Priority Area Final Reports March 2008 [Insert name] Jill Hardman and Susie Knight [Insert Priority Area] Priority Area Facilitators 1. With reference to the Year 1 Business Plan, please provide a summary of work/activities undertaken since joining WMCETT. Main Topic areas of work carried out Business plan reference WMCETT: organisational planning and development (including HEI network) Objectives 1 and 2 Mentoring project Objective 2 Action research and development projects Objective 6 but also relevant to priority areas 1,2 & 3 [objectives 2, 3 & 4] As above QIA ‘Professionalising the workforce’ projects Summary of work under the above headings WMCETT: organisational planning and development Ongoing support for PACs plus attendance all PADC meetings Support and regular meetings with the Director in relation to the ongoing planning and development of CETT activities Support for development of WM HEI network and attendance/contributions. Mentoring project Development of draft framework for mentoring and trainee support role and guidance for trainees Proposals and support for development of the mentoring project and role of coordinator Successful bid for additional £25k to develop mentoring in the context of ITT & CPD Design of mentoring survey (on-line questionnaire) Attendance/contribution to QIA national mentoring sub-group [3 meetings] Proposal for development of 15 credit Mentoring Award Action research and development projects Framework for action research and development projects, Ongoing support for 3 successful projects undertaken by partners, completed March 2008: 1 To standardise assessment practices among ESOL tutors using the RARPA - through a process of peer mentoring, in order to improve outcomes for learners. [Priority area 1 and 3] To encourage independent training providers to embed continual professional development for their staff and establish a support for individuals in raising their level of qualification and experience.[Priority area 2] To develop an infra-structure to support the continuing professional development of tutors in the adult voluntary and community learning sector in Shropshire. [Priority area 3] QIA ‘Professionalising the workforce’ projects Successful project proposal for £50k - QIA Professionalising the Workforce Case studies i) Teacher educators’ cross- sector development project ii) Comparative, cross sector case studies: Evaluation and impact of PTLLS on trainees, teacher educators and employing organisations across the sector iii) Tutor and teacher educator networks to support ITT and CPD in the wider lifelong learning sector Support and development of the PTLLS evaluation case studies Other Observation training for tutor-observers in WBL and ACL to support PTLLS+ Development draft Observation Tool Kit CETT representation o LLUK HEI forum o LLUK The development needs of teacher educators expert group: [Objective 2 priority area 1] 2. Identify any activities listed above which have been particularly successful and explain why you think this occurred. HEI network Contribution to the HEI network –first meeting held at Warwick University Dec 2007.This brings together all of the HEI ITT providers in the West Midlands for the first time and is a valuable forum for disseminating effective practice, developing cooperation and sharing information/ ideas. AR&D projects Outcomes of 3 AR&D projects focussed on workforce professionalisation: support for CPD and improving qualification levels in WBL and ACL Eg i) Initial research and needs analysis carried out to progress development of tutor and teacher educator networks in North Shropshire ACL. This has successfully paved the way for phase 2 developments supported by an additional bid for funding under the QIA Professionalising the Workforce Case studies project. There are now proposals for 2 further networks to support AV&CL tutors in the region. 2 ii) Successful project to initiate the embedding of CPD and ITT qualifications led by the HWSTPA through the development and delivery of generic and specialist (14-16) PTLLS+, together with the training and deployment of critical friends in the role of tutor observers. Highly positive evaluations by employers, programme participants and observers. iii) A process of peer coaching was used to develop skills of ESOL tutors and disseminate effective practice in the use of RARPA in ACL. This has been positively evaluated by participants. A final evaluation in terms of the impact on learner achievement is due May 2008. Cross-sector evaluation of PTLLS case studies. The original proposal to evaluate the PTLLS+ programmes has been significantly developed so that the outcomes can contribute to the QIA Professionalising the Workforce Case Studies project. This is due to be completed in June 2008. The WMCETT case studies are presented in 10 ‘clusters’ which pull together the experience of the tutor, participants and an employer. Mentoring project The survey of mentoring practice in partner organisations was successful in terms of gathering a good response from FE partners, largely due to the energy of the researcher [Sajida Perween]. The survey findings have been used to inform a scoping study commissioned by LLUK of current developments in coaching and mentoring in the sector. This was carried out by ourselves in partnership with the Director of the Westminster Partnership CETT. 3. Identify any activities listed above which have been particularly difficult to undertake, or targets which have proven difficult to reach, and discuss why. The teacher educators’ cross- sector development proposal outlined in the QIA Professionalising the workforce project bid has proved difficult to organise within the original timeframe (Dec-March). The idea is being taken forward as part of a more substantial teacher educators’ CPD project, in year 2. Workshops aimed at disseminating effective practice and ‘toolkits’ to support developmental aims such as mentoring and teaching observation have not fully materialised. This is partly due to the prioritisation of facilitators’ time which has been used to design and initiate projects and to carry out research and development work in the relatively dispersed and underdeveloped contexts of WBL and AV&C learning. ITT and CPD accredited framework: The development of awards that constitute CPD pathways for all priority areas is beginning now, with a 2-part, 30 credit, coaching and mentoring award prepared for validation. 3