senate If one of our main feeder CSUs (HSU, Chico State, Sacramento State) has a major and a TMC exists If approximately75% of courses called for in the TMC already exist If courses in an ADT support enrollment in other courses/disciplines/areas (e.g. the ADT in Kinesiology supports enrollment in biology, chemistry) and have If the ADT that has courses that “ overlap” with other degrees for multiple “on ramps and off ramps” for students to select other degree pathways If the potential ADT has a concentration of credits within a current localize degree If the FTES/FTEF, success rates, program completions (number of graduates) are projected to be above the district average If the ADT aligns with local and/or regional job market expectations If the ADT provides a broad educational “experience” that compliments an ADT for specific majors Discussion of what we do with localized degrees when an ADT is approved Discuss our approach to satisfying SB440 1 Below are the TMCs currently available for local consideration or degree submission (CCCCO template available) Transfer Model Curricula CCCCO Template Available? Administration of Justice/Criminal Justice Yes Agriculture Animal Sciences Anticipated Sept 1, 2014 Agriculture Business Anticipated Sept 1, 2014 Agriculture Plant Sciences Anticipated Sept 1, 2014 Anthropology Yes Art History Yes Business Administration Yes Chemistry TBA Communication Studies Yes Computer Science Yes Early Childhood Education (ECE) Yes Economics Yes Elementary Education Yes English Yes Film, Television and Electronic Media Delayed due to TOP code issue Geography Yes Geology Yes History Yes Journalism Yes Kinesiology Yes 2 Mathematics Yes Music Yes Philosophy Yes Physics Yes Political Science Yes Psychology Yes Sociology Yes Spanish Yes Studio Arts Yes Theatre Yes 3